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Old 10-07-2003, 09:06 PM   #81 (permalink)
Unfair and Imbalanced
Location: Upstate, NY
Looking at the screenies, it looks like it needs more work.
"Youth and Strength is no match for Age and Treachery"
JBX is offline  
Old 10-07-2003, 09:13 PM   #82 (permalink)
Keep in mind that it is an alpha/beta, and optimized to run on the specific hardware. DX7/8 cards are showing missing/corrupted textures.
Originally Posted by analog
Just ask her why the hell she got rid of all the meat... and then tell her you'd rather die young with a cheeseburger in your hand and a smile on your face than old with a grimace and a refrigerator full of rabbit food.
AlCap0wn is offline  
Old 10-07-2003, 11:33 PM   #83 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA

Thats all I have to say. First some leaked source code, now they getta test out their codes the easy way. My oh my, isn't this wonderful... I'm that Half Life 2 was pushed back.. really gets me mad, but with all this news, its probably for the best, and now hopefully they can tweak it up, which means a few things. First off they can try to root out the code so that any cheats will be ineffective, or simply auto-banned by people who use them. Also, at least when I buy it I'll know that my 5900 will work without a problem
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
GakFace is offline  
Old 10-07-2003, 11:41 PM   #84 (permalink)
lost and found
Johnny Rotten's Avatar
Location: Berkeley
I wouldn't touch that download with a frigging ten-foot pole. God knows what malicious backdoor shit was packed in there by the hackers, along with the actual game files. It's not worth it, guys.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine
Johnny Rotten is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 12:01 AM   #85 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Unless you grab it, burn it, format your HDD, put it on a non-network machine, play it, then destroy the CD.

Not worth the hassle, why go through so much trouble when the game isn't even complete and just around the corner there are a gazillion great games coming out.
Mr.Deflok is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 05:34 AM   #86 (permalink)
Army of Me
Ganguro's Avatar
Since we have new memebers joining all the time i will say this once.


That being said, im with Deflok here, I wouldnt touch that thing with a ten foot pole.. maybe install it on a public computer and then run like hell. Either way, it's stealing.
Ganguro is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 07:28 AM   #87 (permalink)
Location: nihilistic freedom
Half-life 2 Beta Leaked

