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mirevolver 07-25-2003 09:20 PM

Alone in the sea (poems by mirevolver).
Alone in the sea.

Turbulence and chaos all around,
And I am somewhere in it.
All alone in the sea of people,
With no place for me to fit.

I look to the left and to the right,
And not one familiar face I see.
I neither know nor trust them,
I can only place my trust in me.

A few faces I have come to know,
They are acquaintances, nothing more.
None are friends, not a single one,
I’m all alone, just me to fend for.

ForgottenKnight 07-27-2003 08:10 PM

I know exactly how you feel. That's how I feel where I live too.

It is a great piece of literature.

mirevolver 07-29-2003 08:03 PM


I couldn’t sleep last night,
I really don’t know why.
Something kept nagging me,
And it just wouldn’t die.

Now the sun has set again,
And as a storm is brewing,
The nagging feeling returns,
I do not welcome its arriving.

The storm rages with fury,
But in me I feel an empty void.
I do not know what it wants,
The feeling took all I enjoyed.

J.R.V.A. 07-29-2003 08:17 PM

Beautiful words, spoken from the heart. Thank you for sharing

mirevolver 08-01-2003 05:44 PM

My life unshielded.

My heart echoes as it beats,
Echoes through the void in me.
I don’t have much joy these days,
Only a black hole inside me.

I wander around aimlessly,
No place to go, nowhere to be.
I have no one for me to turn to,
There is only the void in me.

punkgrl1984 08-01-2003 09:42 PM

I have totally felt like that before. Great work!!

ForgottenKnight 08-02-2003 07:11 PM

First: Insomnia. Great work. You know I've been there.

Second: My life unshielded. Beautiful. I love it. I often feel the same way. I am sorry that you feel that way.

mirevolver 09-02-2003 05:21 PM

Touched from afar.

She is in another country,
But her words have still touched me.
She sleeps in a far away land,
But in my dreams she is with me.

We are so far apart,
Yet she touches my heart.

I long for the day to come,
When in my arms I can hold her.
I wish I could feel her warmth,
As we press our bodies together.

That day would be great,
But I wish I didn’t have to wait.

I think of her when I awake;
I think of her when I’m in bed.
And all the hours in between,
I think of all she has said.

I’m thinking of her always,
Thinking about everything she says.

mirevolver 09-04-2003 12:43 PM

Your Joy

Your joy fills my heart,
It renews the flame in me,
Makes me long for the day,
When together we will be.

ForgottenKnight 09-05-2003 03:55 PM

MiRevolver's in love! Nice work buddy!

Asshole Lover 09-06-2003 02:35 PM


love is a great thing

meff 09-15-2003 12:17 PM

Awwwww :icare: :icare: :icare:

mirevolver 09-20-2003 08:49 PM

Your power over me.

You have entered my mind,
For all I can think of is you.
You bring a smile to my face,
With everything that you do.

You fill my last waking thought,
Every night when I go to bed.
And I hope that on this night,
A dream of you enters my head.

You have a voice so sweet,
And every word I hear you say,
Becomes such a thing of beauty,
That I could listen to you all day.

Although we are an ocean apart,
To my heart you are so near.
Your words touch me so deeply,
That my heart holds you so dear.

ForgottenKnight 09-21-2003 12:17 PM

Very deep, very touching. Very Good Poem!

Eowyn_Vala 09-23-2003 09:36 AM

i like them all very much! very moving

mirevolver 09-23-2003 03:13 PM


When the world around you turns to dust,
The ones who stay are those you can trust.
When all is dark and looks very bleak,
‘Tis the light of your friends you should seek.
Those who stay true, to themselves and you,
Will be the strength that never fails you.

ForgottenKnight 09-24-2003 04:11 PM

NICE! I like it. When's your first book of poems getting published?

mirevolver 09-25-2003 05:20 PM

New Land
This is my first foriegn language poem so it may be a little choppy.



Novaya Susha

Ya smotryu naruzhu, smotryu dalyeko.
Yest' susha a ona ne prinadlyezhit mnye.
Yest' mnogiye problemy, oni menyali sushu.
Ona tyomnaya teper', ona besplodnaya.
Ya neznakomets v etoy mnoey sushi.

Translation from Russian:

New Land

I look out, I look far.
There is land, but it does not belong to me.
There are many problems, they changed the land.
It is dark now, it is barren.
I am a stranger in my own land.

Angel 09-27-2003 01:34 PM

I am impressed beyond words.
You have a great collection of work here.
Very mood and life driven.
Thank you for sharing! ;)

minyn 09-29-2003 05:04 PM

Go you!

