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Old 06-02-2003, 10:08 PM   #241 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
"Well, D'Aleen, tell them not to get too close, he's covered in a deadly mold.." He says with a look of concern on his face.
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 06-03-2003, 06:33 AM   #242 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Staring off into the distance, Vinoh was still coming to grips with what he had felt. He knows the others felt it as well and is glad he had the self-control needed to sever the link he created, otherwise the Dark would have had a new group of mindless servants...

However, he feels deeply troubled. Sensitive powers are his specialty, but what good would they be in the Tomb of Velix if a simple mind sweep would make him and perhaps the entire group vulnerable to these eldricht energies? Would he have to rely solely on his physical powers? Would they even be enough? The mind mage ponders all of this as he watches Darghon's clean up operation. He does not want to end up like this, nothing but a charred, lifeless, powerless corpse. He would not allow it.

Shaking his head to dispell all the dread he was feeling, Vinoh adresses his friends:

"Well, it would seem our objective is now clear. Tower is heading north, which is where the Tomb of Velix is located. Needless to say, this is where the dark will be at its strongest, as you all probably felt during my mental probe. We need to get going as quickly as possibly to take advantage of daylight.

We should all pack as many provisions as possible, especially water, although Darghon's elemental powers can surely ensure that we'll never run out of it."

Vinoh then approaches Father Quadrial.

"Father, I fear my powers will be limited once we reach the Tomb, as I don't think I'll be able to use my sensitive powers freely. All I have left are my physical powers and this simple club. Would you be able to bless it, so that I may at least have a chance against the Dark should I exhaust my mental strength?"
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 06-03-2003, 07:23 AM   #243 (permalink)
* D'Aleen's song is lovely, seemingly reaching into the world about her, blending in with it.
As the song goes on...slowly in the distance you hear a different sound...
A more rhythmic, primal sound...
The sound increases...and you can tell that they are hooves, many hooves.

Into the courtyard from the path you had traveled comes in a grand herd of horses.
Very powerful, very raw.
They slow down near the center, yet staying with fear away from the pyre.
The Largest in the foreground approaches...
And in D'Aleen's soul she knows that he has offered his herds assistance in carriage.

And then he rears majestically in acknowledgement *
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Old 06-03-2003, 02:04 PM   #244 (permalink)
Location: Westcoast
(OOC: Cubby here..using my wife's login until I'm back at work next week. Sorry to delay the game, I'll try to log in more often.)

Sleeping blistfully, Thantos, hasn't moved since collapsing onto his bed the night before. He had dreamed of many things since falling asleep. He had dreamed of his homeland, of his adventures to date, of the very attractive D'Aleen, but mostly he dreamed of his lack of control yesterday. The lack of ability to move or doing anything on his own. He dreaded ever feeling like that again, the helplessness and despair of knowing he was about to attack his own friends.

"Friends? Is that what I think of these people as? I guess this far away from my family and the people I grew up with, they are better than most people. I sure wish I knew what happened to my warhorse Spike though."

Thantos' dreams spiralled through the night. At one time he had heard some horrible screams, and shouts to get up but his mind had flipped that into the screams he was letting out in his head the day before as he raised his sword to attack the father.

All of a sudden, the door to Thantos' room bursts open and above the sound of someone trying to rouse him from his slumber, Thantos hears the sound of a song. More beautiful than anything he had heard in his lifetime. The song filled him with hope, with clarity and chased all the bad dreams away. He felt his confidence awake. Suddenly, he heard the neighing of horses and Thantos shot up in bed..


Looking around the room and seeing Attrah and the worry on his face, Thantos was very confused.

"What's going on? How long have I been sleeping? I heard horses, has my good horse returned from wherever he had travelled?"
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Old 06-03-2003, 02:57 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Location: Up yonder
"Don't worry Darghon. I appreciate the concern but they are smart enough to keep their distance from your spirit. I do hope they can raise it, though...he would come in handy in our travels as already proven."

D'Aleen nods her head after listening the the mage's words.