  _[ October 7. 2003  ]____________________________________________
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Half-Life 2 - "Chosen 9" release                                |
 |                                                                 |
 | Company: Valve Corporation ( http://www.valvesoftware.com )     |
 | File size: 100 x 15MB                                           |
 | Release: November 2003                                          |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Quote from http://www.planethalflife.com/ :                     |
 | "There were a ton of rumors the past couple days about the      |
 | existence of a leaked, playable Half-Life 2 beta, but           |
 | thankfully those stories have been confirmed to be completely   |
 | false."                                                         |
 |                                                                 |
 | Well, I hope nobody believed this rumor. Who would actually be  |
 | good enough to get the source, but forget the game ?            |
 |                                                                 |
 | To myg0t: this is too big for you to take credit :P             |
 |                                                                 |
 | - Anonymous leaker                                              |
 |                                                                 |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Gordon Freeman is back! Along with scientist Eli Vance and his  |
 | daughter Alyx, your mission is to save the world from total     |
 | alien domination. See, that little incident in Black Mesa was   |
 | just the beginning: now those pesky Xen invaders and a new      |
 | threat called the Combine have spread across the whole Earth,   |
 | causing massive amounts of death and destruction. It’s up to    |
 | you to set things right.                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 | +   Scientist-with-a-crowbar Gordon Freeman joins a ragtag      |
 |     human resistance fighting extradimensional invaders for the |
 |     survival of a conquered Earth                               |
 | +   Unnervingly realistic graphics the likes of which have not  |
 |     been witnessed outside of a motion picture or pre-rendered  |
 |     cut scene                                                   |
 | +   Realistic physics: objects have varied and appropriate      |
 |     mass, density, physical properties                          |
 | +   Ingenious artificial intelligence: enemies will adapt,      |
 |     plan, improvise, and respond                                |
 | +   Hordes of new aliens and other enemies, plethora of guns    |
 |     and other weapons                                           |
 |                                                                 |
 | Minimum system requirements:                                    |
 | +   Windows98/2000/Me/XP                                        |
 | +   700 MHz CPU                                                 |
 | +   128 MB RAM                                                  |
 | +   DX6 compatible video card                                   |
 | +   ~3 GB free hdd space                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 | Recommended system requirements:                                |
 | +   Windows98/2000/Me/XP                                        |
 | +   2 GHz CPU                                                   |
 | +   256 MB RAM                                                  |
 | +   DX9 compatible video card                                   |
 | +   ~4 GB free hdd space                                        |
 |                                                                 |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Have fun playing, but buy the game, cause this wasnt intended   |
 | to be leaked! After the source leak, there was no reason for    |
 | keeping the beta private.                                       |
 |                                                                 |
 | - Anonymous leaker                                              |
 |                                                                 |
This was taken from the nfo file that came with the release. Apprarently all the rumors were true, there is a Half-life2 beta floating around on the net.
nothingx is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 09:47 AM   #88 (permalink)
            smQQQQQQQQV??"~"    ""??9QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQE  <Wc  3QQQQQc
         awQQQQQWT?^                    ??$QQQQQQQQQQQQQP  <QQQQQQW
       _jQQWQQP?`     ___,,,_,.            "9WQQQQQQQQD! _wWQQQQQQF
     .yQQQQQF         dQQQQQQQm.              "$QQQQ@'  jQQWQQQQQP
    <QWQQQP'          ?TTT$QQQQm,               ]QQQb_______jQQQF
   .mWQQQ!                -$QQQQL                "QWQQWWWWWWQQQ@'
   mQQQQf                  jWQQQQc                -WQQQQQQQQQQE
  ]QQQQ@`                _yQQQQQQQa                +WQQQQQQQQP
  mQQQQf                <QQQQQQQQQQa                $WQQQQQQP
 .QQQQQ(               jQQQQQ@4QQQQQ[               jQQQQQQ@`
  WWQQQ[             sQQQQQQF  )QQQQQ,              jQQQQQD`
  4QQQQb            jWWQQQ@!    4QQQQm,            .QQQQQP`
  -QQQQQr         _mQQQQQ?      -$QQQQQ, _aa,      jQQQQP
   )WWQQm,       aQQQQQ@'        -$WQQQQQQQQL    .jQQQQ@'
    ]QQQQQ/     jQQQQQY`          -$QQQQQQ@T?   _yQQQQ@'
     ]QQQQQm,                       ?!^        sQQQQQP
      -?QQQQQwa                             _wQWQQQ@'
        )4QQQQWQwc                       _awQQWQQD?
           ?$QQQWWQQwa,             _aamQQQQQQQP'
  _[ October 8. 2003 ]_____________________________________________
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Half-Life 2 - Patch 1, fixes old models                         |
 |                                                                 |
 | Company: Valve Corporation ( http://www.valvesoftware.com )     |
 | File size: 8 x 15MB                                             |
 | Release: Unknown                                                |
 /                                                                 \
 |                                                                 |
 | Well, I forgot to update you with the freshest stuff from       |
 | Valvesoftware.                                                  |
 |                                                                 |
 | Detonator-52.13-ANON got leaked today, its the new NVidia       |
 | drivers for HL2, though i have no fancy video card to test the  |
 | driver on.                                                      |
 |                                                                 |
 | Btw., for those of you still thinking -ANON is a group, i have  |
 | to say it isnt. Its just Anonymous.                             |
 |                                                                 |
 | To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking      |
 | action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve  |
 | has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to       |
 | understand it wasnt finished yet.                               |
 |                                                                 |
 | Also I'd like to point out the E3 was one big fake by Valve.    |
 | Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the     |
 | door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ?            |
 |                                                                 |
 | To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that  |
 | THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no  |
 | such thing as a much better release in Valves network!          |
 |                                                                 |
 | To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how  |
 | much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything |
 | just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do.     |
 |                                                                 |
 | - Anonymous leaker                                              |
 |                                                                 |
a1t3r3g0 is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 10:05 AM   #89 (permalink)
lost and found
Johnny Rotten's Avatar
Location: Berkeley
Funny how he calls himself a "leaker," when he's nothing more than a pathologically righteous thief. A "leak" is when someone on the inside gives data illegally and willingly to someone on the outside. There is no other definition I know of.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine
Johnny Rotten is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 10:41 AM   #90 (permalink)
Location: Norman, OK
Half life 2 beta will rock, i want to get my hands on it.
How much is y'all Piolkles?
IckUber is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 10:50 AM   #91 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
I think that second nfo file is funny. The first thing I thought when I saw that HL2 was delayed until April 2004, and their excuse (it's the hacker's fault, we have to rewrite a bunch of code now), was that they were just grabbing at the air for excuses to delay the game.

