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Old 02-04-2006, 11:49 PM   #521 (permalink)
Free Mars!
feelgood's Avatar
Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
ceasar, there's lots you can do with it, especially use it as a veggie dip

What is the shortest trip you've made on a aircraft?
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Old 02-05-2006, 12:31 AM   #522 (permalink)
to la but it was with a band so it was really cool....

who was your first kiss?
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Old 02-05-2006, 12:28 PM   #523 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme
My husband

Although I had others kiss me, I never kissed anyone on the lips until him.

Do you like flying?
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 02-05-2006, 01:40 PM   #524 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Location: Chicago, IL
Generally yes, the only part that ever bothers me at all is take off. My ears always hurt really bad for the first few minutes, but once that goes away I don't mind it at all.

What color ink do you prefer to write in?
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
-Carl Sagan
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Old 02-05-2006, 02:04 PM   #525 (permalink)
Free Mars!
feelgood's Avatar
Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
Black, easier to read

What is the shortest trip you've made on a aircraft?
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Old 02-06-2006, 04:22 AM   #526 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
Toronto, Ontario to Kingston, Ontario. The plane was a DASH-8, and it really did dash. The whole trip lasted 40 minutes, gate to gate. By the time the plane reached it's cruising altitude, we were ready to start our descent. On top of the fact that it was only $110 as opposed to $140 for a 3 hour train trip made it all the better.

are you getting tired of answering all these questions?
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

1123, 6536, 5321
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Old 02-06-2006, 04:32 AM   #527 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Nope, some of the answers from others are interesting...

Do you indentify more with Oscar or Felix?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-06-2006, 05:02 AM   #528 (permalink)
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Location: Lion City
I am a little bit of both but I stray more to the Felix side of the equation. I think I might have a minor case of OCD.

Do you trim your nose and ear hair?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-06-2006, 05:14 AM   #529 (permalink)
see the links to my music?
Fly's Avatar
Location: Beautiful British Columbia
nope!!!!..............the wife does.......hahahahhahhaha

are you a cat person or a dog person?

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Old 02-06-2006, 06:32 AM   #530 (permalink)
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Location: Lion City
While I have one of each, I think if it came down to it, I am a cat person (not that I don't love my dog).

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-06-2006, 06:37 AM   #531 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
not recently - but yah - somewhere in my distant past... it was GOOOD too...

Ever see a grown man cry?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-06-2006, 06:56 AM   #532 (permalink)
JustJess's Avatar
Location: Kittyville
Yep. It wasn't nice, either. Much prefer them naked.

Ever made a grown man/woman cry?
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:09 AM   #533 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
I just made my (now ex) girlfriend cry when i split up with her about 30 minutes ago. difficult situation, we've been living together for 2 years.

Which would you rather do: Change the kitty litter or pick up dog poop in a plastic baggie?
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

1123, 6536, 5321
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:14 AM   #534 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
Neither... that's what kids are for. If I have to, I'd say litter... at least you don't have to use your hands.

How old were you when you had your first french kiss?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:18 AM   #535 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
I was in Grade 8, how old is that? 12 or 13. What can I say? I'm a late bloomer. took me almost 10 years to lose my virginity.

How old were you when you lost yours?
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

1123, 6536, 5321
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:29 AM   #536 (permalink)
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Location: Kittyville

Any regrets about losing your virginity? Any regrets you can share?
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:30 AM   #537 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
I was 14. This freaks me out when I realize my son is 11.

What was the weirdest haircut you've ever had?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:32 AM   #538 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I'm showing my age here... When Dorothy Hamil was the bees knees of figure skating, everyone wanted her haircut-- inclulding my mother to want me to have it.. .Now a wedge haircut is cute.. but not when you have naturally curly hair and it just turns out looking like a giant afro that sticks out of the back of my headl... I never have been able to pull off cute.. it never quite had that Short and Sassy look that the shampoo bottles promised...

What's the strangest color you've ever had your haire
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:38 AM   #539 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
Strangest colour was black (for a play where I played a Spaniard - Lorca's Blood Wedding).

Jess: occasionally I have regrets about the seediness of it all but not really. I'm jest glad I got it out of the way.

What would you say is the coolest outfit you've worn (at the time) but now would make you cringe?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-06-2006, 07:46 AM   #540 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
When i was younger, I was quite the fashionable dude (in my mind), and I had this pair of shorts. They were white, very heavy cotton, had a complicated set of buckles and a really wide waist. They hung to my knees, and I thought they were the coolest thing ever! I've still got them in a box somewhere, and every so often, I pull them out and look at them, but I don't fit into them anymore and I don't think I could pull off the look.

what is the longest term paper you've ever written? (as I write the proposal for my 10,000 word thesis)
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

1123, 6536, 5321
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:08 AM   #541 (permalink)
Free Mars!
feelgood's Avatar
Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
A 203 pages, 14,964 words user manual completed with figures, index, reference, appendix. Oh Term paper! It'll have to be 9 pages, 2,100 words paper on the evaluation of ERP systems

Are you disappointed with the final score of the superbowl game?
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:18 AM   #542 (permalink)
JustJess's Avatar
Location: Kittyville
YES. *grumble* Wow, I'm so disappointed I forgot to post a question!

Do you have a favorite shoe? What brand and why?
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:52 AM   #543 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I like my hush puppy mocassins - they are a dark purple/blue/brown suede and vanilla scented... they are oh so very comfortable... and well they don't smell like feet... (personally though, shoes are pretty high on the list of things that I hate... shoes are evil...)

