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Old 01-09-2005, 04:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
Follower of Ner'Zhul
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Location: Netherlands
Orchidopexy (putting testicle back where it belongs) experiences? [Graphic]

You know, I am 20 years old and I have an undescended testicle... :feels the effect of all the curious stares:. I know... until a couple of months ago, when I went to the doctor, I thought this was 'not a big deal' and not all that uncommon.

However... as I am getting older, I realize that I may want to have kids someday and although my sexual experience is still pretty limited, I would hate to explain all the time that I just have 1 instead of the normal 2. Or rather, that I have another one, but that it is in my groin.
Also, I had checked up on it and read that the other testicle may shrivel up and die... so I felt that maybe I should get it fixed now, before it can't be fixed any more.

The strange thing is that, unlike 'normal' cases of undescended testices, mine didn't occur until later in life... meaning that (according to my parents) I was 'complete' when I was a small kid. Appearantly, later in life, my left testicle just said 'Fuck it! I don't like it any more in here... WAAAAY too cold... I'm moving up north'.
Somehow, when I think about it, I think that it must've happened after one too many a bicycle accident (damn that bar between the legs) as I used to love to stunt on my bike.
However... I didn't think much of it... can't remember ever being teased for it or being self concious because of it in the gym or something...

So imagine my feelings after I go to the doctor, I drop my pants, he looks at it and when he's done prodding me, I pull up my pants and see him head back to his desk with a look that says ' WTF???!?!'.
He then advises me to go talk to the urologist.
So I make an appointment and some time later, I go there, have to drop my pants again (why couldn't I have had something that I wouldn't constantly have to drop my pants for?) and the guy asks me stuff and prods it... then gives me the same look... and tells me that I need corrective surgery.

I've never had surgery before...

Now my question here is, am I alone in this? Is there anyone that has ever experienced this? That has ever had the surgery done...
See, the surgery will be performed on Thursday and I will have Thursday and Friday off (I was supposed to go to a pretty important school thing Friday, but I mailed to cancel it as I doubt I'll be up to it). But I don't know how long I will feel the effects... Everything I can find online is about kids and some of it says that there will be relatively little pain, others suggect morphine (!) against the maddening pain...
I am also supposed to have driving lessons on Saturday... and my friends always call on Saturday if I want to go to a club or bar or something... I think I should cancel on both of those two, eventhough I would like to do those things...

So... anyone? I really doubt it though... with it being so uncommon for grown men.
Though it does feel good to get to tell this... I mean, you have no idea of the excuses I have to make for taking the days off and not going to school and not going out etc, etc. I mean, I doubt saying "Yeah, I have to get surgery on my balls." would help anyone.
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein

Last edited by RelaX; 01-11-2005 at 11:10 AM.. Reason: Added [Graphic] tag
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Old 01-10-2005, 02:50 PM   #2 (permalink)
Dreams In Digital
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Location: Iowa
Shit, all this talk of surgery on your balls is making me queasy! Hope you go through with the surgery, though, although I know next to nothing about this, if a doctor thinks your balls need surgery.. man.. it's your balls. Do it.
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Old 01-10-2005, 05:14 PM   #3 (permalink)
Okay, obviously, being a girl, I've never had this surgery. But I did have surgery myself for the first time about a month ago (on similarily sensitive areas, I would think). You sound worried about the same things I was, especially how to get through the surgery and the healing without letting anyone know what was going on.

It was tough, and a lot of dumb excuses were made for things, but generally people don't ask a lot of questions...

If you had any specific quesitons about surgery in general, you can PM me... I might be able to help (or at least calm you a bit )
good luck
Old 01-10-2005, 08:54 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Sage's bed
I've had hernia surgery in the same general area, and I'd say that while it might hurt a bit afterwards it'll be nothing to worry about. As to whether going out and being active would be a good idea, I suppose it would depend on how the surgery is going to work. Are they gonna go in from your lower abdomen? Through your sack? Does it involve a lot of cutting, or just making a little hole and sticking something through it to poke around with inside ya?

When I had my hernia surgery, it happened on Friday afternoon, I was out of the hospital on Saturday, and I had to take it easy for a few more days after that.

Just to be safe, I'd say go ahead and clear the weekend.
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:09 AM   #5 (permalink)
Follower of Ner'Zhul
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You know.. I was looking for my own topic just now and I couldn't find it because I was looking for the topic at the bottom with 0 replies in it.
It is good to know that, eventhough this is a pretty unique case, that people still try to help with what knowledge they have.

I found some info about the procedure here although, once again, it deals with little children.

"Orchidopexy: How is the surgery done?

The testicle is dissected up and the blood supply and duct (vas deferns) are freed up and mobilized. The hernia is repaired, and the length to bring the testicle into the scrotum is done by dissecting the vessels and ducts.

Afterwards, the testicle is brought down into the scrotum. Surtures are placed to make sure that the testicle does not pull back up out of the scroutm.

What to expect after the surgery

Your child will receive a complete set of instructions on wound care after the surgery. He will be uncomfortable for a few days after surgery, and will generally miss 2 to 4 days of school. He most likely should not participate in physical education or sports for at least 2 weeks after surgery. He will be given pain medication for discomfort, and will notice discomfort if he is too active. He will have sutures on his scrotum where the testicle has been brought down. These sutures should have a triple antibiotic ointment placed over the area at least 3 times a day. In general, these sutures will fall out, without the need for suture removal, in the first 7 to 10 days after surgery."

So I did clear my weekend and with medication, I doubt I'll be going out.
It all just makes me a little nervous. I really wish I could've read something by people that have already undergone it.
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein

Last edited by RelaX; 01-14-2005 at 06:46 AM.. Reason: Removed pics, to save peoples appetite :)
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Old 01-14-2005, 06:50 AM   #6 (permalink)
Follower of Ner'Zhul
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Location: Netherlands
Okay... so I kindof underestimated the amount of pain that the surgery would bring.
Walking has become quite a challenge and putting on my socks is a hellish job that, thankfully, I only have to do once a day.

Actually, my balls don't hurt so much as where they removed the testicle from. Appearantly my body and muscles had been so accustomed to it being there that now, every time that I move that area, it hurts... bad...
Anyway, I'll post some more about it later, when I'm feeling better, for any future TFPer that may have to undergo the surgery.
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein
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Old 01-16-2005, 11:38 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: USA
get well soon man, I'm having surgery for the first time this week but for my wisdom teeth... something a little different
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:48 PM   #8 (permalink)
ubertuber's Avatar
Location: Ellay
Well, I'm glad you are ok. It certainly took guts to go through with that procedure... How long did it take?
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