And after reading the second .nfo, I honestly think that I was right thinking that.

I bet a bunch of the valve fanboys are gonna jump on me for saying this, but I'll bet the game wasn't even close to completion on Sept. 24 when they delayed the game until the holidays, and I'll bet that they realized that the game won't be complete by the holidays either so they used their source code leak as an excuse to be able to delay the game further. That way, all of the people who are eagerly anticipating the game can focus their hatred towards the source code thieves instead of valve themselves. Clever tactics indeed.
CyCo PL is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 10:58 AM   #92 (permalink)
It's hard to say, but I am inclined to also agree. If this is all that they had when they were hacked, then there is no way the game could be out anytime soon.
a1t3r3g0 is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 06:46 PM   #93 (permalink)
Location: Norman, OK
My freinds got there hands on it...damn. I NEED IT!
How much is y'all Piolkles?
IckUber is offline  
Old 10-08-2003, 07:34 PM   #94 (permalink)
Location: Iowa...sometimes
I'm looking forward to this - BLOODLINES

Its the sequel to Vampire Redemption.
The website is still kinda rough and has a funky interface, but there is a good PDF file of the feature article PC Gamer did on the game.
BuddyHawks is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 12:06 AM   #95 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
Alright... I got the leaked alpha, I'm not going to tell anybody where to get it, but I will say this:

The "artificial intelligence" that you see in the E3 HL2 demo is far from artificial intelligence. It's all scripted. The door getting kicked open, the shooting through the windows, all of that stuff is all scripted. Sad, but true.

Valve has quite a bit of work to do before this game is ready for release. I highly doubt the delay of the game was because of the hackers. I'm quite certain the game would have been delayed until April even without the source code leak. The game needs lots of work.
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Old 10-09-2003, 12:14 AM   #96 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by CyCo PL
Alright... I got the leaked alpha, I'm not going to tell anybody where to get it, but I will say this:

The "artificial intelligence" that you see in the E3 HL2 demo is far from artificial intelligence. It's all scripted. The door getting kicked open, the shooting through the windows, all of that stuff is all scripted. Sad, but true.

Valve has quite a bit of work to do before this game is ready for release. I highly doubt the delay of the game was because of the hackers. I'm quite certain the game would have been delayed until April even without the source code leak. The game needs lots of work.
You absolutely certain? I'm guessing the AI has triggers

-Door won't open: Find alternative entry route: 2 Alternatives found: Alternative 2 closest: Execute alternative 2 entry route-

That kind of thing.
Mr.Deflok is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 02:17 AM   #97 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK

Hey guys, the room's empty. I'm right here.

Umm, yeah. Kicking doesn't help much when the door's already open.

Perhaps they're hunting down that ultra-menacing washing machine?
CyCo PL is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 05:41 AM   #98 (permalink)
Modern Man
Location: West Michigan
Those screenshots speak for themselves I guess! Wow. Maybe this is the publicity stunt of all publicity stunts. Genius if you ask me. I can't wait for the game. I'm not touching the leaked crap. I can wait. I was really impressed with that E3 video. Hopefully the AI will be ready for April.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues
Conclamo Ludus is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 06:49 AM   #99 (permalink)
Location: Ames, IA
This cant be the EXACT release of what you would have seen on the initial release date, cause there are still a ton of error textures, missing textures, etc. Besides, it is 3.3gb w/ like 3000 files or something. Its still got all the testing snippets included in it. I guess it could be, but i highly doubt it. On two side notes... Take a look at the water in canals_02... !!! WOW and try shooting the helicopter w/ the RPG in i forget what level. EVERY time you shoot it, a corpse flies out. Use the all weapons cheat, and you can make more bodies comes out than couldve fit in the helo.
Caphreak is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 11:00 AM   #100 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
I'm pretty sure that's why the game was delayed though... It's nowhere near completion and they couldn't release what they currently had on Sept. 30th.