Do you drink your morning beverage out of a paper cup, styrofoam, ceramic, plastic..... and what is it?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:07 AM   #544 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Ceramic Coffee mug. Reads; Instant Human. Just Add Coffee.

look 90 degrees to your left. What do you see?
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 02-07-2006, 06:50 AM   #545 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
Well.... I see my wall, my snowboard, one of my speakers, a wall socket and a cable tv connection. I can also kinda see part of a poster I have hanging up.

What was the scariest thing that has ever happened to you while you were in an aircraft, or in other words, when were you most frightened, and what caused it?
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Old 02-07-2006, 07:10 AM   #546 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I was on a flight years ago -- Eastern Airlines was the carrier which shows how long ago it was - and there was some problem with the landing gear - -as i'm sitting on the plane hearing it go up and down... but never quite all the way down... Pilot comes on the PA, and says there's a problem with the landing gear- they're going to circle the airport while.... soemthing i never heard... checks it out. (Actually circling to dump fuel was my guess)

after an hour of that -- pilot says, that they are going to attempt landing on an emergency runway... and assume the crash position (again, showing how long ago, this was when the flight attendents would actually demonstrate that) as my head is going down to kiss my ass goodbye, I couldn't help but notice all the fire engines onthe runway... I'm hearing peope in the back crying... and praying.. the person next to me looked at me and said he was sorry he didn't talk to me... I joked back - ok buy me a drink when we land...

rockiest landing ever... the old joke about did we land or were we shot down applied...

I was so proud of myself - never once did I panic.. never once did I lose my cool... I figured.. if it was my time to go - it was my time to go.. .and hesitated for about 5 seconds on the return trip - but - -eh - if it's my time to go - it's my time...

What's been your most serious car accident
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-07-2006, 08:41 AM   #547 (permalink)
Free Mars!
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Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
A friend "distracted" me while driving down this street and it was late at night and I ran into the back of a car that was stopped at a light. Suffice to say, the truck took the worse of it while the car got away with detacted wing.

Do you have a tattoo? What is it?
Looking out the window, that's an act of war. Staring at my shoes, that's an act of war. Committing an act of war? Oh you better believe that's an act of war
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:10 AM   #548 (permalink)
JustJess's Avatar
Location: Kittyville
Yes! A circular celtic knot on my left shoulder.

If you don't have a tattoo, why not? What would you get if you got one?
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:24 AM   #549 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
No tattoos because giving blood is entirely too important and if you have a tattoo get put in the can't donate list for a while.... a long while..

there's nothing I like enough to want ot have it permanently put on myself... Like the old saying goes - i can't commit to along distance carrier - how do you expect me to commit to a tattoo...

What color undies do you have on today...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-07-2006, 09:55 AM   #550 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
Blue, I am a big fan of the boxer-briefs, snug.. yet covering..

Would you like a cup of coffee?
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 02-07-2006, 09:58 AM   #551 (permalink)
JustJess's Avatar
Location: Kittyville
Yes, but I'm refraining. I've already had a triple shot of espresso today.

What do you really like to do when it rains outside?
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:02 AM   #552 (permalink)
SirLance's Avatar
Location: In the middle of the desert.
Sleep. For some reason, rain makes me sleepy.

What extremely romantic thing are you doing for your S/O on Valentine's Day?
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:26 AM   #553 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
IHOP, and a pair of slippers.
I have a feeling that I may be single again, by this time next year.
J/K (about the IHOP and slippers part)

What type of watch do you wear? Analog or digital? Strap band, or expand-o-flex?
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:30 AM   #554 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
currently this is my watch- because it makes people like twice..

Yes the bunnies are being very naughty...

I normally wear a very plain movado watch - black face, black strap, no numbers - I hate numbers on my watch - but that watch got misplaced when I moved... (It was on my nightstand when the movers arrived by the time i got into my bedroom, it wasn't there anymore...

What do you carry your belongings in to and from work or school?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:31 AM   #555 (permalink)
You had me at hello
Poppinjay's Avatar
Location: DC/Coastal VA
My coat pockets, occasionally a leather portfolio, sometimes a grocery stor ebag.

What's the worst place you've ever lived?
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:32 AM   #556 (permalink)
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Location: Lion City
I carry them in a black MEC knapsack. .

The shoulder straps can fold away so it becomes a briefcase... It also has padding for my laptop.

Edit: The worst place I have ever lived... it was an apartment in the depths of Scarborough (Mornell Court for those who know the area). It was nice when we moved in but 8 years later, not so much. One night, there was a murder in the building and the murderer committed suicide in stairwell not 10 minutes after I had just walked my 10 year old self down the stairwell.

We were happy to move.

How far do you live from work and how long is your commute?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke

Last edited by Charlatan; 02-07-2006 at 10:37 AM..
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:35 AM   #557 (permalink)
SirLance's Avatar
Location: In the middle of the desert.
26 miles, 30 minutes.

What is your primary means of transportation?
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:38 AM   #558 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
Either public transit or my Vespa.

Where do you live and where do you work: rural, suburban or urban? And did where you work effect where you choose to live?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:43 AM   #559 (permalink)
SirLance's Avatar
Location: In the middle of the desert.
I live in one suburban area and work in another. We chose where we live because it split the difference between commutes, and now that my wife has changed jobs, we'll likely be moving again.

What teacher did you have a crush on in high-school, and why?
DEMOCRACY is where your vote counts, FEUDALISM is where your count votes.
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Old 02-07-2006, 11:22 AM   #560 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Miss Noreen J. Tighe, Biology...because she was young and pretty, and and and...yeeeaah...

When is the last time that you colored in a coloring book?
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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