Drowsines steals it's way into Krazixs' mind. He floats in a uneasy rest haunted by ghosts of the past. His dreams are broken and distorted. Visions of battles versus' unimaginable horrors from the pits of hell fill his mind with nightmare, but at his back he feels reinforcements at his side although his sight is fogged. The sound of battle fills his ears.
The roar of clashing steel and magic fill his mind and soon invade his other senses. A small voice inside his head screams at him to awake. . . .
Sitting up with a start, in mid yell the small elf looks around at the rest of the party slumbering around him.
"Companions awake, something is not right, quickly wake up!"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.