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Old 08-24-2004, 11:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ghost Experience From 2 nights ago (You all need to read this)

Ok here is the situation. I posted on another board about my delimma. My sister was with her friend at her friends house they hear some crazy noises and call me to come and get them in the middle of the night. So I do. Then all hell breaks loose.

Here is a link to the story.

The start of the events begin on page 1 my name on there is the same as here 'crxforum'. Im the one with the monkey humping the white car as an avatar. Anyways the start of the story is on page 1. The main part of the story is on page 4 then from page 9-13 is pictures and from there on there is more things.

Check it out. It is a long read but worth it.

CRX Forum
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Old 08-25-2004, 03:52 AM   #2 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Just in case people dont want to dig thru that thread....here is the story quoted from page 4 of that forum

If you are on the east coast you might want to wait to read this untill morning. It is not for the weak of heart. My eyes are still dripping from freaking out so much. I cant keep my hands still and I am shaking uncontrolably.
I get in my car and head out. Im a little affraid because I never really liked ghost stories or anything and when I was little my brother used to scare me at night with them when I tried to sleep. Which gave me nightmares for years. So heading down the dark unlit country roads I begin to get agitated and nervous of the situation. As I approached the road I almost turned back around. I got a preminition that something was not right and I should be where I was and to turn around. Then I thought about my sister and how she and her friend must be feeling at the moment and I reluctantly decided to continue on.

So I see the house at the end of tle laneway. Just like something out of the movie Signs or something. All the lights in the house except the upperfloor lights were on. There were white lace curtains neatly tied up in the windows. They gave the light from inside the house a yellow glow to it.

I pulled up the laneway. It was long and gravel. The sound of the stones bouncing around in my wheel wells gave me a start when they hit hard. I felt something in the air. Nothing I can really explain. Sorta like the feeling before you get a needle. Like you know something is going to happen so you brace for impact.

Halfway to the house my clock light in my dash starts to dim. I dont take notice of it untill it is almost out and then my car starts to sputter out. It starts to jerk forward as it is trying to get started again but then dies off to nothing. I cant get it started again. The key is not even lighting up my CD player. I chalk this up to some sort of freaky coinsidence and walk across the lawn to the house.

As I got closer to the house I had my eyes focused on the anchient wooden door and the 2 porch lights on the center of the house. Out of the corner of my eye I could of sworn I saw something flash by the window. Like a black streak of shadow going across the far right window. But since I was not focusing on that window I just chalked it up to fear and kept going.

I slowly walked up the steps to the porch. I looked down the porch to the left and see nothing. I look to my right and see nothing other than the porch reaching around to the other side of the house. It all seems safe. So I slowly reach over to the brass handle on the door. As my hand gets closer to the door the lights on the porch start to make an electric humming noise and start to flicker as they dim.

I quickly move my hand back from the door. Startled I look around again and notice the light go back to normal. I reach for the handle again and the lights do the same thing. I slowly move my hand away and they go back to normal. I thought to myself it must be like a radio. You know when you get near a radio's antenna and it all goes out of whack but then when you move away it goes back to normal. I thought that this was just the case.

So on the 4th reach in I get up the nerve to actually turn the handle. So I get the door open about an inch when all of a sudden it explodes open. As if someone kicked the door or something from behind. The force knocks me backwards and down the stairs of the porch. I hear my sister make a sound from upstairs as I gather my composure on the stone walkway. I look at the door and it is totally open. Throught the open doorway I see a window open on the back of the house.

The curtains were blowing around and the window was open about 2" or so. Me being the rational guy I am came to the conclusion that there was pressure build up on the bottom floor of the house becuase of the window open and the door exploded open like in the movie Backdraft. I think I was just trying to make up excuses so I wouldnt shit in my pants and cry like a 4 year old girl.

Still sitting on the lawn I get up and walk 'confidently' in the front door of the house. The house is layed out wierd. The main door of the house opens up into the kichen. In the kitchen there is alot of alot antique appliances like a wood stove, iron and other crap like that. In the light is look eerie but I really didnt give a shit I needed to find the stairway, get my sister, and get the fuck out of the house.

I walk throught the living room. Through all the old furniture. The piano makes a horible cracking sound as I walk by it. The wooden floors who have seen their fair share of use creak below my feet as I walk over the old woven carpets. It smells like dust, old people, and moth balls and the air seems really thick. Almost like as thick as if you were trying to breath around a camp fire.

I find the stairs and slowly start to make my asention up the stairs. The wooden banister (railing for you americans) is extremely loose. So I decide not to use it to climb the staircase because it was being too noisy. The staircase had about 22 stairs or so on it and they were covered with a carpet down the middle and for about 4" on each side they were bare wood.

I make my way to about the half way point when I head a noise from below. I turn around to see nothing and come to the conclusion that it was just the house settling after I just walked through it. So I turn back around and look to the top of the stairs.

