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Old 08-31-2005, 01:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: detroit
d i l l e m a (with pics)

here's the deal.
right now, i'm 18 years old, 6ft tall, & 135-138lbs.
about two years ago, i was 5ft8, with normal sized arms & legs &
whatnot. during the summer two years ago, i grew four inches in just
two months; a veritable growth spurt, you might say. this growth spurt
was understandably accompanied by horrendous back pain, due to the
stretching of my torso etc as i was "lengthening". now, i find that my
arms, upper body, and legs are entirely too thin, as you will see ..

NO, I AM NOT ANOREXIC. that question is all too familiar.
i'm am relatively strong, & am able to lift rather heavy weights, however my
frame does not show this in any way. i also have a very fast metabolism,
meaning i have not a millimeter of fat on me. i know that muscle weighs more
than fat, & i know that i won't be developing any fat until my mid-twenties
at the earliest. i joined a gym some time ago & went regularly, seeing no
changes in my build, but i did get stronger. i was able to lift significantly
more everytime i visited the gym.

two weeks ago, i left home for college, so now i live alone. i eat unheard
of amounts of food (though i always have). my daily diet is as follows:
breakfast: 4-egg omlette with cheese and sausage. cereal and tea aswell.
lunch: fried noodles with about half a pound of fried beef and half a pound
of fried chicken breast.
dinner: half a pound of steak (again), boiled potatoes, peas, carrots,
& a large salad.

i am currently on crutches because of a broken foot, so joining the gym
here is not yet an option, not for another ten weeks or so. i think i'm doing
something wrong in the weight-gaining game. i desperately want to reach
at least 150lbs as soon as possible. i can't stand being abnormally underweight.
any tips or information as to how i can succeed at this mission of mine
are greatly, greatly appreciated. if you read this far, i'd like to thank
you for that as well.

please help!

Last edited by -undying-; 05-08-2006 at 05:09 AM..
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Old 08-31-2005, 06:27 PM   #2 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
Martian's Avatar
Location: Canada
Dude, you're 18. You may not finish growing and filling out until your early twenties. Also, muscle actually weighs more than fat, not the other way around.

Don't worry about it too much. If you're getting a good amount of food and you're not losing any weight, than you're okay. If you really feel like you need to bulk up you can take weight gain powders, but you'll lose all of that definition that you've worked so hard for if you're not going to the gym at the same time.

You're roughly the same height and weight as me (I'm an inch shorter and ten pounds heavier) and when I was younger I went through the same thing. You will fill out. Enjoy it in the meantime, as when you're fifty and can't get rid of those love handles you'll sorely miss being so lean.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

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Old 08-31-2005, 06:30 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Reality
So that's what I'd look like if I grew four inches (currently 5'8" and 135ish)...

I knew someone who was pretty much in the same position as you. He started to drink those protein shakes (I think maybe two a day) and worked out lifting at least five days a week. He eventually saw pretty big gains and went from really skinny guy like you to a someone really built and lots of muscle. I know you said you can't lift right now, but just keep the shakes in mind once you can.

Last edited by The Magic; 08-31-2005 at 09:37 PM..
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Old 08-31-2005, 08:44 PM   #4 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
You are NOT abnormally underweight.

At 18 I was about 6" and 140 lbs.

At 21 I was 6'1" and 185 lbs.

Currently at 35 I am still 6"1" and 210 lbs.

Trust me, the weight comes and no I'm not fat
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Old 08-31-2005, 09:07 PM   #5 (permalink)
Deja Moo
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Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
My ex also has a very fast metabolism and is your height and weight. He could eat 24/7 and never gain an ounce. Ustwo is correct, as well. You have some years of "filling in" ahead that will occur naturally. I wouldn't recommend forcing a weight gain; that doesn't sound healthy.

I grew an additional two inches after I turned 18, and felt a bit scrawny for a while. The curves followed.
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Old 08-31-2005, 09:14 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: detroit
Originally Posted by Martian
Also, muscle actually weighs more than fat, not the other way around.
woops, that what i meant. that's why i want to muscle weight, but its just not happening right now.

as for the other comments, thanks for the advice, i will research those shakes and keep them in consideration.

thanks, keep 'em coming.
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Old 08-31-2005, 11:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Yes, your frame does show strength. You have strong shoulders and hard, well-defined muscles. People who are merely skinny don't have that. And no, your weight is not abnormal -- being that slender _and_ that muscular is unusual, but in a good way.

When I was in high school, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there were a lot more guys around built like you. But these days, there are fewer; kids are less active and fattening snacks are cheaper and better marketed than they used to be. You, however, have a bullet-proof metabolism and also seem very active.

As for beating that metabolism; well, the protein shakes are a good idea. Aside from that, I suggest a short, intense workout with heavy weights twice a week. Don't go over six-seven reps, tops, per set, or 13-14 sets per workout. But go hard and heavy; you should stagger out of there. Chow down with a lot of protein within an hour/90 minutes of every workout.

The rest of the time, don't do anything much. Eat. Sit there. Give your body as little excuse to burn calories as possible. I would suggest a late-night snack as well.

You may lose that great definition, though, as somebody said, and that's tradeoff you need to think about. You don't think women would find your current well-defined bod attractive? Think again.
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Old 09-01-2005, 02:48 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
Well~ I am 5"8' and wish I could grow another 4... but at 22, I don't think it is happening :P

I think you are lucky there, you are have a good height, and you frame will allow mussle growth. Like most people said, you just need to give it a little time.

You need to eat lots of protein, you simply will not get great gains if you work out but don't get enough protein.

For you, because you also want to gain weight.. I would really recommend a good protein shake.

