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Old 11-24-2003, 05:58 AM   #1281 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon lashes out at the creature.. "Die.. creature of a forgotten realm.." striking at it with his claws as it tries to get past to the doorway...
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!

Last edited by GoldenOuroboros; 11-24-2003 at 06:03 AM..
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 10:32 AM   #1282 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
ooc: Sorry thanksgiving and all been kinda busy with family... will do better after this weekened!

*Sexodus is in aww of the creature. Wondering if his Energy blades will have any effect...

One After another he lunges blades, as fast as he can at the creature hoping to slow it down...
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Old 11-24-2003, 03:05 PM   #1283 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Attempting to scan the cot for any residual feelings, Vinoh is stunned when the darkness surrounds him. He starts to rise, only to be struck down hard by a sharp pain against his back towards the cot. Crashing into it, he lets out a moan of pain.

Everything happening around him seems lost in the darkness, he senses occasional bursts of light and warmth, only to then feel pain and death. Opening his eyes, he sees a black form hovering above him, ready to take him to the void beyond. Luckily, the quick initiative of his friends saves him and the... "thing" is sent careening about the room as it tries to escape the powerful attacks leveled against it.

Trying to rise, Vinoh sees that the thing wants to flee. He senses urgency and fear about it and smile wryly. He hopes his friends manage to stop it, since his psychic attacks probably would have no effect on such an incorporeal being. It didn't seem to be magical, either, so his magic negating crystal probably would be equally useless. Instead, he focusses on healing himself, with the help of the healing crystal and his own impressive bio-regenerative powers.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 03:18 PM   #1284 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
Seeing that Krazixs and Sexodus both seem to be successfully chasing the creature out of the room D'Aleen rushes over to Vinoh's side to ensure he is not badly hurt and to provide a defence while he recuperates, in case the "thing" returns.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 05:05 PM   #1285 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Apokx's Avatar
Location: memes.
Attrah had been standing around,doing nothing.
The entire incident..didnt phase him at all.
The knight seemed to come alive at once,as if he had only been a statue moments before.

Attrah walked over to where Vinoh lay,and asked D'Aleen if he was alright....

The further in they went,the harder it became for the knight to keep his thoughts in order.Voices were shouting at him..in his mind.Telling him to do a thousand things at once.
Some good,some bad..so far both sides were at a standstill and making no progress..leaving Attrah to ignorance.
Vinoh had helped Krazixzs...maybe there was something he could do.
Apokx is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 06:42 PM   #1286 (permalink)
* Darghon's claw at the fleeing shadow passes through air
as the speed of the flight is beyond his reach with his leap from across the room.

However, even though many of the party still seem dazed from the fear,
and disoriented from the sudden light and the sight of the shadow with angry eyes heading straight at them.
Sexodus blades of energy shear through the form of shadow,
just as it's about to escape out the door over the heads of the party.

The howls of the being are shrill and then fade,
as it's form fades from the light of the room.
It seems as if a symbolic if not literal darkness has been lifted from the room.

Everything is as neat as before, but the table where some items were knocked over,
and the bed where one of your cohort lie groaning.

All is quiet in this 30 x 20 room *

Last edited by rogue49; 11-24-2003 at 07:22 PM..
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Old 11-24-2003, 06:55 PM   #1287 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
"does anyone have anything to help the ones that are injured? and as for the rest of us how are all of you doing? we should do a sweep of the room to mack sure there is nothing else left."

