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Alone in the sea (poems by mirevolver).
Alone in the sea.
Turbulence and chaos all around, And I am somewhere in it. All alone in the sea of people, With no place for me to fit. I look to the left and to the right, And not one familiar face I see. I neither know nor trust them, I can only place my trust in me. A few faces I have come to know, They are acquaintances, nothing more. None are friends, not a single one, I’m all alone, just me to fend for. |
I know exactly how you feel. That's how I feel where I live too.
It is a great piece of literature. |
I couldn’t sleep last night, I really don’t know why. Something kept nagging me, And it just wouldn’t die. Now the sun has set again, And as a storm is brewing, The nagging feeling returns, I do not welcome its arriving. The storm rages with fury, But in me I feel an empty void. I do not know what it wants, The feeling took all I enjoyed. |
Beautiful words, spoken from the heart. Thank you for sharing
My life unshielded.
My heart echoes as it beats, Echoes through the void in me. I don’t have much joy these days, Only a black hole inside me. I wander around aimlessly, No place to go, nowhere to be. I have no one for me to turn to, There is only the void in me. |
I have totally felt like that before. Great work!!
First: Insomnia. Great work. You know I've been there.
Second: My life unshielded. Beautiful. I love it. I often feel the same way. I am sorry that you feel that way. |
Touched from afar.
She is in another country, But her words have still touched me. She sleeps in a far away land, But in my dreams she is with me. We are so far apart, Yet she touches my heart. I long for the day to come, When in my arms I can hold her. I wish I could feel her warmth, As we press our bodies together. That day would be great, But I wish I didn’t have to wait. I think of her when I awake; I think of her when I’m in bed. And all the hours in between, I think of all she has said. I’m thinking of her always, Thinking about everything she says. |
Your Joy
Your joy fills my heart, It renews the flame in me, Makes me long for the day, When together we will be. |
MiRevolver's in love! Nice work buddy!
love is a great thing |
Awwwww :icare: :icare: :icare:
:lol: |
Your power over me.
You have entered my mind, For all I can think of is you. You bring a smile to my face, With everything that you do. You fill my last waking thought, Every night when I go to bed. And I hope that on this night, A dream of you enters my head. You have a voice so sweet, And every word I hear you say, Becomes such a thing of beauty, That I could listen to you all day. Although we are an ocean apart, To my heart you are so near. Your words touch me so deeply, That my heart holds you so dear. |
Very deep, very touching. Very Good Poem!
i like them all very much! very moving
When the world around you turns to dust, The ones who stay are those you can trust. When all is dark and looks very bleak, ‘Tis the light of your friends you should seek. Those who stay true, to themselves and you, Will be the strength that never fails you. |
NICE! I like it. When's your first book of poems getting published?
New Land
This is my first foriegn language poem so it may be a little choppy.
http://members.cox.net/~rcordan/images/new%20land.gif Transliteration: Novaya Susha Ya smotryu naruzhu, smotryu dalyeko. Yest' susha a ona ne prinadlyezhit mnye. Yest' mnogiye problemy, oni menyali sushu. Ona tyomnaya teper', ona besplodnaya. Ya neznakomets v etoy mnoey sushi. Translation from Russian: New Land I look out, I look far. There is land, but it does not belong to me. There are many problems, they changed the land. It is dark now, it is barren. I am a stranger in my own land. |
I am impressed beyond words.
You have a great collection of work here. Very mood and life driven. Thank you for sharing! ;) |
Go you!
Keep up the good work.
Surprise the world.
The world has turned its back on me, And I am not bothered at all by it. For when the world has its back turned, I can do things the world doesn’t see. |
Are you making faces at the world behind it's back? :lol:
who doesnt when it turns its back on you...... =P
That which beats
Alone sit I and listen to the beat, The beat does not vary, and ceases not. It beats for me but that’s with no great feat, The feat cometh with a beat the heart forgot. With a forgotten beat it must restart, But not the beat of past, it beats anew. Forgotten beats need another soul's part, And the next beat is not of one, but two. A heart for two doth beat is now complete, And then be it declared the two in love. Then they the two shall forever both meet, And together they’d fit as an old glove. But still my heart yet beats only for one, When will it be that I do find someone? |
You'll find someone someday. It's only a matter of time. Let time be a companion to help you along the way. When you stop looking is when it will come. Let your soul guide you along your path, and soon your path will merge with another's.
