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BBtB 05-19-2003 11:22 AM

Currently I have 2 cats .. One is Shawdow, he is grey and I didn't name him. The other is Mitzy. Not quite sure were that name came from. I heard it somewhere or made it up or something. It just seemed to fit.

Atropos4 05-19-2003 02:38 PM

Two dogs

Cleo- mixed Dalmation, Lab, Blue Heeler- I named her after cleopatra because she demands attention and is beautifully unique. (color pattern)

Blacky- mixed Terrier, Doxen, Chiwauwa(I don't think I spelled those right) She's about 15 and my mom named her. Us kids wanted to name her ToTo because she looks like toto from the wizard of oz and my sister's name is Dorothy. But my mom said no.

4 cats

Artemis- After the greek goddess- She's black and white. longhair

Raven-Black longhair. Already named when I got her from my aunt. My cousin told me she was named that b/c of her color and after some wrestler b/c when they first saw her she was fighting a raccoon. Doesn't sound believible but I've seen her in action. It's rather disturbing.

Iris-grey longhair w/ touch of orange. Named after the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow.

Sniffles- Calico. Got her name b/c I rescued her when she was VERY sick. Wasn't going to keep her. If I had known that we were I wouldn't have started calling her sniffles. I would have named her after another greek goddess.

ratbastid 05-20-2003 02:56 PM

Nocci the cat is short for Nocciola, which is Italian for "hazelnut". Which if you look at her, isn't far off.

Cooper the dog is named for Agent Dale Cooper, the main character in the TV series Twin Peaks.

Floyd the cat's name is discussed in the "post pictures of your pets thread". She's named after a storm.

All three of my animals are female, and all have at least androgynous names. Think that says anything about their people? :)

hotzot 05-20-2003 10:55 PM

1 guinea pig- emilia
12 gerbils, my sons named only one, gimpy (she's missing an arm)

hrdwareguy 05-21-2003 05:45 AM

Dog - Cotton - Great Pyrenese..when she was a pup, looked and felt like a large cotton ball
Dog - Mushu - Great Dane..when she was a pup, she was all gangly and un-coordinated, like Mushu the dragon from Disney's Mulan
Dog - Sammy - Greay Pyrenese..that was his name when we got him
Cat - Nawla - loved to bite and kick when being played with, named for Nawla in Disney's The Lion King
Cat - Casper - solid white and very friendly.

SysteMatiC 05-21-2003 07:20 AM

Dog (siberian Husky)= Storm. When he was a puppy he would run around the house and just knock stuff over, kinda like a storm blew threw. Plus he used to pee all the time.

GoldenOuroboros 05-21-2003 04:21 PM

One Cat - Misty (ask mum)

One Dog - Scooter (see above)

One Bird - 'nameless' (Doesn't have a name, just call it bird)

duckduck 05-21-2003 11:28 PM

Oscar, our dog. My lil' bro was a huge Sesame Street fan and it was the first name that popped outta his mouth. We figured, "Why not?"

Sun Tzu 05-21-2003 11:36 PM

One Rott named Max because he seemed to take to it.

Chani a German Sheperd/ Akita mix - named after Chani from DUNE

Frowning Budah 05-29-2003 02:43 AM

Ball python named No Feet named because she was born without feet.
Then shouldn't all pythons be named without feet? Or do some pythons actually come with feet? Just curious.

cdwonderful 05-29-2003 01:02 PM

BB kitty, cause she is my baby and my kitty.

~springrain 05-29-2003 01:16 PM

Golden Retriever - Autumn (self explanatory)
Cat - Aleah (my daughter named her)
Bunny - Isabelle (again, daughter named her)
Betta Fish - Maximus (Gladiator)

krazykemist 05-30-2003 10:55 PM

Poodle: John Pierre Montec'
The dog cost $250 it deserved a $250 name.
Nuff said.

snowace56 06-02-2003 10:44 AM

I have a bichon frise, named tiffany. I was like 10 when I got her, and the only name I could come up with was tiffany, because of the 90210 girl. i regret naming her that, but oh well she was named after a hot girl.

viveleroi0 06-02-2003 12:30 PM

4 Cats
Magellan, Merlyn, Lilly, and Stewart Little

1 Lab-Beagle Mix:
Madison Belle

Lady Sage 09-27-2006 05:23 PM

4 cats
silver/cream tabby Abby Renee (after best friend of 15 years)
blonde maine coon Tiffany Katrina (inherited her a year ago)
muted tortie Miranda Lenore (after friends daughter)
black manx (no tail) Sir Lancelot Michael (after an old friend)

I like unique first names, the middles are after people I care about.

1 African Grey Parrot
Lucy... she came named that way.

Oh! One cat that lives with mom and dad... he needs attention constantly
1 seal tabby point siamese Sebastian Sage

Paq 09-27-2006 05:38 PM

Spook is my cat....he's black, 16 lbs and silent and scary as hell...

Champ is my dog..no idea why SHE is named champ, but that's what my dad named her...

