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#1 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
So... psionics, huh?
I'm suprised this hasn't come up yet - at least, I can't find it in a search.
So, anyone here into this stuff? I can already see a mile of skeptics... but still, I'd be interested to see everyones views and experiences. Induced astral stuff counts I suppose. And remote viewing. Just wanted to start the discussion. Your move.
ignorance really is bliss. |
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#3 (permalink) |
If you want a good read you should read The Field by Lynne McTaggart. It talks about the physics behind a lot of "psionics" It talks about Telekenisis and Telepathy. Basically it says it is possible and anyone can do it but your not going to be making things float any time soon. The TK they look at is more like RNG (rand number generator) influence.
Anyways it's a good read. I picked it up after seeing What the Bleep Do we Know. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Virginia
Some guy named Jack Houck has some ideas on Psychokinesis. Don't know if I believe it or not, but its an interesting read.
Jack Houck
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I. |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
A very interesting article, thanks for the link
![]() I've been thinking about getting a party together, but I don't know enough people who wouldnt look at me funny. I'd also like to try applying Mr Houcks techniques to moving objects at a distance. Interesting.
ignorance really is bliss. |
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#8 (permalink) |
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
I've once entered the spiritual realm. It wasn't like SelfDestruct did though. It was inside of hell.. and if you don't believe in religion... the equivolence then. I cannot say for sure how long my spirit half was there. The realm is a place of either complete timelessness or it moves extremely slow. Suffice to say I'm lost as to how long it was. It felt like a couple of hours, but back in the real world it was only 1 hour tops. To actually go to the realm is weird because you have your human concepts of time... yet there such a thing doesn't exist.
As for MSD: I'm assuming if you've merely seperated you mean that you haven't left the realm? If you haven't.. do you notice a sense of timelessness? I'm slightly curious if it would have to do with being in two different realms... or merely seperating.
RoboBlaster: Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it. |
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#11 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
Here's some recomended reading. "The Warrior's Edge" by John Alexander. It starts off with some meditation, moves on to improving your intuition and neurolinguistic programing, as well as a little remote viewing too. And there's also a chapter on starting an efficient training program the US Army was experimenting in call "The Jedi Project". It's a book that's tough to find since it's been out of print since the early '90s and a used paperback copy goes for $80! At least my library has a copy
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#12 (permalink) |
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Well there's a whole story to it.. but Intentially? Yeah. I had a friend down there of whom I went down to free. The friendship I have with this guy is great enough to risk my own self there. I was ready to do it, but I was edged on when about 10 minutes before I decided to do it I saw what one would call 'The face of Evil'.. satan, ulimate evil, whatever your belief as we all have different names.. that's what I saw. First it scared me, then I added it up with recent dreams and such to where it then pissed me off. I myself believe in a god and prayed to him for support with angels. The feeling of half a dozen of them appearing around you is quite simply an amazing feeling. Nonetheless, I did make it there. I didn't take the front door, which is good... I never woulda made it out that way.. hell (pardon the pun) I never would have made it to my destination. One reason being there would be too much to get past, and secondly because I honestly had no clue where I was going... I got lucky because my 'shortcut' was exactly where i wanted to end up. Luckily for me everything went according to plan. The angels? Well look at it like a Special Forces Unit.. they were the guys with the weapons and I was more like the scientist that could do the impossible.. a description for impossible.. its like disarming a bomb you've never seen before. They kept everything away from mell well for the most part, I also bulked up on 'armor'.. not sure what you'd call it, I just spent quite awhile in prayer amassing. I figured the best way I could do what i went in there to do would be if I could ignore any attacks that would actually get to me. One got very close, but my own personal gaurdian was there behind me to stop it.. but it was close enough that I... 'saw' it. So what did I do? I spent all my attention on my buddy's soul, all my focus, all my ability, everything I had to break the bonds that held him down.. the result (which took a while as well) was like his soul being catapaulted out. I don't know how it left hell, but it did. Afterwords I had the vision of a battlefield.. hours after the fight. Flags and trees damaged, yet still standing and waving in the slight breeze. Above it was a clear blue sky with the sun shining brightly above me... Victory! It was done.