I haven't lost any faith in Valve though... I think they'll come through and release a kickass game with awesome AI and physics, but I think the main point of the scripted sequences we saw in E3 (which were SUPPOSED to be AI) were pretty much there to make us think the game is almost finished, and that a Sept 30 release might actually be possible. I think we all know now that it wasn't possible.
CyCo PL is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 11:47 AM   #101 (permalink)
so what does the source code being leaked have anything to do with the game being delayed?
niobius2 is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 12:09 PM   #102 (permalink)
Originally posted by niobius2
so what does the source code being leaked have anything to do with the game being delayed?
Valve making excuses for not having their product finished, more than likely...
AntHackerX is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 04:18 PM   #103 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Right, thanks CyCo PL, bastards lied at E3, sad sad sad... that firefight down the street is definately scripted in that case... damn, good, but still, damn.
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Old 10-09-2003, 05:14 PM   #104 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
I actually haven't tried out the level where they're having the firefight down the street yet, but I highly doubt that it's AI.

It's actually quite painful to play HL2 on my comp, I'm running on a P3 866 with 384 megs of ram... when I'm inside and there's nothing happening, the game runs surprisingly well... but when I'm outside or there's a lot of physics stuff happening, it slows down to a CRAWL. Note the low resolution of the images (640x480), I had to turn it down that low to prevent the game from looking like a slideshow.
CyCo PL is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 07:26 PM   #105 (permalink)
All I can say about beta: WooooW.

And as for the leak, I think Valve was trying to get people to get the leak so they can do unofficial beta testing. It just seems logical to me. *shrug*
Censorship and thought control can only exist in secrecy and darkness...
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Old 10-09-2003, 07:59 PM   #106 (permalink)
Location: TX
All I can say is if you got the beta, it is very likely that you now have a virus / worm / trojan.
Its being discovered that they were included with the beta.

But.. you get what you deserve, theifs.
Hercules is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 09:10 PM   #107 (permalink)
lost and found
Johnny Rotten's Avatar
Location: Berkeley
Originally posted by Hercules
All I can say is if you got the beta, it is very likely that you now have a virus / worm / trojan.
Its being discovered that they were included with the beta.

But.. you get what you deserve, theifs.
This is what came to my mind, but the people I talked with about this said, "Oh, that kind of thing would have been discovered by now, with all those smart, paranoid people probably looking at the stolen source code."

So where did you hear about this?
Johnny Rotten is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 09:16 PM   #108 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
Originally posted by Hercules
All I can say is if you got the beta, it is very likely that you now have a virus / worm / trojan.
Its being discovered that they were included with the beta.

But.. you get what you deserve, theifs.
I actually did a scan today. I'm clean.

Yay for making stuff up though!

Oh, and... the plural form of "thief" is "thieves".
CyCo PL is offline  
Old 10-09-2003, 11:17 PM   #109 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Yup, and the hacker "Thiefed" the Beta, or was it "stoled" the Beta? Grammatical sense aside I've found this, apparently from the Leaker Him/Her/Itself
To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to understand it wasnt finished yet.
Also I'd like to point out the E3 [demo] was one big fake by Valve. Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ?

To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no such thing as a much better release in Valves network!

To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do.

Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 10-09-2003 at 11:20 PM..
Mr.Deflok is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 01:49 AM   #110 (permalink)
Can someone point me to where Valve has officially said they're delaying because of the leak? Just curious. Before this whole fiasco, they were already shuffling their feet and saying "We didn't really mean Sep 30! HOPEFULLY we'll get it out by the holidays!" (read on bluesnews a while ago)

As I recall, Sep 30 was a date set by the publisher or someone not officially able to give such info. The leak is a great scapegoat, yeah, but doubtful they orchestrated anything beyond pushing the blame onto it.

Last edited by poot; 10-10-2003 at 01:51 AM..
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Old 10-10-2003, 02:21 AM   #111 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
It was officially announced by Valve that HL2 would be an Holiday release and recently the publishers annouced that the beta leak was the cause of the April 2004 delay.

