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What purpose does hair in your butt serve? (NSFW Warning: Man Ass)
Of all the places on my body that I want hair to grow, why does it have to be in your butt? What purpose does it serve?
you can use it for floss if you happen to get corn stuck in your teeth at dinner.
booooong!!! really though, why do we have any body hair anymore? it's not necessary, same as butt crack hair. guess we just have it so unless you want to laser it out, don't worry about it. |
it clumps the shit together, so it's not slimy.:hmm:
genetically, you are not that much different than the asses in the past who didn't have toilet paper. to put it bluntly I know, eew....:p |
This goes in the health and fitness thread? ;)
No one likes a cold ass. :D
this is a disturbing post...
I'm laughing my ass off!
How do you people come up with these questions? |
Rogue but then the crap sticks to your butt. |
so that we can have the Klingons around Uranus
Yeah I've always wondered about ass hair...I mean pubic hair, at least its a sign of sexual maturity or something...
I think they're kind of like whiskers that extend our radius of sensation so that we can know sooner when something is trying to invade our anuses.
Ugh, I think I just offended myself. |
On humans hair is 'lubricant'. It prevents chaffing while you (or your ancestors) were out hunter-gathering.
Lemurlad is right. While most humans (myself excluded, I am a hairy one) have lost most of their body hair over time, some hair remains in areas like the armpits groin and butt crack. This hair remains because it acts like a natural lubricant to areas that would otherwise chafe from skin on skin friction. So the European ladies have it right, let those pits go au' natural
Anal hair was intended to ensure that the only intimate relationships we stayed in were with partners who really loved us.
Couples that comb together, stay together. This increases the chances of the partners succesfully raising children and passing on their hairy arse genes. |
lol. hilarious. lil antennae, eh? hhahahaha
it's there so girls get turned off by it and you have to shave it. then after you shave it your ass gets all itchy and irritated....
:( |
No idea.
I don't know that answer...BUT (hehe) look at all of us that bothered to read and post to the tread!
:lol: |
They serve a purpose. To retain shit after a crap and stain your underwear. THat was blunt wasn't it? I'm sorry.
Its there to gather lint and leave deposits of it on every toilet seat you sit on...
if there was no butt hair, dagelo abortions wouldn't be who they are today!!!!
Hair around the genitals is designed to prevent chafing during sexual inttercourse. Anal sex was obviously intended by nature......
After I read the first couple of posts I knew I should just go back to the main menu.....but the topic is strangly compelling... let me ponder this further.
After two years I'd have thought that we were safe from the hairy bunghole thread. But nooooo.
Hair on the cheeks is there so I can get a good grip and hang on better for the ride. ;)
On the argument between Darwin and Intelligent Design, I feel that ass hair leans towards Intelligent Design.
When you get all sweaty it keeps your cheeks from sticking together...
It's the same reason we have hair in our armpits... stinky crevases need hair. |
You scare me Charlatan... you really scare me... How can someone so cute be so... deviant :) |
:hmm: AAAHHHHH but the question must be asked of why Women's arses are less hairy then Mens? The whole hair to stop from sweating thing would be null and void. I've seen some Women with HUGE arses and those things looked like they needed to sweet, yet I saw no hair??? :hmm:
This thread is so f'in funny. I'm laughin my ass off!
Erm.. waita minute... http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/images/smilies/hmmm.gif |
from Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pubic_hair Function of pubic hair It is believed that the functions of pubic hair include the dissemination of pheromones and protection from the friction of sexual intercourse. Pubic hair and the growth between the tops of the legs and the buttocks, like under arm hair, helps to lubricate the areas, making movement smoother and more comfortable. |
If butthair is supposed to make movement "smoother and more comfortable," then why do I get a major case of MONKEY BUTT at least twice a day?
Just think of it as an eye lash for your brown eye :)
I've always wondered why the hell they call it public hair, there's nothing public about it...
WTF!!! :lol: WTF is MONKEY BUTT?!? That just has me laughing my ass off!!! This stuff is great. |
Basically, monkey butt is an itchy, sweaty buttcrack; feels as if you didn't do a good job the last time you took a crap and the hairs are all... use your imagination.
Anyway, some people get it frequently, no matter how diligent they are when they wipe up, and I'm one of those. Happens more often in hot weather, but still happens year-round. |
Your hair is not growing in my butt that I know of. Of course, if you believe in a holistic--we-are-all-one--universe then everyone's hair is growing in everyone's butt. But really, the original question has been answered. Quote:
this post is hilarious...
maybe it;s so that we can carry our "shit smell" everywhere and attract the opposite sex hahahahahaha |
Perhaps it's the result of evolution. Let's think for a sec... If we did evolve from our ancestral cousins, the primates, we had no protection from the elments. A key "exit" from the body, we wouldn't want that area to get frostbitten or something now would we?
So, the question to ask is what is your position on the rectum as a hole?
Not just lubricant, but heat retention as well. Think about it... where are the warmest parts of your body on the exterior? (the places where you're told in first aid courses to put your hands in the cold to prevent frostbite?) Armpits and groin. Also our heads, because there's a lot of blood pumping up there. So hair stays there to ensure a buffer zone so not too much heat is lost through these areas... same function as animal fur.
