Proving in the sense that researchers want is using cold hard science.. but how can they use science when a lot of these extra abilities can detect things that technology cannot? How can we prove that we just aren't a very lucky person? There are some who could just come to said conclusion over and over no matter how often it happened. The one time say that we messed up (hell even I mess up walking every so often....) then people would call us out on making it up. There is no real SCIENTIFIC way to prove this stuff. Proving my abilities to sense other energies is not known to science.. much like my belief, my faith, in god is not known to science. You can't prove god using science yet thats all anyone uses... Its kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy.. you say he doesn't exist, then you use means that are inadequate to get the answer. (You - in the most general sense of the word)
Also, I've noticed that when I help people through spiritual thing... Its like I'm an encyclopedia. I can't spout things out at random but I know things that pertain to the situation.. I understand things for the situtation and can interpret really odd things.. and not just "ya know.. I think it means this" but more like... 100% certain. But the thing is with this... Its not an ability I can 'test'.. it only comes available when needed, until then it lies dormant... so there's no real way I could ever put it to the test, so to speak, for a proving ground. Heck even if I did I'm sure a skeptic would put their opinion into the matter to make me look bad.
I'm not trying to sound pessimistic here, but I know any error any of us would make... would instantly be used against us to try to call us frauds. As for the proving thing... gotta use the right formula if you want the right answer.
As for the guy picking people out of crowds? My abilities are just that, I haven't tried much to expand upon them.. something I wouldn't mind doing. Do you see the aura's too? You can't blind fold people that sense auras. From what I've noticed is many will SEE the aura and thats a huge aid into finding them.
Also even if he cannot see auras... do YOU know what your friend's face feels like? Even if you could follow the aura, that doesn't mean there will be one specific aura for your friend, there could easily be 20 more people with that aura. Add your ability to see into the mix and you can instantly limit that number down to say... 2 or 1.
Taking away all other abillities isn't really quite right.. I mean for people without abilities, how about you plug your ears and turn of your brain and only use your eyes.. Its not possible because you think when you see.. Just because we may have a 6th sense, as it were, it doesn't mean we dont' rely on our other abilities to get around.. it doesn't mean we can use only one sense to find our way. Also some abilities people have allow them to see spirits with their own eyes... and in that case you would be unable to close the eyes in any form. I dunno, I just dont' care for the researcher that offers it all. Sure he offers money, but screw the money, if he had the ideal conditions to find the answer instead of using means that will easily make me look wrong... I'd do it for free just to show him.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.