"I think Vinoh has a valid point. The sooner we continue on our way to the tomb the better. I fear we may never locate Tower considering the spell he is under, and setting out to hunt for him will deter us from our main goal. Nature's balance is upset and getting worse by the moment...I can feel it in my blood."

The elf's head snaps up, her ears picking up on the unmistakable rhythm of .... hoofbeats! Her cry for help to the underground animals was stronger than she thought, for the sound grew louder and louder until a small herd of magnificant stallions thundered into the courtyard where the group was gathered.

D'Aleen walked toward the largest of the beautiful animals, reaching out to stroke his strong neck as his thoughts flowed through her mind. Closing her eyes, enjoying the connection with the beast, she listened and smiled. "Thank you my friend for your offer of help. May Aine smile upon us all."

Turning to the group, with a glow and new-found hopeful light to her eyes, she grinned impishly. "My call for help reached far...we have new companions to help us on our journey. Treat them well for they are risking their lives with their aid."
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
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Old 06-03-2003, 03:15 PM   #246 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon looks at D'Aleen sings her song.. 'What a wonderful voice she does have' He gives her a smirk. His sensitive ears start to pick up the beating.. the beating of hooves. He turns his head in the direction of the horses.

"Wonderful, well the others will be pleased.." He looks through the horses. 'A wonderful species' he thinks to himself as they stand their neighing.

'But still.. got to get that damn undead out of the ground otherwise it'll wreak havoc on this town tonight.. especially with that mold on it' He thinks as he walks to the spot where the undead is under the ground.

Casting Dig on the ground the earth starts to be flicked up, then a large gnarled howl seems to emanate from the hole.

"There's my boy.." He walks over to the hole and looks down at the undead who seems to be writhing in agony under the sunlight. Using telekinesis he lifts up the undead and moves it onto the burning heap.

"Be released from your holds.." Darghon nods towards the burning corpses and heads back towards the inn where D'Aleen is. Standing next to D'Aleen he says "The stories we heard of your people as children are true then, having powers to talk to and summon the animals, control the elements and talk with the trees. And your kinds incredible beauty as well, it shows in your aura as well."

With that Darghon turns, grins at her and heads into the inn to be passed by Thantos rushing outside to the horses. Vinoh is conversing with the Father Quadrial. "I think it is time that we go, we have done all we can here.. and besides, we have a quest to complete" He looks outside with a serious look on his face. "D'Aleen has supplied us with transportation.." He turns and heads outside

Telepathically he says to Vinoh 'How are you faring my friend.. I'm starting to feel a bit worn down with all this using magic and my mind powers, I've got a lot more to go though.' He stands and faces towards the north.

"Thanks for the horses D'Aleen.." He walks up and strokes along it's neck.
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 06-03-2003, 04:13 PM   #247 (permalink)
Location: Westcoast
After being brought up to speed by Attrah and hearing the horses, Thantos quickly rushes outside to see if his horse has returned as well. As soon as he reaches the horses he starts to call out

"SPIKE are you here?"

Looking around frantically, Thantos' face begins to droop as Spike is nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, Sir Thantos begins to move back inside when he hears another set of hooves coming from the South. He hears the horse whinny and immediately knows his Spike has indeed returned.

Running towards the beautiful creature he is stunned to see the warhorse bloodied all over. Upon reaching the clearly tired horse, Thantos, checks him all over for any sort of major injury but finds only scratches and a few tender spots. Looking at the warhorses iron clad hooves there are a few ragged spots.

"Had a pretty good fight on your hands last night didn't you my old friend? Not to worry you are safe at least for a while. I don't have time to clean and tend you now but eat some of these vegetables and try to regain your strength. I will ride one of these other fine horses until you are once again strong. "

Turning back to the other's gathered outside Thantos proclaims "I am ready to proceed at any time. Do we saddle these fine wilds or will we need to ride bareback?"

(OOC - Watched Austin Powers 2 last night...really had a hard time keeping Thantos from stating that Spike completes him... )
Jinger is offline  
Old 06-04-2003, 12:09 AM   #248 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Apokx's Avatar
Location: memes.
After Attrah finishes talking with Thantos,he walks to the door of the inn and addresses the group:
"I assume that these horses are our transportation then? Tell me,has anyone seen our two feathered friends?"

