1. what piece of writing has influenced your philosophy the most?
The proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem. It changed what Truth means to me.
2. If You were to order a meal at a restaurant, and it was exactly what you wanted, what would it be?
Right now, reading the question, I could go for a Lasangna.
By the end of the quiz, I am thinking a nice roast chicken would be nice.
3. What is your favorite musical recording? Why?
The first one that comes to mind is "Christmas in New York" by the Pogues. My taste in music is relatively unordered. I like the vocals, story and rhythm of it.
4. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be?
Send 10$ to P.O. Box 427 for herbal calais.
But seriously, I doubt anything as simple as a soundbite would make much difference. Possibly I'd quote Douglas Adams (from my sig).
5. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Meeting a new person and getting along amazingly with them. Geeking out, maybe a walk through some pretty terrain, and a big meal at the end of the day.
6. Who or what do you hate? If that is the wrong word, say something about what you stand against, and why...
People who live their lives pumping out negative externalities and think they are productive and virtuous.
7. 100 years from now (or longer, enough time for all but these words to live on) what would you have written as your epitaph?
I don't plan on dieing. After I am dead, I hope my organs are used productively. Any epitaph is for those who survive me, not for me.
Maybe something clever. How about: "Did I win?"
8. If you could run away to somewhere... where would it be? Why?
I can run away to wherever I want to go. Currently, I'm not running anywhere.
9. What is your most memorable moment?
My memory is poor. I can't recall what my most memorable moment is.
10. If you could make 1 movie mandatory watching in high school today, what would it be?
Schindler's list.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.