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Old 08-16-2004, 10:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
CoachAlan's Avatar
Location: Las Vegas
Tell me about the time you almost died

The When will you die thread brought this to mind. What were you doing when you almost killed yourself.

Mine happened at the Hoover Dam. A buddy and I went there late at night and we were the only people walking around. We parked on the Arizona side, and I was looking over the spillway from the sidewalk on the lake side. From the sidewalk to bottom of the spillway was about a 400 foot drop.

I went to look over the other side, which had a much deeper drop. The layout, from the lake side to the river side, went: Guard rail, walkway, small fence, road, small fence, guard rail.

Notice that on the river side the walkway is missing. That's why it's always important to look before you leap. I hopped the fence on the lake side, ran across the road, and hopped the fence on the river side, expecting to land on a walkway. Instead I found myself leaping into a deep, dark, chasm.

With my back leg I barely caught myself on the guard rail and fell back to safety. It scared the shit out of me, and for the next week I always had my hand on the guard rails or walls or countertops or whatever anywhere I walked.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:02 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: M[ass]achusetts
mine's less exciting and more degrading....

i was really depressed and getting out of a long steamy shower.... i stood infront of it and threw the towel over my head, holding it there for a few second.

in a sudden burst of dizziness, i fell backwards... i almost broke my neck, the way i landed, and my spine was sore for a while too..

that would have been sad, dying naked in the tub..
In the end we are but wisps
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:48 AM   #3 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
kurty[B]'s Avatar
I have a lot of these stories.

When I was 8, I was climbing on a train car with my friend, and the train started moving. We both hung on for dear life, and the train came to a stop in Glenwood Springs. I was scared, crying, and we walked the 30 miles back to his home, and some angry parents.

When I was 13, I played chicken with my sister's good friend, and his truck. One time I pushed it a little too far, and jumped straight up at the last second. I woke up in the bed of his truck with him slapping my face trying to wake me up, I still don't know how long I was out for. There's a lot more of these stupid stories, but these are the first two that come to mind.
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:48 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: New England
Mine was highway driving late at night (completely sober and alert). I was in the 2nd lane from the left. Someone in the left lane suddenly realizes that they are about to miss their exit, so they cut in front of me and slam on the brakes to slow down enough to make the exit. There was no one behind me or them, so they were just morons. Hard braking and swerving allowed me to avoid impact with anything, but my GF and I were sure that we were about to die.

About an hour later, in bed, we discovered that neither of us were falling asleep; the "we're alive" sex was amazing.
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Old 08-17-2004, 07:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: the hills of aquafina.
Mine was almost a motorcycle accident. I was on the motorcycle. So some buds and myself are rolling on a 4 lane freeway with moderate amounts of traffic. We are nearing our off-ramp, which is a two lane off-ramp. We start to merge from the far left lane (the fast lane) to one of the off-ramp lanes when suddenly the left lane of the off-ramp comes to a screeching halt. The problem arose because while the cars in front of me were slamming on their brakes, I was looking behind me to move into the right lane of the off-ramp. I begin my merge into the right lane, turn my head around just in time to see that I'm bearing down on the biggest set of minivan brake lights I've ever seen. I pitch the bike over hard to complete the merge and miss the side of the minivan by milimeters...no joke, milimeters.
The sad thing is it would have been totally my fault, as I was not paying attention. It wouldn't have mattered much though, as my speed + minivan rear doors would have probably taken me out permanently.

And then there's the time where I was riding through the hills and actually smacked a deer with my arm as it was trying to cross the road. Knocked the deer on its ass, and my elbow and upper arm was black and blue for about 2 weeks, even though I WAS wearing armoured leathers.... but that's a WHOLE other story... heheh.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell

Last edited by cartmen34; 08-17-2004 at 07:26 AM..
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Old 08-17-2004, 03:37 PM   #6 (permalink)
lost and found
Johnny Rotten's Avatar
Location: Berkeley
Originally Posted by redlemon
About an hour later, in bed, we discovered that neither of us were falling asleep; the "we're alive" sex was amazing.
I got a chuckle out of that

Back in high school, I pulled out of a parking lot in reverse at high speed in an SUV, and I made the idiotic mistake of turning, still in reverse, into the street. This momentum caused the vehicle to go up on two wheels, to the point where it hovered right at the point of no return for the longest second of my life before slamming back down to earth.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine
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Old 08-17-2004, 05:58 PM   #7 (permalink)
I electrecuted myself! Unplugging a vacuum and not paying attention resulted in grounding myself and taking quite a bit of juice. The "almost died" part comes in that if it were the other arm, I'd most likely be dead.
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:56 PM   #8 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
I've had two brushes with death.

When I was 15 we used to live next this quick stop which was next to a busy ass four lane highway. I had picked up all the essentials (twinkies, beef jerky, those stupid mini-muffins etc) and had slapped it all into this cheap plastic bag ready to get heading home. Well, the bag broke and in the midst of trying to salvage all the goodies I rode right out on the shoulder of the highway. It was dark and I didn't see it till after it passed within a few feet of my head, but I sure felt the semi rush by doing about 65. The truck slammed on his brakes and I about crapped my pants. I didn't wait around, I had the presence of mind to pick up all my stuff and ate most of it out on the front porch shaking. The other guys were kind of pissed off I ate all the good stuff, but screw them, right? Next time they can play chicken with death for mini-muffins.

About 8 years later, I was working round the house replacing a breaker in the box that everyone swore was broken. While I was concentrating and trying to make sense of all the pictures (I had never done anything like this...guess that was my first mistake) my buddy's dog came and planted his cold nose right in the crack of my ass. I jumped, the shit was shocked out of me. My "buddy" says he knocked me away. What the hell do I know? I can't remember. I just know my whole body hurt for about a week and that damn dog stayed on the runner outside.
No signature. None. Seriously.
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Old 08-21-2004, 09:58 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Sarasota
There are too many driving 'near misses' to even count.....

