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New guy... one of tophat's dozen... the same saying, but notice the difference in pronunciation. I think the Body Snatchers are real.
This is worth repeating. Oh Mister mammoth beefmeister, we need you to save us! |
Jevhovah is an extraterrestrial and still threatens this planet.
/ Give me slack or give me.... something entertaining. |
Yeah, well, with the ability, I would. In the meantime:
I stand before you, displaying, but not so proud, and still wondering. |
"how's your aura, dora?"
fresh & white as a babe's new tooth. its taken to roping cows with a soothing voice and pink ribbons.
It's real angora.
(Unfortunately, it's a Sears poncho) |
would you like some more-a...?
Thanks, no. I'm all full up on angora right now. Using the word twice in a day makes me uncomfortably Ed Wood-ish.
But do you think I could interest you in a pair of zircon encrusted tweezers? |
goin' to montana?
Just as soon as I can find a succulent young lady with a taste for the bizzarre to accompany me on the first leg of the trip by riding my face to Chicago.
The doughnut eaters can't read my thoughts..yet.
If they could, I imagine a lot of us would be in a bit of trouble. I come up with some very creative ways to end the........ oops can't say that out loud. All I see is faces full of fear in our fearless lea.......... I believe I will choose to join the ostriches, at least for today. |
nice butt...
Body bags
are for the lost-its Goddamnit! I mourn these facts. |
However long the the day, it ends with night.
The echoes of loss, perhaps will fade, and some day, may we greet the morning, without the daily mourning, our murderous criminal president, is largely responsible for. |
Ah, my darlin'! May I sing in your choir? (Yeah, I know that I rarely hit the notes.) This thing we've allowed has caused 4,160 better people to enter their graves.
-----Added 23/9/2008 at 01 : 51 : 05----- Ah, my darlin'! May I sing in your choir? (Yeah, I know that I rarely hit the notes.) This thing we've allowed has caused 4,160 better people to enter their graves. The night will not come disbelieving the day, coming; It's gonna wake up. |
I lost my pygmy pony in the dental floss.
aw, give piece a chance...
..all taking a part in peacemeal?
peace mele
Peace? I like a peace. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more. Nudge, nudge. Our religion is the first Church to cater for the naughty type of person. If you'd like a bit of love-your-neighbour - and who doesn't now and again - then see Vera and Ciceley during the hymns
Not that I disrespect violence; I disrespect it being used disrespectfully. 'tis my wont.
So you'd be all right with a Civil war, then?
didn't we hold that truth to be self-evident?
or was that the wrecking ball knocking down the old endicott building? |
I trust you. |
Looks like the capital C's
bought done used us all up. I've been a turnip since 2003. |
/me can't believe you don't remember dobie gillis...
Of others talents,
the willingness to use them, I am regretful. |
peace kicks ass.
You remember that scene in "Mudd's Women" (Or maybe "I Mudd") where Kirk and Spock and McCoy fry the robot, Norman's, Brain by feeding him nonsensical and self contradictory statements?
Neither do I. |
Damnit, tophat, I remember that one.
Logic doesn't reign among us, or within us. |
Logic is a bunch of pretty flowers that smell bad.
makes sense to me.
Logic is a method of being wrong with confidence.
Mathematics is just a way to be wrong by the numbers. Logic is a one trick pony; you only get one trick: rational thought. But when you're good and crazy, whoa buddy, the sky's the limit. |
I love being crazy....
oh and ya know, us perfect beautiful people deserve love too..dammit. |
I love watching crazy people.
It's so seldom that you'll see a sane person put on a chicken costume and run squawking through a bank. |
Smart bank robbers do it on Halloween during a blizzard.
I once wore one of those silly cow outfits to distribute easter eggs. The neighbors thought it was funny.
An adequate bomb would have negated the whole situation. |
Smart bombs are dumb.
I am an explosion waiting to happen, with your best interests at heart. I don't know what they are, or even what they are, & without a heart, do I care? |
You say I meaning they....
They forgot about the "we" part long ago. We can fix that. |
Probably, but it's unclear how. The future being left for us seems darkly infected by money-grubbing weaponists with no visible sense of morality or any compassion. I don't believe this is because we have all been using too much.
Perhaps if we could live another five hundred years, or least long enough
to see the phrase, "History repeats itself," DIE. |
I once saw the phrase "wash, repeat, rinse".
Warfare does require a bit of washing up, doesn't it?
If you're a computer scientist, you need to be really carful which shampoo you use so that you don't get caught in an infinite lather-rinse-repeat loop.
Greeting Tilted Nonsense consumers... I portray a computer shampoo scientist on TV.
