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Old 01-23-2005, 04:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ballzor's Avatar
Location: Bat Country
Need advice with Car Audio - In specific subs and amps.

I'm planning on finishing my car interior here in a few weeks and the first step is going to be the subwoofers. I have a bazooka sub now and its decent but def nothing more than what you would find in most new cars. I already have the deck and speakers done ( Boston Acoustics, very nice), and I'm looking at either getting 2 12'' Alpine Type - R's in a sealed Box with a 1000W Amp ( so far I've looked at Alpine and R Fosgate). Ive also looked at 2 12'' JL Audio 12W3's but apart from that and that their more expensive I don't know much about the JL Subs. I've been told, and from what I saw from 1 8'' that their very nice subs and will probably be a little better than the Type R's.

Ive got a mid-sized car and I intent to spend about 1000 to 1300 on the Sub, Amp, and Box. I want to know what people think would be best in terms of Subwoofers, and what they think would be the best in terms of Amplifiers. I want to spend around 500 or so on the Amp, and can prolly find it for that price on E-bay. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 01-23-2005, 05:41 PM   #2 (permalink)
Fear the bunny
Location: Hanging off the tip of the Right Wing
I suggest you save some money and go with a 200w amp, since you're never going to use it's full power. Basically, a 1,000w amp is like a 1,000hp car. How often--if ever--are you going to use all that power?

I recently helped a buddy set up a box with a 10" Pioneer sub, running off his head unit's amp (around 22w RMS) and it shakes the shit out of the car. At full volume, you can't even sit in there. Anyone who suggests more than 200w is either ignorant or a retard.
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.
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Old 01-23-2005, 06:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
Redjake's Avatar
Location: Wilson, NC
I wouldn't get an amp off of ebay. The prices are just too good on there. Sounds fishy. I would get one at Best Buy or your local audio shop and get a damn nice warranty. Also, a 200 watt amp is not enough for your subwoofers. If you want enormous bass, the kind you have subwoofers for, get at least something that will do 150 watts X 2. 200 X 2 or 300 X 2 would kick royal ass. When I had my setup before I sold it (due to car issues), it made driving fun. If you can get a bandpass box (makes the bass inside the car super strong, but outside the car it lessens the sound) you're in business. And I have to high-five you on the Boston Acoustics. Some of the best damn speakers I've ever heard. I have 4 of those in my car as well on the inside.


Rockford Fosgate is always a solid choice. DO NOT get Sony Amplifiers. I've seen more of those fried than any. One thing to keep in mind: The more money you spend, generally, the more power and quality. Sucks doesn't it

JL Subwoofers are very nice sounding from what I've heard. Sony subs aren't bad either.

Get a CD player that has bass boost and a sub level built in, so you can change the settings around to make it sound the best.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 01-23-2005, 06:19 PM   #4 (permalink)
Tech's Avatar
Location: Baltimore MD
alpine and JL are both very good companies, but JL makes AWESOME subs. if you can afford them, get them. or kicker... kicker is great.

if i were building in your price range i would do this...

2 Kicker L7's x $350

1 MTX (great amp brand) Thunder 1004 x $500

$1200, great system.

~I swear sometimes i feel like i'm married to a child.
~You better watch who you're calling a child, Lois, cause if i'm a child than you know what that makes you? a pedophile. and i'll be damned if i'm going to stand here and be lectured by a pervert.
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Old 01-23-2005, 07:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
JL audio is basically one of the top of the line brands. i have a w6v2 and a 500/1 amp in my car. JL is very very good at reproducing wide ranges of frequencies, however i do not know very much about the w3's, except they are an older model.

alpine is always good though
rockford fosgate is decent
i really am a fan of polk/momo also

id say go alpine though for your price range.
impulse03 is offline  
Old 01-24-2005, 12:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
get a hifonics amp and a 12" brahma sub (around $150); you wont regret it. I bought 3 hifonic amps off ebay and they all work flawlessly (until they got stolen of course). My friends brahma sub hits hard. Check it out at Adire audio. google that name for the website. I wouldnt go with the type-r subs; you can get much better better with that same kind of money.
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Old 01-24-2005, 01:00 AM   #7 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Originally Posted by BoCo
I suggest you save some money and go with a 200w amp, since you're never going to use it's full power. Basically, a 1,000w amp is like a 1,000hp car. How often--if ever--are you going to use all that power?

I recently helped a buddy set up a box with a 10" Pioneer sub, running off his head unit's amp (around 22w RMS) and it shakes the shit out of the car. At full volume, you can't even sit in there. Anyone who suggests more than 200w is either ignorant or a retard.
Absolute nonsense. There is more to audio than math BoCo. I can tap out a 200 watt amp with no trouble at all. Ask it to accurately reproduce a 20 Hz pipe organ note at full reference and it'll puke out guaranteed. The reason you need/want big power on your system is to accurately reproduce the full dynamics of the recording (its called headroom). Let's pull out a little math here since you seem to be so fond of it...

