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View Poll Results: Which is the better game?
Halo 46 32.86%
Starcraft 94 67.14%
Voters: 140. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-05-2004, 10:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
shit faced cockmaster
legolas's Avatar
Location: CT
Halo or Starcraft?

i think starcraft was a better more involved game but halo is just cool...

*edit* at www.gamefaqs.com the poll is open for these two games. feel free to go and vote (you do not have to be registered to vote)
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Last edited by legolas; 04-27-2004 at 06:30 AM..
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Old 03-05-2004, 10:46 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Halo Halo Halo. Story seemed good and long - a real bargain for the price in these days of $50 games.

But...Starcraft was just not my style. No rants, just not my style.
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Old 03-05-2004, 10:48 AM   #3 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
Halo = one.of.the.best.games.evar.
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Old 03-05-2004, 01:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: AZ
My vote goes to starcraft. I never really liked halo that much.
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Old 03-05-2004, 01:26 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Norman, OK
Halo is a fun game, but it's overrated. It was the only reason to get an X-Box, but now halo is for the PC (like it was suposed to be untill Bill Gates bought the fucking rights away so he could make it his own title for the launch of x-box. douche) Anways, starcraft is goign strong after all these years, so My vote goes to SC. And the battle chest is only 20 bucks. Pick it up.
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Old 03-05-2004, 02:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Honestly there really is no comparision Starcraft and most blizzard titles are in a leage of there own. They have logivity that no game has ever really touched. Halo is a great game but not to be compared with Starcraft or Warcraft or any blizzard titles. My vote goes to Starcraft.
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Old 03-05-2004, 04:15 PM   #7 (permalink)
To me FPS are all the same. Its the one genre I really hate more than any other. I just can't stand those games, but they they seem to be the most popular genre on the PC. To me, FPS genre is like street fighter: theyre all basically the same game, but over the years, they refined the concept without adding any real innovations. Plus, its the only type of game that makes me dizzy. Weird because Ive been playing games since I was like 8 years old.
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Old 03-05-2004, 04:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
Starcraft, hands down.
My Starcraft CD still gets use today.
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Old 03-05-2004, 05:43 PM   #9 (permalink)
there should be an option for neither.
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Old 03-05-2004, 05:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I've loved both at one point in my life before, though neither do much for me now. I went with Halo though because I can still have some fun with it, plus I look forward to Halo 2.

Side=note: legolas, did GameFAQs happen to inspire you to make this topic? :P
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Old 03-05-2004, 06:29 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Brooklyn, NY
StarCraft!! Halo is fun but after I beat the game, I haven't touch it again. I still play starcraft online even though I got it 3 years ago.
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Old 03-05-2004, 08:01 PM   #12 (permalink)
Starcraft! I have been playing that game since 2000 and I play it's expansion as well. I also have entered the Gamefaqs contest, although I voted for Halo because I feel that they are going to win =\.
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Old 03-05-2004, 09:15 PM   #13 (permalink)
Starcraft definitely. I've been playing this game for like 3 years and am still not tired of it. It's the only game I play regularly

Also, not one for FPS games ... at all. They're fun at parties imo, but after like a couple of hours, it's too repetitive
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Old 03-05-2004, 09:24 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Ames, IA
these two games have almost nothing in common. youre comparing apples and hot dogs here. Theyre both good games, neither are spectacular.
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Old 03-05-2004, 11:39 PM   #15 (permalink)
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I gotta go with halo, it actually brings people together, and you can have more fun, and it doesnt get boring quite as fast.
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Old 03-06-2004, 06:01 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Halo = Over hyped p.o.s.

Starcraft = Game that wasted over 2 years of my life on Bnet, nuf said.

Other then that I dont really know how you could possibly compare these two games.
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Old 03-06-2004, 11:13 AM   #17 (permalink)
HALO... VERY overrated. Singleplayer gets boring once you beat it once. Starcraft has incredible replay value.
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Old 03-06-2004, 04:52 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Iowa...sometimes
I dont think you can easily say one is better than the other since they are totaly different game, but i had more fun with starcraft, so i voted for it.

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Old 03-06-2004, 06:07 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Orodinn
To me FPS are all the same. Its the one genre I really hate more than any other. I just can't stand those games, but they they seem to be the most popular genre on the PC. To me, FPS genre is like street fighter: theyre all basically the same game, but over the years, they refined the concept without adding any real innovations. Plus, its the only type of game that makes me dizzy. Weird because Ive been playing games since I was like 8 years old.

