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#1 (permalink) |
Location: LV-426
Migraine treatment advice needed
I've been suffering from migraines since I was a pre-teen. Used to get them every weekend, typically triggered by the relief of the stress of the week at school. I'm 27 years old now, will be 28 this spring. I don't get migraines as often now, only about once a month, sometimes twice, but they are definitely worse and more immobilizing than when I was a youngster.
I get an aura... Typically it all starts about 1-2 hours before the migraine really hits me. I start with excessive yawning, pain and pressure behind my right eye, feeling like I need to keep my eyes closed. I become more sensitive to light, sound and smell. Then the actual migraine hits me. Awful headache, typically in the top/front area of my head, perhaps more emphasis on the right side. I get very nauseous, to the point of vomiting, and start sweating quite a lot (cold sweat) and shaking as if I am down with a sudden cold. My right eye waters a lot as well, and my sinuses feel stuffy. Typically a migraine attack for me lasts anywhere from 5 hours to 50 hours. I have found that if I don't fight the "throwing up", it goes by a lot quicker. If I do fight it and manage not to vomit, the pain can take days to subside. Unfortunately I absolutely hate vomiting (bad, bad experiences) and instinctively try to fight it by taking deep breaths and all that. My migraines can sometimes be triggered by a neck tension headache, but this is rare. I have no trouble telling my migraines apart from regular headaches, which I get often enough as well, but am not that troubled by. As for medication... Regular headaches can easily be killed off with a 600 mg dose of ibuprofen. However, this does absolutely nothing for the migraines. No effect whatsoever, not even just towards the pain, nada. Excedrine Migraine (sp?) has sometimes helped, but often doesn't really work that well (sure isn't doing jack today). Here's my problem...the reason I am posting this. I am originally from Europe, just moved into the States less than 2 years ago. Back in Europe, Finland to be precise, I was covered by socialized health care, which meant that health care and medication were easily affordable for me. Just to provide a comparison: a doctor's visit was around 10-15 dollars per visit, and you only had to pay it up to three times per a year's period, any visits after the third one in one calendar year were free. Medication was also cheaper to try as the government-provided health insurance often covered up to 30% of the cost of the medicine. Unfortunately, I never really took advantage of that. I had other concerns at the time, battling with a mild bipolar disorder, and had to eat enough pills as it were. So I never really looked into what options there were for treating my migraines. Well, my bad. Living in the States, I cannot afford health insurance right now, so that goes to cut down severely on my options. It appears that anything decent that could possibly work on my migraines costs a lot, and if the cost of the medicine in itself doesn't scare me away, the cost of a doc's appointment sure does. How much does a person without insurance have to pay for a visit? I've heard around 80 bucks, is this true? I don't even know what kind of medicine I should try if I did try something... The last time I checked, most migraine pills come with the side-effect of nausea, which pretty much undoes the whole point for me. Since I don't suffer from them weekly, I'd prefer something that works on the attack itself, as opposed to preventive medicine. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions...anything's welcome.
Who is John Galt? |
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#2 (permalink) |
Submit to me, you know you want to
Location: Lilburn, Ga
I cant help with the dr's visit cost...Im not sure since I have insurance....I havent found anything over the counter that works for mine which is almost exactly like yours, and I've tried them all. My doctor has me on imitrex, which I take at the onset of one and it works wonders...only problem is it knocks me out...so Im still out of commission for awhile, Im just not in pain
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!! |
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#3 (permalink) |
Registered User
Location: Right Here
I have had migraines for about 10 years now. Mine always start with several flashing lights, then the pain hits and I'm completely out of commision for a while. I have tried every over the counter medicine as well as a few prescriptions, the only thing that has worked for me is two Anacine and a mountain dew. I guess caffeine pills might work as well, but as I'm sure you understand, I'm not interested in experimenting when that kind of pain hits. Good luck, I feel your pain.
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#4 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
You work in the healthcare industry, are there any doctors in your facility who would consider seeing you as a patient?
