Originally Posted by shred_head
Ok, am I the only one who saw something in your diet that needs changing? You're going to kill your heart if you eat all that fried food and cholesterol everyday. Try baked or roasted chicken, boiled noodles, stewed beef; just try to get away from foods so high in saturated fat.
VERY good point. Can't believe I let that slip by.
- 5-9 servings (1/2 cup) fruits and veggies per day
- 25-30 grams of fiber
- cut the fried stuff but if you do use oils, use stuff like olive oil, rice bran, canola, etc., the oils that help your heart rather than clog it up. Plus, your body does needs fats, just not the saturated stuff and try not to eat meat slathered in white flour soaked in oil.
And for the love of God, stay away from hydrogenated oils. They are one molecule away from plastic and will surely crush your heart system. Unfortunately, it is in most processed foods, as is high fructose corn syrup. Both have been processed to be thicker and sweeter at a cheap price. Just put a tub of margerine out in the shade for a week. Come back and there will be no bugs and no animal will have eaten any. They know better. Other processed crap like white flour and white sugar are also just that - crap for your body.
OK, I'm finished preaching!!