We are listening to a classical recording at a volume of X. At the end of the recording, we get two big whacks on the timpani at X+2 for good measure. Depending on the listening volume, your 200w amp may or may not have the power to accurately reproduce it at the proper relative volume to the rest of the recording. Say you get lucky and you had the volume on the head unit low enough to still be within the amp's power reserve. Trouble is, most people don't listen to music like this (*especially* classical). Call me crazy, and I like screamo, hardcore, and metalcore as much as the next guy... but there is no musical experience as visceral as a loud and dynamic classical recording. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra circa 1950's comes to mind... Most car audio people don't listen at comfortable volumes. So now we're jammin along at elevated levels on your little 200w amp. Now (obviously) the level of the background symphony is louder, we'll call it X+2 and so must be the subsequent whacks on the timpani at the end. The reference level for the timpani is now X+4. Here is where the 200w just can't cut it anymore. The recording calls for X+4, but your amp can only take it up to X+3, so it clips. The amp produces a square wave until the recording drops back to within the capabilities of the amp. A square wave causes the woofer to stay "locked" in mid excursion, and because the cone is not moving, no air is flowing over the voice coil and it cannot cool itself. Granted an instance like this will only produce a square wave for a brief second, bass music that is soooo sought after by car audio fans will. With 1000 watts, you can (virtually) never ask for too much out of the amp, and it will never clip and put your woofers at risk. I have never seen a blown woofer due to overpowering. Not one. Ever. Ever. I have, however, seen more than a few (dozen) that went kablooey because they were trying to serve up the latest offering from Lil John with a shitty couple hundred watt amp. Few brief anecdotes here regarding "over" powering woofers:

1. I ran my 750w RMS rated 12W7's at 1000 watts (each) with never so much as a hiccup out of them.

2. I later ran my 300w RMS rated Alpine Type R's at 1000 watts (each) with the same result.

3. My friend Andy ran his 1000w RMS rated 13W7 at 2000 watts (JL 1000/1 on each coil... rawr) with no problems. He is a fan of rap and bass music. It also *barely* moved off a JL 500/1.

If you ask me anyone who runs a subwoofer off a head unit is a retard. The amp in that deck is 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, clipping to beat the band. And I know NO ONE would turn down 1000 hp over a paltry 200.
Well behaved women rarely make history.

Last edited by brandon11983; 01-24-2005 at 11:28 AM..
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Old 01-24-2005, 05:55 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
1) what type of music do you listen to
2) the JL subs have more movement ability, I've torn 4-6 Type-Rs from over-extension with double kick drums.
3) W3's have more room than the Type-R, the W6 sounds twice as good as the W3 (which by the way, max out at around 350w (little more, but if you go to a store, ask to see the company warranty information, they have a graph. If you have too much power it will void the warranty.)
4) 1000W is too much for a Type-R setup. I ran a single Type-R off a 500w and tore it to hell (as stated above), switching to a single W6 10" now (possibly another switch to a 12", which is what the type-r was)
5) Something to inspect with your subs, do they have a rubber lining to the cone or a foam. JL has foam which improves life expectancy, where as the type-r will seperate after time.
Where dem bitches at?
Atomic Pinkie is offline  
Old 01-24-2005, 06:10 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by brandon11983
Absolute nonsense. 3. My friend Andy ran his 1000w RMS rated 13W7 at 2000 watts (JL 1000/1 on each coil... rawr) with no problems. He is a fan of rap and bass music. It also *barely* moved off a JL 500/1.
Naturally it's going to barely move off something like that. That's like putting a 500w amp on a Type-X, it just won't work. When you get to the high quality sub line, you're going to be paying for a high quality amp to go along with it.

However, the poster is not looking to put in high quality subs. Type-R's are near obselete until later this year when they come out with a re-created version. Currently the Type-S is the same as the Type-R of old. If the poster is looking to get new subs from a retailer, he's most likely going to be offered Type-S' unless it hasn't sold out of it's Type-R or ordered the new Type-S.
Where dem bitches at?
Atomic Pinkie is offline  
Old 01-24-2005, 03:49 PM   #10 (permalink)
Ballzor's Avatar
Location: Bat Country
They have 2 specialty stores in the area, one pushed the Type R's and a memphis amp. The other sold mainly the JL Audio's. 18'' JL sitting right in the middle of the store to emphisize the point. I have a friend who put 2 12'' Type R's with a 1000W Fosgate Amp with a ported box in the back of his tiny Eclipse. No Trunk Room. Sit in that thing for more than a few seconds when those things are unleashed and you wont think straight for the rest of the day, great stuff . Not to mention the fact that he's selling the amp to get a 2000W amp. From what I heard of the JL Audios I couldnt be sure, only heard 1 8'' in the back of an SUV. The sub brand really depends on what is on E-bay at the time (new of course). I would probably buy everything off of ebay and have one of these stores install it just because of the overpriced nature of what their selling.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to look into MTX and the JL amps now and see whats there.
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Old 01-24-2005, 09:45 PM   #11 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Stores do not sell at an "overpriced nature," they sell at the RETAIL PRICE. You are a consumer, you pay the retail price. You get what you pay for. Call me a bad person if you will, but I really enjoy it when someone brings in a broken piece of gear to me they bought on ebay and expect me to do something about it. I really enjoy seeing them get fucked. Does that make me a bad person? Because I really don't care. Save your few bucks if you will...
Well behaved women rarely make history.

