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Baraka_Guru 09-28-2006 07:20 PM

A chocolate/yellow lab named Xena (she came with it, and she's no warrior nor princess)
A chocolate/yellow-lab-coloured cat named Abby (she came with the name and quickly became our home's current monarch)

Cage 1:
A green singing finch named Chaunticleer (you should hear him in the morning)
A green singing finch named Penelope (who will have none of Chaunty's overtures)

Cage 2:
An orange weaver finch named The Duchess (who rules the roost)
A silver-billed finch named Zeus (who is neither god nor king)
A silver-billed finch named Hera (who should be named "Cuddles")
A silver-billed finch with no name (the offspring of Zeus and Hera)

MexicanOnABike 09-29-2006 10:34 AM

i have a good explaination for my cat's name.
i had a cat named drifter(given name) because he was drifting from houses to houses for food before we took him in...in july, he died on the highway hit by a car. it was pretty sad for my family but he was adopted and an outdoor cat so i wasnt too sad. My neighbour who loves cats was telling everyone about our dead cat. he even told the nice girls at the strip club. Well the nice girls from the strip club thought that story was so sad that they all put money together to buy US a new cat!

the stripper who put money named him Mr. jingles but my sister thought that was somehow wrong to name a cat after a stripper. i thought it was cool. so my family calls him Leo(given by the spca) and everyone else call him Mr.jingles. :)

Disco Stu 10-02-2006 06:49 PM

Orange Julius Cesear, because he looks like the color of an orange julius and julius sounds good after cesear

Glory's Sun 10-03-2006 06:28 AM

2 dogs-- My wife named her dog Buddy.. gee how creative :rolleyes:

My dog's name is D'Artagnan. Ok so there used to be 3 dogs but now there are only two.. He was the only one who wasn't black in the bunch and he just looked like a D'Artagnan. Now I adopted him on St. Patty's day... you would think I would have gone with a Gaelic name.. well I couldn't decide on one that I liked (except for Killian's but he's more of a liquor type of dog ha).

m0rpheus 10-06-2006 10:05 PM

2 cats
Princess - Who is a total princess, her food can not touch the floor, she's demanding and prissy.

And her sister...

Pigpen - Who loves to roll in the dirt, get the food from the bottom of the bowl (it tastes better didnt you know) and dig in the garbage.

Mr Scorcex 10-14-2006 12:31 PM

I once had a fish named Viceroy Carnagie Fizzlebottom the Third, so named because we really wanted an absurd name for him and we thought he/the name was cool.

My current fish is named J-Beezy, short for James Brown. When trying to come up with a name for him, he was acting rediculous, and it all sort of fell into place.

Our dog was named Fred when we rescued him, but I call him bread because it amuses me and he still responds to it.

Gilda 10-14-2006 01:02 PM

Two cats, a grey shorthair named Selina, and a new one just last week, white with tan patches and tiger stripes named Greer. I think the reasons should be quite obvious.


Lady Sage 10-14-2006 07:21 PM

Reading the names brings to mind a young man I know serving in the war and his creative cat name....

General Napkin McKitty Fluff

May the kitty dad come home safe. *Salute*

wlmatl 10-14-2006 07:35 PM

Raz, Nick, and PorkChop
The cats and three cavies (guinea pigs) in the house now:

The pigs-

Erasmus - we wanted a dignified scientist/philospher name, the senior cavy ( he gets called Raz)

Nick - short for Copernicus. Very friendly, comes to the fridge to beg, where stands up on his back legs.

Albert - for Einstein. Get the drift, here? After he once badly bit me, I wanted to give him away. But a cavy that bites people is not a good pet for anyone else, especially kids. So we thought he could be a snake dinner, fulfill the circle of life, blah blah. So he became known as PorkChop....

The cats' names are for another posting.

Warlock! 10-16-2006 11:39 AM

Two dogs.

Samson - 150# Alaskan Malamute - I thought he fit the name

Hooty - an 80# shepard/wolf mix - I like tits, but my wife wouldn't let me name her "Hooter" :D

optik_nerve 10-17-2006 01:22 PM

I have a royal python named Amara. It means bitter, eternal, immortal, steadfast and beloved. And loved the way it fit her and she describes all of them... well minus the eternal and immortal. :p

She's a sweetheart.

Elphaba 10-17-2006 02:44 PM

We finally settled on a name for our rescue pup, "Sadie." She joins the other female rescues on the street with an old fashioned name. We have Emma, Molly, Annie, and Beatrice currently. :)

little_tippler 10-20-2006 05:30 AM

Two cats, the girl I named Maia, because I love the name. I kind of thought, if I ever have a little girl, I'd love to name her Maia...now I keep thinking I can't call my kid my cat's name!

My male cat is Leoni, he came with that name but I decided to keep it and it really fits because he is such a little lion! He's quite regal but docile all in one.

Elphaba 10-20-2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by little_tippler
Two cats, the girl I named Maia, because I love the name. I kind of thought, if I ever have a little girl, I'd love to name her Maia...now I keep thinking I can't call my kid my cat's name!

