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Allein in die Nacht.
Ich bin allein diese finstere Nacht. Der Mond leuchtet nicht für mich. Ich schaue an den schwarzen Himmel. Nichts! Ich kann nichts sehen, weil die Sterne mich verlassen haben. Ich kann warum verstehen, doch ich verstehe nicht. In die finstere Nacht gehe ich hin. Translation Alone in the night. I am alone this dark night. The moon doesn’t shine on me. I look up to the black sky. Nothing! I see nothing. Because the stars have abandoned me. I can understand why, but I don’t. Into the dark night I walk. |
So dark...so sad...
The fact of prophetic revelation.
A fact was presented to me last night. And on the surface it was quite harmless. But just beneath there was a nasty bite. It took me by surprise and left me speechless. For it flashed a dream I had through my mind. I woke disturbed when I had that dream then. Now the truth of it all I’ve come to find. And the dream of past bothers me again. With this new day I have found myself torn. Half of me wants to travel on this path. But this future, the other half does scorn. It is the way of a prophecy’s wrath. I have now seen the plan of the future. And I am now trapped by the future. |
Prophetic Dreams.... interesting aren't they? You never know if it's a vision of the future or just something that you subcontiously lust for or want to happen.
She’s so wonderful
Since the day she and I met, I can’t stop thinking of her. Beautiful, smart and witty, she always keeps me smiling. |
Ah, your writing tugs on my emotions. Very personal, full of life. You have a lot of talent and heart packed in that cute self called you.
Thanks for continuing to share. :icare: |
The Moments Before Sleep
I lie in bed at night and close my eyes. But before I sleep, all I see is her. Then I fight with myself to stay awake. So my mind may keep that image of her. I think of when I’ve held her close to me. Of how she pushes herself closer still. And of how she leans her head on my chest. Every sensation is such a great thrill. But alas my mind begins its slumber. And as these memories take to their flight. I find myself to be calm and at peace. For I know they will return the next night. |
Thoughts from Vegas. (written on stationary paper from the Tropicana hotel)
We are apart now, a state line lies between us. I am here in Sin City, with beautiful women all around, but all I can think of is her. I walk along the Vegas strip, move from hotel to hotel. I view the attractions of each place, but my every thought is a wish, wishing she was here with me. I count the days till I see her again. I cannot wait. I want to be near her, to talk to her, to wrap my arms around her. |
WOW is all i can say.....truly beautiful works of art that came right out of your soul and touched mine...
it's already been said, but when's the book going to be published? :D |
Thank you ariekitten for your kind words.
I don't know about a peotry book being published. Right now my main focus on publishing has to do with a fictional series of nine books that I'm working away on. Also thank you to my regular readers, NiceGuy and Angel for your continued support. |
I’m torn.
Four and a half weeks it has been I really don’t think I should call She will just be busy again. My interest in her seems to fall. A bird is circling in the sky. But a vulture, it is not. ‘Tis a robin way up high, Ready to swoop on my spot. Absence makes the heart grow fond, But now I know that’s a lie. We’re apart, there is no bond. These torn thoughts I can’t deny. |
Thank you for giving us the best of you. ;) |
Der Prinz und Der Zauberer
This is a story I wrote a few months ago for my German class, I have decided to post it here. The characters are borrowed from a Sci-fi series I am still in the process of writing.