Last edited by brandon11983; 01-25-2005 at 12:02 AM..
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Old 01-24-2005, 10:31 PM   #12 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ballzor
They have 2 specialty stores in the area, one pushed the Type R's and a memphis amp. The other sold mainly the JL Audio's. 18'' JL sitting right in the middle of the store to emphisize the point. I have a friend who put 2 12'' Type R's with a 1000W Fosgate Amp with a ported box in the back of his tiny Eclipse. No Trunk Room. Sit in that thing for more than a few seconds when those things are unleashed and you wont think straight for the rest of the day, great stuff . Not to mention the fact that he's selling the amp to get a 2000W amp. From what I heard of the JL Audios I couldnt be sure, only heard 1 8'' in the back of an SUV. The sub brand really depends on what is on E-bay at the time (new of course). I would probably buy everything off of ebay and have one of these stores install it just because of the overpriced nature of what their selling.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to look into MTX and the JL amps now and see whats there.
Post up what you decide to get.
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Old 01-25-2005, 04:26 PM   #13 (permalink)
GetRdone's Avatar
Do the type r have a heavy magnet? Ive never worked with them, just wondering some specs on em.
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Old 01-25-2005, 09:26 PM   #14 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Type R's don't have a mega magnet like W7 or H2's or anything, but they are a very capable sub. I think their magnet is like 20 lbs or something. I loved my Type R's when I had them. Considering you can almost get 4 Type R 12's for the price of 1 12W7 and they don't require a zillion watts to move, you can't really go wrong.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
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Old 01-26-2005, 06:44 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by brandon11983
Type R's don't have a mega magnet like W7 or H2's or anything, but they are a very capable sub. I think their magnet is like 20 lbs or something. I loved my Type R's when I had them. Considering you can almost get 4 Type R 12's for the price of 1 12W7 and they don't require a zillion watts to move, you can't really go wrong.
He is going to be getting the old type-r, pushing that much power and he (obviously wants boom), will lower the lifetime of the sub considerably. I ran 1 12" Type-R off of a 500w, i tore the cone from the rubber lining numerous times. Type-Rs are being rebuilt FOR A REASON. Most stores only have a warranty that covers a one time issue. Others, like Ultimate Electronics, have a more long term guarantee.

I would highly suggest buying a JL as it will be a longer term investment and you won't have to replace it as soon.
Where dem bitches at?
Atomic Pinkie is offline  
Old 01-26-2005, 09:57 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Tucson, AZ
IMO spend your money on the amp, a good amp with a decent speaker will sound better than a shitty amp with the best speakers on the market. Oh, and please for the love of god DO NOT buy a pre-fab box. I'd go JL personally because I dislike Alpine, most high end audio equipment is about on the same level, it mostly comes down to brand preference.
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Old 01-26-2005, 10:53 AM   #17 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
I don't really know how you guys are blowing Type R's... I never saw one come back when I was selling them. I ran mine at 1000 watts each and never hurt them.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:38 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Tucson, AZ
A shitty amp will blow a good speaker. Running too much power to a sub in a ported box or too big of a sealed box, watching a sub try to reproduce 10hz @ full power is always fun too.
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Old 01-29-2005, 07:51 AM   #19 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Atomic Pinkie
1) what type of music do you listen to
2) the JL subs have more movement ability, I've torn 4-6 Type-Rs from over-extension with double kick drums.
3) W3's have more room than the Type-R, the W6 sounds twice as good as the W3 (which by the way, max out at around 350w (little more, but if you go to a store, ask to see the company warranty information, they have a graph. If you have too much power it will void the warranty.)
4) 1000W is too much for a Type-R setup. I ran a single Type-R off a 500w and tore it to hell (as stated above), switching to a single W6 10" now (possibly another switch to a 12", which is what the type-r was)
5) Something to inspect with your subs, do they have a rubber lining to the cone or a foam. JL has foam which improves life expectancy, where as the type-r will seperate after time.
This is bar far the biggest load of crap I have read on this forum (your next post is a close second).
PLEASE do us all a favor and refrain from posting ANY more of your hot air on here. This information is loaded with false claims and pure BS
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Old 01-29-2005, 08:45 AM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by Nelson
This is bar far the biggest load of crap I have read on this forum (your next post is a close second).
PLEASE do us all a favor and refrain from posting ANY more of your hot air on here. This information is loaded with false claims and pure BS
Enjoyable, seeing I had just come from researching on my own and discussing at length with a variety of car audio techs (not salesman), furthermore, as someone who has owned a type-r for the past 3 years, I know my sub.

What part of my statement was crap by the way? That i've torn multiple cones from their lining? That the Type-R doesn't sound as good? That 1000W is too much for two type-r subs? Or perhaps the Type-S sounding like the Type-R right now?

Fact: Recreated Type-S has been released, currently taking the spot the Type-R. Type-R is to be released later this year.
Fact: There is more room for cone movement on the JLs, I've personally witnessed this.
Fact: I've torn my Type-Rs multiple times running off a Rockford Fosgate 500W amp.
Fact: The sub was overpowered by the amp, tearing the kevlar cone from its rubber lining after time. (it lasted roughly 8-12 months this past time around, most lasted 4-6 months before dying when I was out in Arizona)
Fact: The type of music he listens to is very important in determining the sub.
Where dem bitches at?
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Old 01-29-2005, 08:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by brandon11983
I don't really know how you guys are blowing Type R's... I never saw one come back when I was selling them. I ran mine at 1000 watts each and never hurt them.
Count yourself as lucky
Where dem bitches at?
Atomic Pinkie is offline  
Old 01-29-2005, 10:07 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Tucson, AZ
I don't know why the argument over Type-R's anyways, Alpine has never been a big SPL player they are almost always used in SQ. At least they used to be when I used to do SPL a couple years back.