But the one I will never forget.....I was at the Grand Canyon with my family and walking along one of the paths around the rim. Of course there were lots of 'DO NOT LEAVE THE PATH' signs but hey I was too cool for that....Anywho...I wanted to scramble down the bank to get a better view of a little peninsula farther around the path that my parents were on. The bank was covered in loose gravel and I slid down but finally caught myself on a little stick of a tree growing in the scree. My parents saw me and waved frantically for me to get back on the path. Yeah, Yeah, no prob mom...

Well, when I finally got over to where they were, I saw I was about three feet from the edge of a drop off that went all the way down into the canyon. My knees got weak and I had to sit down.

Done lots of scary stuff on purpose that would have resulted in some serious injuries but not too much stuff that I would consider 'death defying'. Jumping off bridges, skiing stunts, motorcycle stuff, etc...
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau

"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson
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Old 08-21-2004, 01:14 PM   #10 (permalink)
CoachAlan's Avatar
Location: Las Vegas
That's a good story, DDDDave. That's the type of stuff I was looking for when I created this thread. Thanks for the input from everyone.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain
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Old 08-21-2004, 01:29 PM   #11 (permalink)
cj2112's Avatar
Location: Grants Pass OR
Rappelling in at Stoney Point in Chatsworth CA. about 15 years ago. On the backside of the park there is an area w/ a decent overhang. I decided that although it's not very high (40 ft. or so) that it would be a fun rappel. I was not using a belay (a safety line) and as I leaned back to begin my descent, my feet slipped out from under me. I found myself upside down, my head about 3 feet from a good size boulder on the ground.
Another time I was riding my motorcycle on the 91 freeway in Orange County when I was sideswiped by a car. I laid the bike down (of course) and by dumb luck I managed to slide on top of the bike till it came to a stop (that takes forever when you're goin 65+ m.p.h.). Then in a complete state of shock jumped up and ran. with the bike no less, across three lanes of traffic to the shoulder of the freeway. The woman who hit me (and yes it was her fault) pulled over, looked at me and said "You dented my car"
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Old 08-21-2004, 01:33 PM   #12 (permalink)
CoachAlan's Avatar
Location: Las Vegas
Originally Posted by cj2112
The woman who hit me (and yes it was her fault) pulled over, looked at me and said "You dented my car"
I would love to know what happened after that. Did you smack her? Sue the shit out of her? Or was she just in shock and didn't realize she was being so superficial and self-absorbed, and then became properly apologetic?

I probably would have been pretty pissed to get to the side of the road and get that reaction.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain
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Old 08-21-2004, 01:50 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Grants Pass OR
Originally Posted by CoachAlan
I would love to know what happened after that. Did you smack her? Sue the shit out of her? Or was she just in shock and didn't realize she was being so superficial and self-absorbed, and then became properly apologetic?

I probably would have been pretty pissed to get to the side of the road and get that reaction.
Fortunately for me my buddy i was riding with calmed me down and kept me from responding the way i wanted to (I wanted to give her a trip to the plastic surgeon to repair her nose which I was about to break). Instead I called an attorney the following monday, and about a year later acquired a small but appropriate settlement for my suffering.
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Old 08-22-2004, 01:06 PM   #14 (permalink)
Loves green eggs and ham
neddy65's Avatar
Location: I'm just sittin' here watching the world go round and round
Hmmmmm, lets see.....okay 1st

When I was 6 I stole my big brother's bike and while evading capture I rode wide onto the street and was struck by a car. The driver was a nurse and quickly assessed my injuries and got me to a hospital. Several weeks of convelecense and some stiches to close my head up and I was back in business.

When I was 8 I was swimming off a floating platform with my family(they were swimming I was clinging) and when no one was paying attention to me I leaped in on the off side of the platform(opposite from the others) and slowly began the drowning process. I was on my third trip to the bottom before someone noticed and pulled me out.

When I was 20 I was driving my motorcycle down a back raod and happened on a corner where they were hauling gravel from and lost control of the bike. After laying under the bike for who knows how long I woke with a broken jaw several broken ribs and several broken fingers.

While visiting Halifax for a rowing regatta(we won our class) I got a little(read really) drunk and somehow ended up at the Citidal( an old fort and historic site). The site is surrounded by a deep moat and I managed to fall into it. After a 40 foot drop I only broke my right femur and gave up drinking for a few years.
If you're travelling at the speed of light, and you turn the headlights on, do they do anything?

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!

Drink Dickens' Hard Cider because nothing makes a girl smile like a Hard DIckens' Cider!
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Old 08-22-2004, 01:52 PM   #15 (permalink)
This Is Scary Stuff...

This has really got me thinking...

In general just thinking of these kind of occurrences brings back the eery feeling (I'm sure you all know what I mean).

I have two close calls that I think God for saving me from.

1.) I was about 7 and I was heading home with my mom in the car. I was sitting in the passanger seat playing with a rubberband. We pulled into the turning lane preparing to turn left when by accident the rubberband went out the window right beside the car. Me being so young and innocent at the time I opened the door and leaned out to grab the rubberband, and at the exact moment a car came speeding by and I felt my air touch the car.

My mom was so terrified that when we turned she pulled over, got out and started crying. The lady that was driving the car turned around because she thought she hit my head.

2.) Last year (Senior High School) three friends and I were smoking some weed and decided to go and get some food. Well I did'nt feel comfortable driving that night but I figured it was my turn so what the hell. Well as we pulled up to a stop sign preparing to take a right onto Gtown Pkwy (Very busy street) I was so high that I took a right onto the wrong side of the median where there were three lanes of cars 10 yards ahead. My friend brandon was riding in the passenger seat and saved our lives. He reac hed over and turned the wheel sending us back over the median on the correct side of traffic causing cars to slam on their brakes to keep from rear ending us.