I saw something flash by. But it happened at the exact second that my eyes were focusing on the darkness at the top of the stairs. It was exactly like the flash I saw by the window when I was outside of the house just a minute before. Thinking my mind was playing tricks on me becuase of the whole situation I kept going. I take another step and then start to bring my left leg up to the following step when I feel something. I can feel a clentch of a hand on my left ankle. I pull hard to make my leg move up to the next step but I am being pulled back.

Freaking out I dont look back and just pull and struggle with all my might. Im am so scared. I dont know what is going on. I give another tug and I am released and fall forward onto the stairs banging my knees on the staircase.

As fast as I fell I got back up and ran to the top of the stairs. I scream out, "Jill and Jill" my sister's name is Jill and so is her friends, "where the fuck are you??!?!?!" I hear a yell from the room at the end of the hall indicating they are in there, I bust open the door flick on the light.

The light fills the room and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure. Dressed in black was a person about 5' tall. I didnt want to turn my head. I didnt want to move. I quickly blinked and as soon as I opened my eyes the figure was gone.

My heart pounding at 50000 BPM I grab the green woolen blankets from each bed with one hand each and yank my sister and friend to the floor. They scream in terror kick on their shoes and start fleeing with me out of the room.

Oh and it gets alot worse from here on out.

Running down the hallway my sister's friend becomes paralysed with fear and starts to freak out. I go back for her as my sister makes a leap down the flight of 22 stairs collapsing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

Sounds start to come out of the kitchen. Cabinets are opening and closing pots are sliding across the floor and the countertop. Silverware is slaming around in the sink. The tops of the iron elements for the stove are violently shaking and making noise. Then all of a sudden as I am getting my sister's friend down the stairs the piano starts to play.

The muic is emenating throughout the house with the other sounds from the kitchen. The piano gets lounder as the time goes on. I trip over nothing as I am helping her down the stairs and begin to fall loosing my balance I grab onto the banister for assistance.

The banister give way and I fall from about the 15th stair in a face first dive into the hallway below. My sister's friend proceeds to come out of the freak out and burst out down the stairs in a blubbering screaming mess. I get up slipping on the hardwood floors and tripping over the banister and I attempt to make it out of the house alive. I run by the piano crash into the doorframe of the kitchen as I round the corner. All noises stop.

In the kitchen there are all the pots and pans stacked perfectly in a triangle on the countertop. The whole contents of cutlery drawer and knife blocks are in the sink. All handles facing the wall. All blades and faces pointing out. Stacked perfectly. The lids to the stove were upside down but in place. But the most freaky of all every single one of the cupboards, drawers, leafs, and bows were open. Totally open.

I run as fast as I can out the door to find my sister in my car crying and her friend in the back stiff as a board in the fetal position with her eyes closed. I fumble with the keys as I race to get the fuck out of there. I find the ignition and my car doesnt want to start. Some crazy radio station I have never heard before comes on my radio. Mind you I get 1 station beause I have no antenna and it is a local station. This music was wierd nothing I had heard before. Like music from the 20s like Jazz or Blues or something like that.

After like 10 sec of my car attempting to come to life the song on the radio dies out and anoter ones starts to play. The song was the same song that was being played on the piano not 30 sec before in the house.

At this point I am crying to get the hell out of there. Pleading with my car to start and with some sort of miracle it comes to life. I placed it into reverse and floored it. I never knew my automatic CRX could do a burn out but I guess it can when motivated. I made it home alright but cant believe what just happened.

I dont ever want to live throught that again.
Loved the pictures!! Especially the "corner" picture hehehehe I admit it made me jump

That looks like a really neat house....I'd LOVE to be there at nite...

I had an experience once at a "haunted" church where my car wouldnt start...freaked all of out big time...I'll save that for another thread sometime...dont wanna jack your story!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 08-25-2004, 05:51 AM   #3 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Well, after reading it and going through the whole thread there, I think you put way too much effor into it for it to just be something you did to freak out a bunch of kids on a Honda forum. So, it sounds like a pretty cool story, and if I was in the area (unfortunately I live nowhere near Ontario,) I'd bring some ghost hunting equipment and see what I could find at night.

Is there any way you could set up a time lapse camera to take pics inside at night? You would still get the pictures, and you wouldn't have to be anywhere nearby.

As for the pics you posted (it would be good if you could at least give us links here,) I'm not seeing anything in the lower right window in the whole-house view that isn't there in the close-up pic.

Also, in the future, please repost the story here instead of linking to another forum.
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Old 08-25-2004, 07:01 AM   #4 (permalink)
The one that got away
hu-man's Avatar
Location: Over the hill and far away
So what you did was this:
Sit down and try your very best to write a really scary story about a haunted house
Visit a museum and take pics

I'm sorry, but I don't by it. If your "eyes are still dripping from freaking out so much" and you say that you "cant keep my hands still and I am shaking uncontrolably", it is odd that you take much notice of such things as gravel hitting your car when driving in the driveway, and the fact that there was exactly 22 steps on the staircase, and about 4" of wood to either side of the carpet. Yeah, after having my leg pulled by a freaky ghost I also always count the steps and take out my ruler...