That face.
I see your face, why are you here? Yes, you, the one that’s from my past. Now in my present you appear. I thought I had rid you at last. You smile at me, why is that? I loathe your smile; it brings pain. You tell me that you want to chat. I hear your words with much disdain. You act as though nothing is wrong. You don’t know the pain you caused me. You act like we two still belong. You don’t understand; there’s no ‘we’. Back to my past I banish you. You have no place in my life now. I welcome you just like the flu. Leave me alone, I don’t care how. |
can relate. just have to walk away, only thing that worked for me. as much as i didnt want to, makes you grow. thanks for something i can relate to.
One Mistake
When we met things were so wonderful. But then I made a horrible mistake. I wronged you in a way most dreadful. ‘Twas so bad that our friendship it did take. Back to the past I would like to go. Erase the mistake I would like to do. But what’s done is done; it’s long ago. I can’t change what I did, though I want to. ‘Twas not my intention to hurt you. I did not want to cause you so much pain. Now I grieve because I have lost you. Now I hurt, because it was all in vain. I no longer deserve your friendship. It would be naïve to think that I did. Back into the pain I fear we’d slip. ‘Tis now time for the goodbyes we must bid. But just one mistake, Is all it can take. |
So full of pain. It's sad that you feel that way.
Fear my wrath.
My strength comes to me from my friends. I enjoy it when they are well. When they are in pain, so am I. When someone hurts them I can tell. Mess with my friends and I get pissed. If you hurt them, I will hurt you. The pain you cause will be returned. You are now warned; watch what you do. Dedicated to the one who would cause pain to a friend. |
I am we.
I am a Gemini. There is a duality within me. Two people in my head. But we now have a democracy. |
lol! Democracy of two..."All in favor: 1" "All against: 1"...crap...we need a third voter! :lol:
You Smiled
Edited out because I don't like it. |
i hear theyre the best to fall for
double edged sword mirevolver. double edged sword
to a fencer, i'd say "bad joke". but meh, think niceguy got a laugh out of it
The Demon that Lurks
You know me not, But I’ve learned of you. You thought you spoke to him, But ‘twas me you spoke to. In the shadows I lurk, And watch what you do. Your actions displease me, He knows this too. When the time is right, A demon I will become. The demon of your mind, But beautiful to some. But there is still time, Time for you to repent. Sorry is what you should say, For the demon to be spent. |
(in evil voice and tone)"...excellent..."
i think 'Insomnia' is superbly composed. I like that type of introspective poetry.
(minyn is typing) uh oh.
the imagery you use fantastic. nice work!
You are not alone. You have all us tilted wierdos here!
Ich habe dich zugeschaut. Ich schaue dich jetzt zu. Ich werde dich zuschauen. In den Schatten lauere ich. Du kennst mich, aber ich weiß dich, weil ich dich zugeschaut habe. Du bist in seiner Zuflucht. Du denkst daß, du ihn da schaden kannst. Aber ich weiß anders, weil ich dich jetzt zuschaue. Seine Zuflucht ist deine Falle! Sie werdet dich zerstören! Ich werde alle diese sehen, und ich werde lachen, weil ich dich zuschauen werde. ________________ I have chosen not to translate this because the English version doesn't do justice to the emotion conveyed by the use of German. |
Very Nice! I hope the rest of you guys understand it.
The duality of the universe.
Life, death. Tick, tock. Love, hate. Tick, tock. With the tick comes the tock. Without one, the other is not. Life cometh with the tick, But death takes life upon the tock. The tick shows love to us, But hate comes to us with the tock. Hope, gloom. Tick, tock. Dreams, fears. Tick, tock. Equal but opposite. All that begins must also end. Tick’s wings fetch us hope. But gloom and despair ride with tock. Dreams carry us with tick. And our fears grasp us on the tock. --- Everything is defined by its opposite. It is the law of duality. |
Great Piece! I very much enjoyed reading that one!
Das schönes Mädchen
Ihr Lächeln dringt meine Wände durch. Sie lächelt mir an, und ich kann nicht nein sagen. Ihre Stimme ist so süß wie das Lied eines Rotkehlchens. Sie spricht mit mir, und meine Verteidigungen sind weg. Ihr Gelächter klingt so schön wie eine Sinfonie. Sie lacht über meine Witze, und ich vergesse meine Probleme. Translation That Beautiful Girl Her smile penetrates my walls. She smiles at me, And I cannot say no. Her voice is as sweet as a robin’s song. She speaks to me, And my defenses are gone. Her laughter sounds as beautiful as a symphony. She laughs at my jokes, And I forget my problems. |
I don’t care.
