After being brought up to speed by Attrah and hearing the horses, Thantos quickly rushes outside to see if his horse has returned as well. As soon as he reaches the horses he starts to call out
"SPIKE are you here?"
Looking around frantically, Thantos' face begins to droop as Spike is nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, Sir Thantos begins to move back inside when he hears another set of hooves coming from the South. He hears the horse whinny and immediately knows his Spike has indeed returned.
Running towards the beautiful creature he is stunned to see the warhorse bloodied all over. Upon reaching the clearly tired horse, Thantos, checks him all over for any sort of major injury but finds only scratches and a few tender spots. Looking at the warhorses iron clad hooves there are a few ragged spots.
"Had a pretty good fight on your hands last night didn't you my old friend? Not to worry you are safe at least for a while. I don't have time to clean and tend you now but eat some of these vegetables and try to regain your strength. I will ride one of these other fine horses until you are once again strong. "
Turning back to the other's gathered outside Thantos proclaims "I am ready to proceed at any time. Do we saddle these fine wilds or will we need to ride bareback?"
(OOC - Watched Austin Powers 2 last night...really had a hard time keeping Thantos from stating that Spike completes him...