_____________________ Es war einmal ein Prinz, der Marc hieß. Er lebte in den Bergen mit den Zauberern, weil sein Vater ihn ins Exil schickte. Der König verbannte die Zauberer von seinem Königreich, nachdem Marc eine freundschaft mit einem Zauberer, der Tertim hieß, geschlossen hatte. Marc wollte, dass seinen Freund nicht weg gingen, deshalb versteckte er alle die Zauberer. Als der König herausfand, verbannte er seinen Sohn mit den Zauberern. Eine Nacht kam Tertim mit Nachrichten aus dem Königreich Marcs Vater. „Ein furchtbarer Drache ist ins Land deines Vaters gekommen. Er hat viele Dörfer zerstört. Die Armeen deines Vaters sind hilflos.“ sagte er. Marc sagte, „Wenn wir den Drachen töten können, muß mein Vater uns zu zurückkommen erlauben.“ Marc und Tertim reisten von den Bergen nach dem Königreich. Als sie in den Königreich ankamen, sahen sie den Pfad der Zerstörung, daß der Drache geschaffen hat. Für sieben Nächte folgten sie den Pfad. An der siebten Nacht sahen sie den Drachen. Er ruhte, nachdem er ein Dorf zerstört hatte. Als sie sich dem Drachen näherten, sah der Drache sie, und er atmete Feuer auf sie. Tertim schoß Feuer aus seiner Hand und es sperrte das Feuer des Drachen. Marc griff den Drachen mit seinem Schwert an. Sie bekämpften den Drachen für mehrere Stunden. Bei dem ersten Licht der Morgendämmerung schlug Marc einen tödlichen Schlag. Während ihrer Ruhe kam der König mit seiner Armee. Der König fragte, „Warum seid ihr hier?“ Marc sagte, „Wir töteten den Drachen. Wir haben Ihren Königreich gerettet.“ Der König hatte Zorn und er sagte, „Ich habe euch verbanntet! Geht weg, und wenn ihr wieder zurückkommt, wird meine Armee euch töten!“ Marc und Tertim gingen in die Berge zurück. Aber sie blieben dort nicht. Marc, Tertim und die andere Zauberer reisten nach der See und sie segelten nach einem entfernten Land. Die Moral von der Geschicht’: Keine gute Tat bleibt straflos. |
So true. So very true.
The Ugly Head of Insecurity
Two and a half months it has been, Since I last looked upon her beauty. Never before have I waited so long. Never before have I felt this way. So easy it would have been to walk away. The temptation was great and came in waves. But I held strong for I understood her reasons. Though now a new threat has shown its head. The ugliness of insecurity has begun to grow. It gnaws at me and eats away at my heart. For the time of waiting has reached its end. And before I set off to go to a foreign land, I will know if this is meant to be or not. But there is an ugly truth that still lies, And it eats away at my insides. Whether she is meant to be or no, I cannot say which I would prefer. |
Crossing the Threshold - a short story.
A group of friends vacationing in Europe met up in a German hotel. They spent several hours in the hotel’s bar catching up with each other about they’re separate voyages across Europe. Among the friends, there were two good friends, a man and a woman, who had known each other long before they ever met the other friends. The two good friends sat next to each other and throughout the night made several flirtatious gestures. At first they were intermittent and done in good fun, but as the night wore on, the gestures became more frequent and more serious. After a particular round of drinks had been drunk, the man got up and went to the bar to order another round. As he waited, the woman left the table, approached him and said, “Can we talk?” “Sure,” the man replied. And the two of them went into a quiet corner away from all the others. “I noticed you haven’t mentioned your girlfriend all night.” The woman commented. A melancholy expression came across the man’s face before he replied with, “Things didn’t work out. We broke up just before I left for here.” “I’m sorry.” She replied with a sympathetic tone. “Don’t worry about it.” He replied. “Besides, I sensed it was coming anyway.” The woman moved closer. She looked through her glasses with her dark eyes into his green eyes. “You’re such a sweet guy though. You really don’t deserve to be single.” The man moved his arm around her and placed his hand squarely on the small of her back. He smiled, but before he could say anything, the bartender yelled across the bar at them, “Ihre Bieren werden gegossen.” The two went back to the bar and paid for the drinks before they took them to the other friends. The group of friends raised the drinks and clanged all the glasses together shouting, “Prost!” Before the man could bring his beer to his lips, the woman wrapped the arm with which she was holding her beer around the man’s beer holding arm. He looked into her dark eyes and she smiled back at him. He flashed a quick smile and they drank together. The other friends looked on in suspenseful silence. As the man and woman put their drinks down, the man leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the woman’s lips. |
Potential lost
I stand atop a cliff and look below. ‘Tis barren land as far as I can see. Amongst the dark clouds flies a single crow, Over a city that is now debris. This land had great potential and great hope. Lightning strikes a spire people revered, The structure explodes for it could not cope. This is the prophecy that all had feared. There is no future for this salted land. All that was great here is now lost to dust. Time has ended in this sterile wasteland. The wind etches away more with each gust. History couldn’t save the lore of this place. It was their fate to end in this disgrace. |
What's the city or event that sparked "Potential lost?" It's good! Though I learned recently that it's better to break a pattern and use "It is" rather than "'tis." May I suggets using "It's" instead?
