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TerresqueÜ 05-10-2003 03:16 PM

What video game character would it suck the most to be?
Now you guys are gunna think I'm a bit nutty but hear me out. It has gotta suck to be Cloud!

C'mon you guys know that I am right! His hunny got sheesh-kebobed on disc one! He didn't even get a chance to get that close to her! How much would that suck and hurt? And yet he knows he hasta press on to stop Sephiroth. It's gotta suck, least I think so.

EDIT - What PLAYABLE video game character would it suck msot to be? (This nulls the hostage thing for cs)

uhhhhhhhhhhh 05-10-2003 03:19 PM

*shrug* he got some from Tifa didnt he? good enough for me

uhhhhhhhhhhh 05-10-2003 03:22 PM

i would have to say Max Payne, he lost everything and has nothing to lose

Kadath 05-10-2003 06:54 PM

From The Onion: Video Game Character Wondering Why Heartless God Always Chooses 'Continue'
ORANGEBURG, SC—Solid Snake, tactical-espionage expert and star of PlayStation's "Metal Gear Solid," questioned the nature of the universe Monday when, moments after his 11th death in two hours, a cruel God forced him to "Continue" his earthly toil and suffering.

The rest is here.

Mr.Deflok 05-10-2003 07:47 PM

Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, must be tough lookin' more like a girl than your girlfriend.

Destrox 05-10-2003 08:33 PM

Luigi ?

uhhhhhhhhhhh 05-10-2003 08:37 PM


Originally posted by Destrox
Luigi ?
why, please explain

sovietski 05-10-2003 08:43 PM

Eh, while luigi is bad (always being second best in Mario) im gunna have to go with any of the hostages from CounterStrike. I mean think about it, atleast one dies almost ever round. Everyone always uses them as body shields, and even if the CTs rescue all of them safely...the cycle still continues.

uhhhhhhhhhhh 05-10-2003 09:22 PM

im still going with Max payne. he gets his baby and wife murderd by crack heads right infront of him, not to mention the dreams he has. he also finds out he is nothing but a video game character. he gets betrayed by everyone, his only friends get killed infront of him...should i go on?

-Ever- 05-11-2003 03:15 PM

Anyone who gets nut-punched by Jonny Cage in Mortal Kombat :D

CityOfAngels 05-11-2003 11:51 PM

What about that one guy in FF7 who's arm got shot off at the same time as Barret's, only he fell down that canyon. Then afterwards he jumps off another canyon because he's so depressed about his life. THAT has got to be the worst-case-scenario videogame character.

Then again you can always say the Koopa Troopas in Super Mario Bros.

WhoaitsZ 05-12-2003 02:39 PM

as always, i can't give one answer.

cloud strife. poor fucker. / any Tony Hawk Proskaters... that's gotta hurt something fierce... / how about Minc's little giant minature space hamster?

hmmmm. i'd say Ganon. he always looses. he never has enough sense to use magick that doesn't harm himself. he does the same thing every three to five years. it's just gotta suck....

forgotten_dream 05-13-2003 03:20 PM

Toad, from Super Mario Bros. 2. I mean, for crying out loud he just sucks. He's a mushroom!
You ever wonder if Mario and Luigi have tried to smoke Toad? Just light him up with one of those fire-flowers... :D

beaudiggz 05-13-2003 06:21 PM

Any cop from the GRAND THEFT AUTO series.....they always seem to find a way to get shot.......HEHEHE.

KillerYoda 05-13-2003 06:41 PM

Tingle from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Wind Waker.

Cause he fucking sucks and doesn't know it.

Spinach_Indeed 05-14-2003 02:58 PM

Tidus from Final Fantasy X

Because if I was that chocked full of Teenage Angst and annoying girlish whining, I'd most likely have to pop off and shoot myself

TerresqueÜ 05-15-2003 02:41 PM


XenuHubbard 05-16-2003 07:03 AM

The snake from the game "Snake". Eat, eat eat, grow, grow, grow, avoid walls, everything is dark, and in the end his head gets crushed. And all along he knows it's coming.

Junchbailey 05-17-2003 07:45 AM

I'd have to say Luigi, especially from the first SMB. Nobody wanted to be him in a two player game. He just gets no respect.