After a short pause,"If any of the horses are solid black,I would prefer riding one."
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:32 AM   #249 (permalink)
* Attrah glances back and sees the two birds perched in the corner
in the shadows
in silence *
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Old 06-04-2003, 06:40 AM   #250 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
Father Quadrial has kneeled facing the direction of the rising sun.
Clasped in his hand is a rosary made from polished stones with a heavy wood cross.
His mind is filled with the riot of images from the past days and he must settle or he will be useless to the group.
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Old 06-04-2003, 10:09 AM   #251 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Glad to see that D'Aleen was able to call upon such beautiful and strong horses to speed their journey, Vinoh feels a swell of hope within him. He then turns to Darghon, to answer his telepathic message in kind:

"Don't worry, Darghon. Last night's weariness has passed, thanks to sleep and meditation. I'm ready for anything!"

As Vinoh finishes his mental message, he hears a familiar voice echoing in his mind. His guildmaster and teacher, Lanodin, had somehow pinpointed his presence and was speaking to him! However, his voice was weak, distant, even in his own mind...

- "Vinoh... I'm happy that you are well. It took me some time to find you... The Dark is strong where you are..."

- "Master Lanodin! I can't believe you were able to reach me! I... I don't know what to say... I'm doing well! My companions and I defeated a cadre of servants of the Dark last night. They were harrying an undefended village. Also, we pinpointed the location of the Tomb of Velix and are making our way there today."

- "...at's very g... ...noh. Know that... ... atching you an... will assis... .... way I c..."

Sensing his mental connection slipping, the mind mage concentrated his will on his master, but knew that it wouldn't last too long.

- "Master, I appreciate your help immensly. Our mental bond is severing, so I must go now. I'll try to contact you in some way if I can later on."

- "... know that y... face a gre... ... vil, but fear not... ... ... ers are stro... ...an you might thi... ... ... d you hear m... ... Vino...?"

- "I hear you, Master Lanodin. I won't let you or the Guild down."

- "... ..."

And with that, Vinoh knew that while he was far away from home, his master was always near. He took comfort in that, which in turn gave him strength. Filled with hope and pride, Vinoh lifted himself up and unto a horse, a smile shining brightly on his face.

"Well, my friends, I have a feeling that our combined might and skill will serve us well on this journey. I, for one, am ready to deal the Dark a blow which they will not soon forget! Shall we?"
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 06-04-2003, 06:37 PM   #252 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
"I just need my pack & bow and I'm ready!"

Turning to enter the inn D'Aleen suddenly had a thought...

"What of Gell? Did you see if he was recovering when you were inside, Darghon?" she asked.

"I hope he will be well enough after his ordeal to travel with us. I would like to see an early start to our journey while we have daylight."
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!

Last edited by Minx; 06-04-2003 at 06:40 PM..
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Old 06-04-2003, 07:56 PM   #253 (permalink)
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Hearing his name, Gell stumbles out of the inn looking as though he has a hangover but is no worse for the enchantment of the previous night. "Me am hate magic..." he mutters as he joins the group. "And me am hate bad magic squishy man! Me am want to smash him, now!" The large warrior looks around at his compatriots for agreement, then frowns as he sees the herd of horses riding up. "You am all have horses now? But what me am riding? Me am smash horse if me am sitting on it, and you am not leaving Gell, great orc warrior!"
Gell thinks for a moment, a task that looks mildly painful for the half-orc, then looks over at Father Quadriel. "You am always pray to your god, and sometimes he am helping you. Maybe me am pray to Krom, Great Orc God! Maybe Krom am send horserat for me am riding." Gell pauses, then looks a bit worried. "Or maybe Krom am get mad for me am being weak... Maybe Krom am do horrible things, like am turning me into squishy man!" Shuddering at the thought, Gell shakes his large green head. "Me am not take that chance, me am just run with squishy men's horses. God of squishy men am being nice to squishy man, but Krom am jerk. Even to orc!" Swinging his axe in the air, Gell roars a mighty battle cry. "Me am not need you, Krom! Me am Gell, great orc warrior! Me am beating bad magic squishy man WITHOUT stupid Krom!"
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."
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Old 06-04-2003, 09:13 PM   #254 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Apokx's Avatar
Location: memes.
The knight stares a moment at the two birds,and walking in their direction,addresses them."We are heading to the temple,our final task.Maybe some of us to our doom" with a shrug,the knight continues.."maybe some of us to something greater.You two,of all things have nothing to say? Or let me guess...'Death Death Death'...'Glory Glory Glory'? For once,suprise me."
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Old 06-04-2003, 10:58 PM   #255 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
"Yeah D'Aleen, Gell seemed.. well he was passed out, but looked ok" Darghon grinned slightly "The good father was looking after him and I've seen what he can do so I trust him.." Hearing some heavy footsteps behind him he looked over his shoulder seeing who he expected "..or you could just ask him yourself" Darghon turned back and gave D'Aleen a slight wink.