Nobody was hurt because God was watching over us.

*Brandon claims that he does'nt even remember doing it.

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Old 09-01-2004, 11:54 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
Lets see, first I was 12 years old, riding my bike at full speed with a building off to my right, getting ready to hit a ramp, just as I make it to where the building stopped, a maintenance truck pulled out in front of me, I ducked my head down and thankfully my helmet absorbed the impact. Left a huge arse dent in the guys truck. Scared the crap out of the poor guy...

Then I bought a sportbike... :P

The closest one was some oblivious cager pulling out in front of me, going about 50mph and just stopping in the middle of my lane, I freaked and hit the brakes. He saw me at the last second and gunned it.. I barely clipped the rear bumper of his car, just enough to throw off the handlebars and cause me to fall down.. slid a good ways down the highway. Just want to thank the cow(s) that died to allow me to slide down a rough asphalt road at 50 mph and get up a little dazed And to my parents for raising me with enough sense to wear leathers, a full face helmet and gloves when flying around on an engine mounted on 2 wheels
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:33 PM   #17 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
I'm going to tell my stories in order of least interesting to most interesting, just to keep people reading.

1) I had decided to finally get a dish for my tv. I was getting tired of dealing with crap from my roof antena. I went to Radioshack, because they carried Dish Network. I parked right next to a big van, and my view of the parkinglot traffic was pretty much blocked on my right. As I walked out, I hadn't taken one step out from behind the van when I was hit by a mercury cugar going about 35 mph (according to whitnesses). I was initially hit in the right leg at about knee level. This pushed me onto the hood. I rolled over the hood and onto the roof where I frantically reached for something to grab onto. I slid off the rear passanger side of the car. The guy stops, rolls dwon his window and yells, "Watch where your going yo fucking kid!!" I think he had more to say, because he was backing up so that he could see me. As soon as he realized that I was a 220 lb. weightlifter, it was too late. I took my right fist and put an 8 inch dent into his hood with one that broke off paint. Now I wouldn't reccomend this to most people, but I've been in martial arts and boxing for years, and I didn't want to take it out on him. He looked, wide eyed at the dent, and drove off kinda fast. I yelled after him, "SLOW DOWN!". I suppose if he had been driving an SUV, or if he'd hit me at a bad angle, he could have killed me.
2) I was camping at a local California lake when I was younger than 10 (don't remember hy exact age). It was winter and we'd been hiking for the better part of eight hours. We all set up our tents and we got to sleep pretty quick. I awoke to seering pain. My whole body ached and tingled. I turned on the flashlight to find that I was covered in fireants!! I ran faster than a freaking cheeta to the lake, which was about 25 degres Farenheit. I jumped in and swam/bruched off my body as fast as I could. The ants quickly realized that they were in really cold water, so I was clear as far as that was concerned. I swam back to land and ran back to camp. I don't remember ever getting back to the campsite. I awoke in a local ER. I'm okay now though.
3) When I was about five years old, I was diagnosed with a coarctation of the aorta. Basically, during development, my aorta had closed off. My body had compensated by using smaller veins and capelaries in the area to move the blood, but I was headed for a seriously greusome death if I didn't have surgery. I went in and had a thousand tests done. Then I had one of the top cardiologists in the world flown into local san francisco. We drove up there and I went into surgery. I remember getting a really long shot and then closing my eyes. The next thing I remember might freak a few of you out, so be warned. I felt my heart beating. For about twenty minutes, I could hear my heart beating and I could control it pretty well (speed, not intervals). Then it started speeding up, very suddenly. It sped and sped. I felt pressure in my head and left arm. It was very painful. Then it fell silent. Darkness and silence for what was only a moment, but felt like an eternity. Then my eyes opened and I saw the doctors moving frantically. I opened my mouth and said, "Can I wake up now?" Everyone in the room froze. The doctor said something like, "Let's go people!!" and I passed out again. I started to concentrate. I could feel my heart not beating, so I pushed. With all my might I remember concentrating and pushing harder than I ever had before. Then it beat. I pushed again. My heart started beating. I heard cheers as I went back to sleep.
When I woke up, I was surrounded by all of the doctors and nurses that were in the room before, as well as my parents and pastor. The doctor asked how I felt. "Fine," I muttered. He then explained to me that there had been a complication during the surgery. "I know," I casually responded. He asked me if I could remember waking up. "Yes". "Do you remember asking us something?" "Yes". He looked at my parents and then asked, "Do you know how your heart started beating?" "I think so," I said, trying to read his face.
Aparently, I really did wake up during surgery. My heart stopped, and then I woke up and asked if I could wake up. After I went back under, my heart started beating.
To this day, I consider what happened a mericle. Choose to believe it if you want, but I know it happened.
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:34 PM   #18 (permalink)
CoachAlan's Avatar
Location: Las Vegas
I never understood why people just wear those partial helmets. Even when downhill mountain biking I wear a full face helmet. When people ask me why I always tell them, "I have to go to job interviews with this face."