Brandon11983: What amp were you running the Type-R's off of to get 1kw to each one?
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Old 01-30-2005, 08:53 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Chicago

Got my new JL Audio W6 10" installed...I can honestly say its better than a single 12" Type-R running on my 500W Rockford Fosgate (pre-best buy sellout days)

It hasn't even been broken in and I'm making this statement. Sounds better, reacts better, has more visible room to move. I love it.
Where dem bitches at?
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Old 01-30-2005, 03:23 PM   #24 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Originally Posted by Atomic Pinkie
Count yourself as lucky
I wouldn't say that, I just know how to set up and tune a system. I wouldn't be afraid to run 10,000 watts through them if it was possible. The amps I ran them off were Alpine MRD-M1001's. This "visible room to move" you speak of really means nothing. How far a speaker moves is rather unimportant. What is important is how linear it stays within its excursion range. The JL W6v2's and the Type R's are both very linear subwoofers and I don't think the naked eye could really tell a difference in their movement, as their one-way xmax's are pretty close.
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Old 01-30-2005, 09:07 PM   #25 (permalink)
My apologies for my blunt and brief reply above. I’ll elaborate on my comments further.
Let me first give you some personal background:
I have worked in the car audio industry for nearly 15 years. Retail sales, installation, purchasing, marketing, store management - I have been involved in nearly every aspect of the industry in one form or another.
I have spent the last 6 years working for a nationally recognized, top 10 retailer of the year - specialist car audio store.
I currently offer some of the most highly regarded brands in car audio - including BOTH Alpine and JL Audio.
I have nothing but respect for both brands - the comments/specs used in the statements below are in no way meant to show a personal bias toward either.
As to the statements made by atomic pinkie:

2) the JL subs have more movement ability, I've torn 4-6 Type-Rs from over-extension with double kick drums.

What is ‘movement ability’? Are you referring to excursion? If so you are incorrect. Per each manufacturers listed specifications listed:
XMAX = Peak linear travel of the cone, measured in inches. In other words, the maximum movement in one direction.
Alpine SWR1241D - XMAX 13.87mm one way, 27.74mm peak to peak
JL Audio 12W3V2 - XMAX 11.7 - 13mm one way, 23.4 - 26mm peak to peak
The Alpine has a greater XMAX. - or as you call it ‘movement ability’
The fact that you damaged several Alpine woofers speaks more of your obvious abuse of the woofer and/or your inability to properly install/set up your equipment. It flat out screams abuse or improper application..

3) W3's have more room than the Type-R, the W6 sounds twice as good as the W3 (which by the way, max out at around 350w (little more, but if you go to a store, ask to see the company warranty information, they have a graph. If you have too much power it will void the warranty.)

I failed to find a specification from either manufacturer that lists how much ‘room’ they have???
My girlfriends apartment has more ‘room’ than mine - Does that qualify her apartment as better than mine?
The JL Audio W6 model number IS twice as big as the W3 - is that how you determined it sounded twice as good? Sound quality is purely subjective - there is NO measurement for it. Telling someone that something sounds TWICE as good as another can be compared to saying hamburger pizza tastes TWICE as good as sausage pizza.

4) 1000W is too much for a Type-R setup. I ran a single Type-R off a 500w and tore it to hell (as stated above), switching to a single W6 10" now (possibly another switch to a 12", which is what the type-r was)

My personal system consists of 1 Alpine SWR1241D powered by a 500W Alpine MRDM500 amplifier. I have owned this since both came out 3 yrs ago and have had NO product failures. See my above comments regarding user abuse and/or improper installation/application.

5) Something to inspect with your subs, do they have a rubber lining to the cone or a foam. JL has foam which improves life expectancy, where as the type-r will seperate after time.

When you say ‘rubber lining’ are you referring to (the correct term) SURROUND? If so, you are again grossly mislead. The debate over foam vs. rubber surrounds has been well debated for years. BOTH have their merits. JL Audio admits in their training sessions (of which I have attended many) that foam surrounds DO NOT last as long as Butyl (rubber) surrounds. Have you ever seen an old home/car speaker with a foam surround that has literally decayed from ‘foam rot’? Its quite common - so are the speaker re-cone kits to repair them. That is the PRIMARY advantage to using a butyl rubber surround - no rot or decay. But, because of the life expectancy of a typical car audio speaker (short), there are technical advantages to using foam surrounds that out way butyl rubber.

However, the poster is not looking to put in high quality subs.

Where in his post did he say this? Both the Type R and W3 mentioned ARE high quality.

Type-R's are near obselete until later this year when they come out with a re-created version. Currently the Type-S is the same as the Type-R of old.

Simply stated - NO. The Type S has NEVER been an old version of the Type R. They are COMPLETELY different designs and ALWAYS have been.

If the poster is looking to get new subs from a retailer, he's most likely going to be offered Type-S' unless it hasn't sold out of it's Type-R or ordered the new Type-S.

Again, NO. The Type S in NOT even being re-designed this year. However, both the Type R and the Type E series will be undergoing an engineering/design change.

He is going to be getting the old type-r, pushing that much power and he (obviously wants boom), will lower the lifetime of the sub considerably.

He suggested he would get a 1000W amplifier to run 2 12" Type R’s or W3's - That’s approximately 500W per driver - well withing the listed min/max power rating for each model. The only thing that would effect the life expectancy of the driver is the end users ability to properly install and use the equipment. Again see my statement regarding user abuse and/or improper installation/application.

I ran 1 12" Type-R off of a 500w, i tore the cone from the rubber lining numerous times.

Mis-use and/or abuse - sorry, there’s just no other reasonable explanation.

Type-Rs are being rebuilt FOR A REASON.

