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Old 01-11-2009, 05:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Metal Gear Solid 4...spoilers allowed

hey all...so I just finished MGS4 last week...heh on liquid easy got the inchworm badge

I don't know if I killed Liquid Ocelot, both out health was low and the game just took over. I was also very near death in the microwave hallway. I was sure I blew it and then the game just kept going.

I was pretty amazed at all the cinematics and the epic story behind it all. to be honest, it's the first 'story' game I've ever finished. I know there's a ton of extra stuff to do to really complete the game with all the items unlocked. I doubt I'll ever win the stealth camo

so I started a new game and got all my stuff from the last game just fine. I've collected some Easter egg links to learn about stuff to look for in my second run. this time I set it to solid normal.

so far it seems like there's the same amount of enemies, but maybe they do more damage when I get shot ? maybe there's less rations sitting around ? or maybe I'm just running into the fray of a fight with less concern for getting spotted...anyway, I've died a few more times. 1st run through I only died maybe 2-3 times. I just wasn't paying attention to my health meter.

anyway, anyone know exactly what the difference is in the difficulty ?

anyone have some cool things I should look out for in my second run ? right now I've just passed the part where I meet up w/ Meril and the Rat Patrol.

where do I find the 50 cal. sniper rifle ? or must I buy it ?

shooting down helicopters w/ my RPG isn't as fun as I thought since they just re spawn.

I didn't think about it the first run, but can you feed the dogs w/ a ration after the fight w/ screaming wolf ?

also...I've been looking at getting MGS 2&3...I have the 1st one for PS1 and have been playing that as well, never finished it way back when. it's definitely a harder game to play. I'm at the Ninja boss fight in that game.

I'm pritty shure I'll get MGS3 Subsistance since it's got the very first MG game in it. how do the other games rate (aside from the first PS1 game and MGS4) my PS3 is software BC so I can play 2&3 on it.
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Old 01-11-2009, 06:03 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I have played all of them and I think MGS1 and MGS3: Subsistence are the best. MGS4 is awesome and so is MGS2 but they have some qualities about them that I didn't like as much (MGS4 has a little too much cinematic airfighting cheese in it, and MGS2's plot makes absolutely no sense).
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Old 01-11-2009, 06:39 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
I may skip MGS2 but I just learned I can get the corpse camo from the scene w/ Naomi...must get it !
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Old 01-18-2009, 08:14 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I liked MGS2 a lot, but in the series, MGS3 blew me the fuck away each time I played it. It's a beautiful game, very well written, and one of the bosses in it was simply the best boss of any game I've played. He's the third of the 4-boss team in that game.

MGS2 was a lot of fun though, with a huge amount of easter eggs, and some great settings. Damn now I wanna go play MGS2 and MGS3.
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I think every MGS is worth playing, and although MGS2 had a crazy story, it was fun to play through. I thought MGS3 (Subsistence) had a great story, but was extremely difficult to play through. I just fumbled with the controls throughout the whole game. MGS4 was much easier than MGS3 in controls and difficulty.
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Old 01-19-2009, 05:44 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
now I just passed the meeting w/ Naomi on solid normal dificulty...seems like the damage I take is a little more and I find/carry alot less rations...liquid easy I had 30 rations sometimes although I didn't use them much.

now I'm trying to chill in the drumcan or cardboard box to regain health some. it's not that much tougher really...hopefully I'll still feel that way when I get to the microwave hallway !
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:51 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
how would some of you guys rate the average difficulty of all the MGS games ? I'm guessing the 4th game is the easiest since I got through it w/o too much dificulty and I'm not much of a gamer.

I'm back playing the 1st PlayStation game now and it's a lot tougher than MGS4. I'm at the Armory getting the sniper rifle to save Merill from Sniper Wolf (I know she'll be gone when I get back.)

