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#1002 (permalink) |
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Location: memes.
Seeing the books on the shelf,Attrah pauses to read the names along with Thantos.
While Thantos was looking for a book on destroying undead,the knight gazed over every book with intrest. Some of these would make intresting reading,but the knight dare not touch. The books could be cursed,enchanted or both. |
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#1003 (permalink) |
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
As Vinoh approaches the left door, he suggests caution:
"Hold on a minute, fire mage. I want to check something." *Psychic power: sense presence (other side of left door).*
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen. |
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#1005 (permalink) |
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
"Hmm... it would seem that nothing nasty awaits us beyond this door, at least to the best of my knowledge and abilities. Let's proceed."
With that, Vinoh opens the door.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen. |
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#1006 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
Watching Vinoh with anticipation Kentelos does notice anything with his features that would signify anything bad on the otherside..."Nothing Nasty....." Kentelos nods and follows behind vinoh ready just in case.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King |
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#1007 (permalink) |
Location: Up yonder
With a slight sigh and rueful acknowledgement of her own impatience, D'Aleen wanders back over to the bookcase where the others are examining the various novels there. Drawing her flask of water she takes a drink, offering it to the others, and wonders how the "missing" Vinoh and Kentelos are making out.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room! |
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#1010 (permalink) |
Location: Up yonder
"I'm with you Thantos for moving on but I guess we should see what the others say. I don't want to get too far away from Vinoh and Kentelos but we know that they can send us a telepathetic message if they are in trouble."
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room! |
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#1011 (permalink) |
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Sensing that he and Kentelos were distancing themselves quite a bit from the group, Vinoh decides to send a telepathic message to at least one of them. He chooses D'Aleen, since Elves are reknown for their sensitivity.
*Psychic message to D'Aleen: "D'Aleen, how goes it with the rest of the group? Kentelos and I have yet to run into anything, although some battle (battles?) seem to have been waged in this castle. My suspicions are that whomever the original inhabitants of this place were, they seem to have been dispatched and replaced by a truly unspeakable evil. Remember the catacombs and all the relatives entombed within? I fear that they dabbled in something they did not understand and unleashed a great curse upon themselves. Anyway, this is my theory so far. Please tell everyone we are well and stay on your guard. I'm sure you are in safe hands, what with your special bond with the mercenary...* The mind mage regretted having thought that last part, since it was none of his business, but such was the price of communicating through telepathy: any thought will be transmitted as long as the link is maintained. However, Vinoh didn't feel too bad. After all, surely an Elf could appreciate a bit of playful sarcasm. After sending this message, Vinoh severs the link, fearing a repeat of the near possession he experienced back in the village (Had it really been that long ago? Time seemed to twist and bend so easily here...). Then turning to Kentelos: "Kentelos, I've just sent a message to the Elf informing her of our situation. For now, I guess we should keep moving. Let's take a look at that arch to the right. Carefully." With that, Vinoh edges towards the arch, ready for anything.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen. |
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#1012 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
"I'm sure that will ease there minds somewhat. That mist makes me a bit nervous though, I don't like going into areas that may be difficult to see all of."
With that kentelos concentrates on the mist heating the air, and also channeling heated air into the area the arch leads, hopefully dispelling the mist before they get there.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King |
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#1013 (permalink) |
The party above:
* As you look through the banded door you see... a huge bed sitting in the center of this room, its four corner posts rising to a black canopy trimmed with gold tassels. Several comfortable divans are placed about the room. There is a smaller unbanned door on the other side of the room. * Vinoh & Kentelos: * As you go through the archway you find that a sickly yellow lichen covers the ceiling of this 10-foot wide passage running ahead of you about 50-feet to the end. Opening off to both sides of this passage are 10-foot square alcoves, it seems all the way to the end. Rotting cots and rags are in the shadows of the alcoves. A deadly silence fills the hall * |
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#1014 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
"Vinoh just so we have a plan ahead of time. I think it would be good teamwork if you paralyze the threat and I will light them up. Out of curiosity how many things can you have paralyzed at once?"
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King |
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#1015 (permalink) |
Location: Up yonder
While awaiting for a decision from the others in her group, the elf is startled for a moment by the sudden message received in her mind from Vinoh. She concentrates on his words and cannot supress a grin at his comment of being in good hands. With a slight chuckle she turns to the others.
