Originally Posted by hu-man
So what you did was this:
Sit down and try your very best to write a really scary story about a haunted house
Visit a museum and take pics
I'm sorry, but I don't by it. If your "eyes are still dripping from freaking out so much" and you say that you "cant keep my hands still and I am shaking uncontrolably", it is odd that you take much notice of such things as gravel hitting your car when driving in the driveway, and the fact that there was exactly 22 steps on the staircase, and about 4" of wood to either side of the carpet. Yeah, after having my leg pulled by a freaky ghost I also always count the steps and take out my ruler...
You could learn something by Ted the Caver.
I have a photographic memory and this is how I remember things. Sorry if it is too detailed for you but that is how it was remembered and I did my best to write it the same way that I remembered it.
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