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Old 01-12-2006, 09:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
Insomnia-induced drugs?

Anybody know of any drugs that helps to induce insomnia?

I have heard of dextroamphetamine but a friend who's a nurse told me that the negative effects of it is heart related. Anybody have any other recommendation or experience with dex?
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:16 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Green Bay, WI
Well, unfortunately, it's available by prescription only, but...

Modofinal, I believe is the name - the newest wonder drug out there

Originally tested for combat, it helps people stay awake for extraordinarily long lengths of time. Taken every eight hours, it allows you to stay awake for up to 90 hours straight, with no reduction in your mental abilities. In fact, they tested some people after 40 hours of being awake, and they performed better than many people do after only 12 hours.

As far as the amount of sleep required after 90 hours of being awake? A nominal eight hours, then you're set to go again.

How I wish I could have some... legally, of course Do you have any idea how productive I could be if I could stay awake and still have full mental capabilites for 90 hours?
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Just in case you were wondering...
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:31 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NoSoup
How I wish I could have some... legally, of course Do you have any idea how productive I could be if I could stay awake and still have full mental capabilites for 90 hours?
Why else would I ask about them?

Last edited by feelgood; 01-12-2006 at 10:35 PM..
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Old 01-13-2006, 09:39 AM   #4 (permalink)
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the whole idea of this is totaly insane... personaly i have a bad problem with insomnia. at least a couple times a month i go 3 days without sleep no matter how hard i try to sleep. Im not sure why anyone would want this crap. it cant be healthy and the less sleep you get the more often you will get sick and the more of a joke your immune system becomes. sure might be ok for the milatary where they need to stay up 3 days just to survive but after that im sure they are allowed to pass out and relax for a day or two. in the end you end up getting less done. I really wouldnt suggest taking anything that does something to you thats this unnatral.
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:09 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I'm the kind of guy that doesn't have time to do squat, my schedule is full of school and part time job in the evening. So, I figured that I might as well use my sleep time to do my homework but that wouldn't work out so well since I'm a heavy sleeper.
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Old 01-13-2006, 05:02 PM   #6 (permalink)
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That stuff is crazy.
But, if you had all that extra time, it would be nice wouldn't it?

But i can't see how it would be good for your body.

But, if you wanted to try it. Just talk to your doctor. See if he will give it to you.

Last edited by Vincentt; 01-13-2006 at 05:07 PM..
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:50 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vincentt
That stuff is crazy.
But, if you had all that extra time, it would be nice wouldn't it?

But i can't see how it would be good for your body.

But, if you wanted to try it. Just talk to your doctor. See if he will give it to you.
No, I'm not going to do it without understanding the consequences of it, that's why I'm posting a thread to hear from others who may have experience with that particular drug or other drugs. I prefer to hear from those who have experienced the drug, not those who knows about the drug.

Plus, you have to have a medical reason in order to obtain those stuff through a doctor and I don't have one

Last edited by feelgood; 01-13-2006 at 10:53 PM..
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:44 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plaid13
the whole idea of this is totaly insane... personaly i have a bad problem with insomnia. at least a couple times a month i go 3 days without sleep no matter how hard i try to sleep. Im not sure why anyone would want this crap. it cant be healthy and the less sleep you get the more often you will get sick and the more of a joke your immune system becomes. sure might be ok for the milatary where they need to stay up 3 days just to survive but after that im sure they are allowed to pass out and relax for a day or two. in the end you end up getting less done. I really wouldnt suggest taking anything that does something to you thats this unnatral.
I agree. Anytime people do goofy things to get an edge they pay in other ways. Look at steriods and athletes. They may be able to work out harder and recover faster but it all adds up. The side effects just aren't worth it unless you just want to burn out quickly. I'm sure it's the same for sleep.

Check out flowers in the tropics. They bloom all year round so they don't last as long as perenials in seasonal areas that get a chance to rest.

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Old 01-14-2006, 05:50 PM   #9 (permalink)
Why not turn to the most popular, most readily available drug on the continent? Caffeine.

BTW - 10 days without sleep and you're dead.
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by thingstodo
Burn that candle at both ends and it burns twice as fast...
You said it!

Sleep is much fought in our society. In North American it has a reputation of being a problem, a waste of time, the mark of the unproductive.

But what sleep does for you is so remarkable. It restores and boosts your immune system. It allows deep processing of information. It's 'down time' of the type that makes you more creative. It gives you a vast playground in which to explore yourself and your life. While you dream, you find new solutions to problems. Sleep gives you a world in which you can dream things into being the way you want. It helps focus you and reorient your perspective.

If you're life is so crammed that you feel you need to go without sleep, you might want to address the more basic imbalances that make your life crammed.
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Old 01-17-2006, 12:26 AM   #11 (permalink)
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When I was on corticosteroids to treat Crohn's Disease, I often went days at a time without sleep (a common side effect). All I can say is, it sounds great until you actually try it. Having been down that road, I'm thankful that when I'm off the 'roids I'm able to get a full, restful night's sleep most of the time. I usually found the extra time was 'dead time'; I did nothing with it. I was generally too tired to consider doing anything productive, I suffered frequent headaches, was sick more often and in a general sense felt like crap.

Missing sleep doesn't remove the effects of fatigue. Your body is designed the way it is for a reason. You need rest.