"I am pleased to say that I have been contacted by Vinoh and so far he and the fire mage have not encountered anything too threatening. I do believe they are going to continue to explore their area and shall keep in touch with us." Sliding a glance at Thantos she wonders a moment over the mage's words. She had always tried to distance herself a little from the emotional world after the death of her beloved mother but now she found herself surprised at the feelings she had for this knight. While it was understandable that she would perhaps lean on him for strength she found herself realizing there was far more to it than that, and as that thought brought a moment of fear it also brought a strangely comforting feeling. Not wishing to analyze it any further she turns and notices the open door and the large bed and other resting places. She sighs slightly as the sheer exhaustion creeps upon her body and she gazes wistfully at the room and the rest offered there. Tearing her gaze away from the room and it's promise of rest for a moment, she faces the others and tries to ignore the tempting idea of a break....
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room! |
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#1016 (permalink) |
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
"Well, my evil eye power can only manipulate the biological system of one person at a time, but with many different effects, such as blindness, paralysis, deafness, muteness (real handy against mages) pain, and even death, if the target is weak enough. I cannot affect multiple targets.
However, I can produce a telekinetic blast, which acts as a sort of wall of force that can either deflect incoming projectiles or push back several beings if they are close enough together. Basically, I can handle short range attacks, push them back or levitate them, and then you can dispatch them. How does that sound?" With that, Vinoh makes his way down the lychen covered passage, careful not to touch the walls.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen. |
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#1017 (permalink) |
Location: With Jadzia
"Friends, please...I can barely keep my eyes open. This has been a day of fear, battle, and plain craziness."
Father Quadrial sat down on the floor with a thump. "If you would be so kind, I must rest for a few minutes. I had much energy from the gifts we were given but it has worn thin." Leaning against the wall the good father closes his eyes and starts to snore. |
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#1018 (permalink) |
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon watches the father as he slumps to the side and starts snoring.. thinking gratefully that his more dragonish side can keep him goin longer than that of any human..
Darghon sends a telepathic message to Vinoh 'We're all good here too friend, thankyou for your message...' Darghon wonders if who ever it is that we are supposed to be meeting will show up and with that he chews on abit of his jerky..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?! |
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#1019 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
"Sounds like if anything wants to have a go at us better be prepared to die."
With that Kentelos walks next to vinoh, also making sure not to touch the walls. The temptation to clense this hallway with the loving touch of fire burns in him.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King |
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#1020 (permalink) |
Location: BC, Canada
Having taken a quickish look at the names of most of the books on the shelf Thantos steps back and gives his eyes a good rub. Tired as he was though this day was not yet at its end. Just as he thought this though Thantos notices that the Father is already asleep on the floor. Seeing the Father sleeping there seems to make the knight feel even more exhausted. Perhaps it was time to take a quick rest.
"Everyone, we are all pretty tired, I am sure. What do you think of taking a rest break for a few hours? Personally I think it would be a good thing and since the good Father is already asleep and we can't just leave him, we may as well join him for a bit. Personally I'd feel a little more comfortable if we quickly explored that next room and then came back here with a little bit of a buffer and a fall back position in the room with the bed. If a few of you can stay here, I'll check out that other room. Then we can take shifts on watch and asleep. " Moving to the door to the banded room, Thantos pushes it with his sword (in case of traps). Upon opening, he looks back and offers his hand towards D'Aleen. "Care to explore the bedroom with me D'Aleen?"
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted! |
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#1022 (permalink) |
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Being within earshot of the elf and knight he raises an eyebrow as they step into the bedroom together.. Darghon just shakes his head and continues to nibble on his Jerky. Looking up he says to Attrah and Sparrow "You two want some jerky at all? The father seems asleep.."
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?! |
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#1023 (permalink) |
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Location: memes.
The knight takes a piece of jerky and begins chewing on it while looking around the room.
Looking back,he nods at Darghon and begins to speak.. "Darghon,do you think this room would be safe with some type of barricade? With the others being "occupied" I would prefer making camp here. Maybe put some furniture in front of the doors...between the three of us we could handle watches." |
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#1024 (permalink) |
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
"Sounds like a good idea Attrah" Darghon looks around.. "But you see.. there are things that don't need doors to get into rooms.. and then that'd would probably pose a problem for us getting out perhaps.." Darghon chews on his piece of jerky more "But I guess it would slow something down if anything was goin to try to come through the door..."