I just bought MGS3 Subsistence (limited ed. even ) and I wonder how tough that will be. hopefully it'll show in the mail by next Friday. I do plan on playing the very first 2 games which are in this edition too...I hear it's a lot of back and forth in those.

I'm gonna buy MGS2 Subsistence too. since I'm not that good at games I just hope they are easy enough that I can still have fun with them.
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:17 AM   #8 (permalink)
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I don't think any of them are harder than 4. I think you though 4 was really easy because you played it through the first time on Easy mode.
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Old 02-02-2009, 11:09 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
maybe so, but solid normal isn't that tough either. not as hard as the 1st psx game. but that's getting easier as I go along too. I expected Psyco Mantis to be really hard but he wasn't at all. I got through him without using any continues. I had the hardest time w/ Revolver Ocelot
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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Old 02-07-2009, 09:45 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
that BASTARD Revolver Ocelot is HARD on the torture scene ! much harder then the microwave hallway in MGS4
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Old 02-12-2009, 04:39 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: France
The End. Best. Boss. Ever. There's a couple of cheap ways to beat him, but if you do it like a true sniper game of cat and mouse, it's the most fun fucking thing.
I was sweating beads the 1st time.
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:36 AM   #12 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Originally Posted by biznatch View Post
The End. Best. Boss. Ever. There's a couple of cheap ways to beat him, but if you do it like a true sniper game of cat and mouse, it's the most fun fucking thing.
I was sweating beads the 1st time.
A fucking magazine spoiled this boss for me so when I played it I beat him in like 3 minutes. So stupid....they could have just said to enjoy an awesome boss but nope. HERE'S HOW TO BEAT HIM HINT HINT HARRRRRRRRR
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:32 AM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
the end...you mean the boss at the end of MGS3 ? I've read some about that one.
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Old 02-15-2009, 04:38 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I just finished the game. I'm not happy, but I didn't hate the game. I'm somewhere between "what the fuck??" and "disappointed." The game had so much potential......I'll elaborate more when I have more time.


Ok I've had some time to "chew" on the game since I beat it, here is my official complaint list/review:

- Reuniting with old characters in MGS saga
- Boss fights
- Cut-scene graphics
- Sneaking controls

- Overly long cut scenes - 75% of the game is cut scenes, no joke. And you can't even play in them. Why have loads of cut scenes with awesome action scenes and not let you at least press triangle to do stuff, Shenmue-style? Also, the game treats you like a 3-year old with how certain things in the game work (signal interceptor to follow the lead to Big Mama - 10 minute explanation).

- In-game graphics - not bad, but unimpressive

- Combat controls - horrible and jumbled. There are hours upon hours of options and upgrades you can go through for the weapons and CQC, but you don't even need anything more than the tranq pistol and the Mark II (Mark II is even questionable). Why have all of that if you don't even really play the game, you watch it?

- World - when playing the game it feels like no one exists in the world except for you and the other characters. Oh no, the entire world is now unplugged from the Patriots' grasp. So what? No one else even exists. The sneaking level in the city street was horrible - repeated textures/polygons for each building and lack of environment.

- Plot - while I am definitely used to outrageous plots in the MGS series, this one was just too convuluted to even try to keep up. Not too bad of a plot, but they harped on unnecessary items and didn't harp on the major items.

- Old Snake - for God's sake, LET US PLAY AS A NORMAL SOLID SNAKE. I felt the happiest in the game when A) I played as "young Snake" with the face mask on in the city, and B) return to Shadow Moses. what does that tell you? Oh yeah, the first game was awesome and they need to replicate it. No one likes playing as nano-f-ed grandpa Snake. We want to play as "ba of the century" Snake, because that's what he is - a BA.

- Drebin - arguably one of the worst characters out of the entire series. Monkey with a diaper?

- Boss fights - awesome game play but you didn't even know who you were fighting or why they even cared about you. Why should you care about a boss whenever you don't even know who they are? Sorry, but a template-explanation from Drebin for each boss just made it even worse. Yes, they grew up poor in an African village and were attacked at age 4 and had to kill someone etc. etc. etc. With Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, etc. you knew the bosses and they were solid characters. Here they were just RPG bait.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.

