Yes, your frame does show strength. You have strong shoulders and hard, well-defined muscles. People who are merely skinny don't have that. And no, your weight is not abnormal -- being that slender _and_ that muscular is unusual, but in a good way.
When I was in high school, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there were a lot more guys around built like you. But these days, there are fewer; kids are less active and fattening snacks are cheaper and better marketed than they used to be. You, however, have a bullet-proof metabolism and also seem very active.
As for beating that metabolism; well, the protein shakes are a good idea. Aside from that, I suggest a short, intense workout with heavy weights twice a week. Don't go over six-seven reps, tops, per set, or 13-14 sets per workout. But go hard and heavy; you should stagger out of there. Chow down with a lot of protein within an hour/90 minutes of every workout.
The rest of the time, don't do anything much. Eat. Sit there. Give your body as little excuse to burn calories as possible. I would suggest a late-night snack as well.
You may lose that great definition, though, as somebody said, and that's tradeoff you need to think about. You don't think women would find your current well-defined bod attractive? Think again.