While 4 out of 5 physicians recommend Tylenol over the leading brand, I recommend pudding as an excellent source of pudding. |
Now, I'm not a doctor, but I have watched TV, and I would have to say that the proof of the pudding is in the licking thereof off some willing partner's fleshy bulbs
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...520simpson.gif ...mmm, fleshy bulbs.
as in...orbs?
Mammalian protruberances. Or, to spare Steve Martin some embarrassment, Golden Bozos.
ahhhhhh..... who the fuck are you?
Trying to think about things is sometimes difficult...can we please soon discuss the nonsense of warring?
http://www.raymondloewy.org/images/g...cky_strike.jpg -----Added 17/10/2008 at 05 : 07 : 34----- Cleanliness is next to godliness is next to intercourse is in pennsylvania east of gettysburg where some trees still contain cannon balls without which cannons sing in a higher pitch which is all fugued up. |
Top dude.......i just might steal that for a song...........it's just tooooooooo messed up.
nicely done. -----Added 18/10/2008 at 12 : 50 : 50----- Quote:
don't think about it..........just do it.........:thumbsup: |
If I could come to any understanding of the beliefs we don't share, I might be more patient. As it is, I have to wonder some more. It's OK, I like doing so.
(Thanks, Fly.) |
keep it down ocm? I'm watching lost! Roflmao omg LOL
Can we dis cuss the war now or are we all afraid of dying? (Things not our hairs.) The sweaty things deserve more attention, but I'm certain we blow each other up for less. May I interject, again' that 'usin a little' was related to armaments? |
Don't pet the sweaty things. Or burning dogs.
If we're usin' a little armaments, then maybe that's why we're still usin' 'em. We need to break out the bacon of mass delection. The sheik seeking missal. The fool heir bomb. Enough with the predator drones. We need the post dater workers. You can't win hearts and minds if you don't play, and it's only a dollar. Guess how many six foot nine fundamentalists there are in this jar. |
a mason jar?
I would submit a trebuchet-tossing-a-car video, but I'm not sure if that's the kind of armament we're discussing.
...like I'm not going to post it anyway. |
Sticks and stones will break my bones.
The wounds, when Words are used as weapons, take a lot longer to heal. |
ahhh... a helpful dry finger to the frothy foaminess of my frosty mind mug. There may be some effervescence still locked between the cubes. I'll stir a bit.
:) |
There's a whole dead cat in every bar of Dead Cat Soap.
Jerky lovers prefer Stiff Kitten jerky 9 to 1.
It's a tasty meat snack, and a fuctional boomerang.
Which gives me an idea, we can defeat the Bananas in Pyjamas with a short deployment of Orangutangs with Boomerangs. |
Doesn't anyone want to talk about the fucking wars? |
The wars within us,
The wars forced upon our young, can we fight for Peace? |
fighting for peace used to be like fucking for chastity...
Fucking for chastity was a novelty... but after Sonny hit the tree, it all went to hell.
Fucking for Chastity was probably a great deal of fun, but then Trinity got festively plump, got shunted into really crappy fetish movies, and ended up offing herself with pills. :-(
Okay, I give up. Don't shoot me in the back of the head.
I won't give up this, because I desire haiku, they can't have my life, nor my offsprings' and I'll not freely give more to any such cause. Terroristic threats without actions, unbidden, are only their damn selves. |
Yeah, if you want to talk about the fucking wars, you really should get in contact with Dick Armey (R-TX, Retired).
Imagine if Dick Armey and Chuck Norris had children?
Or 8.99 when a cheap draft!
war - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
War is one of those weirdo words. Repeat the word over and over, and it doesn't take long for it to sound like nonsense. It has a rhythm, kinda like when you speak words or sounds into the spinning blades of a fan. I'm so tired and scared of people who still think of war as a game to be won. |
No wars are won.
Sadly, some seem to win prestige in the annals of our histories.
War? What's it good for? Absolutely nothin! ... not a thing.
war? Well, we're gonna have some FUN, some GOOD OLD FASHIONED AMERICAN FUN! Right, OCM? (the intruder is entering the ballroom master)
You are beautiful, my son.
I hope you understand why I didn't want you to join the army. |
i'd rather fuck than fight.............
When I thought about the army, dad said, "Son, you're fuckin' high."
well...........were you?
Didn't inhale.
good answer.............nicely done Top.
Yes, yes I was, & I'm crying now. This thinking comprises nothingness, to which we are led, like a horse to water...
I didn't understand then, but now I understand why. I barely remember his voice. Cambodia 1970.
make Love not war
and smoke a little more. |
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