My friend had much more to do, but the torment was over, but my dreams too were now at an end. No longer did I wake up from my sleep after a demon had entered it. The experience? Simply amazing. Would I do it again? Only if I felt the absolute need to. Is it something anyone should do? No.. its like the movie Mission: Impossible... you only need the slightest thing to go wrong before its the end of you. Leaving my body would be one thing, but to go to another realm? That'll happen when my physical being dies, until then I think I'm safer here. Not to mention that I think I made a number of enemies, including the one on top. I can't afford to let my gaurd down.
RoboBlaster: Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it. |
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#13 (permalink) | |
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
My whole life I've felt spirits around me, it took me quite a few years before I figured out exactly what I was feeling and to stop being so afraid. From what I can tell, I'm very empathic when it comes to spirits.. slightly to people in human form (I sound so weird when I say that, but there's a difference between being alive on earth, and simply being JUST your spirit). So throughout my life you could constitue that as training. In the recent years previous to this incident my faith had jumped significantly, then with my friend I was able to attain what I call my "God High" so to speak. We'll talk about spirituallity and the things that go with it.. and I attain this... state of being. Its where all of my abilities feel like they are at their peak. When in that state not only do I feel the presence and feelings of spirits.. but I can actually tell you where they are in the room and where they are moving to.. its like a gut feeling.. almost instinctual. I'm blind to them, yet I can point them out, its pretty neat. Well I was at his place and he had recently told me about how satan mocks him nightly and that he really wasn't entirely free from that place yet. All the events that happened that day in the period of about an hour before it happened just kind of propelled me in that state of being. Even in that state tho I've never been able to 'seperate' as MSD has put it. The way that happened is because.. well remember how I said in my last post how I made enemies of the guy on top? I sat on my friend's bed.. everytime he tried to go to sleep satan popped in to torment him. This also was roughly about the time my buddy would go to bed. Needless to say you know who shows up and left this nice portal to where I wanted to go. I essentially tricked Mr. All Mighty Evil and took his portal as the best route (read: super amazing shortcut) to my desintation. When I went to step through that portal was when I seperated.. I have no clue if I was seperated while on earth... I might have instantly 'phased' into the other realm. Even through all of it I was still able to be aware of either half of me.. spirit or physical. I guess that makes sense though, its my body so I should have a bond with it while it still breathes life. But yeah, so thats how the seperation part happened. Off the topic of this thread: This is exactly why I fought so hard for this section. Being able to say this stuff without having to worry about people who think anything in the idea of the paranormal to be crap . For the ones that do, they're still completely able to post in here as long as they compose themselves. I can think of one specific individual that I had a good debate with in here that didn't believe what I did and it was cool. But again, then there's all of you that have the interest and will actually converse about it. Its so easy to say stuff like this and be ridiculed for it, yet this place punishes those who do. ![]()
RoboBlaster: Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
Thats certainly a great story.
Personally I'm always a little dubious about involving any kind of spritualism in my experiments, I steer well clear of ouija boards and thier ilk, or anything that suggests that 'sides' are involved. I've developed something along the lines that Gakface talked about, being able to pinpoint, as he called them, 'spirits' without being able to see them. It also applies to people, they have thier own kinda hazy energy fields which change depending on thier mood. Also sometimes this energy(ish) stuff gets left around and I can pick up on that too. I can't see hear or smell this energy, its a real bona-fide sixth sense. Or seventh if you happen to count premonition as a sense (but I don't). It's pretty cool. It lets me, say, pick energy fields of people I know out of a crowd of people. Good for finding mates at concerts. Unlike Gak, who was born with this ability, I taught myself from scratch. Consequently, I'm not very good yet ![]() As far as the spiritual realm is concerned, well, I wouldn't know, but it sounds like Gak would ![]()
ignorance really is bliss. |
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#15 (permalink) |
Location: The Cosmos
Lak, or anyone else with similar abilities, have you tried blindfolding yourself (and earplugs) while in a room full of people that shuffle around, and then pick out a specific person (decided before hand)?
I ask this type of question with anyone that claims such things, so far no takers. Besides, if this works, then you can go collect that million dollars if you want. http://www.randi.org/research/ |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
Theres a million bucks for that? Cool. I'd have a go, but I'd probably fail...