With a nickname like "Crash," (mine) you can't be too careful.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain
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Old 09-01-2004, 04:17 PM   #19 (permalink)
<Insert wise statement here>
MageB420666's Avatar
Location: Hell if I know
Let's see, being a young, stupid, and previously immortal teenager I decided that I could drive 90 m.p.h. down a back road near were I live. I thought I knew the road, but found out that I didn't know it nearly as well as I thought I did on the morning of 10/24/2001. I came upon a turn that I had forgotten and by the time I had hit the brakes and turned the wheel I had just enough time to think to my self "Oh shit, this is gonna hurt." I actually managed to get the car most of the way around the turn, but then the front driverside wheel left the road, dug down into the dirt, causing the front end to hit the dirt embankment. The car then proceeded to flip end over end three times (according to a witness of the accident, I was in the car and wasn't counting), then it rolled twice and came to a rest on the roof.
List of injuries:
Me: two broken ribs, broken collarbone, and extremewhiplash.
Girl in front passenger seat: whiplash
Younger brother in backseat: torn hipatic artery(one of the main ones to the liver), and whiplash. As a sidenote he was not wearing his seatbelt and was thrown out the back windshield. He was lucky the car did not land on him. And I believe he would not have been injured except for whiplash if he had been wearing his seatbelt.
The car I was in was a 96 Mazda Protege and needless to say the next car I got was a protege also, cause as far as I'm concerned that car model passed the worst crach test I have ever heard of.
The entire incident was cause by me being a great big fucking moron.
So the next time your late getting some where, remember my story and slow your ass down. It's better to get there late than not get there at all.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.
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Old 09-01-2004, 07:32 PM   #20 (permalink)
This was posted on another forum on the 30th of July of this year. So when I say tonight etc it happened then. Be prepared to read.

Tonight at about 7pm I get a call from my old boss Todd that a local glass guy, Carl, is stopping by the bodyshop and that I should come over. Carl works freelance to replace automotive glass in cars since he retired from working at a local glass place. So I get in my CRX and head over.

I get there at about 7:30pm or so and notice something at the shop I have never seen before. Sitting on a trailer beside the shop is a White Shelby Mustang GT500. Yes that is Elenore from Gone in 60 Seconds if you didnt know. I get out greeted by Todd and Carl. The car is Carls and he brought it over for Todd to have a look at because it was idling really rough. He said that at the start of the month he just took it out of 2 years of storage and that he had no idea what it could be because it ran fine before it was place in there. The car was shaking hard. Alot worse then the normal tremble of the powerfull engine.

Todd heads up to the house to answer the telephone and me and carl start to talk about his car. We get onto the topic that there was a show on satellite the other night about Shelby Mustangs and he said he saw it and we talked about the episode for like 10 min. Then we get onto the problem with his car. It was shaking so bad that he brought it over for Todd to check out and in return he would do some work on the windows on the cars that needed new glass that were in the shop or something to that extent.

Todd comes back out after 20 min and tells us that he needs to head into town and pick up a compressor and that he would be back in 40 min if we didn’t mind waiting. So we said that would be fine and Todd headed out. I start the conversation with Carl again about his car and he decided that the only way to explain it was to show me. So we get in the car and back it off the trailer. He puts the gas down and the car just roars to life with power. Never being in one of these cars before there was no experience on my part to tell if the car was sounding or shaking like it should or not. So Carl came to the conclusion, since we had a while of time to kill, that the best way to show me the problem was to take out for a spin. This is where it gets interesting.

We get off of the back roads and head onto the local 2 lane country highway and get her going. We get to about 60MPH and you could tell when he shifted that there was something wrong with the car for sure. Even me with my tourgueless wonder CRX could tell that there was something not quite right. It shook very strangely.

We pull into a gas station and Carl starts to tell me about the car. His brother bought the car brand new in 1967 and had it shipped to him in Alberta. In 1978 his brother was having some really bad financial problems so Carl bought the car off of him to help him out and shipped it to Ontario.

Carl popped the hood and let it run. He told me that it was being really nice for some reason and not acting as bad as it was before. So bad infact that he trailered it over because he didn’t want anything to happen when he was on the road driving. I started back to my door on the passengers side as Carl closed the hood up. Carl turned to me just as I was opening the door and said, “You know the only way you will be able to grasp what Im trying to explain to you about the problem is if you are behind the wheel. How about getting in behind the wheel and feel some real power for once?”

I instantly accepted this once in a lifetime opportunity, who wouldn’t, and ran over to the drivers side and got in the car. I placed my feet on the pedals and could feel the surge of power throughout my whole body. It was amazing. Way more, almost infinitesimally more, than my CRX, and considerably more than my Z28 with the 350.

I put her in reverse and watched as the light from the gas station flowed across the dash and illuminated the Carol Shelby signature. Carl proceeded to reach over the radio and turn it on. Raised the volume to Sweet Home Alabama and we were off.

I placed her in gear and headed back out on the highway. The car was more than I ever expected. So much power at ones fingertips was a rush. It was definitely something special for sure. Carl told me that I needed to speed up to hear what was going on with the engine. We had Sweet Home Alabama blasting so hard that I think that he just wanted to go faster and see if I would be able to handle it. So I sped up to 50MPH. Carl then proceeded to make a motion like and old person with a walked which I took as go faster. I sped up to about 70MPH and he stopped the old man with the walked motion and did down the window and closed his eyes. This is when all hell broke loose………

At about 3500RPM the GT500 became one on its own. Without warning it decided that it didn’t like to be driven and that it would like to drive itself. The RPMs instantly started to climb. They flew past the redline and started to pin out, violently shaking back and forth, because they had non other place to go. Carl instantly opened his eyes and asked me what was going on. Still perplexed myself I didn’t answer. The car started to speed up at a remarkable rate of speed. The speedometer climber higher and higher, 75, 85, 95, 100, 110, 120, 125MPH. I had no control of the car at all.

I get on the clutch but we are not slowing down fast enough. The car is still pinning out at full RPMs and screaming down the 2 lane highway. The after market temp gauge started to climb as we blasted down the road. I noticed infront of us the taillights of a car. The car was shaking so badly and the whole speed of the situation make it impossible to indentify the car infront of us. It was starting to get dark and all you could see was the red in the taillights and everything else was a blurr. I don’t know how to explain it other then in Fast and the Furious (I know fuck that movie) when they hit the NAWZ button and everything goes blurry.