This is actually a CORRECT statement!!!!! The REASON is that they have reached the end of their product life cycle! That’s it - nothing more. The C5 Corvette was regarded as the best vette ever - did that stop Chevy from creating the C6? No. And you assertion that the reason they are being redesigned due to poor performance is pure ignorance.

Most stores only have a warranty that covers a one time issue. Others, like Ultimate Electronics, have a more long term guarantee.

Alpines warranty is 1yr. - as long as the product is purchased from an AUTHORIZED retailer. The 1 time clause you speak of is a policy of the retailer. These policies stem from the abundance of abusive customers such as yourself who shred woofers, and other products, and fail to see their own abuse/mis use as the cause. Ultimate Electronics DOES NOT have a more long term guarantee. They offer extended service plans. Having been a former Ultimate Electronics employee (and a current stock holder) they are a fair value and I was paid quite well for selling them.

I would highly suggest buying a JL as it will be a longer term investment and you won't have to replace it as soon.

I suspect you will have the same problems with your JL if you do not take care of the true cause of your failures. I have a feeling I would get arthritis from typing if I tried to get you to understand.

Enjoyable, seeing I had just come from researching on my own and discussing at length with a variety of car audio techs (not salesman)

Are these ‘techs’ the ones that provided you with the brilliant ‘tech’ terms you used above? LOL

, furthermore, as someone who has owned a type-r for the past 3 years, I know my sub.

No - you know how to ABUSE your sub.

What part of my statement was crap by the way? That i've torn multiple cones from their lining? That the Type-R doesn't sound as good? That 1000W is too much for two type-r subs? Or perhaps the Type-S sounding like the Type-R right now?

All of the above. Nuff said.

Fact: Recreated Type-S has been released, currently taking the spot the Type-R. Type-R is to be released later this year.

WRONG - The ONLY part of this statement that is correct is that the Type R has been re-designed for ‘05.

Fact: There is more room for cone movement on the JLs, I've personally witnessed this.

WRONG - see my XMAX specs above.

Fact: I've torn my Type-Rs multiple times running off a Rockford Fosgate 500W amp.


Fact: The sub was overpowered by the amp, tearing the kevlar cone from its rubber lining after time. (it lasted roughly 8-12 months this past time around, most lasted 4-6 months before dying when I was out in Arizona)

WRONG - the user abused the woofer and/or used it improperly.

Fact: The type of music he listens to is very important in determining the sub.

I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!! But I see how you provided any reasonable suggestions to aid in his choice.

Got my new JL Audio W6 10" installed...I can honestly say its better than a single 12" Type-R running on my 500W Rockford Fosgate (pre-best buy sellout days)
It hasn't even been broken in and I'm making this statement. Sounds better, reacts better, has more visible room to move. I love it.

I like pepperoni and onion pizza - it tastes much better than hamburger and mushroom pizza.

Im tired, have typed WAY to much, and this argument will continue I’m sure.......
Nelson is offline  
Old 01-30-2005, 09:26 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Florida
Originally Posted by BoCo
I recently helped a buddy set up a box with a 10" Pioneer sub, running off his head unit's amp (around 22w RMS) and it shakes the shit out of the car. At full volume, you can't even sit in there. Anyone who suggests more than 200w is either ignorant or a retard.
I gotta call BS here. The only thing that would make you unable to sit in the car at full volume would be the godawful sound of that little amp constantly clipping.

That said, most amps that claim to put out 1000 watts are likely putting out a small fraction of that. Amps that truly put out that much are not very common and are very expensive. The kinds you find on e-bay and in discount stores are either quoting a wattage they can put out for a fraction of a second at 20% THD, or flat-out lying. So when you hear about people running 1000 watt amps, they're most likely only really putting out 100-150 or so.
irseg is offline  
Old 01-31-2005, 08:02 AM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by Nelson
My apologies for my blunt and brief reply above. I’ll elaborate on my comments further.
Let me first give you some personal background:
I have worked in the car audio industry for nearly 15 years. Retail sales, installation, purchasing, marketing, store management - I have been involved in nearly every aspect of the industry in one form or another.
I have spent the last 6 years working for a nationally recognized, top 10 retailer of the year - specialist car audio store.
I currently offer some of the most highly regarded brands in car audio - including BOTH Alpine and JL Audio.
I have nothing but respect for both brands - the comments/specs used in the statements below are in no way meant to show a personal bias toward either.
As to the statements made by atomic pinkie:

2) the JL subs have more movement ability, I've torn 4-6 Type-Rs from over-extension with double kick drums.

What is ‘movement ability’? Are you referring to excursion? If so you are incorrect. Per each manufacturers listed specifications listed:
XMAX = Peak linear travel of the cone, measured in inches. In other words, the maximum movement in one direction.
Alpine SWR1241D - XMAX 13.87mm one way, 27.74mm peak to peak
JL Audio 12W3V2 - XMAX 11.7 - 13mm one way, 23.4 - 26mm peak to peak
The Alpine has a greater XMAX. - or as you call it ‘movement ability’
The fact that you damaged several Alpine woofers speaks more of your obvious abuse of the woofer and/or your inability to properly install/set up your equipment. It flat out screams abuse or improper application..

3) W3's have more room than the Type-R, the W6 sounds twice as good as the W3 (which by the way, max out at around 350w (little more, but if you go to a store, ask to see the company warranty information, they have a graph. If you have too much power it will void the warranty.)