"I see that you are better Gell.." Darghon gave him a strong warriors smile with slight nod. Listening to Gells rant he nods and agrees, but for a different reason.

"Thanks for the horse D'Aleen, but I won't be needing one either" Darghon looks up to the sky "For as the birds do I will and as the hawk does watch the ground for prey I will keep watch. Lest anything happen to our group."

And with that Darghon stepped out off the porch into the suns rays. Archin his back forwards slightly, two magnificent wings emerge from just inside his shoulder. "Ahh.. much better" Darghon looked up, ready to take to the air at any moment "Well when the others are ready, we will go then"

He fanned out his dragon like wings soaking up the morning suns rays...
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 06-05-2003, 03:56 AM   #256 (permalink)
* The birds come to life suddenly.
Flying with speed past a shocked Attrah's face.
Out the door they fly and into the courtyard.
Past Gell's head swiftly, screeching *

"Get on the horse! Get on the horse!" says the white.
"Or time will fade! Or time will fade!" says the black

* After they make their pass at Gell's head
They both go over to the Great Stallion, who seems abnormally calm.
One at each ear, they seem to "mouth" something to the great one.
The Great Stallion seems to rear his head in acknowledgement,
and then the two birds settling to stillness on the Stallion's back.

The Great Stallion snorts & paws at the dirt with seeming impatience.
The rest of the herd takes up the same attitude, moving about anxiously *

Last edited by rogue49; 06-05-2003 at 03:59 AM..
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Old 06-05-2003, 08:05 AM   #257 (permalink)
Location: Westcoast
Seeing our guides hitching a ride on one of the great horses, Thantos sees that it is time to ride. Moving to a brown horse with a large white patch on his chest, Thantos tries to figure out how to get onto the horse if it has no saddle.

Bringing his warhorse Spike over to stand next to the horse, Thantos puts one foot into the side of Spike's saddle and uses it to get up high enough to swing a foot over the back of the brown stallion. Gently holding on around the stallions neck while holding onto Spikes reins, Thantos appears ready to ride.

"I sure hope you know where you are going my fine steed, as with no reins I'll have no way of guiding you. But I trust in our elf D'Aleen and feel that you will guide us to safety."
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Old 06-05-2003, 08:48 AM   #258 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
D'Aleen strides out of the inn after retreiving her things. Smiling slightly at the feel of the sun's rays on her face she approaches the large stallion.

"Be gone to the sky where you belong my feathered friends...this is my mount!"

The elf then gracefully pulls herself up onto the back of the beast, leaning across his neck to whisper in his ear.

"Fear not about our direction Thantos, all will be well. The guides have instructed my friend here and the others will all follow."

Shading her eyes, she looks up to the sky to see Darghon making slow lazy circles over the group...waiting for them to ready themselves. It's good to have eyes in the sky, she thinks to herself.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
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Old 06-05-2003, 11:37 AM   #259 (permalink)
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As Darghon takes to the sky, Gell throws his hands into the air in exasperation. "Flying? Me am not able to do that either! Good thing me am fast for orc." Sheathing his axe, Gell prepares himself for the journey. "It am looking like both birds am saying same thing now. Am that good or bad?"
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."
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Old 06-05-2003, 03:06 PM   #260 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
As the party readies readies themselves, a fervent galloping can be heard in the distance. As the steed rapidly approaches, it's rider can be seen as a well built, but obviously dishevelled man wearing a battered, but sturdy suit of light armor. His long hair and beard doing little to cover the multitude of scars on his face and neck.