My male cat is Leoni, he came with that name but I decided to keep it and it really fits because he is such a little lion! He's quite regal but docile all in one.

The Norwegian meaning of "Maia" is a term of endearment meaning "my girl". Perfect choice for a little girl. :)

Sugarmouse 10-20-2006 03:05 PM

Hamster,Sugarmunch.My late hamster is sugarmouse, and he died and I wished her to have a similar name
guinea pigs, Mufty was named by a friend, andSadie was named by me, after bob dylan 'in search of little Sadie'

Hellbunny, my rabbit, was called becasue her name was Snowball when i got her (white rabbit, typical name)
but she has been a (much loved) pain in the ass!she is trained to use a tray, so i had her as a house bunny,but she chews things and attacks ppl if you dont cuddle her enough
so, Hellbunny!

divagrrrl 10-31-2006 02:11 PM

Pixel - grey tabby cat with green eyes: Pixel was the name of the cat who walks through walls in Robert Heinlein novels.

Nemo - black kitten with gold eyes: named after a Nightwish song.

zed wolf 11-01-2006 04:02 AM

My curent female Siberian Husky, Natasha. I acquired her from a local shelter. I believe her name when I got her was Nikita. There was no major reason I changed it to Natasha other then I liked it better and I didn't want her to have the same name she used to have. As to why I went with Natasha instead of Ann, I give my dogs names from there 'native' country. While I don't know of any huskies native to Siberia, my huskies have always had Russian names. The one I had before Natasha was named Tovarisch and aside from having the Russian name he was also trained in Russian. I stuck with English commands with Natasha as she was probably around 3 yrs old when I got her and already well trained.

Intense1 11-02-2006 10:52 PM

Thelma Lou - small part pug, part mini doberman, part other - because when we got her there was a marathon "Andy Griffith Show" on TV Land, and the night we got her, it had the episode where Andy and Barney were on Andy's front porch, and Andy asked Barney where he was going, and Barney said, "I guess I'll go down town and get a bottle of pop, go over to Thelma Lou's and watch a little TV". They played off of that statement for a few minutes, and it stuck in our minds. So Thelma Lou it is!

Amnesia620 11-03-2006 05:45 PM

Even though I have my Ferret Thread...
Ferrets (living & passed):

Infiniti - when we were on our way home from the pet store, she curled up into a ball and we couldn't tell where she began/ended.

Echo - we brought him home and he was backing up to go to the bathroom in the corner, we stepped forward to stop him (training him by putting him into the cage) and he "screamed" (it's a loud shreik) and it echoed throughout the room.

Mischeif - he was so curious; he would find stuff he wasn't supposed to find and get the other ferrets in trouble.

Jester - (my favorite, RIP [see Journal/Ferret thread]) when he was just a baby, I had just brought him home, he would trip over his own paws and then get mad and hop around. It was rather hilarious to watch!

Image [Imej] - she was so pretty throughout the years I had her. She originally got the name because she completed our Fabulous Five - IMEJ = Infiniti, Mischeif, Echo, Jester.

Symphoni - she was dark and lovely, her voice was almost melodic.

Enigma - he joined me last December, and passed in January. He was truly an Enigma...I still haven't figured out what happened and why he died so quickly.

Harlequinn - The cage-mate to Enigma, she really looked like the female version of Jester, hence the name.

Fly 11-06-2006 07:05 AM


2 horses.......Becker is a standard breed.....gelding

Legacy is an arabian........gelding as well

2 dogs......Shadow black lab X springer spaniel

Mailee.....purebreed yellow lab

1 rabbitt.....Thumper

and a bunch of chickens.....all nameless.....'cept for the rooster.....we call him Gus

AbigailAlfano 11-09-2006 05:09 AM

New black lhasa poo puppy named "Boo" because I got her on Halloween and an old Black Lab named "Bo" because he had a hurt leg when I got him..Bo Bo
I once had a pain in the neck registered little dachshund I called Rocko because he was hard headed. Since the registration requires a 'formal" name, and dachshunds are German, I named him Rocko Von KrapszonKarpit.
Say it fast.

surferlove007 11-13-2006 10:49 PM

Several cats...
Michelle Lady Lump-A-Lot, she's 10 years old, she's been with me over half of my life so the name developed from the time I was 8 till present. Used to call her dirt dobber, then dumplin, lump, lady lump and so forth.
Cali - Calico kitty, real originai I know :-p my mom named them, they're my replacements for when I moved out
Greycie - Grey cay, real original I know :-p
Shadow - Black kitty
Rusty - Orange cat, he's hip
Brittney, Orange American short-hair whom turned into Billy when he went to get fixed..whoops? Billy, Billy-Bob, Mr. Boot Boot, Boot Boot, Boots etc
Brittney and Michelle were my sister and I's original cats from our childhood, unfortunately Michelle is the only one left, the kittens were additions. Billy became coyote food :(

vermin 11-16-2006 12:01 PM

Recently acquired a 12 week old kitten, all black. She was being called Jane, my wife wants to call her Baby (to replace the one put to sleep last December), so I've been calling her Baby Jane.

Sonny, the orange cat is 8 now, Lucy, the golden retriever/irish setter is 11.

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