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Old 07-14-2010, 08:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
Well THEY Won't Be Coming Back...

I'm ready to nuke the planet.

I just had to bury one of my farm kittens. One I'd nursed back from a nasty eye infection, chased all over woodpiles to give her medicine, and put a lot of work into. Cute little thing, although she hated being picked up.

We have cats. Duh, we're a farm. They're all hard workers with a job to do, and they do it well. But it pisses me off when things like this happen. Why? Because this little ball of fuzz wasn't killed by a dog, or an owl, or a jealous Tomcat chasing after Mama. One of my customers ran her over ON PURPOSE.

An hour or so ago, a guy shows up to use the range. Pays his fees, gets in his vehicle, and heads uphill to our rifle range. As he's heading out, I hear an odd, fairly loud, squeal, like car-body plastic rubbing against something. A few moments later, after what seemed like an odd delay, I see the SUV head uphill to the rifle range. The only thing in the area that he could have hit was an old (very visible) tree-stump, so I paid no attention.

Fifteen minutes ago, I went outside to check the mail. In the middle of our 1/3-acre parking lot is my kitten. I won't describe the mess, but suffice to say it was obvious that the first rollover crushed the lower abdomen and pelvis, the second the head. That squeal that I thought was a fender-bender was that first rollover. And this jackhole just proceeded on up to the range without a word to me, after running over my cat not once but -twice.-

This is something I genuinely HATE about this area. Jackass asshole inbreds who think killing cats is fun, or funny, or manly, and the crueller and more gruesome the method the better. I've bitten my tongue as people have gleefully described crushing kitten's heads with hammers, "cat-fishing" with extra-small treble-hooks tied to a tree, siccing their dogs, poisoning, etc. No more. This is the second time in a year that somebody's intentionally run over a kitten, a KITTEN of all things, on my property. No fucking more.

Unfortunately, this waste of skin left as I was dealing with another customer, or he'd have gotten more than a piece of my mind. If he's dumb enough to come back I'll take great pleasure in throwing him out on his scumsucking ass.

That kinda Mean has no reason to be breathin' my air.
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
dogzilla's Avatar
Location: New York
That is awful. Is there no way to file a criminal complaint against this guy? This sort of action deserves jail time. Actually it deserves a severe beat down but then the deliverer of that beat down would be in even more trouble.
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:41 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Oh no! I'm so sorry!

There's a special place in hell for people who cause animals pain.

In North Carolina they just passed legislation to make animal cruelty a felony after a puppy was set on fire in a park. She survived and was adopted, but the people who did it got a slap on the wrist.

Nothing I can say will make it better. Just....sending a hug.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

- Anatole France
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:42 AM   #4 (permalink)
Well, he was an out-of-stater (FL plates), but I never got a name or address. Our shooting range doesn't have a sign-in (although after this I think it'd be a good idea), so we have no way of knowing who it was. I'll tell you this, though, I'll remember this sonofabitch's face, and if he ever shows up in here again he's in a world of hurt. I'm with you, Lurkette: and that place in Hell is hopefully sited in the U-Bend of the toilets servicing the section of Hell wherein reside child molesters and people who talk in the theatre. Unfortunately, all but the -really- egregious stuff (like the guy in Ashe County last year who got caught pan-frying Boxer puppies alive) slips under the radar around here. The Sherrif's Dept. and town Police are fully infiltrated by the Cornbread Mafia (ie; they all went to High School together, drink together, and their kids smoke dope together, in addition to plenty of them working -for- the Departments), so none of the Manly Men responsible for this kind of thing ever gets nailed. After all, "it's just a Goddamned cat, a woman's critter, too many'a them fuckerz'round here annaway. My dawg eatsum alla time!"

Last edited by The_Dunedan; 07-14-2010 at 08:49 AM..
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:46 AM   #5 (permalink)
My future is coming on
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Definitely keep an eye on him...probably not much you can do without proof that he did it intentionally and maliciously, but you can certainly give him a piece of your mind.

Here's the article on the new legislation:
NC Gov. Perdue Signs Susie's Law | Animal Law Coalition

Of particular interest:

There is a well-established link between animal abuse and domestic violence and other violent crimes. A June 13, 2010 New York Times article illustrates this with a look at a number of studies showing animal abuse is often an indicator of future violence to humans.