*Sexodus does a brief check of the room. Looking thru all the shelfs and draws and cabinets. if anything of interst is there he will stop and examine further. Always being sure to check for traps on anything he may open
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Old 11-24-2003, 07:14 PM   #1288 (permalink)
::The pixie, fatigued of her long unnecessary, and previously unused magics, lands on the desk, and takes quick deep breaths. She begins to close her eyes and hum and cares nothing of those around her while she recuperates in unconcious bliss.::
TinniT is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 08:38 PM   #1289 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon gets out his light blade.. "D'Aleen would you be able to tend to Vinohs wounds.. Thantos can you stay here for backup.." He looks at Krazixs impressed by the elfs skills.. "Want to do some hunting?" Darghon wanders outside of the room and looks to see if the creature is still around his light blade hilt ready in hand..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 08:38 PM   #1290 (permalink)
Location: BC, Canada
Thantos, in preparing for a fight in the dark hadn't been prepared for the sudden flash of light. When it "turned on" he just happened to be staring directly in the direction of the Pixie and his a sudden pain shot through his eyes. Dropping to his knees, it took a couple of seconds for his eyes to adjust and by then the fight was over.

Standing up and looking around, he sees the pixie fall into unconsiousness. Moving over to the fallen Star, he looks carefully to see if she is breathing. Not knowing what else to do with Pixies he tries to make her comfortable on the desk.

"Does anyone know if Pixies normally can do that or did she call upon magics that have hurt her? "
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!
Cubby is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 08:46 PM   #1291 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Looking back in around the corner he sees Thantos dwelling over the pixie "Don't worry about her.. she will be fine" He smiles "she will have just drained her self of her magic.. just will take a time to recouperate"
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 09:35 PM   #1292 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Vinoh slowly stands back up, his wounds healed, but is still shaken by what happened.

"Well, it would seem someone very bad lived here. Or maybe the attack was just coincidence. In any case, I still wish to try and get a read off of the area. D'Aleen, since you are already here, why don't you stay close, in case we get more surprises?"

With that, Vinoh closes his eyes again, focussing on getting some images from the cot.

*Psychic power: Object read - Cot*
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-24-2003, 10:38 PM   #1293 (permalink)
::the pixie rolls onto her side, eyes closed, and swings her arm around searching for something while making anxious moaning noises. her hand clasps onto a stray piece of paper, and she pulls it over her and warms herself with it as a blanket as she lets out a mild sigh of relief.::
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Old 11-24-2003, 10:46 PM   #1294 (permalink)
krazixs's Avatar
Location: courtin in the kitchen
"Darghon, why don't you and Attrah see if there's any more about. But first. . . " Krazixs does says a word under his breath and the cut on his face heals with a line so faint one wonders if he was even hurt.

:Spell Minor Heal:

Walking over to the pixie the elf bends down whispering words in a strange tongue.
"The pixie is alright, she seems just a bit winded is all" With a smile Krazixs next turns to Attrah.
"Here my friend, before you leave. . ." Krazixs places his hand near Attrah's temple, letting a soothing light filled with courage and strength flow into the knight.
:Spell: Bless:
"There, that should do the trick," turning he next moves to check on Vinoh sensing the mage to be shaken, but otherwise healthy, "Bit of a close one there eh, my friend?"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.
krazixs is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 08:11 AM   #1295 (permalink)
* In your rumaging around the room and in your inspections of the area,
you happen by chance to find a vertical line slightly cracked open
within the wall of the far left corner of the room *

* In the cot's empathetic read, you feel flashes of anger, pride, honor, loathing & ...
of vengence...
You see a warrior, standing straight & tall...his armor flashing
His jaw firm, his lips tight...and in his eyes, a coldness, an emptiness.
A blade is drawn...and angry stride forward with intent. *

Last edited by rogue49; 11-25-2003 at 08:14 AM..
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Old 11-25-2003, 08:18 AM   #1296 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
D'Aleen relaxes a little seeing that everyone is basically unharmed but keeps a tight grip on her bow, just in case.

Casting her eyes about the room she takes in the tiny pixie, exhausted from her efforts at distracting the creature that fled the room, the others recuperating from their various wounds and regaining strength. She watches curiously as Sexodus carefully examines something he has found on the wall....perhaps an opening to another passage or door that is hidden....perhaps another trap.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 09:35 AM   #1297 (permalink)
Location: Salt Lake City
Seeing sexodus inspecting a crack in the wall Kentelos walks over to him.