Grasshopper Green 09-27-2006 05:46 PM

Lutino cockatiel is named Rufus. We originally named her Roo, but somehow it morphed into Rufus.

Grey cockatiel is named Jessie. We adopted her and just kept the name she already had.

2 goldfish - Oscar and Stain. My son named them. Who knows what goes through a 4 year old's brain.

Meditrina 09-27-2006 05:48 PM

Paq: Spook is a great name for a black cat! I love it!

My cat is a big orange tabby. I named him Simba because Lion King was my favorite Disney movie, and well, he is orange kinda like a lion, sorta. He is far from acting like a lion though, he is a complete mush who loves to be wherever we are and never hides when we have other people over. And he loves his belly rubbed.

Chamaeleontidae 09-27-2006 07:16 PM

We have two dogs, Luna and Sophie, we got them from the rescue, and that was the names they came with.

As a child I had a dog who we got from a breeder. It's official name was something like SilverDust. My father named her dusty, because he said her paw hair looked like cobwebs. She was a miniture Schnauzer.

Elphaba 09-27-2006 07:37 PM

"Rottie" was given a generic name for his breed because he was a rescue dog and he chose not to reveal his previous name. I had hoped it was "Carl." :)

"Gus" was a puppy rescue and his stubborn personality came through pretty quickly. He is named after my father-in-law and a tip of the hat to Augustus McCray of Lonesome Dove. Both masters of stubborn behavior.

"Seafarer's Jack" and "Mariner's Liberty" (my newfies) were named based upon naming derivations of their lineage.

"Golda" the killer cat from hell was named after the head of state that kicked major butt during the six-day war. She wasn't worthy of the name.

Ch'i 09-27-2006 07:44 PM

My first dog's name was Schnookie, no particular reason.

My beagle's name is Jackson (Jack for short), named after Schnookie's father.

fresnelly 09-27-2006 07:44 PM

Our cats are Scoop and Frickle. Scoop is a kind of light used in theatre production, and Frickle is a cartoon character creation of my Wife's late sister.

jorgelito 09-27-2006 08:02 PM

Elph, awesome pet names!!! Lady Sage, what happened to the "Moose"?

Oh boy, our very own pets forum *wipes tear*

Well, my little girl is SweetPea. I don't know what kind of breed she is and to be quite honest, I am not even sure she is a dog.

She's about 50 lbs, mixed black/brindle with a white underside. She also has white paws and a white tipped tail and a white star on her forehead between the eyes. She has big ears that stick up/out so she basically looks like a Gremlin and Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) but with an ocelots body. Actually, she's pretty ugly, so ugly that she's absolutely adorable. *sigh*

The ex and I adopted her little over two years ago from a lady who has a little rescue near downtown LA. She was barely 4-6 months, a shivering, whimpering, crying, limping mess of a puppy all covered with dirt, mud, etc. She may have been hit by a car or otherwise beaten (and if I ever find that person.....grrr!!!).

The lady named her SweetPea and when we brought her home we saw no reason to change that because that is exactly what she is. In essence, she named herself. I had originally wanted Fido or Rover or Killer or some other cool macho name but it was impossible. Indeed my little girl IS a "Sweet Pea".

She is distinctly average. No Einstein here, no FuFu or other pedigree show stopper. She knows a lot of commands in a variety of languages but can never find the treat when I hide it. She can't seem to locate the tennis ball either. When standing next to beautifully groomed Pomeranians and other show dogs Sweet Pea looks especially scruffy and mangy. She bears the scars from her days on the streets and she will forever walk with a limp but I know that the emotional scars are gone for good. Love, nutrition, kindness and discipline have ensured that SweetPea is the happiest dog/creature on earth. Everyone remarks how happy she looks or that she is smiling. If you meet her, you will be charmed and your heart will melt. The first couple of months were a bit rough with the potty training and adjustments. Crate training was successful and Sweet Pea learned quickly. There were some visits to the hospital because of a UTI and some other gastro infection but I never hesitated to give and pay for the care she needed. She gets good quality food, treats, toys and most importantly, love and attention from me.

SweetPea loves to cuddle/snuggle and also likes to play, play, play. Last year while I was in school, she would eat my homework and expensive books (especially the art history ones).

Sometimes I think she has been more important in my life than I to her. I suppose that makes her a miracle dog. When I move to a new apartment I will probably adopt another dog to expand our little family.

Elphaba 09-27-2006 08:11 PM


SweetPea loves to cuddle/snuggle and also likes to play, play, play. Last year while I was in school, she would eat my homework and expensive books (especially the art history ones).

Sometimes I think she has been more important in my life than I to her. I suppose that makes her a miracle dog. When I move to a new apartment I will probably adopt another dog to expand our little family.
The dog ate your homework? :) Many of my recent dogs have given more to me than I could ever give to them, and I dote on my pups. I know exactly what you mean, jorg.

