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-=shikamaru=- 09-03-2004 07:32 PM

By the way, I would like to point out at Luigi has Toadstool's brunette sister Daisy to bang, so hes not all that lonely

Dwayne 09-04-2004 02:16 PM

The bad guy, they always die in the end.

raven12 09-04-2004 06:03 PM

Im gonna go with cops from gta. They get harrased so much...but its so fun :D

irateplatypus 09-04-2004 11:30 PM

i haven't gone throught the previous pages so apologies if it's already been said...

it would suck to be the little hard hat dudes from mega man. you know, they pop up every once in a while but you've already got a huge arm-cannon blast all charged up to unload on their sorry asses.


Madd 09-05-2004 06:57 AM

Jim Raynor from starcraft - His planet was overrun by the zerg then burned to ash by the protoss fleet. His girlfriend is turned into a freaking evil zerg bitch who kills every character she comes accross in the game. He cannot show his face around the Minx who he helped to power. His best friend Tassadar the protoss gave his life to save the universe only for the zerg to come back strong as hell.

Jim raynor has seen it all. Although he does has that freaking huge battleship...maby max pane does have it worse.

AxelF 09-05-2004 06:41 PM

Larry Laffer da man, no contest!

jordan_is_god 09-05-2004 07:56 PM

king hippo has to have it the worst poor man cant even keep his trunks up

thriolith 09-05-2004 08:21 PM

How can being Luigi and being second best be worse than what Max Payne went through? Frogger gets it pretty bad too, road kill.

Locobot 09-05-2004 11:28 PM

it's obviously SPACE MARINE from the Doom series. we need a poll here...

Mr.Deflok 09-06-2004 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pyrate
What's wrong with Knuckles? He's a dapper!

Nothing! That came out all wrong man, Knuckles to me is almost cooler than Sonic... It's a tie really..

Marine from Doom and Max Payne seem to be winning... for once.

Slarty Bartfast 09-06-2004 06:01 PM

Me personally, my nightmare is to wake up and realize I'm ANY of the avatars from Counterstrike, particularly in the "dust" map. I mean, the amount of virtual death there is incredible, the place, if real, would literally be awash with blood, corpses stacked like cordwood. I'd know that map instantly, too, and I know just where I'd go hide and poop my pants. Kinda makes you wonder, though, if Hell is tuned to our sins ala Dante's Inferno, what do lazy, caffeine crazed basement geeks like moi have to expect????

buffto 09-09-2004 11:00 PM

celes from ff6. gets thrown off some floating island way up in the sky. survives. kills her father-figure with poison fish. jumps off a cliff. survives again. Plus she was created, so she has no real parents. Plus, her love interest is some gypsy closet-case thief. yeah, that'd suck teh penis.

buffto 09-09-2004 11:19 PM

oh, and larry laffer did get laid. in lsl6 (i think) he actually deflowers some hot chick.

melee2000 09-11-2004 02:15 AM

the worst
i would have to say e.t. on atari 2600 i mean doomed to fall through holes for all eternity. in a nasty green holes at that i might add that would really suck

adysav 09-11-2004 12:17 PM

Blanca from Street Fighter 2 has a serious colouration problem, and that hairy back has got to put off any woman.
Not to mention taking a bath must be a serious pain in the arse when you're electrified.
Then when he's out of the bath he ends up looking like a prize poodle from the charge :/

omutsu 09-12-2004 09:26 PM

Sorry if this has already been touched upon, but:

Anyone from the first Super Mario Brothers realm -- whether it be the brothers, Toad, or the princess. Look at it this way: what kind of fucked up world is the Mushroom Kingdom? It's riddled with obstacles and pipes, which may or may not contain man-eating (in later titles, fire-breathing) plants and bottomless pits. To top it all off, every living creature in the Mushroom Kingdom, whether it be a harmless-looking Koopa Troopa or a squat, toothy-faced Goomba, apparently emits some sort of deadly, topical toxin that inistantly kills or injurs you upon contact. The only way the man can stay sane is to binge on mushrooms and flora -- which, again, in later titles, may have adverse affects on Mario or Luigi.

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII -- faced with having to save the world whilst overcoming one fucked up identity crisis? The heroes from Contra, who have repeatedly been pent up with fighting off an alien invasion every five-or-so years? No. None of these guys have it as bad as Mario and Luigi. The only one who comes close would have to be Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden (NES) or Megaman; those games are hard as hell, but atleast they have weapons with which they can fend for themselves.

Dungeon_Shade 09-18-2004 05:14 PM

I feel really bad for Cloud and Max Payne. Poor bastards.

xepherys 09-20-2004 06:54 AM

I think it'd suck to be Bob-omb from Super Mario 2... I mean, you're whole existence is to be a suicide bomber... How much would that suck?

Munku 09-20-2004 07:53 PM

Hostages in Counter-Strike.. Those poor things get shot up more than a heroin addict at a rock concert..

Panteleon1 09-24-2004 07:31 AM

In 1987 i started playing Leisure suit Larry in the land..., then i was 14 years old and new nothing about life, now i think i would like to have an adventure like Larry, He is my hero man. Far out.

Navis 10-06-2004 03:22 AM

Hmm cant avoid thinking of all the crapy Lego guys in the even more crapy Lego games, Yes we can all see you are made entirly out of squares.... Entirely out of squares..... Yes to all of yuo who didnt get it,EVERYTHING on those guys are made of squares..... Wondering how it feels to be kicked in a couple of square balls, and with that never ending smile, Say you've just been dumped, Your head's been torn of by some over execited three yearold and your stuck on of plate because you got hole in your feet, and all you can do is smile.... just smile.....

I rest my case..

tspikes51 10-06-2004 11:21 AM

How about Samus?

She's always getting jeers from everybody thinking that she's a man. Her armor's always busted or not up to it's full potenial.


And how about Mega-Man? He's been through a billion games and he still looks like he's 10 years old.

pacaveli 10-06-2004 01:46 PM

my moneies definatly on luigia, that guy never gets any respect!

CityOfAngels 10-06-2004 03:19 PM

Did anyone say the lemmings yet? Or worms from W.O.R.M.S. Armageddon.

freddy b 10-16-2004 05:50 PM

oddworlds abe i love the green fella but he looks soooo sad ...

high_jinx 10-16-2004 06:43 PM

the guy from ghosts and goblins... one hit and you have to fight in your undies.not even the marine from doom has to do that.

also...................... boogerman.

Suave 10-16-2004 07:14 PM

The technicians/civilians from Command & Conquer. Your vehicle/building gets destroyed, and you probably either die right there, or survive with mortal injuries. You're then thrown out into open battle and all you have is what appears to be a .22 calibre pistol, and you're clad in bright red or green clothing (may as well have a target on your chest). There's deadly tiberium surrounding you, as well as enemies who think you're an easy target, and friendlies who don't care if you die or not. You're afraid of everything and run around like a pansy, and are highly flammable.

Sigh, I used to have so much fun messing around with those guys. Get a bunch of my stuff destroyed, gather up a half dozen, and make them bust some caps on a lone enemy. :D

Seandq 10-16-2004 07:46 PM

Larry Laffer, or Larry's nephew..they get sucked off so much. :)

Seriously though, ...I don't know.

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