"Hey what is it we have here? Should we see if it opens?"
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King
Beltruckus is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 02:21 PM   #1298 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
(OOC: I'm guessing the shadow beast is long gone..)

Darghon unable to see the dark devil wanders back inside and sees what is goin on.. Putting his hilt back in it's leather holder he looks around.

Seeing Kentelelos and Sexudos hovering around something he wanders over to inspect.. "Hrmm.. a visible line.." Darghon looks for slide marks on the floor to see if it opens inwards or outwards.. "There must be a trigger somewhere around.."

He goes over to the desk and sits back on his hind legs, curious, he brings anything that may seem larger than coins and gems from the part in his d-bag. The opening to the bag glows first thing he takes out is the dagger.. "Krazixs, would you kindly look at this dagger for me" Darghon holds it up looking at it then puts it on the desk "There is definetly something strange about"

Darghon removes all the treasure from his D-bag and puts it on the desk to sift through, inspecting the coins and gems while trying not to wake the little pixie...
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!

Last edited by GoldenOuroboros; 11-25-2003 at 02:37 PM..
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Old 11-25-2003, 02:37 PM   #1299 (permalink)
krazixs's Avatar
Location: courtin in the kitchen
"Of course"

Krazixs retrieves the dagger and turns it over in his hand inspecting it closely. Placing the dagger in one hand, holding the other hand over it Krazixs speaks strange words.

The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.
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Old 11-25-2003, 03:10 PM   #1300 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
Curious as to what items were in the chest they discovered the pixie in, D'Aleen starts sifting through the various treasures and gems that Darghon has heaped upon the table....searching for anything unusual.

Frowning slightly a thought comes to mind...

"I wonder who the owner of this treasure is. We really should ask Xian Xian when she is rested and awake as to the identity of the "he" she was referring to when we first discovered her. The more information we have about the "people" that reside here the better off we are."

OOC: Sorry all but I won't be able to access the net again until tomorrow.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 03:11 PM   #1301 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
"Hmmm... it would seem that this room belonged to a great warrior with a strong moral code. Whether he was good or evil, I do not know. Perhaps he was the shadow that attacked us or maybe just a reflection of his darker side that lingered after his death. Obviously, some great drama has torn a once noble family apart. As I said some time ago, perhaps someone dabbled with forces beyond their control and unleashed a great curse upon the family."

Standing up, Vinoh inspects the weapon rack to see if any seem to be missing. If so, he performs a scan of that area for images. If not, he scans swords, which would be most likely used by a knight or warrior.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 05:26 PM   #1302 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
*Sexodus Tears a piece from the bottom of his robe

"Will Someon please place this on XianXian"

*Sexodus then turns to the vertical crack in the wall. Trying to fit anything he can find inside the crack, as to not let it close if it is a door. He then looks for any signs of a trap. If there is no trap he will then try and open it.
Assuming it is a door lol

OOC: Also i will have no access till friday i will try for access Wendsday but sure no access thursday!
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Old 11-25-2003, 07:13 PM   #1303 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
***While Sexodus is working on the door, hoping to find that it is in fact a door and that he can open it...

"So tell me, why are the rest of you here? Have you lost any companions, except for the one I seen as I met you? tell me more about this place, things you have past, things you have left behind? LOL sorry I guess I should let you actually answer before I get ahead of you LOL"

***Sexodus is not very used to people. Conversations are not one of his strong suits. Unless he is creating some sort of lie so that he may benefit.

"I am very curious by nature... I like to find things and explore as often as I can. I don’t remember my family, or having very many friends. Maybe that is why XianXian took to me. As I spend a lot of time in the woods outside of villages. I love butterflies and rainbows... they seem to make me relax and fantasize about having friends and family. Maybe that is why I seem to take root on quests like this, without knowing what I am doing it for. Being a thieve was the best way I could explain why I wanted to do certain adventures, Anyways please tell me more why you are on this quest... Please."
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Old 11-25-2003, 07:29 PM   #1304 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
OCC: Okay I lied....I'm at work late (ugh) so I can keep up with the game for now!