Day to day, It’s all the same. I’m in a rut, It’s all so dull. Nothing matters, None of it does. Why should I stay? Why should I go? Incentives are gone, I can’t find any. I can’t see the end, It’s too far away. The others around me, They don’t care. I have only one, There is only me. |
You can always lean on me. That's what friends are for.
I cannot sleep (Russian)
Transliteration Ya ne mogy spat’. Ya klal moya golova na podushku, i ya zakryval moi glaza. Malinovka letela v moey golove. Ona vkhodila moikh myslyakh, i ne razreshala by menya spat’. Translation I Cannot Sleep. I laid my head on the pillow, and I closed my eyes. A bird flew into my head. It entered my thoughts, And wouldn't let me sleep. |
An Eve on the Precipice.
Here we sit upon the precipice. The eve of darkness is upon us. Off in the distance we can see it. Coming fast in a furious fit. Tonight we wait and look at our past. Wondering how we got here at last. All that we did and all our mistakes. We all want to know for all our sakes. But we do not have time to reflect. For dawn brings the horror we expect. The darkness comes to consume us all. We must band together lest we fall. |
COOL! I like that one! Together we stand, together we fall!
One thing I love about German is how dark and malicious the language can become. It is the perfect language to express rage, anger, and all those dark thoughts that dwell in the darkest recesses of your mind.
Here is an Example that I wrote: ____________________________ Ein Heulen in der Nacht Er ist ein Vollmond am Himmel, aber die Nacht ist finster. Das Mondlicht scheint auf mir, und ich kann ein Tier fühlen. Ein entferntes Heulen höre ich, und wieder aber nahe. Das böse Geräusch gebe mich um, und es reist in mich ein. Ich fühle mich ändern, bevor ich die Jagd anfange. Translation A Howl in the Night It’s a full moon in the sky, But the night is dark. The moonlight shines on me, And I can feel an animal. I hear a howl in the distance, And again but closer. The evil sound surrounds me, And it enters me. I feel myself change, Before I begin the hunt. For more examples, I would suggest listening to a Rammstein CD |
Would you understand?
Had you been where I have been, Had you seen what I have seen, Had you done what I have done, Had you thought what I have thought, Had you met whom I have met, Had you said what I have said, Had you felt what I have felt. Would you understand me? Could you understand me? I doubt you could. Because I still don’t understand me. |
The storm and I
A storm is brewing, I feel it coming. It’s here to claim me, It knows what I see. I should run from it, But here I shall sit. Let it come to me, For I will not flee. I feel the darkness come, A victim I will become. I know I can’t evade, But I am not afraid. Thunder calls to me, It echoes with glee. I stand to face it, I’m ready for it. I can hear it scoff, But I shake it off. I swallow my fear, And let it come near. The darkness has me caught, But a victim I’m not. So I draw out my blade, For I am not afraid. With courage I fight, Using all my might. The chaos swarms me, But cannot harm me. I strike against it, And deal it a hit. It reels back in pain, For me, it can’t claim. The darkness I have fought, A victim I was not. I stood and watched it fade, For I was not afraid. |
Very Nice use of dark imagery! I very much like the lines:
"So I draw out my blade, For I am not afraid." Good Work! Keep it up! |
My Suppressed Life
These feelings I have, they are not welcome. The world won’t accept them yet they are mine. So I bear these feelings so cumbersome. Keep them in and act as though all is fine. The burden is heavy, tough to bear. But letting them out would bring much trouble. So I find new ways to hold back my fear. Lest the weight reduce my life to rubble. I take these raw feelings and push them down. Evil thoughts sent to the back of my mind. Suppress them so my sanity won’t drown. For if I don’t the rage will leave me blind. But a great danger lies in suppressed rage. When unleashed it has a force I can’t gauge. |
Tried to mix up my style a little with this one.
___________________________ The crossroads. At the crossroads I have stood, Many months have passed since I Arrived at this fork of paths. I thought as to where and why, But I could not find reason To set foot on either road. So I stood there and pondered, About a mountain abode That the first trail went toward. Then to the desert looked I, And peered down the second path To gaze at all the cacti. For months I could not decide, But now I have found the way To the future right for me. And so with all this delay, I must travel on my way. |
Which path did you choose? The desert or the mountains?