You could learn something by Ted the Caver.
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Old 08-25-2004, 07:11 AM   #5 (permalink)
Teufel Hunden's Freundin
Sue's Avatar
Location: Westminster, CO
You can sleep over in that house?
Teg yw edrych tuag adref.
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Old 08-25-2004, 08:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally Posted by hu-man
So what you did was this:
Sit down and try your very best to write a really scary story about a haunted house
Visit a museum and take pics

I'm sorry, but I don't by it. If your "eyes are still dripping from freaking out so much" and you say that you "cant keep my hands still and I am shaking uncontrolably", it is odd that you take much notice of such things as gravel hitting your car when driving in the driveway, and the fact that there was exactly 22 steps on the staircase, and about 4" of wood to either side of the carpet. Yeah, after having my leg pulled by a freaky ghost I also always count the steps and take out my ruler...

You could learn something by Ted the Caver.
I have a photographic memory and this is how I remember things. Sorry if it is too detailed for you but that is how it was remembered and I did my best to write it the same way that I remembered it.

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Old 08-25-2004, 12:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
Here to Help My Fellow TFP'er
Dawson70's Avatar
Location: All over the Net....(ok Wisconsin)
I didn't see anything in the pics, that might warrant a thought of ghosts. But, hey....I am no expert. Pretty cool house thou. You need to venture back to the house at night. Or set up some motion activated cams and then leave. That is what I would do. They sell motion infared cams for deer hunters to watch what comes in at night to the bait pile. They range from 50 us dollars to 400.
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Yippie Ki Ya...
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Old 08-26-2004, 01:12 AM   #8 (permalink)
whocarz's Avatar
Location: Colorado
That's pretty scary, if it's true. The jury is still out on that. The fact that you mentioned so many details IS a bit strange, dispite your claim of a photographic memory. If violent poltergeist activity happened to me, the last thing I would be doing once I went through with it would be posting about it on a forum, let alone such minute details. The idea isn't that you have a photographic memory so that you remember things so well, but that you just had a terrifying fucking experiance, and you bother to tell us how wide the stair carpet is, etc. If some shit like this happened to me, I'd spend the next day or two pacing my house cursing like a sailor.

On that note, if it is true, well I find that whenever I get spooked by something, swearing loudly helps me. Even if it was just a coincidence or my imagination, it helps me feel better about myself. If some entity happened to grab my legs, nothing would feel better than screaming "LET GO OF ME, YOU FILTHY COCKSUCKER!" at it.
If there exists anything mightier than destiny, then it is the courage to face destiny unflinchingly. -Geibel

Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. -Marcus Aurelius

Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever? -GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:42 AM   #9 (permalink)
WHAT THE FUCCCCC MAN, i went to U Waterloo, 2001 grad, I've been to this house, aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr


that was me screaming....
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:48 AM   #10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by crxforum
I have a photographic memory and this is how I remember things. Sorry if it is too detailed for you but that is how it was remembered and I did my best to write it the same way that I remembered it.

CRX Forum
man this is bad shit, I've been to Conrad G and the Brew House, I can't believe this is happening...
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Old 08-29-2004, 10:51 PM   #11 (permalink)
Wow Im suprised that so many people here have been to the house before. I read through the guest book at it seemed that only like 1 group of people a week would go through and most of them were tourists.

Any of you guys have any experience with the house when you were there? Just wondering if I could get a view from someone else who has been to the hosue since all the people on Honda-Tech.com are mostly in the US (especially California) and have never even heard of University of Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier, or Conrad Grabel University.

Im attempting to get a chance to go back and take some night pics but I dont know when that will be. I was supposed to go back tonight but it just didnt pan out with my sister and her friend not being about to accomidate the plans I had made with them.

I will keep everyone updated on what is going on and post more pics when I get them.

CRX Forum
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Old 08-30-2004, 05:06 AM   #12 (permalink)
crxforum man,

I say we get like 10 guys and go bust this place, it looked nice from the outside and yes this place is haunted.

whether it was as crazy as you say we don't know, I say we go in and videocam everything

I had a friend in UW who is of gypsy descent and he can see ghosts, he said that place is haunted...
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Old 08-30-2004, 09:26 AM   #13 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
My grandparents house was 'haunted' for a really long time. , According the my parents and grandparents eventually the entities in the house realized we weren't leaveing, so they basically layed back and accepted it. I think, if it's real, it's only a matter of finding a peace through not making a big deal out of them and showing respesct when you can.
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ago, experience, ghost, nights, read

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