D'Aleen turns from her inspection of the gems and coins to take Sexodus' make-shift blanket from him. Gently placing it over top of the tiny sprite she smiles gently at the petite pixie knowing full well the potential hidden behind her.

A ghost of a smile passes across her lips as the elf remembers the reluctance her and her own father ran into with the elders when she was introduced into "the training", normally reserved for only the males of her lineage. Remembering the cries from the council that surely that part of the royal line could not train for battle she grinned outright. Her father had certainly set them straight that evening!

D'Aleen thought of her father then and the hours he spent teaching her the arts, the delicate balance between their world and nature, teaching her to speak with the animals and to become one with the old oaks and asps of the forest. So many beings blind to what the forests and creatures within were screaming out....what they had seen for years and what we chose to ignore.

Tossing back her long hair the elf shakes herself out of her reverie and focuses again on the task at hand. Looking up at Sexodus' query the elf quietly speaks....

"My new friend, I can only tell you what I myself know. In my lands the trees cried of the evil here in this dark forest. I joined the group partly into their travels....we have seen evil not only here but in the outlaying villages..." the elf feels a shudder cross her frame as the memories of her first discovery of the companions at the inn comes back to her. A haunted look flitts across her eyes as she remembers some of their own...lost. "We have felt the loss of some brave souls who paid the ultimate price to rid the world of the evil that plagues this place. We have also, luckily, met some new souls willing to join us. Unfortunately this entire place doesn't even resemble the ruins we first came across.....it is disconcerting, to say the least, because we now seem to be in a different place - the landscape we see is either an image produced by this place in order to discourage and dissuade us or we are actually in a whole new level of hell....."

Suddenly feeling discouraged, the elf turns suddenly and glances about at those gathered around....the loss of some would wound her to her soul she realized glancing quickly at Thantos and the others she had come to think of as her friends.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!

Last edited by Minx; 11-25-2003 at 08:14 PM..
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Old 11-25-2003, 08:57 PM   #1305 (permalink)
Location: BC, Canada
Glancing from the sprite around the room, Thantos notices D'Aleen's glance and smiles. Hearing Sexodus talk about the family, Thantos thinks back to the early years with his Father. The years before his father was killed. They were happy times, his father trained him regularily and hard, but there were fun times as well. Rides through the country, always ending in some sort of lesson of course. "This is how you can ride lower in the saddle and away from your attackers if needed. See the plant over there? It only grows when there is ample fresh water around. Follow the path it creates and you will find water to drink." But nonetheless the rides and the time spent with father were great.

"And then he died...and I've been trying to live up to his reputation and his expectations ever since. " Thantos thought to himself grimly. "I sure wish he could have met D'Aleen. He would have loved her.."

Shaking his head gently Thantos starts to look around at the swords and weapons on the wall. Taking the occasional sword off the wall and swinging it around, testing its make and feel, Thantos tries to determine the type of warrior that lived here through the only means he knew of...his knowledge of weapons.

"D'Aleen pretty much said it as it was Sexodus. I joined this troop at the request of a summons. Things have gone strange ever since. Although there have been perks to the journey I really would like to find out why we are here and end this journey soon..."
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!
Cubby is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 09:26 PM   #1306 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Between scans of the weapons, Vinoh glared at Thantos, who was handling them freely.

"Thantos, I'm scanning these weapons for residual emotions, please don't touch them yet, as your own emotions could interfere."

Catching a fleeting glimpse of a loving look between the elf and the mercenary, the mind mage only sighed and with a wry smile knew full well what sort of emotions he would stumble upon when scanning a weapon held by Thantos. Continuing his scan, Vinoh ignored Sexodus' question for now.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-25-2003, 10:49 PM   #1307 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon looks up at Sexodus "I am here because I was the warrior chosen to be present at the time of the summons by the king.." Darghons expression turns hard.. "But from what I know now of my lineage, that it was most likely to get rid of me.." He grins.. "Won't they be in for a suprise when I get back.."