no particular event, I just suck at drawing so I paint the images in my mind with words.
Just wanted to throw a comment out... been reading through your writing and kudos for such great imagery! Your diverse choice of words and the flow you've chosen really articulate the flavor of the particular piece you're writing. Now I need to pick up my German learning again after seeing it in such a meaningful way!
The one who was trusted
has proven she cannot be trusted. |
I am Gemini, hear us roar.
I am a gemini, two persons, one body. When I am with others, I show them only one side. The side I want them to see. But when I am alone, I open my mind, and let my darkest thoughts come. Then my other side takes control. Few have seen this side, and only I have seen all of it. Do I reject this side? No. I tried that; it ended in disaster, because it is me! Both sides are equally me. When one side is rejected, I am half a person. But when I use both, I am as strong as I can ever be. I am gemini, light and dark in one body, for united we are strong. Hear us roar! Origionally written 6/23/04 |
I like it! I'm just curious if you're two roars are stronger than my one... Leo the Lion has quite a roar...:lol:
The little red bird
There was a time when I felt all alone. I felt that I was forsaken by all. Then on wings of light there came a sweet tone, from a little red bird singing its call. There's no sweeter sound than this robin's song. For when I was alone and at my end. Hearing her tune made me once again strong, because I learned that she is a true friend. Dedicated to a very good friend. 6/25/04 |
Lucky red bird...;)
There are two other pieces of writing from when I was in Germany. I am currently holding them back while I decide whether or not to post them.
Life's Irony
Some have told him he's a very charming man. Some have said he's got good looks. One once said she could lose herself in his green eyes. Another said she thought he was a really sweet guy. Many women enjoy being around him. Some say they feel comfortable when with him. Others say they feel safe when with him. And yet he lives alone; unloved. Written 07/03/2004 |
What can we do? What can we say? Life sucks then you die. You try to love all and are loved by none. Just how the world goes 'round as far as I know. I'm sorry you feel the same way I do.
This land is barren for a good reason, Those who once lived here were long ago damned. Today winter is the only season, Throughout this vile and wretched wasteland. We scorched this place and salted the soil, As part of our plan to raze them all. To us they were a festering boil, And before our might we watched each one fall. But in this place their foul stench still remains, Because they were life’s abomination. The terror they caused still brings about pains, From the days of their quest for perfection. The evil of their vision still lurks here, Ready to tempt us with that which we fear. |
Der Mann wer wartete. - Eine Geschichte
Es war einmal ein lediger Mann. Alles in sein Leben war gut, aber er hatte kein Glück mit Liebe. Viele Freunde, die beide Männer und Frauen waren, hatte er, aber eine Freundin hatte er niemal. Weil er über die eine Frau immer dachte, hatte er immer Probleme, wenn er mit anderen Frauen war. Er wollte immer mit dieser Frau sein. Nachdem er eine Frau gelassen hatte, dachte er, dass er auf die Frau, die er begehrte, warten sollte. Ein Monat später lernte er eine Frau mit langen blonden Haare und blauen Augen kennen, und im Nu wurden sie sich Freunde. So hübsche wie eine Göttin war sie, und alle die anderen Männern waren eifersüchtig auf diesen Mann, weil sie diese Frau begehrten. Weil der Mann charmant, nett und rücksichtsvoll war, verliebte die blonde Frau sich in ihn. Aber der Mann wartete noch auf die andere Frau, und wegen seiner Wartezeit war er blind gegenüber der Liebe der blonden Frau. Je mehr sie wartete auf ihn desto mehr Frustration hatte sie, und an einem Tag ließ sie ihn und suchte einen anderen Mann. Dann kam eine Nachricht über der Frau, die der Mann auf wartete, dass sie gestorben war. Als der Mann hörte die Nachricht, wurde sein Herz wie eis. Das eis in seinem Herz tötete ihn und fror seinen Körper. Der Mann zerschmetterte, als sein Körper den Boden schlug. Die Moral der Geschichte: Wenn man auf Vollkommenheit warten, verpasst man eine bessere Gelegenheit. |