The horse stops and the mysterious rider takes a moment to size up the group and regain his breath.

"You must be the Duke's famous heroes. My name is Goban the Wanderer, I've spent the last 4 years roaming the land, trying to rid the world of the evil that consumed the lands of my birth. I was late in arriving to the Duke's hall, but he gave me this stallion, who seemed to know where to find you. My sword is yours, I just hope it will be enough for what we will be up against."

Goban takes a moment to survey the ruined village, bringing back painful memories of his own home, which met a similar end.

"Now let us make our way to the tomb, there is nothing more you can do for these people, I fear their fate is alread sealed."
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Old 06-05-2003, 04:56 PM   #261 (permalink)
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Grunting impatiently, Gell looks among the horses for one that seems like it will hold his weight, at least long enough to reach their destination. "Am more people with horses! And flying magic squishy man! Well me am not being left behind! This horse am looking strong enough to carry me. It am going to have to do." With that the orc sits on the horse, then looks around. "Now what? We am need to go, and me am not knowing how to make this work!" Gell pokes the horse impatiently in the back of the head, waiting for it to start moving.
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."
forgotten_dream is offline  
Old 06-05-2003, 07:10 PM   #262 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
Looking up from his prayers Father Quadrial spies a gathering of horses heading their way.
Getting to his feet, the monk looks up at the sky.
"Dad we're in a bit of a mess here.
Would you mind talking to your friends and letting them know we're going to need a hand?
I know Krom can be a bit of an ass but our orcan friend could use a bit of his well tempered madness.
If you could ask the Lady to look kindly on us as well I'm sure our elven member would appreciate it.
Look with favor on our newest member because I suspect he has no idea what a deep pile he has stepped in.
I would also be most deeply greatful if you could bless our weapons so that they will be true in thrusting into the heart of evil.
And finally could you help me remember everyones names? Thanks Dad."

Picking out a nice solid looking steed, Father Quadrial finds a handy stool and climbs aboard.

"Well folks, I have to say today is a good day to die. Dad tells me that things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better."

Last edited by redravin40; 06-06-2003 at 02:32 AM..
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Old 06-06-2003, 06:00 AM   #263 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Seeing that everyone has found a mount, even Gell, Vinoh casts a suspicious, yet grateful eye towards the stranger who just joined them. In just a few short days, their group had lost and gained quite a few allies, and they aren't even at the Tomb of Velix yet!

"Goban, right? I am Vinoh Madren, the mind mage. I hope your sword arm is as true as your conviction to join us, for we're about to face evil that's best left to the darkest nightmares. However, we do appreciate the extra help!"

Turning to the rest of the group, Vinoh expresses his impatience:

"OK, let's do this! The day isn't getting any younger and the quicker we get there, the better our chances will be to find Tower and deal with the Dark under the sun's rays!"

His mind filled with renewed strength and his heart full of hope and anticipation, Vinoh let's out a battle cry and starts galloping northward, towards a destiny both uncertain and exhilirating.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:19 AM   #264 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
The elf nudges her stallion gently forward and halts by the newcomer offering a warm smile.

"Welcome Goban...I am D'Aleen and we are grateful to have your help and your strength on this quest. As you can see, your timing was fortunate! Let's follow the mage's lead and be off."

Urging her horse to a canter after the retreating form of the mage, D'Aleen concentrates to touch the mind of the steed the orc is riding...urging him to be strong. We shall find him a suitable mount, she promises to the sturdy stallion. With a backwards glance towards the devastated village, she prays that the group can succeed despite the harsh odds and evils they face.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:51 AM   #265 (permalink)
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Gell's puzzlement in how to make his steed go where he wants it to is relieved as the others begin to ride, as the horse knows simply to follow it's companions. Gell watches the others as he rides, being sure to keep one eye on their avine guides.
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."
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Old 06-06-2003, 06:24 PM   #266 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
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Location: memes.
Watching the birds with silent conviction,the knight Attrah rides along with his companions..plus one.
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Old 06-06-2003, 07:52 PM   #267 (permalink)
Location: Westcoast
With Thantos' steed following the others without his guidance, he turns as well as he can to the new party member.