"I myself have grown up without family too Sexodus.." Darghon remembers the hardships the elders put him through.. constantly training him.. "That's why i'm so adept with my magic.. but.. I also learned quickly too.." Darghon grins "But how ever I did get the chance to meet my father on this quest.. My mother was there too.. It was a good time for me"

"I have more friends now though than I ever had back at the caverns with the rest of my ki.. hrmm.." Darghon grins.. "I guess I was never really part of them to begin with.."

"We've lost a few comrades, but that is expected.. as with all wars.. and we could be part of one of the biggest wars know to all kind.. good versus evil.."

Darghon looks down and continues sifting through the gems and coins.. "How goes it with the dagger Krazixs?"
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 11-26-2003, 09:24 AM   #1308 (permalink)
krazixs's Avatar
Location: courtin in the kitchen
"Hmm . . . a little difficult. . . " Krazixs frowns and concentrates harder. . .

(ooc: Looks at rogue expectantly )
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.
krazixs is offline  
Old 11-26-2003, 08:48 PM   #1309 (permalink)
Location: Salt Lake City
Looking at Sexodus

"Well i'm fairly new to this group, I didn't even know there was a mission until i met them. I sorta wandered in, climbed up a tower thing and was disturbed by a wyvern. Which is where i met these folks."

As he says this he walks over to the crack peers in, creates a small flame and sends it through the crack. If all goes as planned the flame will grow to the size of a fairly large flame that would easily light up any room on the other side.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King
Beltruckus is offline  
Old 11-27-2003, 08:55 AM   #1310 (permalink)
Location: BC, Canada
"Oh..sorry Vinoh."

Thantos moves away from the sword he was swinging and goes back to test swords that Vinoh has already scanned.

"Ok to test these out Vinoh?"
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!
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Old 11-27-2003, 09:55 AM   #1311 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
D'Aleen continues to inspect the treasures with Darghon. Picking up a delicate ring she admires the incredible intricacy of the work and looks on the inside of the band for any markings of any kind. Not seeing anything that would give any clues as to it's origins or owner she gently places in on the table and continues on with her examination.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  
Old 11-27-2003, 02:41 PM   #1312 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
"You can test those I checked out. Go ahead. It would seem I'm having some difficulty scanning these weapons, perhaps because whoever held them never developped any strong attachment to them or because they've been without an owner for so long that any psychic imprints have since vanished.

Since that thing attacked me while I was checking the cot, someone should check that out. They may be something valuable hidden there, or maybe a trap door underneath."
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-28-2003, 02:29 PM   #1313 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
Engrossed in her perusal of the various gems, jewellry and coins the elf barely registers Vinoh's suggestion to explore the area under the cot. Mumbling an incoherant reply, her gaze is drawn again to the delicate ring she had put down just moments ago. Something was odd about it yet she wasn't able to put her finger on it. Grasping it once more she looks more closely and traces her fingers over the smoothness of it. Gradually a puzzled frown creases her brow as she realizes that it is almost weightless. How strange, she thinks to herself....the material appears to be a silver or perhaps white gold....it shouldn't be so light in weight. Turning it over and over in her hands she closes her eyes, almost in a trance.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  
Old 11-28-2003, 02:36 PM   #1314 (permalink)
* On top of the blade which you have given to Krazixs to examine,
and the ring which D'Aleen held
You have found 2 other items of interest.
An fine amulet with a hard leather center surrounded by circle mithral.
And a Scarab, a gold beetle-shaped pin (embedded with 4 small chips of pink, tan, gray & metal)
The rest seem like normal gems, jewelry & coin (at least to your bare eye) *

Sexodus & Kentelos:
* The wall slides open to the right into the wall with some grinding of stone,
but not as much as you might think considering the weight of it's make and its thickness.
The doorway and the light Kentelos has provided reveals a thin straight passageway
with a set of stairs going down fading into the darkness below. *

Last edited by rogue49; 11-28-2003 at 02:39 PM..
rogue49 is offline  
Old 11-28-2003, 08:43 PM   #1315 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
*Standing and staring...