Lady Sage 09-27-2006 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by jorgelito
Elph, awesome pet names!!! Lady Sage, what happened to the "Moose"?
Oh boy, our very own pets forum *wipes tear*

The moose took quite the shine to my friends dog. She moped and pouted and well... went to live with him. She gets far more attention there than she did here with Pan and i gone 12+ hours a day each. :(

Our own pets forum!!!!!!!!!! I darn near peed in my panties when I saw it. In fact I did squeal with delight!:thumbsup:

Ratman 09-27-2006 10:43 PM

I live in Japan with two Japanese cats:

Tabi, the Japanese socks with the split toes. He is a tabby on top with white socks.

Kuma, Japanese for bear. Like many Japanese cats, he has a pocket of fur and about three bones where a tail would be. Since he doesn't have a tail for balance, and he's a big damn cat (8 kg), he looks like a bear when he walks.

They are brothers, and they understand Japanese and English.

BTW, here you can buy an American Short Hair in the pet shops for about $1500!

God of Thunder 09-28-2006 06:37 AM

Two cats,

Jake: a black and white short hair - Nicknames: Tubby (he's 16 lbs), tub-a-lub, Jakey and my two-year-old simply refers to him as 'my boy"

Elwood - a brown tabby - Nicknames: fuzzy, bub-a-lub, ellie, kitty under the bed, kitty in the window and kitty in the closet, (he hides a lot)

soma 09-28-2006 07:32 AM

Hamster Named Ultra Pee Pee, or Pay for short. Invader Zim fans will know what this is all about. But the poor thing died a while back. Very sad. I miss him still. :(

JustJess 09-28-2006 07:42 AM

Two cats, Punkin the orange tabby, for obvious reasons, plus we adopted him in the fall, and Sabrina the calico. I dunno. Quadro named her. I think because she was also adopted in the fall, and he was thinking about 'sabrina the teenaged witch' and witches are for halloween and halloween is in the fall and....

Ahem, sorry.

They're my cuddle buddies. I love these kitties!!

Lady Sage 09-28-2006 08:17 AM

I had a dream about Morgana last night...

She was a feral calico manx(no tail) that adopted me. She was so badly abused you really couldnt touch her although when I found her in labor and she had been in labor nearly 10 hours she was all too happy to let me take her to a vet and spend 1200 on a kitty c-section which produced 2 live kittens and 2 dead male ones. Interestingly enough she ran away shortly after her 2 living kittens were given away.

Back to the dream. I dreamed she came back to me more than half starved. She ran away 2 years ago though and I am sure shes dead. :(

It was good to see her again though even if it was just a dream.

Sweetpea 09-28-2006 10:28 AM

ohhh, isn't it fun picking out a pet's name? :)

I named our dog "shelby" because it's an english name and I always thought it had a beautiful and playful lilt to it.

We adopted a cat and named him "felix" because it meant "happiness" he was our first pet right after we got married and I was so happy we had gotten him, and it fits him perfectly, he's a black and white cat with a lot of spunk.
We had a stray come to our door, a tiny tiny little cat who was pregnant, we found homes for all her kittens once she had them and then kept her for ourselves, she is such a sweet kitty, to match her gentle personality and to match felix's name, we named her Fiona.

I named my horse when I was only 12. his full show name is CBA Knight Train. I wanted to call him Gus, but my parents insisted I name his some nickname off his full name... hence I called him Trinny. :lol: Now that i'm an adult, it's a funny thing to here me call him that to people, but it shows how much he and I have grown together.
I'm thinking about getting a second horse and naming him Aspen or something a little more dignified than "trinny" :) hehe

and gosh, i'm loving this thread! reading through all these responses is so neat! :)


frogza 09-28-2006 01:47 PM

Silky Terrier - Kizzy, that was her name when we got her

Veiled Chameleon - Leroy Jines, because she doesn't look anything like a Leroy

Willravel 09-28-2006 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ch'i
My beagle's name is Jackson (Jack for short), named after Schnookie's father.

Jack was also named after Jack Bauer. We found him in less than 24 hours, after all.

Ch'i 09-28-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
Jack was also named after Jack Bauer. We found him in less than 24 hours, after all.

There was alot of torture, and "bending the law" tactics involved.

jorgelito 09-28-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ch'i
There was alot of torture, and "bending the law" tactics involved.

Ack!! Alert! Alert! Politics has infiltrated the Pets Forum.

Ch'i 09-28-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by jorgelito
Ack!! Alert! Alert! Politics has infiltrated the Pets Forum.

Sorry for the threadjack.

Elphaba 09-28-2006 03:39 PM

My mother reminded me last night of the allegator that I brought home many years ago. Her name was Rosemary. No, I didn't know the sex of the critter and I chose the least likely name for a gator. :)

thingstodo 09-28-2006 04:05 PM

Two red poodles, one named Ginger (we tried cinnamon but it just didn't work) and one named Lucy - her full name is I Love Lucy. As you can guess, both are named after red heads with Ginger from Gilligan's Island. Also a mcaw named skully - sort of piraty and also from the X-Files.

StanT 09-28-2006 05:59 PM

My newfie's name is Picabo. She was named after the skier, but I also liked the phonetic implication that she's a dainty little thing.

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