Was ist der Wert einer Freundschaft? Riskierte man seine Freundschaft, nach etwas besser zu greifen? Gibt es einen guten Weg, eine Gefahr darauf zu machen? Würden sie besser Freunde werden, oder seine Freundin verlöre er? Ich weiß nicht, aber jetzt glaube ich, nein. |
Perfect Weekend
After waiting long we finally met. At a house by the beach to start the day. It mattered not that the weather was wet, By being with her the skies weren’t so gray. I cherish the time that she was with me. But it seemed the fairy tale was to end. Then we kissed in the gardens by the sea; Perfect finish to a perfect weekend. |
After a long period of nothing to write, I have come to find a muse.
--------------- Mind's Edge To walk along the edge bears a great risk. The darkness reaches out to pull at me. The thought of slipping brings a chill so brisk. To fall so far away from sanity. Alone in my mind I walk the blade's edge. One misstep and my mind would become ill. Only chaos and pain below the ledge, but the path my mind still walks, for the thrill. |
Das Hoffen in der Dürre
Jetzt ist für mich eine schwarze Zeit. Diese Trockenkeit geht noch weiter. Die Suche macht mich sehr müde, wegen des Kampfes mit dem Äther. Ich will durch diese Dürre schlafen, aber ich weiss, dass das ich nicht kann. Deshalb hoffe ich für das Mädchen, das Wasser auf mich schütten kann. ______________________________ I have also made an audio recording of this this poem so that those who cannot read German can hear the sound of the words. Das Hoffen in der Dürre |
Every time I see this read I think it says "Home by the Sea". Then I double take and read the actual title. Home by the Sea - Genesis = one of my fav songs :) |
Wenn du nicht mit mir bist, will ich zu dir gehen. Auch wenn du mit mir steht, will ich dich weg gehen. Einmal hab’ ich gedacht, dass ich dich verehrte. Aber jetzt sehe ich, dass das Bild verblasste. Ich weiß nicht wo und wann. Nur dass es passiert ist. Wo ist jetzt die Freundin, dass du gewesen bist? |
Wouldn't you like to know.
It has been a while, how have you been? Wouldn't you like to know. How was your semester, did you do well? Wouldn't you like to know. What are your Christmas plans, may I join you? Wouldn't you like to know. I once saw you as friend, but no more. But you don't ask to know. I've turned from you, but you do not ask why. That's what I want to know. ________________________________ In writing this, I retract my words from "The little red bird." |
It has been a long time since I have written anything. But recent events have returned this desire to me.
This is dedicated to the one who was always there, but my eyes were closed. Untitled I think about you every day and night, Thinking of the next time I will see you. I dream to tease you with a kiss so slight, You want to kiss again to prove it’s true. In my arms I will hold you close to me, And our lips dance a most passionate dance. When you gaze into my eyes you will see, My love of you filled with graceful romance. The ocean waters can’t keep us apart. There’s only one thing I want to pursue; To believe that our hearts will never part. With my heart and soul I say, I love you. |
This post has been deleted for personal resons.
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