I was on a flight years ago -- Eastern Airlines was the carrier which shows how long ago it was - and there was some problem with the landing gear - -as i'm sitting on the plane hearing it go up and down... but never quite all the way down... Pilot comes on the PA, and says there's a problem with the landing gear- they're going to circle the airport while.... soemthing i never heard... checks it out. (Actually circling to dump fuel was my guess)
after an hour of that -- pilot says, that they are going to attempt landing on an emergency runway... and assume the crash position (again, showing how long ago, this was when the flight attendents would actually demonstrate that) as my head is going down to kiss my ass goodbye, I couldn't help but notice all the fire engines onthe runway... I'm hearing peope in the back crying... and praying.. the person next to me looked at me and said he was sorry he didn't talk to me... I joked back - ok buy me a drink when we land...
rockiest landing ever... the old joke about did we land or were we shot down applied...
I was so proud of myself - never once did I panic.. never once did I lose my cool... I figured.. if it was my time to go - it was my time to go.. .and hesitated for about 5 seconds on the return trip - but - -eh - if it's my time to go - it's my time...
What's been your most serious car accident