Well THEY Won't Be Coming Back...
I'm ready to nuke the planet.
I just had to bury one of my farm kittens. One I'd nursed back from a nasty eye infection, chased all over woodpiles to give her medicine, and put a lot of work into. Cute little thing, although she hated being picked up.
We have cats. Duh, we're a farm. They're all hard workers with a job to do, and they do it well. But it pisses me off when things like this happen. Why? Because this little ball of fuzz wasn't killed by a dog, or an owl, or a jealous Tomcat chasing after Mama. One of my customers ran her over ON PURPOSE.
An hour or so ago, a guy shows up to use the range. Pays his fees, gets in his vehicle, and heads uphill to our rifle range. As he's heading out, I hear an odd, fairly loud, squeal, like car-body plastic rubbing against something. A few moments later, after what seemed like an odd delay, I see the SUV head uphill to the rifle range. The only thing in the area that he could have hit was an old (very visible) tree-stump, so I paid no attention.
Fifteen minutes ago, I went outside to check the mail. In the middle of our 1/3-acre parking lot is my kitten. I won't describe the mess, but suffice to say it was obvious that the first rollover crushed the lower abdomen and pelvis, the second the head. That squeal that I thought was a fender-bender was that first rollover. And this jackhole just proceeded on up to the range without a word to me, after running over my cat not once but -twice.-
This is something I genuinely HATE about this area. Jackass asshole inbreds who think killing cats is fun, or funny, or manly, and the crueller and more gruesome the method the better. I've bitten my tongue as people have gleefully described crushing kitten's heads with hammers, "cat-fishing" with extra-small treble-hooks tied to a tree, siccing their dogs, poisoning, etc. No more. This is the second time in a year that somebody's intentionally run over a kitten, a KITTEN of all things, on my property. No fucking more.
Unfortunately, this waste of skin left as I was dealing with another customer, or he'd have gotten more than a piece of my mind. If he's dumb enough to come back I'll take great pleasure in throwing him out on his scumsucking ass.
That kinda Mean has no reason to be breathin' my air.