I failed to find a specification from either manufacturer that lists how much ‘room’ they have???
My girlfriends apartment has more ‘room’ than mine - Does that qualify her apartment as better than mine?
The JL Audio W6 model number IS twice as big as the W3 - is that how you determined it sounded twice as good? Sound quality is purely subjective - there is NO measurement for it. Telling someone that something sounds TWICE as good as another can be compared to saying hamburger pizza tastes TWICE as good as sausage pizza.

4) 1000W is too much for a Type-R setup. I ran a single Type-R off a 500w and tore it to hell (as stated above), switching to a single W6 10" now (possibly another switch to a 12", which is what the type-r was)

My personal system consists of 1 Alpine SWR1241D powered by a 500W Alpine MRDM500 amplifier. I have owned this since both came out 3 yrs ago and have had NO product failures. See my above comments regarding user abuse and/or improper installation/application.

5) Something to inspect with your subs, do they have a rubber lining to the cone or a foam. JL has foam which improves life expectancy, where as the type-r will seperate after time.

When you say ‘rubber lining’ are you referring to (the correct term) SURROUND? If so, you are again grossly mislead. The debate over foam vs. rubber surrounds has been well debated for years. BOTH have their merits. JL Audio admits in their training sessions (of which I have attended many) that foam surrounds DO NOT last as long as Butyl (rubber) surrounds. Have you ever seen an old home/car speaker with a foam surround that has literally decayed from ‘foam rot’? Its quite common - so are the speaker re-cone kits to repair them. That is the PRIMARY advantage to using a butyl rubber surround - no rot or decay. But, because of the life expectancy of a typical car audio speaker (short), there are technical advantages to using foam surrounds that out way butyl rubber.

However, the poster is not looking to put in high quality subs.

Where in his post did he say this? Both the Type R and W3 mentioned ARE high quality.

Type-R's are near obselete until later this year when they come out with a re-created version. Currently the Type-S is the same as the Type-R of old.

Simply stated - NO. The Type S has NEVER been an old version of the Type R. They are COMPLETELY different designs and ALWAYS have been.

If the poster is looking to get new subs from a retailer, he's most likely going to be offered Type-S' unless it hasn't sold out of it's Type-R or ordered the new Type-S.

Again, NO. The Type S in NOT even being re-designed this year. However, both the Type R and the Type E series will be undergoing an engineering/design change.

He is going to be getting the old type-r, pushing that much power and he (obviously wants boom), will lower the lifetime of the sub considerably.

He suggested he would get a 1000W amplifier to run 2 12" Type R’s or W3's - That’s approximately 500W per driver - well withing the listed min/max power rating for each model. The only thing that would effect the life expectancy of the driver is the end users ability to properly install and use the equipment. Again see my statement regarding user abuse and/or improper installation/application.

I ran 1 12" Type-R off of a 500w, i tore the cone from the rubber lining numerous times.

Mis-use and/or abuse - sorry, there’s just no other reasonable explanation.

Type-Rs are being rebuilt FOR A REASON.

This is actually a CORRECT statement!!!!! The REASON is that they have reached the end of their product life cycle! That’s it - nothing more. The C5 Corvette was regarded as the best vette ever - did that stop Chevy from creating the C6? No. And you assertion that the reason they are being redesigned due to poor performance is pure ignorance.

Most stores only have a warranty that covers a one time issue. Others, like Ultimate Electronics, have a more long term guarantee.

Alpines warranty is 1yr. - as long as the product is purchased from an AUTHORIZED retailer. The 1 time clause you speak of is a policy of the retailer. These policies stem from the abundance of abusive customers such as yourself who shred woofers, and other products, and fail to see their own abuse/mis use as the cause. Ultimate Electronics DOES NOT have a more long term guarantee. They offer extended service plans. Having been a former Ultimate Electronics employee (and a current stock holder) they are a fair value and I was paid quite well for selling them.

I would highly suggest buying a JL as it will be a longer term investment and you won't have to replace it as soon.

I suspect you will have the same problems with your JL if you do not take care of the true cause of your failures. I have a feeling I would get arthritis from typing if I tried to get you to understand.

Enjoyable, seeing I had just come from researching on my own and discussing at length with a variety of car audio techs (not salesman)

Are these ‘techs’ the ones that provided you with the brilliant ‘tech’ terms you used above? LOL

, furthermore, as someone who has owned a type-r for the past 3 years, I know my sub.

No - you know how to ABUSE your sub.

What part of my statement was crap by the way? That i've torn multiple cones from their lining? That the Type-R doesn't sound as good? That 1000W is too much for two type-r subs? Or perhaps the Type-S sounding like the Type-R right now?

All of the above. Nuff said.

Fact: Recreated Type-S has been released, currently taking the spot the Type-R. Type-R is to be released later this year.

WRONG - The ONLY part of this statement that is correct is that the Type R has been re-designed for ‘05.

Fact: There is more room for cone movement on the JLs, I've personally witnessed this.

WRONG - see my XMAX specs above.

Fact: I've torn my Type-Rs multiple times running off a Rockford Fosgate 500W amp.


Fact: The sub was overpowered by the amp, tearing the kevlar cone from its rubber lining after time. (it lasted roughly 8-12 months this past time around, most lasted 4-6 months before dying when I was out in Arizona)

WRONG - the user abused the woofer and/or used it improperly.

Fact: The type of music he listens to is very important in determining the sub.

I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!! But I see how you provided any reasonable suggestions to aid in his choice.

Got my new JL Audio W6 10" installed...I can honestly say its better than a single 12" Type-R running on my 500W Rockford Fosgate (pre-best buy sellout days)
It hasn't even been broken in and I'm making this statement. Sounds better, reacts better, has more visible room to move. I love it.