ForgottenKnight 09-29-2003 05:37 PM

Keep up the good work.

mirevolver 09-30-2003 01:35 AM

Surprise the world.

The world has turned its back on me,
And I am not bothered at all by it.
For when the world has its back turned,
I can do things the world doesn’t see.

ForgottenKnight 09-30-2003 01:40 AM

Are you making faces at the world behind it's back? :lol:

minyn 09-30-2003 02:04 PM

who doesnt when it turns its back on you...... =P

mirevolver 10-01-2003 09:59 PM

That which beats

Alone sit I and listen to the beat,
The beat does not vary, and ceases not.
It beats for me but that’s with no great feat,
The feat cometh with a beat the heart forgot.
With a forgotten beat it must restart,
But not the beat of past, it beats anew.
Forgotten beats need another soul's part,
And the next beat is not of one, but two.
A heart for two doth beat is now complete,
And then be it declared the two in love.
Then they the two shall forever both meet,
And together they’d fit as an old glove.
But still my heart yet beats only for one,
When will it be that I do find someone?

ForgottenKnight 10-01-2003 10:27 PM

You'll find someone someday. It's only a matter of time. Let time be a companion to help you along the way. When you stop looking is when it will come. Let your soul guide you along your path, and soon your path will merge with another's.

mirevolver 10-06-2003 03:34 PM

That face.

I see your face, why are you here?
Yes, you, the one that’s from my past.
Now in my present you appear.
I thought I had rid you at last.

You smile at me, why is that?
I loathe your smile; it brings pain.
You tell me that you want to chat.
I hear your words with much disdain.

You act as though nothing is wrong.
You don’t know the pain you caused me.
You act like we two still belong.
You don’t understand; there’s no ‘we’.

Back to my past I banish you.
You have no place in my life now.
I welcome you just like the flu.
Leave me alone, I don’t care how.

minyn 10-06-2003 05:10 PM

can relate. just have to walk away, only thing that worked for me. as much as i didnt want to, makes you grow. thanks for something i can relate to.

mirevolver 10-13-2003 03:26 PM

One Mistake

When we met things were so wonderful.
But then I made a horrible mistake.
I wronged you in a way most dreadful.
‘Twas so bad that our friendship it did take.

Back to the past I would like to go.
Erase the mistake I would like to do.
But what’s done is done; it’s long ago.
I can’t change what I did, though I want to.

‘Twas not my intention to hurt you.
I did not want to cause you so much pain.
Now I grieve because I have lost you.
Now I hurt, because it was all in vain.

I no longer deserve your friendship.
It would be naïve to think that I did.
Back into the pain I fear we’d slip.
‘Tis now time for the goodbyes we must bid.

But just one mistake,
Is all it can take.

ForgottenKnight 10-13-2003 06:25 PM

So full of pain. It's sad that you feel that way.

mirevolver 10-23-2003 08:18 AM

Fear my wrath.

My strength comes to me from my friends.
I enjoy it when they are well.
When they are in pain, so am I.
When someone hurts them I can tell.

Mess with my friends and I get pissed.
If you hurt them, I will hurt you.
The pain you cause will be returned.
You are now warned; watch what you do.

Dedicated to the one who would cause pain to a friend.

mirevolver 10-24-2003 12:12 PM

I am we.

I am a Gemini.
There is a duality within me.
Two people in my head.
But we now have a democracy.

ForgottenKnight 10-24-2003 01:48 PM

lol! Democracy of two..."All in favor: 1" "All against: 1"...crap...we need a third voter! :lol:

mirevolver 10-26-2003 02:30 PM

You Smiled

Edited out because I don't like it.

minyn 10-26-2003 05:28 PM

i hear theyre the best to fall for

ForgottenKnight 10-26-2003 11:10 PM


Originally posted by mirevolver
You smiled at me and I dropped my guard.
I still can't imagine you of all people dropping your guard.... you never drop your guard!

mirevolver 10-27-2003 12:18 AM


Originally posted by NiceGuy
I still can't imagine you of all people dropping your guard.... you never drop your guard!
Amazing what a woman can do, isn't it.

minyn 10-27-2003 04:41 PM

double edged sword mirevolver. double edged sword

mirevolver 10-27-2003 04:59 PM


Originally posted by minyn
double edged sword mirevolver. double edged sword

minyn 10-27-2003 07:17 PM

to a fencer, i'd say "bad joke". but meh, think niceguy got a laugh out of it

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