As to men being hairier than women, since almost all mammals are MUCH hairier than us (fur) I think the real question is not why men are hairier than women, but why women are less hairy than men; we hairy men are closer to the mammalian norm. If you believe in evolution (as I do), I think the reason stems from the fact that throughout human history, the womenfolk have tended to stay closer to the home, whereas the men went out on long journeys over large tracts of land, hunting and whatnot. Therefore we kept more 'fur' on us to protect us better from the elements when out on such forays, whereas the womenfolk would have needed less 'fur' staying closer to home. Dunno if that's at all right, but it makes sense to me! ;) |
it helps make a space between your ass and your pants underwear or whatever to trap air. now that air has to stay there so when a dog sniffs your butt it has something to sniff. so yeah its very important.
Oh, the shame..... |
I've known a few guys who had worrying amounts of the stuff... what's the best way to remove that men would actually consider?
Plucking? (Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch...) Waxing? (doubtful) Hair removal cream? (is it safe?) Shaving? (the Itchy and Scratchy show) |
I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
It has 2 basic functions.
When passing gas it acts as a combination muting mechanism and pitch tuning device. |
This thread is not over yet, Cuz I have butt hair too..
My GF thinks hair isnt very good for you.
IM am very hairy .. |
I didn't notice anyone who suggested this, but perhaps butt hair serves no purpose. Not every aspect of our bodies has evolved to serve a specific purpose. Butt hair could be a byproduct of the evolved capacity to have hair on other parts of our bodies. The genes responsible for hair on our heads or hair around our genitals may also produce hair in our butts.
Not again. :shakehead:
It's a conspiracy by Nair and Gilette, the two most powerful evil corporations in the world, to control people through shame.
But yeah, it's pheremone related. |
To keep your farts from sounding like
This thread reminded me of something I read long ago, and surprisingly, a quick search was all it took to resurface this hilarious story:
No, you are all wrong. It prevents your asshole from freezing.
This is probably TMI for most people but... Anyone ever try using deodorant on your butt crack area? It's a great lubricant, and even the slimiest of shits won't stick to your ass hair thus always keeping your anal area clean and sweet smelling should the need arise for that area to be in that condition.... ok i'll shutup now...
you are one twisted fuck!
I'm not letting you anywhere NEAR my roll-ons.
I too have wondered this before. Until I started reading this post though, I really hadn't brainstormed more than a moments worth to come up with anything. My feeling on the matter is...
long ago when man walked around naked or in those little genital/ass flaps, I imagine flies and other such bugs (who are of course more than attracted to the smell of ass, especially (I imagine) cave man ass. So perhaps ass hairs provide the same function as nose hairs, to keep pests away? (Sorry if this has already been said or something, I haven't finished reading the thread) |
Hahahaaa and we're off again lol
ghostmoon that idea is pretty...scary...yuck. *GAG* I have never given this any thought before and I'm glad...though this is one funny thread |
hmm i can add this to my list of questions...
1) whats the meaning of life..... 2) why do we have ass hair.... OH the many mysteries of life |
Not sure why this is even questionable. Everyone knows its the most efficient way to harvest dingleberries.
You know we've all had this happen, shaved or not. I can't be the only one. Those farts that just don't make it all the way and created the "omg gerbil" sensation? god, what a visual. |
This thread is like a floater that just won't flush away.
What's all this talk about residual hair clinging dingleberries? Don't you people use http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com..._Wipes_BIG.jpg
Hair or not, I can't live without those.:thumbsup: |
It doesn't work to well on the twig and berries either, to harsh. I'm not an expert on hair removal creams, is there a product out that isn't as harsh as Nair? |
You don't want to get rid of all the hair because of stubble when it comes back. To simulate the effect, rub a piece of 100 grit sandpaper across your face for a few seconds, then imagine that in your ass crack every time you take a step; add some ingrown hairs for extra fun.
Buzzing it with clippers works pretty well, it's a tiny bit scratchy for the first day, but the hair softens right back up (and it doesn't hurt to do it right before a shower so the hair absorbs a bit of conditioner when you rinse it out of your hair. |
If removal is such an issue, why remove it at all?
Why not style it? Fauxhawk? French twist perhaps? Emo swoosh? |
In all my years, this question has never crossed my mind. :oogle:
insect invader alert system?
this thread was already epic, now, it's legendary.
Everytime this thread show's itself, I still laugh my minutely hairy ass off, especially the first page this time around.:lol:
And holy crap are there alot of old names in this thread I'd forgotten about (thinking about the Playground thread). Nice, but slightly shiver inducing contrib woods.:thumbsup: Sorry to any hairy beast member's, I like some hair on men but that is over the top. |
I always tell my SO I love his fuzzy but, and I really do.
Body parts aren't made for specific purposes. Parts appear, and then the ones that prevent us from surviving kill us off. The ones that don't kill us stay.
Butt hair has not caused extinction, so it remains. |
Fly, did you gain some weight and shave your head?
After finding my tick bite, I inspected other areas of my bady, including my ass hole. Bunch of hair, and no ticks. Maybe that's the purpose of butt hair.
*considers Rogaine........................quickly dismisses*
Hair keeps bugs out
Hair Prevents cancer, and swine flu. :o
Having lived with more than one woman in my life, including a number greater than one that didn't shave anything at all (legs, pubis, etc.), I can guarantee that the average woman doesn't have as much hair as the average man. So, yeah. Thanks for playing. You're wrong. |
I had a gf once who had hair on her breasts. I asked her to shave it off and she dumped me.
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