"Well met Goban. I am Sir Thantos of the Eagle Order. My lands are far from here but evil is the same the world over and fighting it here will still aid my own homelands in the war against the dark. May your sword swing true in the days to come."
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Old 06-06-2003, 09:47 PM   #268 (permalink)
* Behind Thantos' head, as he turned talking to Goban all of a sudden...

The Great Stallion rears with a strong & direct neigh.
The herd picks up speed.
The riders are briefly surprised, by the this change in pace,
some grasping at the manes of their mounts.
As the village fades into the distance, the path gets thicker with brush and as if it is closing.

Instead of slowing down, the herd goes faster.
You feel the strides opening up, the muscles surging,
but yet your seat is firm & steady.
You feel the power of each beat, the wind against your face.
And out of the corner of your eyes you see the forest passing, closing...

But then...with each new long stride the scene leaps forward.
With each stride, the impenetrable primeval forest passes in a blur.
and you still holding on safe & amazed. *

Last edited by rogue49; 06-06-2003 at 10:10 PM..
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:19 PM   #269 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Darghon follows the riders on horseback, after noticing the new arrival.

"Hrmm.. The forest is getting thicker.." Darghon looks down and his eyes widen "And the horses faster... Damn magical steeds"

With that last glance he takes a giant thrust through the air. Keeping up with them as best as possible..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 06-07-2003, 05:48 PM   #270 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Vinoh is stunned by his horse's quickening pace and notices with relief that everyone's horse does the same. The exhiliration of the ride, combined with the inner strength brought on by the knowledge that his guildmaster is watching in some way, fills the mind mage with resolve and vigor. His will is at its strongest and waiting to be tapped.

Despite this steadfast feeling of invincibility, Vinoh remembers the trials of the previous night and the insanity that overcame Tower. Even though he wishes he could will safety for his friends, he knows that, ultimately, each of them must come to terms with the Dark on his/her own. All he can do for them is hope that their resolve is as strong as their desire to serve Good and protect the innocent.

While he has no doubts about the noble Thantos, the wise Father, the courageous Darghon, the dedicated Gell, the resourceful D'Aleen and even the overconfident Attrah, Vinoh can't help but wonder about their new companion. However, his thoughts are lost among the rush of the forest and the mind mage steels himself for what may perhaps be the greatest challenge he would ever face.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:30 PM   #271 (permalink)
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Location: Up yonder
As the scenery becomes a blur with the stallion's thundering strides, D'Aleen relishes the primitive power of the animal and his strength.

She glances at the passing trees uneasily, feeling the dark force that eminates from them...getting stronger as the ground passes beneath them. Fingering the silver dagger strapped to her thigh she thinks of her father who had given her the heirloom when she left on this journey. Worried about his warnings of the evil stretching throughout the entire lands, she knew his words were true.

She shivered as you could almost feel the evil as a physical presence watching their every move. Glancing up, amazed to see the two birds keeping up the pace, she shook aside all the negative thoughts in her mind. It will be hard enough to face when the time comes, she thought to herself.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:45 PM   #272 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
Apokx's Avatar
Location: memes.
Riding along at the incredible pace,the knight seems truly impressed for once."These horses...amazing. I imagine that taming a horse such as this would be quite a task.Fantastic mounts."

