Originally Posted by itch vaccine
That's amazing, I mean, I would like to experience it too. Did you have to go to extensive training to reach that state?
I just realized I didn't entirely answer your question.. I was busy answering all the new questions that were probably sure to arise.
My whole life I've felt spirits around me, it took me quite a few years before I figured out exactly what I was feeling and to stop being so afraid. From what I can tell, I'm very empathic when it comes to spirits.. slightly to people in human form (I sound so weird when I say that, but there's a difference between being alive on earth, and simply being JUST your spirit). So throughout my life you could constitue that as training. In the recent years previous to this incident my faith had jumped significantly, then with my friend I was able to attain what I call my "God High" so to speak. We'll talk about spirituallity and the things that go with it.. and I attain this... state of being. Its where all of my abilities feel like they are at their peak. When in that state not only do I feel the presence and feelings of spirits.. but I can actually tell you where they are in the room and where they are moving to.. its like a gut feeling.. almost instinctual. I'm blind to them, yet I can point them out, its pretty neat.
Well I was at his place and he had recently told me about how satan mocks him nightly and that he really wasn't entirely free from that place yet. All the events that happened that day in the period of about an hour before it happened just kind of propelled me in that state of being. Even in that state tho I've never been able to 'seperate' as MSD has put it. The way that happened is because.. well remember how I said in my last post how I made enemies of the guy on top? I sat on my friend's bed.. everytime he tried to go to sleep satan popped in to torment him. This also was roughly about the time my buddy would go to bed. Needless to say you know who shows up and left this nice portal to where I wanted to go. I essentially tricked Mr. All Mighty Evil and took his portal as the best route (read: super amazing shortcut) to my desintation. When I went to step through that portal was when I seperated.. I have no clue if I was seperated while on earth... I might have instantly 'phased' into the other realm. Even through all of it I was still able to be aware of either half of me.. spirit or physical. I guess that makes sense though, its my body so I should have a bond with it while it still breathes life.
But yeah, so thats how the seperation part happened.
Off the topic of this thread: This is exactly why I fought so hard for this section. Being able to say this stuff without having to worry about people who think anything in the idea of the paranormal to be crap . For the ones that do, they're still completely able to post in here as long as they compose themselves. I can think of one specific individual that I had a good debate with in here that didn't believe what I did and it was cool. But again, then there's all of you that have the interest and will actually converse about it. Its so easy to say stuff like this and be ridiculed for it, yet this place punishes those who do.