Also, you say you can't lift.. but I think you can. My friend with blown out knee was still doing some upper body lifting, but I don't know, maybe he is crazy. At least get some small free weights and keep them around your house.

Anyway, good luck.
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Old 09-01-2005, 04:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: detroit
i've been thinking, and i guess the only thing i would like bigger is my arms.

protein shakes and pullups? that way i won't put weight on my foot.

.. or spend money on weights
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Old 09-01-2005, 06:11 PM   #10 (permalink)
Deja Moo
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Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
Lift beautiful women into your arms on a regular basis. Your foot might object, but...
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Old 09-02-2005, 06:10 AM   #11 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
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Location: The Great White North
Dude...there are guys that would kill for your body. Just lift a little and don't worry about it. What will more weight do for you? Looks like you have a model's body and it will only fill in more as you get into your 20s. In fact, one day you may have the other worry. My oldest son was your size and he later had a weight problem!!
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Old 09-02-2005, 08:56 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Atlanta, GA
Ok, am I the only one who saw something in your diet that needs changing? You're going to kill your heart if you eat all that fried food and cholesterol everyday. Try baked or roasted chicken, boiled noodles, stewed beef; just try to get away from foods so high in saturated fat.
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Old 09-03-2005, 04:29 AM   #13 (permalink)
A Storm Is Coming
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Location: The Great White North
Originally Posted by shred_head
Ok, am I the only one who saw something in your diet that needs changing? You're going to kill your heart if you eat all that fried food and cholesterol everyday. Try baked or roasted chicken, boiled noodles, stewed beef; just try to get away from foods so high in saturated fat.
VERY good point. Can't believe I let that slip by.

- 5-9 servings (1/2 cup) fruits and veggies per day
- 25-30 grams of fiber
- cut the fried stuff but if you do use oils, use stuff like olive oil, rice bran, canola, etc., the oils that help your heart rather than clog it up. Plus, your body does needs fats, just not the saturated stuff and try not to eat meat slathered in white flour soaked in oil.

And for the love of God, stay away from hydrogenated oils. They are one molecule away from plastic and will surely crush your heart system. Unfortunately, it is in most processed foods, as is high fructose corn syrup. Both have been processed to be thicker and sweeter at a cheap price. Just put a tub of margerine out in the shade for a week. Come back and there will be no bugs and no animal will have eaten any. They know better. Other processed crap like white flour and white sugar are also just that - crap for your body.

OK, I'm finished preaching!!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.

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Old 09-06-2005, 08:36 AM   #14 (permalink)
i have the same body type, fairly broad shoulders and a good skeletal build but i cannot put on weight for the life of me. i didn't start working out till i was 20 and i personally think that is a good time to start. your body has had time to for the most part fill out and mature. i work out 4-5 days a week and about an hour to and hour and a half each time. diet is everything for putting on weight, you want to eat a lot but eat good food and take protein and glutamine supplements (with a regular workout schedule). one thing i had to come to realize is that i don't have the genetics to be really big, no matter how much i eat or work out i will never be hulk hogan. after two years of solid working out and good diet, i topped out at 175lbs @ 6'2". that is still fairly small but i have very good muscle definition and am actually fairly strong. you actually have a very good body time to have a "nice body," my friends hate working out with me because they can never get that muscle definition. to sum up, get a good work out regiment and diet, and don't beat yourself up, no matter what some people just can't get huge.

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Old 09-07-2005, 05:44 AM   #15 (permalink)
face f$cker
Location: canada
eat smaller meals more often...get rid of the 'fried' crap!
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Old 09-07-2005, 09:29 PM   #16 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
Church's Avatar
Location: New Jersey
Yeah, that fried food may not be putting fat onto your bones, but its sure not helping your arteries! Replace that with baked chicken and extra lean ground beef, drained if anything.
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Old 09-10-2005, 12:44 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Georgia
Just as has already been stated, you are 18 years old. Hold out through the college years. I am sure you will not be as skinny as you are now.
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble
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Old 09-29-2005, 08:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Hossified - you're joking aren't you. The eat smaller meals thing is something that bodybuilders do while trying to loose weight.

Sheeeet. And he's not eating much fried food at all.
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Old 09-29-2005, 08:29 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Well I was a vegie at 18. I trained heaps and ate all day. And usually once (1/3 to 1/2 ltr milk) in the middle of the night... I'd wake up hungy.

Eventually my bodyfat became ~4% and got tired of food. Had no energy, and no interest in more lentils, eggs, etc.

So then I added more simple carbs. Chocalate. Milkshakes. Meat.

As somebody said, given your age your metabolism will be fast. Avoid cardio I reckon - unless it's part of your particular favourite sport (you might be a competivie runner for all I know).

Get some protein powder. Eating on a college budget can be hard. Powdered egg white and soy blends can be cheap. If money is no object you can try the "see it eat it" diet. That's what I did. To mimic the catchcry of the water fanatics... by the time I was hungry it was too late.

In my experience, I simply couldn't eat enough between 18-22 to keep up with my food usage. Period. But you'll have to be careful, it's harder to loose weight when your older and working 9-5 (5... who finishes at 5?). Or if you have an injury.
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Old 09-29-2005, 10:24 PM   #20 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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Location: California
I just have to say this (as I am not a health/fitness buff): I had an ex-boyfriend who was 5'11" and weighed in at 115 pounds. So frankly, I don't think you're all that skinny. Keep eating right and exercising, and you'll be fine.
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Old 10-13-2005, 12:27 PM   #21 (permalink)
Keep doing what your doing. As you get older your body will mature and you will
gain weight. I wish my body was as defined as yours.
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