In one study 71% of women in a battered women's shelter reported their abuser either abused a household pet or threatened to abuse a pet. (Ascione, 1998)

In another study 88% of child abusers also abused the animals in the home. (Ascione)

In a study by Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, Public Health Department, the Johns Hopkins University from 1994 to 2000 in eleven USA metropolitan cities, pet abuse was one of the four significant predictors for determining who was at highest risk for becoming a batterer. Many abused spouses delay leaving out of fear for their pets' safety and because they have nowhere to take them.

70% of animal abusers were found in one 20 year study to have then committed other crimes, and 44% went on to harm people. (Arluke, A. & Luke, C. 1997).

In another study 99% of animal abusers had convictions for other crimes. (Clarke, J. P. 2002). In that same study it was found 100% of people who committed sexual homicide had abused animals. (Clarke, J. P. 2002). That study also revealed 61.5% of animal abusers had assaulted a human as well. (Clarke, J. P. 2002).

63.3% of inmates in a prison study who were in for violent crimes admitted to abusing animals. This doesn't include the ones who didn't admit it. (Schiff Louw Ascione, 1999)

Police have found animal abuse is a better predictor of whether someone will commit sexual assault than previous convictions for murder or arson. (Clarke, J. P. 2002).
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

- Anatole France
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:51 AM   #6 (permalink)
Oh yeah, and that's a -big- part of why these jackholes bragging about it worries me. The kind of person who'll maliciously harm an animal (and then boast about it!) isn't far from harming a human. I hate Possums, but I head-shoot the fuckers. People who torture animals give me the creeps. Like I said, no reason to be breathin' my air.
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Old 07-14-2010, 08:58 AM   #7 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
Ugh. I'm sorry you had to deal with this, Dunedan. That just sickens me.

And here is a link to the New York Times piece mentioned in what lurkette posted: The Animal-Cruelty Syndrome http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/13/ma...ighting-t.html
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Old 07-14-2010, 09:26 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: The Danforth
god. report it. I'm sure he can be traced through his credit chit or description.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:08 PM   #9 (permalink)
That guy sounds like a real piece of crap. Sorry you have to deal with that kind of BS.
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Old 08-07-2010, 05:40 AM   #10 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Ugh. I hear ya, bro. I have a soft spot for cats and no room for people.
Whatever you can carry.

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Old 08-07-2010, 07:31 AM   #11 (permalink)
Eat your vegetables
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A sign-in for your range seems appropriate, especially since tihs has happened more than once.

But.... A kitten!? What kind of a sick creep does this?!
There has to be a way you can report it, even if you can't name the guy. You could mention the make/model of the car, the fact that it had Florida plates, and a thorough description of the man. There has to be a way to track him down.
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Old 08-07-2010, 09:00 AM   #12 (permalink)
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hate to say it, but the police probably aren't going to put much effort into finding him. I'd put in a report, but i wouldn't hold your breath on it. two years ago I got jumped and put in the hospital by five people and I was able to point out the specific house that they lived in and everything, and all the police would do was shrug their shoulders. Sounds like a real piece of shit though

These are the good old days...

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Old 08-07-2010, 01:41 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Terrible, what as asshole. For sure I'd start a sign in and also require some sort of ID when they do, like a drivers license. Copy down address & license number. If they bitch they can go elsewhere.
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Old 08-07-2010, 02:18 PM   #14 (permalink)
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What a jack-Wad. Sadly, as many have pointed out, the police and law enforcement will be of little help. Sounds like you already know this, sounds like the local law is pretty useless. Been there done that, own that t-shirt... so to speak.

Real sad thing is a lot of places wouldn't treat this serious even if the police did seek out the person responsible. They are something like five states where there is little or no plenty for this type of shit. I can't remember the states and really it doesn't matter since I have no idea where you live (not asking either none of my business, just saying) I remember there being guy in Mississippi who tied his dog to a tree and lit it on fire. I think he ended up with $100 fine and some probation. Don't quote me on that, I'm too lazy to google for facts right now.

I know years ago the laws covering dogs and cats were completely different in Oregon. Basically a dog was property and protected from harm by persons other then it's owner. The owner could do whatever he wanted with the dog, it was his property. Cats were not covered by any law. Shoot them, run over them do whatever you wanted. I was reading through the ORS (Oregon Revised Statutes) one day, fresh out of the navy and came across these laws. When I asked my supervisor what the logic was he told me "people own dogs to hunt and farm, cats are just consider nuance animals under the law. I'm sure those laws have changed, least I hope they have.

Anyway sorry for your loss. If you need an alibi after you find this POS... I'll be glad to swear we were drinking beer on my beach that day.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo

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Last edited by Tully Mars; 08-07-2010 at 02:48 PM..
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