The taillight were fast approaching. The clutch was not slowing us down enough to avod it and we were still going like 118MPH so slamming on the breaks would certainly mean a crash. Carl at this point is screaming at me, “What the hell are you doing?!?!?!” I respond with “NOTHING!!” and proceed to take my feet off the pedals and stomp them on the floor to prove to him that I officially have no control over the speed of the car. This was a stupid thing on my part because during the stomping the car accelerated again to about 130MPH.

With about 1 second to spare I decided that the only thing to do was to take it on the soft gravel shoulder and hope for the best. With pure luck I managed to miss the car by about 2” and swung to the right on the shoulder. I somehow managed to get her straight and blast by and pull back out onto the pavement infront of the car like it never was in the way. Then thinking that this situation couldn’t get any worse some a side road I see something that I loathe more than anything in my entire life. Red and Blue lights proceeded to turn on and pull out behind us on the road as we are on our out of control trip. The lights were gone within seconds but then re appeared within about 10 seconds and were within a few cars in about 30 seconds. So now Im thinking to myself, “Well Im really fucked now. I have a car that is speeding out of control. Im going about 110MPH on the road with a cop trying to pull me over, but I cant because the car wont slow down. Im going to jail WTF am I going to do.”

I then remember that most of these cars you can just turn off at any time and kill the engine by taking out the keys and then cost to a stop. So guess what I proceeded to do so. Well it just got a hell of a lot worse from there on. When I removed the keys out of the ignition the steering wheel locked up and I drop the keys on the floor. I now had no control of where the car was headed. The highway that we were on had soft shoulders and that means that over the years the road starts to bow slanting from center out to the shoulder making the car gradually turn to the left.

Carl looks over at me, looks at the cop behind us, and then back at me and looks ahead dropping his jaw. On the right side of the road there is a little bridge, maybe about 2 cars long. Its some obscure little creek with no name. Anyways there is a metal guard rail on it for protection and now that we have no steering on a car still going over 100MPH out of control slowly turning directly into the path of the rail. About it hit it dead on. I did the only thing that I could do. I grabbed the wheel with both hands and horsed it down as hard as I could to break the column and get it over to the left to avoid catastrophe. Carl sees what I am doing and grabs onto the wheel. With the combined strength of a 21 year old and a 62 year old we managed to snap the column somehow and the car spun out of control to the left.

Spinning out of control not being able to establish a bearing on where we even were facing other then when the cops lights flew past I remembered the time I spun out my CRX avoiding some deer that ran out in front of me a year ago. It was almost the same other than we were going 3X faster and rotating about 5X more then I did in my CRX.

The car flew across the other lane of traffic and bounced off a guard rail on the other side of the highway and came to rest about 250’ from where we started. The scream of tires, siren, Carl, and old school American Rock and Roll were still bouncing around in my head when the officer approached the car. He started to scream to us to get out of the car. I opened my door and did so and so did Carl. I caught a view of the front of the car where it impacted with the guard rail and surprisingly with all the speed and action that was going on it was not that badly damaged for the impact we went through. The cop cuffed me and Carl and asked us what was going on.

Within 5 min there were about 15 cars stopped on the road to check out what was going on with the Shelby in the middle of the highway. We talked to the cops and explained what was going on and he said he believed us because he found it funny that the car stopped screaming down the road and turned off for no apparent reason. We went to the police station and filled out a report and Todd came and picked us up and we told him about the whole story.
We are not going to be in trouble at all. The car is not totaled which is great and it was towed back to my old work and put back on the trailer and Carl took it back to storage so that he would be able to work on it.

Do you want to know what caused this whole ordeal?

Well believe it or not it was an engine mount. Back then when American manufacturers made motor mounts they were pure rubber (or urethane or something that is like a rubber compound) with only little metal tabs on the end. Not like todays where there is a metal rod in there for safety incase a mount does break. Anyways the mount snapped and the motor dropped in the engine bay. This caused the weight of the motor to pull on the throttle cable so that the car was at full throttle with no way for me to stop it at all.

The funny thing is that after the whole thing was over I asked Carl about the steering locking up after I removed the key. He said that he replaced the steering column to a reproduction with new safety features in 1997 because his insurance company advised him to after an attempt to steal the car failed.

So ya that’s what happened. Everyone is fine. The car will be ok. Any another chapter to add to the book Im writing.

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Old 09-02-2004, 09:34 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Kansas U.S.A
Well, I was playing football with my brother & 2 of my cousins in My moms front yard. Thanksgiving day to boot. I hiked the football to my brother and went out for a pass. He through a high spiral. Avoiding one of my cousins, I had to jump up to catch the ball. When I came down, I had hit the top of a fire hydrant with my front top part of my mouth. knocked my front tooth clean out. Anywhere else it would probably killed me, or close to it! That was
26 years ago. Fire hydrants still freak me out. Have a good day!
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Old 09-03-2004, 09:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Southern California
I was in a car accident when I was 18 years old. Rolled my bf's pick up truck 6xs on the highway at 65 mph. The only part of the truck that wasn't completely smashed in was EXACTLY where I was sitting! All I got out of it was a bruised shoulder. Witness said they thought for sure I was dead, until I crawled out of where the windshield had been!
"There's one in every family...two in mine actually.."--- Zazu
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Old 09-05-2004, 12:11 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: uhhhh
Originally Posted by neddy65
While visiting Halifax for a rowing regatta(we won our class) I got a little(read really) drunk and somehow ended up at the Citidal( an old fort and historic site). The site is surrounded by a deep moat and I managed to fall into it. After a 40 foot drop I only broke my right femur and gave up drinking for a few years.
Dude! I broke MY right femur while drunk. We're femur buddies now.
Still Looking
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Old 09-11-2004, 10:48 AM   #24 (permalink)
Ive told these stories a few times so if i ever met you online you may know this alre

Ive had a number of near death experiences ranging from when I was a baby up until about 13 or 14 years old.