Last edited by Redjake; 02-18-2009 at 03:58 PM..
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Old 02-22-2009, 12:37 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Canada: Top piece of bread in an America sandwich.
MGS4 was one of the games I bought a PS3 for, and while it was a good send-off for the series (or at least Snake's story) I was a little disappointed. I think it's great on the whole, I enjoy it a lot, but it got bogged down with a lot of flaws that other entries in the series avoided. Most of my gripes are storyline related though, which is the big reason I like MGS anyway. Too much anime influence, a disregard of MGS2's atmosphere and plot (not that I blame Kojima after the fan reaction to that entry), WAY too into the series' own characters and less interested in telling an interesting story, and a few others.

The cut scenes didn't bother me all that much. It's Metal Gear, I was expecting hours of watching (or, in case of CODEC, listening) and not playing. I mean, it would be nice if Kojima would add more immersiveness/interactivity but this is what he does so eh. Which reminds me-- worst Codec ever. Two channels the whole game, and they each say, like, two things each. Which brings me into a more gameplay-related problem: MGS4 lacked so much of the playfulness of Snake Eater. Gone were the eighty different ways to beat each boss and fun little easter eggs. Definitely missed that.

Storyline-wise I think this is the weakest of the four. Gameplay-wise, I definitely thought the controls and set-up were better than the rest, but it lacked the creativity of MGS3.
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Old 02-22-2009, 04:12 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Why have loads of cut scenes with awesome action scenes and not let you at least press triangle to do stuff, Shenmue-style?
well, I don't have Shenmue but I do have a DC so maybe someday I'll check it out.
but you can control the MkII during cut scenes, that's how you get the digital camera and extended life battery for the MkII and solid eye.

you can also get an up skirt peek at Naomi somewhere and some other tid bits if you search Easter eggs.

No one likes playing as nano-f-ed grandpa Snake.
hmm, I'm in the middle of MGS 1 and I like it alot but Old Snake is just as cool imho. gameplay wise, I don't see how it matters. you can collect face camo and play as several characters anyway.

what I really want is to play with the corps camo/skin you get from using over 55 continues (or something like that) heck, I like playing as Drebin too !

as far as weapons go I agree I only used a few weapons I found and never bought any but nevertheless, it's plenty of fun to have a wide range of weapons ( like screaming psyco's doll) at hand just for the fun of it. I see it as something to up the appeal to a wider market. more ways to play, more people enjoy playing it.

I didn't like the sneak stage either, I didn't notice the texture/geometry repeats myself but I did get bored...I liked the final shooting part on the back of the bike. no stunning game play. -equip patriot, lock on target and hold fire button- done.
but it was fun to watch.

I agree Shadow Moses was the most fun level for me and hell yess remake that game w/ the new game engine !!

I definitely liked the Drebin weapon system, it made it more fun overall when you were in the mood to take advantage of it.

I also liked the cut scenes alot, and the plot. but then I don't game as much as you might. sure they were long and I've skipped some in my second run through but first time through I was glued to them. I also downloaded the MGS encyclopedia thing off PSN so I guess I'm geeked out on it now anyway lol.

I do wish there were more weird/cool mechs in MGS2 and 3 cause I really kiled the gekkos and scrabs in this one.

you guys do know you can get the digital camera and tranq each boss (err maybe not Vamp) equip the camera and be whisked away to a photo stage to take pics of the girls...they are supposed to dance for you if you play the iPod. it would require some Easter egg research to find out exactly how.

anyway...thanks for your thoughts

this game for me has made all others (action adventure) seem sorta lame. I haven't started MGS 2 or 3 yet but I have them now....
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.

Last edited by boink; 02-22-2009 at 04:17 AM..
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4spoilers, allowed, gear, metal, solid

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