Golux 05-17-2003 05:37 PM

The guy controlling all the missles in Missle Command. You think that if the fate of our WHOLE world depended on these missles being shot down that they would give you a bit more to work with than ONE freakin' launcher! I mean... COME ON PEOPLE! One of those cities get's destroyed and it's ALL YOUR FAULT! AT LEAST A MILLION PEOPLE DIE AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE YOU MISSED THAT LITTLE NUKE THAT WAS SPEEDING TOWARD YOUR AUNT MILDRED'S HOME! :: pant pant :: I'm done now....

yea... it would suck to be him.

crackpot 05-17-2003 05:56 PM

Umm, how about pac-man. You're all yellow & round, eateateateat those little pills, with fricking ghosts chasing you? Damn, no way! Don't even bother eating the ghosts, little dude, cuz they're only gonna get faster, and faster...
And I'd despise living in a maze.
And yeah, arguably, you've got ms. pac-man as a companion. But neither of you has genitalia. Plus, she's not even in the same game as you. That's got to be frustrating. What a tease she is, with that saucy little bow on her head.

g.f.p. 05-17-2003 10:31 PM

The guy from Deadly Towers for the NES. If it takes you 20 thwacks with your sword to kill the first bad guys that cross your path, you are pretty much screwed.

Mario 05-18-2003 05:35 AM

BOWSER, I mean how many times do you have to beat a guy before he gets it? And you figure the princess would figure a way to not get kidnapped by now but thats a whole different thread...

apetaster 05-18-2003 06:10 AM

Little Mac from Punch Out. Because in reality no white guy could take Piston Honda.

NeverBorn 05-18-2003 07:53 AM

Luigi, just cause that damn mario has a shitload of games, and I only have one. "Its a me, Luigi" "Excuse me who?"

Gortexfogg 05-18-2003 09:49 AM

I agree, Luigi lives in his own hell. No one ever wanted to pick Luigi in Super Mario Bros, he just happened to be the character for second player. At least he looks like he could beat up Mario...

FunHater 05-19-2003 08:22 PM

Princess Toadstool. How many times has she been kidnapped by Bowser now? Shit, that HAS to suck.

nash 05-20-2003 09:58 AM

How about being the board in Pong? Everyone takes you for granted and blames you when they miss...

sovietski 05-22-2003 08:14 AM

Pong isnt a hero though....Lugi dudes....he always is seccond best to mario. Except in Luigi's mansion which i havent played but sounds extremley gay. My final vote has to go to Gordon Freeman from Halflife...dudes how many times did you save a game a a jump and had to keep reloading it because you would land wrong and go splat...or blown to bits by a grenade round...i rest my case!!!

blandestsounds 05-22-2003 04:23 PM

ok im going back to the top with cloud....but i think aeris was the least of his problems do you remember a little part in the game where he figures out he isn't really who he thinnks he is and that he's some useless sephiroth clone..im sorry thats a mid-life crisis sitaution a tad harder to swallow than his girlfriend dying

0nesh0tw0nder 05-22-2003 11:20 PM

It would suck the most to be the pilot of the spaceship on ASTEROIDS b/c smashing into space rocks has to suck. Especially if you warped right in front of them.

Mr.Deflok 05-23-2003 01:37 AM

What about Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog? Hell Knuckles was cooler than that faggot.

oblar 05-23-2003 03:33 AM

have to agree with crackpot..

it would suck to be Pac-man.. funny thing is, I thought of him after I had read the first post ;) glad to see someone else thought the same way.

ImDrFreak 05-23-2003 04:37 AM

Klonoa. Always stepping on my ears, and questioning my sexuality while collecting nice shiny rings? no way!

Rayman. My arms! where the hell are my ARMS?!?! KHAAAAAANNN!!!!!!!

Sonic. Sure, I can run fast and I have like three honeys, but we all have HEADS THE SIZE OF MOONS! aaaaaugh! I'm FALLING OVER!

KillerYoda 05-23-2003 02:17 PM


Originally posted by TerresqueÜ
Technically you can play as Tingle now using the "Tingle Tuner" GBA and Gamecube attachment. You use him as a dungeon guide.

Phew, really covered my ass there.

tcxsnoop 05-23-2003 11:52 PM

Max Payne hands down

DelayedReaction 05-23-2003 11:59 PM

Yeah. Max Payne. Even being able to spontaneously produce bullet time can't compare to having your entire life destroyed like that.

Another good one would be the DOOM guy. Sure, you're a badass, but your entire life is pixelated.

Mr.Deflok 05-24-2003 12:25 AM

LOL, "ARGH! Demon Spawn of Legos!"

Todders2003 05-24-2003 12:22 PM

poor old max payne

sharked_3 05-24-2003 12:41 PM

being any princess in any video games sucks, your guarenteed to be kidnapped.

but there is no gaurentee your gonna be saved.

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