I chose the path I am on.
My mind.
To know me is not to understand me. Look into my eyes and you will know this. For the eyes show what the mind is doing. But look close for there’s something you might miss. Because my mind never ceases, never stops. Never will my mind have a moment of bliss. I can focus it, but cannot stop it. If it stops, I sink into the abyss. You ask to know what goes on in my mind? I ask you, why would you seek such madness? |
Are you sure you're not describing my mind as well?
I LOVE IT! GREAT JOB! :thumbsup::thumbsup:! |
The cursed blessing.
An awkward situation arose, One that needn’t have been so. Tension placed on me, she didn’t know, Thank God it didn’t slip out, About the sex dream of her I had. This isn't really that great, has a pretty bad rythym, but I couldn't find any other way to say it. |
The Epiphany of the Threshold.
I have reached it, I am at the threshold. I stretch out my hand, I touch it gently. Its energy flows through me uncontrolled. It gives me pleasure that I feel greatly. Enjoying this feeling I push harder. I want to break through, I want what’s beyond. Feeling so great, I push myself further. With all my might I push against the bond. I feel as though there’s nothing to stop me. The desire’s in me as I push on. This energy feels so great within me. All that has mattered to me is now gone. For my mind is focused on just one goal. Now I strive for it with my heart and soul. |
The Wolf of Insomnia
Here it comes and there it goes. A flash of sleep and then gone. I am tortured with these woes. They stay with me until dawn The hour of the wolf is nigh. She bares her teeth in my keep. So now let’s dance you and I. You bitch, just let me sleep. Around with the wolf I go. She growls at me all night long. In the moonlight her teeth glow. Then with dawn a bird’s sweet song. Suddenly the wolf has left. She took my sleep, ‘twas her theft. |
I like that! So cleary is the wolf painted in my mind... insomnia may never look the same again.
You have a talent beyond any words I can express. I am absolutely impressed with your work and versatility.
"That Beautiful Girl".....I have been her, your words took me back to a feel good past. Thank you! |
Great Thread. Trying to keep it on the first page. |
Thank you Angel; Niceguy.
I would post more, but I'm away from my computer in Phoenix, and I like to save a copy of everything posted here for archives. More will be added once I return to Phoenix. |
Whenever I have had a "just start typing" moment here in lit and I want to keep it, which is always, I will copy it and send it to my personal email account and then file it properly once I can.
Just a thought! BTW...I just re-read The Wolf Of Insomnia again and oh how it hit right on the spot for me! I have been up, up, up and your poem describes it so perfectly well! Looking forward to more! ;) |
Thank you for the advice Angel. I'll remember that if I get in that mood while I'm here.
As for "The Wolf of Insomnia," that was from one night when I couldn't sleep and suddenly this very clear image of a Wolf appeared in my head. |
Thanks for expressing something that plagues me all the time.
Now I have a "face" to my nemesis. Beautiful words....please keep writing and sharing with us. |
Thank you Minx. I'm sure you'll also appriecate this next one. It was something I wrote when the wolf visited me again a few nights ago.
_____________________________________________ The Return of the Wolf. Once again I lie awake in my bed. In she plods with her fur of grey and white. The bitch is back to mess with my head. I'm so tired I've lost my will to fight. She leaps on my bed and snarls and growls. Her nose wrinkles as she stares down at me. In full moonlight she arches back and howls. The sound of it grips me with strong degree. All I ask for is to sleep on this night. To walk on through the many worlds of my dreams. But my request is denied by her bite. This torture is endless, or so it seems. For with the first light of dawn from the east, She leaves to the west to find her next feast. |
Dread (Dedicated to a girl from my past)
Deep down, I can feel it dwell within me. In the back of my mind it’s been set loose. I have suppressed it so you cannot see. But I feel it around me like a noose. On the surface I am a sturdy rock. But beneath my skin is total chaos. I feel it come with every tick and tock. I don’t know what to do, I’m at a loss. My best efforts failed, I know she’s coming. I don’t want that naïve little bitch in my life. But I know she’ll come, that is my feeling. And I’ll use the pain she caused like a knife. I want to shatter her naïveté. And reflect the pain she caused, back on her. But yet I dread this revenge and its way. It blinds me from a path I might prefer. |
Allein in die Nacht.