The RTS games really haven't changed over the years either..........they all seem the same to me. I know they certainly haven't changed anymore than FPS games over the years.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 03-06-2004, 07:43 PM   #20 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
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Originally posted by SonicRL
I also have entered the Gamefaqs contest, although I voted for Halo because I feel that they are going to win =\.
I'm split on it myself, but I'm betting on StarCraft, even though I like Halo more.
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Old 03-06-2004, 08:44 PM   #21 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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You can't compare the two at all! One is a very old RTS game and the other is a pretty old FPS for console. Apples and oranges!!! Both are excellent games in their own seperate genres. Now Starcraft versus Warcraft would be a good one. That's the main reason I don't like what GameFAQ's is doing...one game against each other in a popularity contest. The part that bothers me is that people assume the winner is a better game instead of simply being more popular, even when GameFAQ's says "this is a popularity contest" on the front page.

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Old 03-06-2004, 09:12 PM   #22 (permalink)
This is one stupid post.
Why not compare apples to orange juice the next time.
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Old 03-07-2004, 11:31 AM   #23 (permalink)
shit faced cockmaster
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Side=note: legolas, did GameFAQs happen to inspire you to make this topic? :P
lol i knew a few people here would know why i made this. i just couldn't decide. and i picked halo for the same reason. even though starcraft is the better game (and i think this poll is showing it) people expect halo to win to they predict that then vote for it too. i am pretty sure halo will win which is unfortunate and it's almost a moral dilema.

This is one stupid post.
Why not compare apples to orange juice the next time.
if you read the other posts you could probably figure out this has something to do with a contest at gamefaqs
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Old 03-08-2004, 07:34 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: British Columbia
I'd say starcraft, I just played it today! And with worldedit, you can make your own maps and.... Well, I love that game.
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Old 03-08-2004, 07:40 PM   #25 (permalink)
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I'd definitely say Starcraft, but I haven't played Halo on the PC yet. I truly hate Console FPS and using a controller.
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Old 03-08-2004, 08:06 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Kaos
I'd definitely say Starcraft, but I haven't played Halo on the PC yet. I truly hate Console FPS and using a controller.
I think halo nailed it though, I actually like it on XBOX moreso than on the PC. But, I may be biased, as it sounds way better w/ 5.1 and is usually on a bigger screen.
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Old 03-08-2004, 09:09 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Stare At The Sun
I think halo nailed it though, I actually like it on XBOX moreso than on the PC. But, I may be biased, as it sounds way better w/ 5.1 and is usually on a bigger screen.
Halo has much, much better controls on the XBox controller. Some FPS work better on consoles and some work better on PC. Halo? It works way better on console.

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Old 03-08-2004, 11:40 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Seattle, WA
Couldn't you have at least made the poll between Starcraft and Command and Conquer? Or Halo and Half-Life?

I think both games were awesome personally, but starcraft did have alot more replayability on single player than Halo.
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Old 03-09-2004, 06:43 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Starcraft is great for solo play, but nothing beats the multiplayer options in HALO. As someone said before, that game brings people together. Also, it spawns such things as "RedvsBlue". Case closed, as far as I'm concerned. However, I am aware that we're dealing with 2 different genres here.
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Old 03-09-2004, 06:51 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Brooklyn, NY
StarCraft's multiplayer > Halo's multiplayer
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Old 03-10-2004, 03:18 AM   #31 (permalink)
These are two different types of games. Unfair to compare but i pick starcraft lol
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Old 03-10-2004, 09:39 AM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Sunny San Diego
Still play it twice a week with friends.
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Old 03-10-2004, 05:21 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: nihilistic freedom
Hmm.... which is a tastier fruit, apples or oranges?
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Old 03-10-2004, 09:42 PM   #34 (permalink)
Starcraft. That game wasted 2 years of my life.
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Old 03-11-2004, 04:12 PM   #35 (permalink)
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hawkeye's Avatar
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I can't vote for either one over the other.
They are so different, that I can't even look at them on the same level.
Halo is one of my fav. FPS, and Starcraft is one of my fav RTS.
I like both of them, for Completely different reasons.
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Old 03-11-2004, 04:58 PM   #36 (permalink)
He's My Girl
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Starcraft definitely. "Need a light?"
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Old 03-11-2004, 05:19 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally posted by hawkeye
I can't vote for either one over the other.
They are so different, that I can't even look at them on the same level.
Halo is one of my fav. FPS, and Starcraft is one of my fav RTS.
I like both of them, for Completely different reasons.
Completely agree.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 03-11-2004, 05:22 PM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Halo is only a good console game. For a PC FPS, it was just ok. Starcraft isn't even in the same genre but as far as overall fun, i'd vote for Starcraft.
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Old 03-12-2004, 10:12 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: Guelph, Ontario
I can count how many hours I spent playing Halo, about 10 or so. I liked it but I wasnt hooked.

Starcraft, however still hooks me back to BNet every now and then even now...
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Old 03-13-2004, 06:22 PM   #40 (permalink)
Location: Twilight Alehouse
no contest. halo doesn't hold a candle to starcraft
I've never come across this in real life, but then I went to a small liberal arts college so that probably didn't help.
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halo, starcraft

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