Clinics don't cost near 80 dollars to go to, you pay what you can afford, the downside to them, is there is usually a long wait. When I get migraines, I don't like the medication because it does make me groggy, not sleepy, and I hate that medicated feeling, an ice back at the base of my neck and a very dark, cool room will help some.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: In my angry-dome.
You probably already know but watch for diet triggers.
Try to find a doctor who specializes in treating & preventing pain. If you can remove the triggers you might not need the treatments. Imitrex, both tablets and shots, are what helps a very good friend of mine. She's had a hell of a time with migraines for many years. Takes tablets at first hint of aura or eye pain. A shot if she waited too long, which takes her out of commission for 3+hours, and it's expensive. I get migraines about once a month but they aren't completely disabling. Just enough to make me close the curtains and avoid food smells for a couple days. As you said, the ibuprofen doesn't touch them. I take 3 aspirin which dulls it a little and I work quietly on things that don't require much visual effort. |
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#6 (permalink) | |
Location: n hollywood, ca
in any event, there are a lot of treatments out there for migraine headaches. however, everyone doesn't respond to these medicines in the same way. in other words, what works for one person may not work for another (as the diff'rent strokes theme went "what might be right for you, may not be right for some") abortive treatments (working on the attack itself): - mild analgesics: nsaids (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen to name a few), acetaminophen (tylenol), cox 2 inhibitors (with all of the new studies, just stay away from them as they were never more efficacious at relieving pain then nsaids, and they were more expensive, and now they seem to have increased risk of heart attack and stroke). you won't need a prescription for nsaids or acetaminophen. - triptans: these are serotonin agonists, and work at the pathophysiologic mechanism of the cause of the headache. usually well tolerated. however, you'll need a prescription, and they'll be more expensive than the nsaids or acetaminophen. - ergotamine: used with or without caffeine. the studies seem to show this isn't very good treatment, as bioavailablity is poor (in either oral or rectal form), and no study with ergotamine has yet shown efficacy in relief of a migraine (that's not to say that no one responded to ergotamine, but that more people had no response). again, you'll need a prescription. - antiemetics (anti-vomiting): work for some people, but is given intravenously or intramuscularly... which means doctor's office, only given acutely - other medications: benzodiazepines, opioids, and barbituates can work; but are not likely to be given, as they have a higher abuse potential and are definitely not drugs that you want people to use chronically. prophylactic treatment/preventive treatment -beta blockers (propranolol) -anti convulsants (valproate, gabapentin, topiramate) - anti depressants (tricyclic antidepressants/tca's, and serotonin blockers) - calcium channel blockers (verapamil) migraines are tough, and as i said before, everything doesn't work for everyone. if they effect you enough to impact your daily living, i would think that you should go to the doctor. i'm not sure where you reside, but many county hospitals are cheaper than private places, with the caveat being increased waiting time. i would say to ask around in your area. some family practitioners are willing to see patients for a reasonable cost.
An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of inprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. - Martin Luther King, Jr. The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. - Malcolm X |
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#7 (permalink) |
Everything's better with bacon
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
If you have migraines and can't afford insurance, then going to the dr's and trying to buy a prescription is going to be tough too. A lot of times the doc's will give you some samples along with the prescription. They're usually stocked to the gills with samples. I would call the doctor's office, explain your situation and ask how much it costs for an appointment. When you go, explain you situation again to the doctor and he will give you a bunch of samples to start and a prescription, undoubtedly. Then you can call or stop by a pharmacy and ask how much it is to fill the prescription and wait until you have the money to fill it. Pretty easy, but very painful while you wait to get enough money.
It was like that when I got here....I swear. |
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#8 (permalink) |
A Storm Is Coming
Location: The Great White North
If they hurt bad enough you'll figure a way to pay for it.