The first time i was near death was when i was an infant and my mother told me this on passing because of something that happened that made her mention how lucky i must be that someone is looking out over me. basically she had just turned in some school funding papers for me 1 day before they were due for some reason it jogged her memory of how one night when i was like 1 or 2 she suddenly had this ugre to get up and check on me.

she was sound asleep and for no reason at all she felt she needed to go look in on me and when she came to my crib she said i had stopped breathing and had turned blue in the face. she did cpr and got me breathing again and rushed me to the hospital where they told her everything was fine.

the second time i was about 3 or 4 (another event she reminded me of )and me and my sister shared a room. we had an old rickety white dresser about 4 or 5 shelves high and on top of it was an oolf 20 to 25 inch tv( the kind with knobs you turned to change the channel). well I always like trying to climb the damn thing cause ive always been a curious and messy person and my mom always warned me to stay off of it. well one day my mother hears a loud crash in our bedroom and she runs in to find me standing there looking up at her and the tv on the ground broken from the fall. had it fallen an inch or 2 more to the right it would have landed on me and i would have been dead.

my 3rd incedent was just me being a dumbass in the street while riding my bike. I was riding in circles in my yard and would up in the street and a truck was speeding down the road and barely stopped in time about a foot from running me over. i was looking p at the grill of the truck when it stopped and i was so scared at how fast it was coming i didnt try and move but when it stopped i snapped out of it and ran into the house for the rest of the day.

number 4 was the time i almsot drowned in a pond that had been covered in mud. i had detention in 6th grade and had to walk home frokm school and decided to take a shrortcut through a construction site behind the school where they were building a new school for "special" kids. so i see this puddle of mud that to look at it seemed about7 or so feet long but only 4 feet wide and didnt look deeper than an inch or so so i figured at the very most id have dirty shoes.

I take a full step into it and trip because my foot sinks in instantly and as i try to push up i sink even further. out of all the near death experiences this one scares me the most cause i was there living it you know as a kid the others i wasnt old enough to remember or really experience it but this time im in it and every second i keep sinking more and more and im near a main road screaming for help as the cars go by but the bushes and trees block anybody from seeing me and they are going by so fast they cant hear me.

i saw my life flash by that day and it was freaky cause it was like a movie reel. each square frame of the picture had a moving picture in itand they all went by in an instant but i saw it all. then by the grace of God i remembered something id seen in a nickleodeon tv movie called marv hammerman is after you about this little kid named mouse who gets bullied all the time. they mention if you get stuck in quicksand to calmdown and lay flat on your back and you will float. so i do that and float ontop and then crawl my way out of it and walk home covered in red mud ( which if you live in the south you know it ruins your clothes). i told my mom what happened and she later found out how it was a pond id fallen in and they coveered it in mud for some reason or another and she took me to church and made sure i prayed for thanks. still to this day i remember how it felt to have that mud surrounding me and that sinking feeling and how hard it was to breath with the weight of the mud on me.

the last event was when our house was broken into. long story short that day my mom told me to make sure i came straight hoome cause my grades had dropped cause i spent most of my time at the arcade with my friend jack. she basically said thered be hell to pay if she found out i went anywhere but home. so after school i meet up with my freidn jack and he wants to go to the arcade but i say i cant and as we make the turn to go our separate ways i say well i guess i could go for a few minutes and then rush home( which as a kid you know that never happens) so were there an hour or 2 and when we head out jacks mom drives by and tells us to get into the car.

she says my mom has been looking for me ( which i fugre ive got an ass whupping ccoming) but his mom says that my house had been broken into. my mom came home early to see if i came home and when she did that she came in and noticed her vrc and tv on her bed and that a window in the living room had been pryed open. she called my name out and heard someone cock back a gun and then she ran out of the house. had i have gone home early like she said i would have walked in on the robbers and more than likely been killed. the police later learned there were 2 of them and the bastards even had the nerve to eat some of our food.

crazy shit eh?
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Old 09-12-2004, 01:02 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Netherlands
The closest I've come to dying was almost drowning once... I was white water rafting and the raft flipped over in some rapids... no big deal, but this was at the bottom of a rapid, and the water was seriously turbulent and with lots of whirlpools.

I was sucked under... not a big deal either, but I had just exhaled before being pulled under. I had no idea I was going to be pulled under... I was wearing a life vest of course, and I knew I'd come up eventually, but it seemed to take forever. I just kept concentrating on not breathing... My chest was heaving and bucking and I just kept forcing it down.

I remember some thoughts going through my mind that I'd probably not die if I tried to breathe water... there were several safety guys around in canoes that'd've performed first aid and stuff... but it was kinda scary all the same.
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Old 09-14-2004, 11:26 AM   #26 (permalink)
concerning cars

Well, my brother and I were driving an old Renault 5 ( French car, do NOT trust the snail eaters) and he decided to drive it a bit to fast. So, we managed to slide into a new mercedes (germans make heavy, solid cars, the frenchies don't) and we lost.

I woke up, 2 weeks later at the hospital with a puncured lung, 8 fractures in my hip, my spleen died, my liver got hit bad, my heart stopped and both my lounges collapsed.

Anyways, that is 1 1/2 years ago, and now I'm playing soccer in the 2nd highest league in Norway

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Old 09-14-2004, 12:50 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Belgium, Ypres
The closest i ever been is when i was walking to school.
A raging truck came from behind me and passes beside me.

