07-06-2007, 04:41 AM
#41 (permalink)
Hmm... Well Crompsin only you know what makes you happy, and if you don't know that then you better try to figure that out. It sounds simple but it can be one of the deepest and most elusive of things.
I believe one of the most imporant factors to achieving happiness lies within the appreciation of life. Being thankful and relieved you have the things you have. The beautiful thing about the mind is you can control your emotions, state of mind and outlook on life. Have you ever noticed after a hard day at work, when you come home, turn on a movie or whatever you like to watch and eat a meal supplemented with a cold glass of milk it's the best meal of your life? Yet when you've sat at home for a week doing nothing, it just feels like the same old routine and very little pleasure is derived from that same exact situation? The only difference is the current state of your mind and physical and emotional state. Figure out ways to appreciate each moment of life, to live in the presence, not in the past or the future. I'm not saying don't reflect about the past or think about the future, because that can be very contstructive if you do so in a positive manner. My main goal in life is to strive for happiness, i've studied what makes me happy in various situations, as much lack of control over your feelings you think you may have, through self-reflection and thought you can find ways to simply feel better. The first step is figuring out what you truly want in life, in the short term and long term, then figure out ways to achieve your wishes. Hopefully this is of some help and if not, i'll just have to try harder.