The wind causing tears to stream from his eyes,the knight in his charred black armor,grim attitude and his weary eyes,begins to enjoy himself.The first time since he was a child.
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Old 06-08-2003, 09:20 AM   #273 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Having barely caught his breath after his arrival, Goban held tightly onto the reins of his horse as it sped through the ever-thickening forest. He wondered about his new companions and if they were strong enough to dispatch of whatever was waiting for them in the tomb.
"It's a little late to start doubting yourself now eh?" he muttered to himself as the pack of horses picked up speed once again. Goban concentrated on the trees shooting by faster and faster, seemingly leaving his worries behind.
rockzilla is offline  
Old 06-08-2003, 09:53 PM   #274 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
Father Quadrial hangs on to the mane of his horse for dear life.
He had always been more of a foot soldier and riding was usually on the back of a mule or donkey.
Riding a beast so big and fast was a fearful experience.
Now his prayers were strictly that he didn't fall off and break his other arm.
redravin40 is offline  
Old 06-09-2003, 08:29 AM   #275 (permalink)
Location: Westcoast
Whoa, these horses are fast, Thantos thinks to himself. Glancing back at Spike he is amazed to see Spike trotting along at the same speed as the other horses. He appears to not even be labouring, in fact he is starting to look a little more healthy.

"Hmm..I wonder if the magical powers that give these steeds such strength and speed rub off on all that are around. No matter though, I must prepare myself for the tasks soon to be at hand. "
Jinger is offline  
Old 06-09-2003, 10:23 AM   #276 (permalink)
forgotten_dream's Avatar
Bouncing up and down on his running horse, Gell looks miserable but determined. "Me am not liking fast! When we am getting off fast horse?" Gell clings to the reigns of his horse for fear of falling off, determined to inflict the pain in his rear to that of the dark force they faced at the first chance he gets.
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."
forgotten_dream is offline  
Old 06-09-2003, 11:53 PM   #277 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Flys hard to keep up with the horses and its riders..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
GoldenOuroboros is offline  
Old 06-10-2003, 05:37 AM   #278 (permalink)
* The dense jungle is clearing.
You somehow know that you've just traveled a great distance
in a short amount time.

As the last of the great trees part, with the last great strides of your steeds,
they come to a halt, breathing with vigor.

You note the sun hasn't even reached its peak.

And further still away through sparse brush but clear as day.
The Tomb.
A huge ziggurat of three tiers all of warn ancient stone,
with what seems to be a columned temple at the top.
But what you note is incredible...

This massive structure is floating!
Rooted from the ground dirt & other debris hanging off the edges.
Hovering some height above the terrain.

Pulling your shocked eyes from the sight
when The Great Stallion rears in front of you
and the two bird who then settle on his back
screech... *

"Your ride is over! Your time is over" calls out the white
"To your destiny! To your doom!" calls the black
rogue49 is offline  
Old 06-10-2003, 06:52 AM   #279 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Not taking his eyes off the massive floating ziggurat, Vinoh dismounts and takes a few steps forward. He is in complete awe. The power at work here is incredible. Even without tapping his will, the mind mage can feel the dark forces all around him. He and his group are on the very threshold of something much, much greater than themsleves; the proverbial lion's den.

Slowly, his mind turns to more practical and immediate concerns. How does the group get in this place? What kind of tomb floats off the ground? Is it connected to another plane?

Seeing that Darghon is still airborne, Vinoh speaks to him with his mind.

*Telepathic message to Darghon:*

"Well, my friend, it seems we've reached the hornet's nest. However, I don't see any entrance from here. Can you see anything from up there?"

Turning to the rest of his companions, Vinoh tries to think of a strategy.

"I guess we're in for quite an adventure now! I've never seen such a structure before, so I don't know exactly how to proceed. We should obviously get closer, since I can try and levitate to the lower tiers, but I'm sure there are guards around. Let's be careful..."

With that, Vinoh takes out his scout's club and keeps his eyes sharp and his mind ready for action.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 06-10-2003, 08:07 AM   #280 (permalink)
Minx's Avatar
Location: Up yonder
D'Aleen slowly slides off her horse, staring at the Tomb in amazement. A shiver creeps up her spine as she wonders at the force used to hold such a massive structure airborne.

"But how shall we gain entrance?" she wonders aloud. "Vinoh is right, we must get closer and investigate this. I for one am eager to get to the heart of this! Be on your toes everyone - I dare say we are not alone here."

The elf's gaze rests on the others as she throws her cloak back over her shoulders and pulls her bow from her pack, readying herself for what may lie ahead.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!
Minx is offline  

fantasy, quest, rpg, tfp, tomb, velix

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