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telekinetic 10-14-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by sillygirl (Post 2544914)
If I wake up before 8am, it is only because Aric beat me awake. Or because I have to be at my testing place at 8. I do love mornings these days though. Maybe that's why I'm not sleeping til 9 or 9:30 anymore. Ah, I have the best kid. He's just like his mama... likes to sleep in. lol

You're lame...I haven't gotten to sleep in until 8 on a weekday in months...even on the weekends I wake up at 6 these days. I overslept an hour this morning and didn't wake up until 5, and was therefore 15 minutes late for work instead of my usual half hour early. Being a grownup sucks.

sillygirl 10-14-2008 12:44 PM

Hey, I'm a grownup. I'm just a grown up who's already paid the newborn baby dues. Don't worry, soon enough that'll all be over for me. Any day now...

telekinetic 10-14-2008 01:02 PM

Hah, I wish it was that. Charlotte has been sleeping through the night (8-10 hours) since she was 8 weeks old....I just have to be at work an hour a way at 6am :(

Isn't round 2 for you coming up...like...thanksgivingy or something? We're wondering how long it's going to take for our second...ASAP is fine with us.

sillygirl 10-14-2008 01:06 PM

I'm due on the 17th of Nov but because of the blood pressure issues coming up again I've basically been told to pack for the hospital because they can decide to deliver any day. Yay.

Aric slept easy like that too. I'm reeeeeeeally hoping this kid does as well. And this time the in-laws are far away, so I won't have to deal with any of the *ahem* shit that I had to deal with last time.

telekinetic 10-14-2008 01:13 PM

Ah, well imminent congrats, then! Boy or girl or have you found out yet?

sillygirl 10-14-2008 01:15 PM

I don't think I'm capable of producing girls. And that's great by me. It's another boy. I'll be a good auntie to little girls one day, but give me a house full of boys to raise. I think we're done after this one. I don't want to push my luck. Next pregnancy would end up being twin girls or something!

telekinetic 10-14-2008 01:44 PM

I'm hoping our next is a girl...if it's a boy, he's going to look awful funny wearing all this pink shit we've got for him.

uncle phil 10-15-2008 03:07 AM

i once had a girl...

or, should i say...

she once had me...

telekinetic 10-15-2008 05:41 AM

isn't it good?

sillygirl 10-15-2008 07:40 AM

Now, the way I see it is kind of like this- some people LOVE kittens but hate cats. Well, baby girls are like kittens, then they turn into teenage girls... CATS.

Like I said, I'll be a good auntie to girls. Paint their nails, bake some cookies, braid their hair, send them home. But a good MOMMY to girls? I'm not so sure. I'd rather be working on the car with my son than baking cookies. Then again, maybe I'd get lucky and get a girl who liked to work on cars. Maybe I think this way because I was told to buy a miniskirt and keep it in the car in case of a flat.......

Ourcrazymodern? 10-15-2008 08:58 AM

Best of luck, Silly! I've been told that boys are easier to raise, and based upon my experiences, it's true.

Do you think it might be due to it being easier to tell when a boy is lying?

sillygirl 10-15-2008 09:58 AM

no, I think it's because boys don't ever suffer from PMS. You always know where you stand (well, with the stable ones, anyway), and if they get in a fight, it's over immediately afterwards. They don't plot your death for months.

Not to say that I don't know men who act just as stupid as women.

uncle phil 10-15-2008 12:49 PM

manly men...

sillygirl 10-15-2008 08:35 PM

yep, I'm on bed rest.

Fly 10-16-2008 02:33 AM

silly..........my son is 15,and compared to what i was doing at that age......i have me an angel on my hands.

now my daughter is 12.............so if the son is the angel,betcha can't guess how she's going?

uncle phil 10-16-2008 02:45 AM

an old saying comes to mind...

Fly 10-16-2008 02:55 AM

say it baby,say it

uncle phil 10-16-2008 02:58 AM

when you are the parent of a son, you only have to worry about one dick...

Fly 10-16-2008 02:59 AM

yes..........but with my daughter,it's all the other dicks............

sillygirl 10-16-2008 04:23 PM

lol my dad's friend said that all the time.

Ourcrazymodern? 10-17-2008 03:50 PM

MAYBE I've been too liberal. I had to call one of the middle ones Woody, for reasons not unknown.

I love conception.

Fly 10-17-2008 08:44 PM

conception has gotten me to the place that i'm at now.

..........a fucking roofer.

but hey...........i'm happy :D

........and that's just cuz of my two awesome kids too......

yes i am drunk!

sillygirl 10-18-2008 06:11 PM

I wish I could have a nice AMF right now. Or maybe I want something softer tasting and fruity.... yes, that would be the smarter choice since it's been a while and I don't know if my tongue would appreciate the hard taste of the AMF....

Ourcrazymodern? 10-19-2008 05:14 PM

I hope you hear me::
As long as you love yourself,
you can do yourself.

Fly 10-20-2008 06:03 AM

yes i do.

yes i do.

and yes i do.

Jetée 10-20-2008 06:16 AM

ottopilot 10-20-2008 06:25 AM

When your finished with those threes, please pass them along to your neighbor.

sillygirl 10-20-2008 04:22 PM

Off bed rest... for now. So today I worked on making some Christmas cards after my half day of appointments since the kid was with his Nana. Just got dinner in the oven.


How is everyone?

uncle phil 10-21-2008 03:53 AM

life is good...

ottopilot 10-21-2008 10:20 AM

swell! :thumbsup:

telekinetic 10-21-2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by sillygirl (Post 2547948)
Off bed rest... for now. So today I worked on making some Christmas cards after my half day of appointments since the kid was with his Nana. Just got dinner in the oven.


How is everyone?

Did you end up making a cake for the bbq? if so I didn't get any :(

sillygirl 10-21-2008 11:50 AM

No because all day Saturday if I got up and walked across the house I got dizzy and weak and the man didn't want me on my feet long enough to do that. :( I wanted to though.

uncle phil 10-22-2008 03:12 AM

/me likes me some cake...

Fly 10-22-2008 03:54 AM

fuck cake........pie is waaaaaaaay better

ottopilot 10-22-2008 04:42 AM

I want girl with a short skirt and a long jacket (by CAKE).

sillygirl 10-22-2008 12:55 PM

I love that song.

I also love naps.

uncle phil 10-23-2008 03:13 AM

/me loves pie, too...

go rays...

sillygirl 10-26-2008 07:46 AM

Only a few days til Halloween! Wooo!

uncle phil 10-26-2008 01:47 PM

pumpkin pie and purple sky...

go rays...

Fly 10-26-2008 06:07 PM

good stuff that pumpkin pie man...........................................................

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