Darghon looks around for something to baracade the main doors with "But I think it would be a good idea to get some sleep, as we haven't had any rest since we've been to this retched place"
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?! |
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#1025 (permalink) |
The party above:
* As the night wears on, and your weariness finally catches up with you. Many of you rest, wondering what will happen next in this strange saga. And sleep takes you easily. Some of you are tense, still on battle-edge...but the uncanny quiet is somewhat soothing. After some hours, you're yawning uncontrollably...maybe the burdens are finally catching up with you. Your eyes are heavy...your mind numb... And you all wake...with a start How much later, you don't know. Taking in your surroundings...all seems undisturbed quiet... but something seems off... * Vinoh & Kentelos: * You are moving down the aisle, the alcoves dark. Your steps loud against the stone. Nothing seems to be of interest as you make your way further down the center. When you hear a shuffle...from all sides. You see several human skeletons with not a bit of flesh to animate them. Quicker than you would think possible by a bunch of rotting bones from the alcoves they leap forward attacking with leathal instruments of all types. You are surrounded... They attack with viciousness, as if they want you to join them in their undeath. One slashes with a saber, across the robes of Kentelos, your heat not seeming to affect their willingness to slaughter you. You feel the metal slicing across your leg. Vinoh...the surprise is so sudden that your mental prowess is caught briefly off guard. With their stripped visages grinning The 10 swarm toward you. * |
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#1026 (permalink) |
Location: courtin in the kitchen
Drowsines steals it's way into Krazixs' mind. He floats in a uneasy rest haunted by ghosts of the past. His dreams are broken and distorted. Visions of battles versus' unimaginable horrors from the pits of hell fill his mind with nightmare, but at his back he feels reinforcements at his side although his sight is fogged. The sound of battle fills his ears.
The roar of clashing steel and magic fill his mind and soon invade his other senses. A small voice inside his head screams at him to awake. . . . Sitting up with a start, in mid yell the small elf looks around at the rest of the party slumbering around him. "Companions awake, something is not right, quickly wake up!"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable. |
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#1027 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
Without even thinking Kentelos releases an arc of thin flame that only reaches about 5 feet in front of him. The arc itself is about 4 feet wide. The only sound that comes out of him is an Ooof sound, like the wind was knocked out of him.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King |
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#1028 (permalink) |
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Location: memes.
The knight's eyes began to blink several times...
Seconds later,he realized he had fallen asleep on watch... Jumping up about the same time as Krazixs,Attrah begins to mumble angrily to himself. "Falling alseep..on watch...fantastic.Way to go Attrah." Watching as Krazixs tried to wake the others,the knight checked to see if everything was normal. |
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#1029 (permalink) |
Location: BC, Canada
As Krazixs moves to awaken the party he moves into the bedroom and notices Thantos and D'Aleen asleep in each others arms on the bed...
Sleeping a wonderfully restful sleep, Thantos dreams of his home and all the wonderful things that he wanted to show his beautiful new friend D'Aleen. Just as he was dreaming of showing her the Fountain of Silver just down the mountain range from his home, he hears a noise that startles him out of his blistful slumber. Opening his eyes slowly, trying to figure out what it was that had awoken him without alerting it to his awakened state he slides one hand towards his sword, kept by the bedside. Then he hears and recognizes Krazixs voice as the one that woke him and he relaxes sitting up slowly in bed as D'Aleen stirs awake beside him. Thinking back to the night before he remembered entering this room hand-in-hand with D'Aleen. He remembered looking around the room and noticing that he was much more tired than he rememebered. Walking to the bed, he and D'Aleen had laid down to go to sleep. But they didn't go directly to sleep. They had kissed. "And what a wonderful kiss it had been", Thantos thinks. "I have never felt lips so soft and warm, so full of life and energy." So gentle and yet passioned was the kiss that it had shaken all feelings of evil from him and had allowed him to have the restful sleep he had had. After the kiss, they had held each other, touched each other, kissed some more and had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Looking over at the now awake D'Aleen as he straightened his ruffled clothes and tightened the straps on his armour, he smiled and closed his eyes in memory for second. Opening them and seeing her looking back he grins and says.. "Morning gorgeous..how was your sleep?" Then turning towards Krazixs... "Krazixs..what's wrong...Wait a sec, did you say 'everyone wake up'? Did we all fall asleep?"
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted! Last edited by Cubby; 10-14-2003 at 12:53 PM.. |
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#1030 (permalink) |
Location: courtin in the kitchen
"Yes, and our guide has disappeared it would seem." Walking around the rest of the room anxiously trying to rouse the rest of the party, " I fear for the safety of our other companions who knows how long we've been asleep"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable. |
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#1031 (permalink) |
Location: Up yonder
Stirring slowly upon hearing Thantos' deep voice, D'Aleen gazes into his eyes and smiles broadly while a slight blush steals across her cheeks as the memories from the previous evening flood her mind. Thinking back to the kisses they shared, the incredible gentleness of his touch and the feeling of contentment and safety she enjoyed in his arms, she savors it for a moment wishing she could feel so complete all the time.