Leaks and Beta's aside, the real reason, at this point in time, seems to be that Valve hadn't a hope in hell of having this game complete by Sept 30th or the Holiday Release.
Mr.Deflok is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 09:54 AM   #112 (permalink)
In Your Dreams
Latch's Avatar
Location: City of Lights
Here's the latest:

To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no such thing as a much better release in Valves network!
I suggested to Valve to stop lying to their customers about how much was stolen. However, they disregarded my statement and called me a liar. Now they will see how much I have been lying when I release the Pre-Gold and all 100 per cent of the sourcecode. Actions speak louder then words.

Anonymous Leaker
Latch is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 10:19 AM   #113 (permalink)
Location: Ames, IA
That text came with the beta NFO file, its not new to most of us. That aside, people need to realize the fact that what a lot of companies present at E3 is just a simulation of the final product. So they ran that one scripted sequence? So there might be a lot of scripted stuff in the final game? Does that detract from it being a kickass physics engine and awesome graphics? Just look at the reflections in the water. (High end gfx cards only plz) Not every company is totally honest, i would venture a guess as to not ANY company is totally honest. HL2 will come out when it comes out, and valve can make any excuse they want for delaying the code.
Caphreak is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 12:04 PM   #114 (permalink)
Well, I toyed around with the beta today.

What a waste of time, harddrive space, and bandwidth that was!
a1t3r3g0 is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 01:30 PM   #115 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by a1t3r3g0
Well, I toyed around with the beta today.

What a waste of time, harddrive space, and bandwidth that was!
Really? Why?
Mr.Deflok is offline  
Old 10-10-2003, 07:49 PM   #116 (permalink)
lost and found
Johnny Rotten's Avatar
Location: Berkeley
Originally posted by poot
Can someone point me to where Valve has officially said they're delaying because of the leak? Just curious. Before this whole fiasco, they were already shuffling their feet and saying "We didn't really mean Sep 30! HOPEFULLY we'll get it out by the holidays!" (read on bluesnews a while ago)

As I recall, Sep 30 was a date set by the publisher or someone not officially able to give such info. The leak is a great scapegoat, yeah, but doubtful they orchestrated anything beyond pushing the blame onto it.
Vivendi's official position was "Holidays 2003" until a few days ago when it went to "April 2004 or later."

Valve's official position was "September 30th" from the time they revealed the game back at E3 up until September 23rd when they announced the first delay.

I think the first delay was because the game was simply not ready. The second delay is because of the theft--but Valve has not confirmed or denied the April 2004 window.
Johnny Rotten is offline  
Old 10-13-2003, 02:15 AM   #117 (permalink)
Heh, slight flaw in ANON's logic:

He's chastising Valve because the beta that he released is all they had by 9/30, yet he acknowledges that they had much more in threatening to release the "pre-gold". Anyone else catch this? Or am I missing something.
poot is offline  
Old 10-13-2003, 03:12 AM   #118 (permalink)
Originally posted by poot
Heh, slight flaw in ANON's logic:

He's chastising Valve because the beta that he released is all they had by 9/30, yet he acknowledges that they had much more in threatening to release the "pre-gold". Anyone else catch this? Or am I missing something.
He might've meant other things than a Pre-Gold...maybe info that Valve was really fucking around with us or something...I dunno...heh.

Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Really? Why?
Not too much there...lots of stuff missing...

Though it is fun to toy around with. And runs rather well on my computer surprisingly...

If I could get the AI to turn on, I'd be happy...
AntHackerX is offline  
Old 10-13-2003, 07:13 AM   #119 (permalink)
Location: Ames, IA
Thats part of the reason i usually refrain from downloading alphas. Much like the d3 leak, the game was totally working, you had to load everything via console, etc. I dl'ed HL2 just to see how true it was about the Nvidia cards sucking (I think mine did just fine). It takes a lot more than eye candy to make a great game. I like to see the story line, cinematics, etc before i see all the levels.
Caphreak is offline  
Old 10-13-2003, 08:06 AM   #120 (permalink)
Location: Syracuse, New York
After playing the beta I really cant wait for the real game. You only get to see parts of finished items and things that dont exactly work right. Personally this makes me really want to play the full version.

Driving around in the jeep or airboat is crazy, and some of the other enemies and stuff are just totally cool.

On another note, I believe the "pre gold" was for CS:Condition zero. Supposedly thats already made its way out too.
Satanic Clock is offline  

big, halflife, honkin, thread

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