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Old 04-09-2006, 10:12 PM   #361 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
36,600 + 95 (couldn't quite get the last few in to be even, heh)

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 04-10-2006, 12:52 AM   #362 (permalink)
skier's Avatar
Location: Edmontania

"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
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Old 04-10-2006, 01:05 AM   #363 (permalink)
Paq's Avatar
Location: South Carolina


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Old 04-10-2006, 06:44 PM   #364 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
450 to kick off the new week,

we are now at...37 450! ta-dah!
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:09 PM   #365 (permalink)
is a tiger
Siege's Avatar
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

37 450 + 100 = 37 550
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

--Kevin Smith

This part just makes my posts easier to find
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Old 04-10-2006, 07:58 PM   #366 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
37,550 +50 = 37,600
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Old 04-10-2006, 11:15 PM   #367 (permalink)
dtheriault's Avatar
Location: maybe utah
I've been doing 100 a day (not in a row yet) for the last two weeks and I did 110 tonight. That's 1410 + 37,600 = 39,010.

BTW if you really want to hit your triceps do your pushups while holding onto two dumbells that are fairly close together and parallel to your body. When I used to lift a lot (years ago) I found that doing dumbell presses with the handles parallel instead of the normal way hit your triceps harder.

I tried doing diamond pushups tonight and was humbled. I reallllllly need to start working out again.
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer

Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?
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Old 04-11-2006, 05:39 AM   #368 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
39,010 + 120


They seem to be easier to do than when I first started this nonsense...
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:26 AM   #369 (permalink)
Chicken scratch.
Gabbyness's Avatar
Location: Japan!!!

One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.
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Old 04-11-2006, 12:07 PM   #370 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar

Total = 39,330
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Old 04-11-2006, 03:59 PM   #371 (permalink)
skier's Avatar
Location: Edmontania

39 390
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
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Old 04-11-2006, 05:16 PM   #372 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
another 450 done.

= 39 840
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
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Old 04-11-2006, 06:29 PM   #373 (permalink)
is a tiger
Siege's Avatar
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

39 840 + 150 = 39 990.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

--Kevin Smith

This part just makes my posts easier to find
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Old 04-11-2006, 10:26 PM   #374 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
Supple Cow's Avatar
Location: Washington, D.C.

Total: 40,050
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 04-12-2006, 06:48 AM   #375 (permalink)


I've been sidelined for a week with a sore shoulder. Went too heavy on bowflex bench presses.
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Old 04-12-2006, 10:55 AM   #376 (permalink)
shoegirl's Avatar
Location: Ohio
20 for me!

total: 40,075
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Old 04-12-2006, 02:55 PM   #377 (permalink)
samcol's Avatar
Location: Indiana
40,075 + 200 = 40,275
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Old 04-12-2006, 05:48 PM   #378 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
scratch off another 450.

40 725...boo-yah!
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
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Old 04-12-2006, 05:56 PM   #379 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar

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Old 04-12-2006, 07:08 PM   #380 (permalink)
is a tiger
Siege's Avatar
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

40 825 + 150 = 40 975
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

--Kevin Smith

This part just makes my posts easier to find
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Old 04-12-2006, 07:54 PM   #381 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
Location: Iceland
+ 40 from Monday, and
+ 20 from today

40,975 + 60 = 41,035
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 04-12-2006, 08:18 PM   #382 (permalink)
65 more today.

"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head
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Old 04-12-2006, 08:51 PM   #383 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
41,100 + 117 =

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 04-12-2006, 11:52 PM   #384 (permalink)
Found my way back
healer's Avatar
Location: South Africa
+ 10. I thought it would help wake me up this morning...didn't work.

41 227
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Ok - can I edit my posts to read "what healer said"?
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Old 04-13-2006, 11:42 AM   #385 (permalink)
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Old 04-13-2006, 02:00 PM   #386 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
Supple Cow's Avatar
Location: Washington, D.C.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 04-13-2006, 03:03 PM   #387 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
100 + 41,370


Last edited by blahblah454; 04-13-2006 at 04:19 PM..
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:19 PM   #388 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
my last 450 for the week...

new total: 41 820!
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
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Old 04-13-2006, 09:24 PM   #389 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
Hey Kewpie you added that wrong! You missed 100 in the total

Did another 50 before I worked out

50 + 41,920

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Old 04-14-2006, 06:53 AM   #390 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
oh snaps! that's why i'm an english major and not designing airplanes.

good eye blah!
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
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Old 04-14-2006, 07:20 AM   #391 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar

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Old 04-14-2006, 11:59 AM   #392 (permalink)
Paq's Avatar
Location: South Carolina


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Old 04-14-2006, 01:52 PM   #393 (permalink)
PayUp's Avatar
Location: AZ
after I sprained my wrist up and pushing again....+ 100

Born to Lose.
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Old 04-14-2006, 03:48 PM   #394 (permalink)
samcol's Avatar
Location: Indiana
42,300 + 200 = 42,500
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Old 04-16-2006, 07:46 PM   #395 (permalink)
is a tiger
Siege's Avatar
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seems people have been slacking these past few days, myself included.


42 500 + 250 = 42 750
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

--Kevin Smith

This part just makes my posts easier to find
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Old 04-17-2006, 09:34 AM   #396 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
Um, I've been doing pushups every day, but I don't remember how much I did this weekend.

At least 100, so we will go with that, and I'll pay better attention.

42,750 + 100

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 04-17-2006, 10:20 AM   #397 (permalink)
PayUp's Avatar
Location: AZ
150 this morning more later

43, 000
Born to Lose.
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Old 04-17-2006, 01:49 PM   #398 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
Supple Cow's Avatar
Location: Washington, D.C.
w00t! 43,000! Man, but I sure did catch the weekend slacker bug. 70 for today...

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 04-17-2006, 02:27 PM   #399 (permalink)
Paq's Avatar
Location: South Carolina

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Old 04-17-2006, 05:17 PM   #400 (permalink)
powered by the souls of dead warriors
Kewpie Dan's Avatar
Location: In the rain, dying
i hammered out 460 today. felt pretty good, but i had 3 days offa pushups (not including the wrestling on saturday) so we'll see how i feel tomorrow.

new total (drum roll.........) 43 630
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!
Kewpie Dan is offline  

challenge, pushup, tfp

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