Ich bin allein diese finstere Nacht. Der Mond leuchtet nicht für mich. Ich schaue an den schwarzen Himmel. Nichts! Ich kann nichts sehen, weil die Sterne mich verlassen haben. Ich kann warum verstehen, doch ich verstehe nicht. In die finstere Nacht gehe ich hin. Translation Alone in the night. I am alone this dark night. The moon doesn’t shine on me. I look up to the black sky. Nothing! I see nothing. Because the stars have abandoned me. I can understand why, but I don’t. Into the dark night I walk. |
So dark...so sad...
The fact of prophetic revelation.
A fact was presented to me last night. And on the surface it was quite harmless. But just beneath there was a nasty bite. It took me by surprise and left me speechless. For it flashed a dream I had through my mind. I woke disturbed when I had that dream then. Now the truth of it all I’ve come to find. And the dream of past bothers me again. With this new day I have found myself torn. Half of me wants to travel on this path. But this future, the other half does scorn. It is the way of a prophecy’s wrath. I have now seen the plan of the future. And I am now trapped by the future. |
Prophetic Dreams.... interesting aren't they? You never know if it's a vision of the future or just something that you subcontiously lust for or want to happen.
She’s so wonderful
Since the day she and I met, I can’t stop thinking of her. Beautiful, smart and witty, she always keeps me smiling. |
Ah, your writing tugs on my emotions. Very personal, full of life. You have a lot of talent and heart packed in that cute self called you.
Thanks for continuing to share. :icare: |
The Moments Before Sleep
I lie in bed at night and close my eyes. But before I sleep, all I see is her. Then I fight with myself to stay awake. So my mind may keep that image of her. I think of when I’ve held her close to me. Of how she pushes herself closer still. And of how she leans her head on my chest. Every sensation is such a great thrill. But alas my mind begins its slumber. And as these memories take to their flight. I find myself to be calm and at peace. For I know they will return the next night. |
Thoughts from Vegas. (written on stationary paper from the Tropicana hotel)
We are apart now, a state line lies between us. I am here in Sin City, with beautiful women all around, but all I can think of is her. I walk along the Vegas strip, move from hotel to hotel. I view the attractions of each place, but my every thought is a wish, wishing she was here with me. I count the days till I see her again. I cannot wait. I want to be near her, to talk to her, to wrap my arms around her. |
WOW is all i can say.....truly beautiful works of art that came right out of your soul and touched mine...
it's already been said, but when's the book going to be published? :D |
Thank you ariekitten for your kind words.
I don't know about a peotry book being published. Right now my main focus on publishing has to do with a fictional series of nine books that I'm working away on. Also thank you to my regular readers, NiceGuy and Angel for your continued support. |
I’m torn.
Four and a half weeks it has been I really don’t think I should call She will just be busy again. My interest in her seems to fall. A bird is circling in the sky. But a vulture, it is not. ‘Tis a robin way up high, Ready to swoop on my spot. Absence makes the heart grow fond, But now I know that’s a lie. We’re apart, there is no bond. These torn thoughts I can’t deny. |
Thank you for giving us the best of you. ;) |
Der Prinz und Der Zauberer
This is a story I wrote a few months ago for my German class, I have decided to post it here. The characters are borrowed from a Sci-fi series I am still in the process of writing.