I didnt see it coming, it missed me with about 1.5 centimetres
While trying to potty-train Stewie
Peter: Maybe you don't have to pee. I'll just give you some beer, it'll run right through you.
Stewie: Beautiful. And while we're at it we can light up a dubey and watch porn!
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Old 10-06-2004, 07:33 PM   #28 (permalink)
Mines drug related. (surprise)

Following a quite successful 2 day LSD session I found myself coming back to reality. I was tired, sore and still not quite 100% sane. I was also afloat in a stolen canoe, drifting down the Deleware river outside of Newhope, PA. Some rapids approaching, nothing too serious. Everything went surprisingly well; I bounced off a few boulders, was swept along by the swift current and basically kept the canoe upright and happy. Ok: here comes the drug induced reasoning (and near death)... I was having such a good time bouncing through the rapids I figured it would be a fine idea to jump out of the canoe, swim over to one of the boulders in the rapids, climb out and simply meditate there for a few hours like some amazing monk. Well, I found myself immediately pulled under. I clawed and scraped my way to the surface a few times for a meager breath of air, only to be sucked down again and dragged through boulders and dark currents. I felt the energy go out of my limbs; I could no longer swim and I resigned myself to a sense of... well, I felt myself hovering in a vacuum. There was a consciousness there, a very maternal consciousness... and yet still much darkness. I felt a sense of affection, perhaps a laughing approval from this space borne hovering consciousness... and then I awoke along the rivers edge. A fisherman had seen my struggles and risked his own life to jump in and save me. I threw up for awhile. I regained enough strength to thank him for saving my life. (I thanked him profously, though shamefully I never caught his name)

And then I shuffled home, humbled and near drowned.

Last edited by capnkid; 10-06-2004 at 07:36 PM..
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Old 10-08-2004, 07:01 AM   #29 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
Redjake's Avatar
Location: Wilson, NC
1st time: Me and Lasereth were sitting in the back of our mom's car on the way to our grandma's house. I had on grungy sweatpants (hey, it was the 80s). Neither of us had a seat belt on (hey, it was the 80s). My grungy sweatpants had a hole in the knee of them (we were poor). We were playing with a toy toolbox, and I had been sitting on the left side of the car in the backseat. My leg had been up against the door in my mom's Buick, and somehow got looped through the sweatpants hole in my leg to the door handle stick. I went to grab the toolbox that Lasereth was playing with as we were going around a curve, and my leg with the hole in the sweatpants opened the door latch, and it pulled me out of the car and through me out into the road and my mom's car ran over my leg. The toolbox got pulled out with me, and it landed near my leg, so the car ran up onto the toolbox and OVER my leg without touching it. We were going about 40 MPH, I was super lucky. Some construction guy came running over and was like ARE YOU OK?? I was like "yeah I guess." And my mom got out of the car screaming at me. I was ok. Luckily. Had a scraped leg.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 10-08-2004, 07:32 AM   #30 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
I went to a LAN party and played Counter-Strike, BF 1942, UT2k3, and various other games all night long. I never went to sleep. I had to go to work at 7 AM at my job in a camp kitchen. The shift was from 7-2. The job isn't hard, but standing all day really wears you down. About 8:00 AM I was fine. 9:00 I was sorta tired...then at 10:00 AM I was a walking zombie. I fell asleep while standing up! I also fell asleep on the toilet.

Anyway, at 2:00 PM when the shift was over, my brother and I (Redjake, who had also been to the all-night LAN) got into our car to go home for our break. We drove towards our house with my brother dozing off while driving every now and then. He gave me explicit instructions to keep him awake if he was falling asleep. I was asleep about 15 seconds later. When I woke up a few minutes later, I heard a huge THUD noise. My brother said "OH SHIT OH SHIT WE GOTTA GO!!! JESUS CHRIST I FELL ASLEEP!!!"

I saw a HUGE Dodge truck in the rear-view mirror slam on his brakes. My brother had fell asleep at the wheel and our car had veered into the left lane on a country road and side-swiped the truck. At 16 or 17, an incident like this can ruin your life. That's why my brother chose to floor it. Then our morals kicked in a few seconds later and we pulled over to let the truck catch up. We got out and looked at the truck. There was a huge scratch with dents on it all the way from his headlight to the tail light of the truck. The man driving got out and asked what happened. We told him we honestly fell asleep and side-swiped him. Then...he said for us to be more careful, got in his truck, and drove off! He said not to worry about the truck. This truck was brand-new at the time! We've came to the conclusion that he probably had something illegal in it that he didn't want the police to find.

The side-mirror on our car hit the truck from headlight to tail light. One inch to the left and we woulda hit him head on. There's no telling what would have happened!

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 10-08-2004, 07:33 AM   #31 (permalink)
On the edge of control
Location: Ga
The first time I was stuck by lighting when I was 10 luckly I was in a crowded area where some one knew cpr I think I was clinicly dead for around 45 seconds before the guy performing cpr got my heart going again. The second time was just a few weeks ago im working on getting my helicopters pilots licence and me and my instuctor had a flame out in the bell 206 we were flying we were at 500ft when it happend I truly though I was going to die
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Old 10-08-2004, 07:39 AM   #32 (permalink)
I was driving on a 1 lane road (2 way-traffic) that allowed passing (straight w/ dotted line). The road descended down into valley, and went up again on the other side. I was going down at the time, and decided to speed up and pass the guy in front of me. On the opposing side of the valley there was a van also in the process of descending.. I mis-judged the pass and had the oncoming van not pulled onto the shoulder, I would have been killed, and so would he.. I would have made the pass fine, except for the fact that I forgot to account for the fact that he was also going downhill, and thus travelling a lot faster than vans typically do.