"Well it seems i was able to open this. With Kentelos's light we know somewhat where it goes. We know have a decision to make. Should we fallow this Passagway, or continue down the hall? I say after checking this room more we follow this secret passagway. For it may lead us to the heart of this Evil."
Sexodus is offline  
Old 11-28-2003, 10:24 PM   #1316 (permalink)
Location: Salt Lake City
Seeing the passage open up before him Kentelos barely registers Sexodus's talking. Not planning on going too far down Kentelos turns sideways and steps into the passage. Once inside he pulls his flame to him and makes it follow him as he explores the passage a little farther down.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings. Words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. -Stephen King
Beltruckus is offline  
Old 11-29-2003, 12:26 AM   #1317 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon puts the 2 other trinkets to the side... "What do you think D'aleen.." Darghon picks up the amulet "This might be for protection.. Most wizards made their trinkets to look similar to what they were used for.. but how to activate it.." He raises a brow.. "I have no idea.." Darghon wonders.. then puts the amulet over and around his neck to see if that act would possibly activate it.. The strange bug and ring I have no idea about.."

Turning his head to Krazixs.. "Find anything about the dagger at all?"

Hearing the secret door slide open he looks up just in time to hear Sexodus mutter on about something and Kentelos head down.. Darghon shakes his head..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!

Last edited by GoldenOuroboros; 11-29-2003 at 10:24 AM..
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 11-29-2003, 06:23 AM   #1318 (permalink)
* This staircase of ancient stone is worn smooth through use in ages long forgotten.
Dust lies upon the floor & dry cobwebs choke it's passage.
Although you cannot see much further because of the webs & darkness,
you do note that the downward angle of the steps are fairly steep; about 45 degrees*
rogue49 is offline  
Old 11-29-2003, 11:07 AM   #1319 (permalink)
Location: The Canyons - Boarding
"Kentelos, Be Carefull. I wouldnt travel to far..."

***Mumbling something under his breath. Sexodus Grabs a Sword from thantos (To be sure Vinoh is done with it) and makes a Jam as so that the door cannot close on Kentelos

"Kentelos You should let me check those stairs before you move on them."
Sexodus is offline  
Old 11-29-2003, 05:06 PM   #1320 (permalink)
* As Sexodus strides across the room and grabs one the sword from Thantos,
he knocks across the rack, dislodging one of the more deadly looking swords
with faded stains that Vinoh hasn't gotten to yet.
The sword seems to almost leap across the way to fall at Attrah's side, knocking against side of his leg.

Attrah who has been very dark & silent lately...most distracted.
And during the recent battle almost mesmorized by the fight with the shadow demon.
Instinctly snaps out of his daze, and grabs at the sword.

Those watching the scene almost see it in slow motion,
As the fingers grip the sword, his head comes up suddenly.
His eyes are wide with Fury.
The sword snaps up in a salute.

And he leaps forward with a vicious attack at Sexodus,
with the giant serrated sword in both his hands.
Leaving his shield by the wall with no thought of defense.
And a blood-curdling battle call of a word you don't know.
And an animalistic face of rage.

The sword comes down & across upon Sexodus
who isn't able to get his borrowed blade up in time to block,
but luckly his speed and agility is able a get out of the way...
of most of the unexpected & furious attack.
The tip of the blade slashes across his torso actually getting through his armor.

Attrah comes down at the end of the blow,
looking left & right for his next target *

Last edited by rogue49; 11-29-2003 at 05:11 PM..
rogue49 is offline  

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