My wife had them bad. The nuerologist had her cut out a bunch of foods like aged cheese, cultured foods like yogurt, onions and a variety of meets. All those foods created three different chemicals which I'm sure yo can research. Eventually she went off the pill and all is well, although that doesn't help you much! Bottom line, prevention is the best cure and you don't need insurance to see a Dr., just a little cash.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves. Stangers have the best candy. |
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#9 (permalink) |
This is a preventative thing, but it worked for me. Feverfew. Take it everday. Take more when you feel the migraine coming on. It should lessen the intensity of the migraine. Of course you have to take it daily.
Just as a sidenote, I began having migraines with a terrible bout of depression when I was about 23. I ended up on feverfew for well over a year. I don't get migraines anymore. |
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#10 (permalink) |
Location: melbourne australia
I used to suffer migraines so bad that i threw up and used to cry in agony, they would come after i was stressed (i suffer panic disorder) i found out i had way high blood pressure (ended up in intensive care ) i am now taknig meds for that and the migraines no longer rule my life (lucky in oz health care is free meds still cost but affordable)
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#11 (permalink) |
Location: Grants Pass OR
my mom gets migraines with some frequency. I was was having a discussion w/ her dentist (I shoot skeet once a week with him) and this topic happened to come up. He suggested that at the first sign of a migraine that she take one ex strength tylenol, and one 200 mg ibuprofen. I thought he had to be kidding and told him so, and he said to just have her try it. More often than not it works.
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#12 (permalink) | |
Location: Near & There
With minor edits to your description, welcome to my migraine. I've had them on a regular basis since a car wreck 25 years ago. Coincidental or not, I did not have them prior to it. I don't take Imitrex as I have been taking Fioricet since 1985 or so. Fioricet Relief is within 30 minutes if I take it when I am well into one. If I feel one coming on and take one it doesn't come on at all or is at least greatly reduced to a dull throb. Fioricet is not specifically indicated for a migraine but a tension headache. I almost always feel them starting in my neck however. They progress to feeling like a nail is being driven into my skull above my right eye and then radiate out from there. Fioricet works for me wonderfully and other than sometimes making me a bit sleepy, the side effects are minimal. Good luck on finding a Dr. to prescribe it. Were it me, I'd do whatever I could to get the prescription including going to a clinic or ER. soundmotor |
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#13 (permalink) |
Filling the Void.
Location: California
I get migraines at least once every other day. Yesterday, I finally finished having a severe migraine that lasted three days, three nights.
One thing that prevents migraines in me is making sure I eat enough! Also, get enough sleep, and try not to stress about little things. That is what causes my migraines (along with loud music/sounds and bright lights). If it has to do with sinuses, you should probably shell out the 80-100$ to see a doctor. It will probably cost more than that when you get the medications, but you can always let your doctor know that youre on a tight budget. They may be able to offer you a rebate of some sort, or find a medication that may cost less but do the same thing. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Location: Land of the puny, wimpy states
In my practice I specialize in migraines. Within three months (usually much less) my patients stop getting them completely. I don't use the same approach with each case, everyone is different. Chinese herbal medicine is a powerful way to stop the reason for the headaches, not just toss a band-aid on the problem. These things don't ordinarily just go away, and drugs often suppress, not solve. I wish you luck. If you're interested in finding someone qualified in your area, go to:
www.craneherb.com I'm fully confident that this issue could be eliminated. If there's an acupuncture school near you, a very low-cost clinic will also be available.
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha) |
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#16 (permalink) |
I get really bad migranes a couple times a month. I went to the doctor for them a few years ago and nothing she suggested helped, nor did the prescription. So I figured out on my own that less stress in general, and eating enough food (just like LPM said) works wonders. I don't notice any food triggers, except when I don't eat. I usually take an Excedrine migrane pill, two if it is really bad. They have caffeine in them already, so beware of taking them with a soda. Worst case scenario, I take a couple pills with lots and lots of water (almost 1L) and go to bed. Usually gone by morning, which is good because they aren't bad until late afternoon / early evening.
17 seconds is all you really need - Smashing Pumpkins |
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Tags |
advice, migraine, needed, treatment |
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