The reason is this: as soon as I begin to doubt myself, everything goes out the window. If I think "Dave is.... there!" and completely block out any negative thoughts, more often than not, I can find Dave. However if I don't manage to block all doubt from my mind, I end up with "Dave is there.... or.. maybe there..." and then I'm totally lost. So under pressure (and there's no pressure quite like the scrutinising eye of James Randi) I fear I would fail quite spectacularly. And without the guarantee of a million big ones, I could not afford the ticket to see Mr Randi anyway. Sounds like a cop-out of an excuse, huh? Oh well.
ignorance really is bliss. |
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#18 (permalink) |
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Proving in the sense that researchers want is using cold hard science.. but how can they use science when a lot of these extra abilities can detect things that technology cannot? How can we prove that we just aren't a very lucky person? There are some who could just come to said conclusion over and over no matter how often it happened. The one time say that we messed up (hell even I mess up walking every so often....) then people would call us out on making it up. There is no real SCIENTIFIC way to prove this stuff. Proving my abilities to sense other energies is not known to science.. much like my belief, my faith, in god is not known to science. You can't prove god using science yet thats all anyone uses... Its kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy.. you say he doesn't exist, then you use means that are inadequate to get the answer. (You - in the most general sense of the word)
Also, I've noticed that when I help people through spiritual thing... Its like I'm an encyclopedia. I can't spout things out at random but I know things that pertain to the situation.. I understand things for the situtation and can interpret really odd things.. and not just "ya know.. I think it means this" but more like... 100% certain. But the thing is with this... Its not an ability I can 'test'.. it only comes available when needed, until then it lies dormant... so there's no real way I could ever put it to the test, so to speak, for a proving ground. Heck even if I did I'm sure a skeptic would put their opinion into the matter to make me look bad. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic here, but I know any error any of us would make... would instantly be used against us to try to call us frauds. As for the proving thing... gotta use the right formula if you want the right answer. As for the guy picking people out of crowds? My abilities are just that, I haven't tried much to expand upon them.. something I wouldn't mind doing. Do you see the aura's too? You can't blind fold people that sense auras. From what I've noticed is many will SEE the aura and thats a huge aid into finding them. Also even if he cannot see auras... do YOU know what your friend's face feels like? Even if you could follow the aura, that doesn't mean there will be one specific aura for your friend, there could easily be 20 more people with that aura. Add your ability to see into the mix and you can instantly limit that number down to say... 2 or 1. Taking away all other abillities isn't really quite right.. I mean for people without abilities, how about you plug your ears and turn of your brain and only use your eyes.. Its not possible because you think when you see.. Just because we may have a 6th sense, as it were, it doesn't mean we dont' rely on our other abilities to get around.. it doesn't mean we can use only one sense to find our way. Also some abilities people have allow them to see spirits with their own eyes... and in that case you would be unable to close the eyes in any form. I dunno, I just dont' care for the researcher that offers it all. Sure he offers money, but screw the money, if he had the ideal conditions to find the answer instead of using means that will easily make me look wrong... I'd do it for free just to show him.
RoboBlaster: Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it. |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: New Zealand
Excellent post Gak. After posting today reguarding James Randi's million dollar proposal, I was thinking about this very thing on the way to the hairdresser (isn't walking great thinking time?). I considered that testing these things is very difficult indeed, especially if one doesnt fully understand them. Hell, I don't claim to understand this myself. The very nature of it is extremely hard to explain - there are no adjectives to describe this energy stuff and I always end up with elaborate metaphors.
I continued this discussion with my hairdresser - she wasn't quite prepared for this - hairdressers are brilliant at small talk but an actual discussion was quite welcome, if not somewhat unexpected, she explained. She thought that this energy sensing ability may just be an enhanced form of the common ability to 'read' people, ie: to tell when something is wrong with your friend, to pick up on suggestive signals from the opposite sex etc, you know the stuff. It's quite intuitive at times, and some people do it better than others. She suggested that this "people sensing" ability might be related to this "energy sensing" ability. I don't happen to agree, but I think its a good point and I'll look into it, Gak might want to also. Me and my hairdresser's two cents ![]() Reguarding auras: I think that auras are quite different entirely. One actually visually witnesses auras, as opposed to using some extra sense.
ignorance really is bliss. |
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huh, psionics |