I like pepperoni and onion pizza - it tastes much better than hamburger and mushroom pizza.

Im tired, have typed WAY to much, and this argument will continue I’m sure.......
You continually push the abuse angle.

I believe in company warranties and let the official retailer handle the installs. I also repeated all of the information I've been given over the past few years. Furthermore, you're writing off my own personal experiences with the sub blowing as my own inability to operate at safe levels. I am a cautious consumer who double and triple checks everything. I've made sure that I am not pushing the sub too hard, with the opinions of 1) everyone in the install bay 2) everyone on the sales team 3) one of the managers who happened to be back there to look at a $10k install happening next to mine.

I didn't go to some run-down back alley install shop. I didn't have a friend 'hook me up' over the weekend.

I'd suggest if you wish to denounce my information you give a call to Tweeter Audio and Ultimate Electronics, and have them revise their training and overhaul their sales/install staff.

The movement points I was apparently given incorrect information about. However, I will stand by the comments made about the quality of the Type-R sub. I no longer trust subs that have it's current contsruction. If you'll notice, one of the first questions I asked was what type of music he listened to. I would never suggest a Type-R to someone who listens to 'sub-abusive' music. Death Metal would be a nice example of such. The wear on the rubber lining vs. the foam surround of a JL is one point you have not contested.

Since you've already touted credentials and I have none but as a consumer, I shall end this conversation before you continue to use such in a manner that is demeaning and condescending.
Where dem bitches at?
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:05 AM   #28 (permalink)
Fear the bunny
Location: Hanging off the tip of the Right Wing
Call BS all you want, but I helped him install his shit exactly as I already mentioned. It's certainly not the first or last system I've ever hooked up that way, either. When you're hitting upwards of 90dB with one watt, you don't need 1,000 or even 100 to get the job done. Case in point, I have 2 JLB 12" subs in my living room running off my receiver. Each could get 100w RMS at full volume (if my amp was 100% efficient, which it's not), but I'd be nuts to run them anywhere near that. With my knob set on 15 (of 30), the brickwork of my building vibrates on the other side of the building (a large 8-plex). Nothing in my place sits still; my mantle sits above and beside the subs about 3" and some crap I have on top of it vibrate around; the picture above it visibly shakes; and you can hear all my duct work going with the beat. I might be pumping 50w into each of them. Add to that, I can only stand it for 10 minutes or so before I begin to get a headache. If you really think you need (or use) 1,000w and multiple subs in the confines of a car, then go for it. Personally, I appreciate my hearing much more than I do rediculously loud music. My guess would be that you people have already destroyed your hearing to the point that you need much higher volume levels than I do to get the same effect.
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.

Last edited by BoCo; 01-31-2005 at 08:07 AM..
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Old 01-31-2005, 10:23 AM   #29 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by brandon11983
We are listening to a classical recording at a volume of X. At the end of the recording, we get two big whacks on the timpani at X+2 for good measure. Depending on the listening volume, your 200w amp may or may not have the power to accurately reproduce it at the proper relative volume to the rest of the recording. Say you get lucky and you had the volume on the head unit low enough to still be within the amp's power reserve. Trouble is, most people don't listen to music like this (*especially* classical). Call me crazy, and I like screamo, hardcore, and metalcore as much as the next guy... but there is no musical experience as visceral as a loud and dynamic classical recording. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra circa 1950's comes to mind... Most car audio people don't listen at comfortable volumes. So now we're jammin along at elevated levels on your little 200w amp. Now (obviously) the level of the background symphony is louder, we'll call it X+2 and so must be the subsequent whacks on the timpani at the end. The reference level for the timpani is now X+4. Here is where the 200w just can't cut it anymore. The recording calls for X+4, but your amp can only take it up to X+3, so it clips. The amp produces a square wave until the recording drops back to within the capabilities of the amp. A square wave causes the woofer to stay "locked" in mid excursion, and because the cone is not moving, no air is flowing over the voice coil and it cannot cool itself. Granted an instance like this will only produce a square wave for a brief second, bass music that is soooo sought after by car audio fans will. With 1000 watts, you can (virtually) never ask for too much out of the amp, and it will never clip and put your woofers at risk. I have never seen a blown woofer due to overpowering. Not one. Ever. Ever. I have, however, seen more than a few (dozen) that went kablooey because they were trying to serve up the latest offering from Lil John with a shitty couple hundred watt amp. Few brief anecdotes here regarding "over" powering woofers:

1. I ran my 750w RMS rated 12W7's at 1000 watts (each) with never so much as a hiccup out of them.

2. I later ran my 300w RMS rated Alpine Type R's at 1000 watts (each) with the same result.

3. My friend Andy ran his 1000w RMS rated 13W7 at 2000 watts (JL 1000/1 on each coil... rawr) with no problems. He is a fan of rap and bass music. It also *barely* moved off a JL 500/1.

If you ask me anyone who runs a subwoofer off a head unit is a retard. The amp in that deck is 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, clipping to beat the band. And I know NO ONE would turn down 1000 hp over a paltry 200.
Informative to say the least. So more power = more headroom? As one of the select few who actually does listen to classical music in his car, how much headroom should I expect if I wanted to hear at concert-like decibel levels (perhapse 85-120 decebels)? The stock system is more than adequate in my car, but I'm always looking for the BEST musical experience.