That was easily my closest experience to death while driving, especially considering that I was going downhill, thus making it harder to "back off" the pass and fall back into the right lane.

Other than that, I haven't really had any near-death experiences, but I do think that if I die by a means other than natural causes, it will likely be in a car accident. Because of the things I do lately, that is the one that can be the most dangerous at certain times. That or falling off my chair and breaking my neck, but I find it pretty hard to rock on a swivel chair, so I think I'll be ok there.
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Old 10-08-2004, 09:39 PM   #33 (permalink)
Closest I ever came to death was when I was about 10. My sister and I were at a dock just messing around. There were some ducks in the water near some boats so I figured it'd be a good idea to throw stuff at them. While I was throwing some rocks at them, I lost my balance and fell in the water, I couldn't swim at the time. I remember struggling for what seemed like forever, then I remember saying to myself "Well I might as well let myself die." and I just quit struggling and started to sink. About that time my sister saw what happened and rushed over and grabbed my arm and pulled me out. If she had not been there I'm sure I wouldn't be here today.
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Old 10-11-2004, 12:19 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: California
I was merging onto the freeway and gave my mustang to much gas and it had just got done raining. Well I fish tailed and spun around twice while watching cars fly past me and the car behind me coming straight for me. It was quite a heart stopper but it was cool at the end because I almost died from being hit by multiple cars on the slick freeway. I changed my tires after that event though =)
Stuff is Good
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Old 10-11-2004, 01:49 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Location: Los Angeles
I was in 10th or 11th grade, and my brother and I were on our way home from school. I was going about 65-70 when a minivan decides to cut right in front of me for some unforseen reason, and instead of getting out of the way or at least speeding up, the minivan stays in my lane going probably half the speed I'm going, so naturally I slam on the brakes and in the next instant I have speed wobbles and I ended up spinning out on a moderately busy freeway. My car ended up doing about a 540 degree turn, and all the while all I can see is smoke and cars swerving around me literally a foot from my car. It probably took all of 10 seconds for the whole thing to happen, but it felt like an eternity. I ended up having my car facing the opposite direction of traffic, and I had to turn my car around, but I was so shaky that I ended up backing into and slightly bumping the center divider. Goes without saying I didn't drive again for the rest of that day.
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Old 10-11-2004, 02:26 PM   #36 (permalink)
*edited for content*
Irishsean's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
Whats scary is the amount of these stories I have...

When I was 8 my parents were doing some work at a church, so my brother and I were playing in a little slightly wooded area between the church and the parsonage when we found one of the old style stone barbecues. Muahaha, perfect ship to play pirates on! Unbeknownest to us, they had been trying to take it down and had spent a couple hours earlier out there beating on it with sledgehammers. I climbed all the way to the top, and the concrete slab rocked underneath me, so I jumped off, and landed on my hands and knees. Unfortunately the top followed me off and landed on my back. It wieghed over 400 pounds. I passed out and my brother ran for help. The first person to get out there was my mom, who picked it up and tossed it about 15 feet. I lucked out, only wound up in the hospital for about 9 days, no broken bones, just a lot of compressed organs, and some nasty cuts on the back of my head.
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.
Leon Trotsky
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Old 10-11-2004, 02:36 PM   #37 (permalink)
About a few years ago... I was like crossing the part of the street which didnt have the street light... I didn't notice there was a truck or anything coming... actuallyi didnt even look (stupid mistake on my part) and I just ran... scared the hell out of me... when the truck honked at me... and then I got stuck in the middle of the road (it was like a thin line) and cars were passing both ways... holy crap... I was so freakin scared... According to my friends... I missed the truck by like 6 inches... lucky.
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Old 10-20-2004, 11:28 AM   #38 (permalink)
One time when fixing a lamp, I forgot to unplug the dang thing and Zap! Didn't think I was going to live after that...

Another time when I was little swimming with a faulty life jacket almost died there too.

Eating at a really gross place and amost chokeing on their greesy food... What a way to die and only had like one second left before death...

Oh well still alive now.
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Old 10-21-2004, 11:07 AM   #39 (permalink)
Car accident. Hit a patch of ice on a backroad 2 minutes from my house and went into a telephone pole. I really wish I could remember more than that but the only thing I remember before the accident is leaving the pizza-hut parking lot, which was about 15 minutes away. Broke my left femer. Apparently the doors had popped off and were down the road about 30ft. I was sitting in between the seats on the center console where you put stuff in with the sterring wheel about a foot down and to the right of where it should have been. The seatbelt broke apparently, because I remember buckling up and I always do anyway, its habbit. They had to cut the car apart around me, ripping the roof off, and they used this hydrolic thing to push the dash away from me so they could pull me out. They said I was lucky because the bone came real close to hitting that major artary in your leg and I could have bled to death in a matter of seconds. The worse part of the whole ordeal was the smell of the airbag mixed with blood.. That sticks in my head. But hey.. good ole technology, had me start physical therapy 3 days after the accident and sent me off with an ace bandage and some crutches.
"Your life is yours to live, go out and live it" - Richard Rahl
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Old 10-21-2004, 12:27 PM   #40 (permalink)
1slOwCD8's Avatar
Location: chicago, illinois
The time i almost died was when i was driving. I was trying to make a left turn on green with no arrow, and there was a lot of traffic, but i crossed the line anyway. So the light goes red, and the guy infront of me makes his left turn, since i was a car length and a half past the line, i decide to go. All of a sudden i look to my left and see 2 huge black trucks making their left turn. i see them and think to myself "Are they gonna stop or what?" they were literally like 2 feet from both t-boning me when they stopped and honk and me. scariest moment of my life. That intersection is like a death trap, already 4 accidents like that in the past couple of months. Why wont they make it a green arrow only instead of green light? You would think they would get that by now.
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died, time

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