_____________________ Es war einmal ein Prinz, der Marc hieß. Er lebte in den Bergen mit den Zauberern, weil sein Vater ihn ins Exil schickte. Der König verbannte die Zauberer von seinem Königreich, nachdem Marc eine freundschaft mit einem Zauberer, der Tertim hieß, geschlossen hatte. Marc wollte, dass seinen Freund nicht weg gingen, deshalb versteckte er alle die Zauberer. Als der König herausfand, verbannte er seinen Sohn mit den Zauberern. Eine Nacht kam Tertim mit Nachrichten aus dem Königreich Marcs Vater. „Ein furchtbarer Drache ist ins Land deines Vaters gekommen. Er hat viele Dörfer zerstört. Die Armeen deines Vaters sind hilflos.“ sagte er. Marc sagte, „Wenn wir den Drachen töten können, muß mein Vater uns zu zurückkommen erlauben.“ Marc und Tertim reisten von den Bergen nach dem Königreich. Als sie in den Königreich ankamen, sahen sie den Pfad der Zerstörung, daß der Drache geschaffen hat. Für sieben Nächte folgten sie den Pfad. An der siebten Nacht sahen sie den Drachen. Er ruhte, nachdem er ein Dorf zerstört hatte. Als sie sich dem Drachen näherten, sah der Drache sie, und er atmete Feuer auf sie. Tertim schoß Feuer aus seiner Hand und es sperrte das Feuer des Drachen. Marc griff den Drachen mit seinem Schwert an. Sie bekämpften den Drachen für mehrere Stunden. Bei dem ersten Licht der Morgendämmerung schlug Marc einen tödlichen Schlag. Während ihrer Ruhe kam der König mit seiner Armee. Der König fragte, „Warum seid ihr hier?“ Marc sagte, „Wir töteten den Drachen. Wir haben Ihren Königreich gerettet.“ Der König hatte Zorn und er sagte, „Ich habe euch verbanntet! Geht weg, und wenn ihr wieder zurückkommt, wird meine Armee euch töten!“ Marc und Tertim gingen in die Berge zurück. Aber sie blieben dort nicht. Marc, Tertim und die andere Zauberer reisten nach der See und sie segelten nach einem entfernten Land. Die Moral von der Geschicht’: Keine gute Tat bleibt straflos. |
So true. So very true.
The Ugly Head of Insecurity
Two and a half months it has been, Since I last looked upon her beauty. Never before have I waited so long. Never before have I felt this way. So easy it would have been to walk away. The temptation was great and came in waves. But I held strong for I understood her reasons. Though now a new threat has shown its head. The ugliness of insecurity has begun to grow. It gnaws at me and eats away at my heart. For the time of waiting has reached its end. And before I set off to go to a foreign land, I will know if this is meant to be or not. But there is an ugly truth that still lies, And it eats away at my insides. Whether she is meant to be or no, I cannot say which I would prefer. |
Crossing the Threshold - a short story.
A group of friends vacationing in Europe met up in a German hotel. They spent several hours in the hotel’s bar catching up with each other about they’re separate voyages across Europe. Among the friends, there were two good friends, a man and a woman, who had known each other long before they ever met the other friends. The two good friends sat next to each other and throughout the night made several flirtatious gestures. At first they were intermittent and done in good fun, but as the night wore on, the gestures became more frequent and more serious. After a particular round of drinks had been drunk, the man got up and went to the bar to order another round. As he waited, the woman left the table, approached him and said, “Can we talk?” “Sure,” the man replied. And the two of them went into a quiet corner away from all the others. “I noticed you haven’t mentioned your girlfriend all night.” The woman commented. A melancholy expression came across the man’s face before he replied with, “Things didn’t work out. We broke up just before I left for here.” “I’m sorry.” She replied with a sympathetic tone. “Don’t worry about it.” He replied. “Besides, I sensed it was coming anyway.” The woman moved closer. She looked through her glasses with her dark eyes into his green eyes. “You’re such a sweet guy though. You really don’t deserve to be single.” The man moved his arm around her and placed his hand squarely on the small of her back. He smiled, but before he could say anything, the bartender yelled across the bar at them, “Ihre Bieren werden gegossen.” The two went back to the bar and paid for the drinks before they took them to the other friends. The group of friends raised the drinks and clanged all the glasses together shouting, “Prost!” Before the man could bring his beer to his lips, the woman wrapped the arm with which she was holding her beer around the man’s beer holding arm. He looked into her dark eyes and she smiled back at him. He flashed a quick smile and they drank together. The other friends looked on in suspenseful silence. As the man and woman put their drinks down, the man leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the woman’s lips. |
Potential lost
I stand atop a cliff and look below. ‘Tis barren land as far as I can see. Amongst the dark clouds flies a single crow, Over a city that is now debris. This land had great potential and great hope. Lightning strikes a spire people revered, The structure explodes for it could not cope. This is the prophecy that all had feared. There is no future for this salted land. All that was great here is now lost to dust. Time has ended in this sterile wasteland. The wind etches away more with each gust. History couldn’t save the lore of this place. It was their fate to end in this disgrace. |
What's the city or event that sparked "Potential lost?" It's good! Though I learned recently that it's better to break a pattern and use "It is" rather than "'tis." May I suggets using "It's" instead?
no particular event, I just suck at drawing so I paint the images in my mind with words.
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