Last edited by Willravel; 01-31-2005 at 10:29 AM..
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Old 01-31-2005, 11:32 AM   #30 (permalink)
Atomic - if you seriously had your system installed by a professional retailer then they are equally at fault for your product failures. It should have been OBVIOUS after the 2nd (not to mention 5th or 6th) product failure that the product you chose (or they recommended) DID NOT FIT YOUR NEEDS OR WAS NOT APPROPRIATELY SET UP.

Its unfortunate that you had a bad experience with an extremely good product. Whats even more unfortunate is the 'professionals' you have dealt with have not addressed the REAL problem and that you have not been properly educated on WHY you are having failures. It seems to me that you are dealing with a sales/installation staff that would rather 'upgrade' you to different product rather than correct the true problem.
Nelson is offline  
Old 01-31-2005, 11:40 AM   #31 (permalink)
Yes, in theory more power = more headroom. Approximately 3dB for every doubling of power. That doesnt mean that going from a 100W amp to a 200W amp will equate to a 3dB gain in 'headroom'. For a 100W amp to have 3dB of dynamic headroom it must be able to deliver 3dB more power over a given level (variable X). Many quality amplifiers rated at 100W per channel can deliver double their rated power for short periods of time - thus having a higher dynamic headroom.

My advice to classical listeners is simple - buy as much 'quality' power as you can afford. I have never heard anyone tell me they have to much power
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Old 01-31-2005, 12:20 PM   #32 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Will Ravel. No "T". That's basically what I thought. I have no interest in dynamic (or MAX as they sell it) headroom. RMS is all I usually look at. Performance should be expected to be consistant in a quality system. Your equasion needs a starting point. What power amount gives a certian dBa? How many dB should I expect from 100 watts for example? I need both numbers to plug in.
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Old 01-31-2005, 02:52 PM   #33 (permalink)
Here is a VERY basic spl/power calculator.

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Old 01-31-2005, 04:46 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: U of MD
stick the "t" from "willtravel" into "equasion" and call it even

what i think you might be asking, willravel, simply involves using logarithmic scales. speakers' efficiencies are measured at X dB/Watt @ 1 meter distance. SPL is a unit of pressure, hence it decays by 6 dB/decade (SPL = 10 log(P/ref)) versus power which decays 3 dB/decade (P = 20 log(W/ref)). If you've got a 90 dB efficiency speaker driven at 1 watt, then 1 meter from it you'll have an SPL of 90 dB. 2 meters away will be 84 dB, 4 meters away will be 78 dB, 8 meters away will be 72 dB, etc. If you want 90 dB at 2 meters, you'll need to increase your amplifier's power 4 times - rather than twice - because of the difference in calculating power and SPL. as you can see, it takes alot of power to bump up SPL just a little. If you take that logic one step further, you can see that LOTS of power is a good thing.
mercury-hg is offline  
Old 02-01-2005, 06:26 AM   #35 (permalink)
ballzor, when you do get your stuff, make sure you get the right box for it also. I learned that the enclousure can make all the difference.
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Old 02-01-2005, 12:42 PM   #36 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by mercury-hg
stick the "t" from "willtravel" into "equasion" and call it even
You're a funny guy! Equation* there we go.

Originally Posted by mercury-hg
what i think you might be asking, willravel, simply involves using logarithmic scales. speakers' efficiencies are measured at X dB/Watt @ 1 meter distance. SPL is a unit of pressure, hence it decays by 6 dB/decade (SPL = 10 log(P/ref)) versus power which decays 3 dB/decade (P = 20 log(W/ref)). If you've got a 90 dB efficiency speaker driven at 1 watt, then 1 meter from it you'll have an SPL of 90 dB. 2 meters away will be 84 dB, 4 meters away will be 78 dB, 8 meters away will be 72 dB, etc. If you want 90 dB at 2 meters, you'll need to increase your amplifier's power 4 times - rather than twice - because of the difference in calculating power and SPL. as you can see, it takes alot of power to bump up SPL just a little. If you take that logic one step further, you can see that LOTS of power is a good thing.
That is much more clear. Thank you. Now to find my calculator...
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Old 02-06-2005, 03:45 PM   #37 (permalink)
Ballzor's Avatar
Location: Bat Country
Tonight I put a bid on Ebay for 2 New 12'' JL AUdio 12W3's in an enclosed Box. The box is by JL Audio, patent-pending. I believe the box to be the H.O Wedge, but he does not specify. Also this guy says the RMS is 1000 Watts. I find that hard to believe, from what I've researched they should only be 250. I bid 400 with 5 hours left. If anyone has any opinions on this please tell me, I also need to figure out what Amp to get to go with this set up. Thx
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:15 AM   #38 (permalink)
So you're not only buying online, youre buying from a guy online that you feel is 'hard to believe'? Aside from the obivous mistake, the price on that box isnt that great!

Dont you have a JL retailer near by?
Nelson is offline  
Old 02-07-2005, 09:20 PM   #39 (permalink)
GetRdone's Avatar
JL is not a brand that i exactly like, and the price of that box from some "shady guy" is not something id wanna pay
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Old 02-09-2005, 03:06 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: Bat Country
Of course the first thing I did was go to the retailer here. 2 12W3's run about 479 and the H.O Wedge runs another 200. Now it may be a risk but I have no reason to doubt the seller. N saving that money is the difference between a used 300-400 W amp or a newer 1000W amp. Though I'm open to suggestions for the Amp, the Box can take 600W continuously, so I have to pick around that. Again, any help is appreciated. Thx
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