She truly never thought that she would meet someone who would have the ability to catch, and hold, her attention. She never dreamed she would meet someone who would hold up to her high ideals (a curse of the Elvish folk) and whom she could respect and admire. Yet here, in the most unlikely place of all...she found exactly that. And, she thought to herself, she would treasure that and put her life on the line to protect it. Slowly Thantos' words penetrate her blissful state and she sits up, sheepishly making herself presentable. Looking out to the main part of the room she realizes that all the others seem to be sleeping which is highly unusual. "Thantos...what's happening? I can't see our entire group falling asleep without a watch set out, despite everyone's exhaustion. This just doesn't feel right somehow...." Anxiously she waits for him and they follow Krazixs out to try to rouse the others and determine what may have happened.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room! |
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#1032 (permalink) |
Location: BC, Canada
Finishing putting his backpack on, Thantos follows D'Aleen and Krazixs into the other room to wait for the others. Glancing back at the bedroom, Thantos realizes that they didn't get a chance to check out the room before falling asleep.
"Once the group is up and moving again we'll check back here for clues.", thinks the knight.
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted! |
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#1033 (permalink) |
The party upstairs:
* All seems calm, the room you didn't explore on the other side of the bedroom is an empty closet & clean you note when you open the door. However...something seems off. No one is hurt...yet...things seem disturbed...slightly out of place. Wait... The Father has disappear from where he fell asleep. There is no trace of foul play...no blood, etc. He is in neither room. * Vinoh & Kentelos: The wave of fire slashes across several skeletons, but it doesn't seem to have an effect burning the lichen growing on their bones flames arise on parts of the hardened and aged "bodies". And the surge burns through many of the undeads' weapons. Yet their attack doesn't halt Even the ones who are weaponless now jump forward with their boney fingers clawed onward. Vinoh is stunned when a mace glances across his brow, and is thrown to the floor in a guarded position. The attack is fast & furious and seems overwhelming for just the two of you. * Last edited by rogue49; 10-15-2003 at 05:48 AM.. |
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#1034 (permalink) |
Location: courtin in the kitchen
Krazixs looks around at the rest of the party, something seems off.
"Where's the father?"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable. |
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#1035 (permalink) |
Location: Up yonder
Upon hearing Krazixs' words, D'Aleen looks around with a puzzled frown on her face.
"You don't think he would go exploring on his own, do you? It seems odd that we all fell asleep as we did.....perhaps there is some spell at work here. Darghon, why don't you try sending a telepathic message to the Father and tell him we are concerned. He'll come back right away if he is close by. I suppose it wouldn't hurt either to try to contact Vinoh and Kentelos to make sure they are fine still. It's been a little while since that message I received and I'm a little nervous with us being split up the way we are."
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room! |
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#1036 (permalink) |
Location: Salt Lake City
Seeing Vinoh collapse to the floor Kentelos moves in front of his fallen form and looks back at his attackers. Baffled that his spell did nothing, and feeling all is lost Kentelos summons all his last magical strength for one final fiery blast, that if it does nothing else at least knocks there attackers off their feet. Feeling the heat swell in his body, as well as his blood running down his leg. Kentelos closes his eyes and imagines being home, his real home, not the home he was born into. Seeing the proud face of Father Sheldren as he passed the first test to begin training, the proud faces of all the monks at his quick progression and natural ability. Feeling the heat and energy focus to his outstretched hands. As all of his magical powers converge into two points he feels he can no longer hold onto it and releases the white hot flames at his attackers, saddened as the power drains from his body. Praying to some god that he will not die this day.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King Last edited by Beltruckus; 10-15-2003 at 11:15 AM.. |
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#1037 (permalink) |
Location: BC, Canada
"So let me get this straight. That servant leads us all the way up to this dead end so that we are so tired we fall asleep. Then he takes the Father away? This makes no sense. I think we need to search this room a little more uh.. "enthusiastically" if you will. There must be a clue or secret passage or something.
Let's check behind the bookcase and make sure we didn't miss anything in either room. Perhaps that closet has a secret trigger to open something as the closet is very clean." Thantos can't believe that his insistance to follow that servant has cost them one of the party. Frustrated and angry at himself for falling asleep and not protecting those he is here to protect, he moves over to the book case and starts pulling books from the shelf, looking for a hidden trigger of some sort.
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted! |
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#1038 (permalink) |
Location: courtin in the kitchen
"hmmm I agree with D'Aleen, Darghon try contacting either one"
Krazixs moves to the door where they entered looking around to see if there are any clues as to where there guide had ran off to.
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable. |
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#1040 (permalink) |
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon tries to mentally contact Vinoh and fails... "I don't know what it is.. I can't contact Vinoh at all.." Darghon starts to get worried twitching slightly.. "I knew I should have gone with him.."
Darghon then mentally probes the area for Father Quadrial staying away from anything evil that can be sensed... (OOC: Rogue ![]()
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?! |
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Tags |
fantasy, quest, rpg, tfp, tomb, velix |