If you're having trouble fitting everything in, a better solution (although it may seem counter-intuitive) would be to get more sleep. Make sure you get a full eight hours every night, which will enable you to be more productive the other sixteen hours of the day.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

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Old 01-17-2006, 12:42 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Martian
If you're having trouble fitting everything in, a better solution (although it may seem counter-intuitive) would be to get more sleep. Make sure you get a full eight hours every night, which will enable you to be more productive the other sixteen hours of the day.
I sleep approx 6-10 hours everyday and sleep doesn't seem to solve the problem of my inability to focus throughout the day, the again, that's not the issue at hand.
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Old 01-17-2006, 03:41 AM   #13 (permalink)
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It might not be the hours you are sleeping, but the quality of sleep you are getting... if you are getting 8+ hours a sleep a night, but aren't feeling the effects the next day.

As someone who regularly has insomnia-- I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... insomnia doesn't mean you don't get tired.. I can be tired... and still not sleep...

You might want to keep a log and figure out when you are most alert - and try to work your schedule around that... maybe you're more of an night person -- if that's the case try to work int he morning and schedule your classes int he afternoon and do homework inthe evening...
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Old 01-31-2006, 09:44 PM   #14 (permalink)
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ack as an insomniac i can't wish it upon anyone to want to induce it upon themselves. That being said, if you want to stay up all night you probably just might as well do it in a healthy way and time your day in a manner that will keep you awake instead of pumping yourself full of no doubt harmful drugs.... ideas...

Eat a very late diner (ie, eat a light meal at normal person eating time but not a full meal and then eat a big meal late, 9 or 10)

Go for a brisk walk or work out in the late evening complete with a shower.

Avoid tasks such as listening to music or watching TV as they can disjoint your focus to stay away.

Caffine is probably no where near as dangerous. Well timed tea and coffee injections, as in before you start to feel tired but know you probably don't have a lot of time left will buy you some extra time.
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Old 02-02-2006, 04:13 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Modofinil is used for narcoleptics and some people with ADHD. I've never seen anything about people taking it to stay away for 90 hours.


Our bodies (and brains) don't demand sleep for no reason, it's vital to your well being. Even if you can stay mentally alert you're still putting extra stress on your heart and immune system to say the least.

Sleep is good. Work on your time managment if you need more free time during waking hours. There's always ways to make things more efficient. Depriving your body of sleep is not a good answer.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:15 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VitaminH
Modofinil is used for narcoleptics and some people with ADHD. I've never seen anything about people taking it to stay away for 90 hours.

Right now, the US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory is testing an antisleep agent called modafinil. Developed by the French firm Lafon to fight narcolepsy and sold by Pennsylvania drugmaker Cephalon under the name Provigil, the compound can keep users up for four or five days at a stretch, with negligible side effects and little risk of addiction.

In trials on healthy people like Army helicopter pilots, modafinil has allowed humans to stay up safely for almost four days while remaining practically as focused, alert, and capable of dealing with complex problems as the well-rested. Then, after a good eight hours' sleep, they can get up and do it again -- for another 90 hours, before finally catching up on their sleep.
See? I'm not crazy
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.

Just in case you were wondering...
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Old 02-05-2006, 07:16 AM   #17 (permalink)
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NoSoup, I didn't mean to come off as I didn't believe you. I'm sorry if I did, but I was just saying that I hadn't read anything on it being used for that to the context that I couldn't really comment on it.

I never thought you were crazy
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:43 AM   #18 (permalink)
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No problem - I just thought for a moment I had the drug's name wrong
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.

Just in case you were wondering...
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:44 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Sleep deprivation is bad. There have been studies (i will try to find some) citing that lack of sleep only catches up to you in the long run. It takes years off of your life if it is excessive.

On of the guys who tortures himself for Mens Health (starvation, lack of sleep, etc etc) did it once. The Doctors didn't like it too much... or much of anything this guys decides to do for entertainment purposes.

My 2 cents.

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Old 02-07-2006, 09:48 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by feelgood
I sleep approx 6-10 hours everyday and sleep doesn't seem to solve the problem of my inability to focus throughout the day, the again, that's not the issue at hand.
A simple caffeine supplement could help you focus at times of mental unresponsiveness.

Or even Ephedrine if you want... its not so legal (i think) nor friendly to your body...

Anways... this isn't the apparent issue at hand...

Don't you know about the bird?
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:50 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Prince George, British Columbia
hahah... sorry... why not just take speed... I think it would have the same effect no? Plus you can get it pretty easy I am sure. More so than prescription drugs...
Don't you know about the bird?
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:17 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Caffeine pills will keep you awake, no problem.
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Old 02-08-2006, 12:19 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Kids here at school try for the same thing. Stay up all night doing homework and the like. They do it with aderol... Most of em blow a line every few hours, slower longer lasting version is to take one or two less often. Watching them crash hard after 30 hrs without sleep is always hilarious to me.

Not something I would do but...
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Old 02-08-2006, 09:17 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I agree.

Not sleeping for one or two nights is unpleasant. Having restricted sleep for a week is a little more unpleasant. Having true insomnia over many months is truly terrible.

Sure... taking something to stay awake for a period is ok. Don't mess too much with your sleep cycles though - the results can be more serious and longer lasting.
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Old 02-28-2006, 05:55 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: norcal
adderall or ritalin will keep you up pretty well. I know someone who used to take modafinil because hes narcoleptic but it made him unfocused. Like he was awake, but he wasnt able to focus on a particular task. He ended up getting in a car accident. He now taked a time release ritalin called concerta i believe. Ive used it (12 hour time release ritalin) before as a study aid and although it kept me awake and focused me, i would still feel very physically fatigued by the end of the pill.
so much to do, so little time.....at least i aint bored.
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drugs, insomniainduced

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