Hearing his name, Gell stumbles out of the inn looking as though he has a hangover but is no worse for the enchantment of the previous night. "Me am hate magic..." he mutters as he joins the group. "And me am hate bad magic squishy man! Me am want to smash him, now!" The large warrior looks around at his compatriots for agreement, then frowns as he sees the herd of horses riding up. "You am all have horses now? But what me am riding? Me am smash horse if me am sitting on it, and you am not leaving Gell, great orc warrior!"
Gell thinks for a moment, a task that looks mildly painful for the half-orc, then looks over at Father Quadriel. "You am always pray to your god, and sometimes he am helping you. Maybe me am pray to Krom, Great Orc God! Maybe Krom am send horserat for me am riding." Gell pauses, then looks a bit worried. "Or maybe Krom am get mad for me am being weak... Maybe Krom am do horrible things, like am turning me into squishy man!" Shuddering at the thought, Gell shakes his large green head. "Me am not take that chance, me am just run with squishy men's horses. God of squishy men am being nice to squishy man, but Krom am jerk. Even to orc!" Swinging his axe in the air, Gell roars a mighty battle cry. "Me am not need you, Krom! Me am Gell, great orc warrior! Me am beating bad magic squishy man WITHOUT stupid Krom!"
"A ouija board just works better if you've made it yourself. It's sortof like how 'Clue' is more interesting when one of you has actually killed someone."