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Snoddi whistled for his white Arabian steed,
and in two shakes of a lambs-tail, successfully chased away the black night mare that was chomping at Runni's heels. |
Runni leapt into Snoddi's arms and passionately expressed her gratitude, orally without words.
Snoddi graciously accepted her trembling relief, and the steed carried them down the beach, quite aware of what was happening on his back, and content to have it happen there. |
The next morning:
The moment the first ray of sunshine illuminated the horse's flowing mane, He realized that at least two miracles had taken place overnight. He was pregnant. Runni and Snoddi had found their surrogate. The Stallion could hardly wait to break the good news to them. |
Amazed not only at the news, but that they could understand the horse's communication, Runni & Snoddi immediately started making plans & searched for a suitable place to raise their kids.
The Stallion's family felt blessed to be part of the miracle;
All his brothers and sisters gathered material to make a beautiful corallette befit for the twin babes. Stallion developed odd food cravings very early on. The whole town joined in to gather the foodstuffs he wanted. Smoked oysters pistachio pizza cream soda fresh nasturtiums, and calamata olives. He was also well supplied with equine pre-natal vitamins for the 21 day gestation period. All he needed now,was an excellent Lamaze coach. |
One week before the great emergence,
anticipating their freedom, the twins were becoming restless inside their growing pouch. Runni and Snoddy would massage the Stallion's lower back every evening. Stallion lay on his side. Runni and Snoddi rested their heads upon his growing mound, listening to the twins verbally conversing within the womb. |
At high noon on Dec. 29th,
Stallion effortlessly gave birth. The twin babes emerged at the same time, holding hands. Runni and Snoddi gazed at them lovingly, as they watched their offspring helping each other to stand up, on their wobbly legs. "Should we name them?", Runni and Snoddi asked each other simultaneously, "or will they tell us their names?" Stallion lifted up his head briefly, and whispered, " I have something important to tell you." |
"Search your genes & your many adventures together & realize they know who they are, as you must. The only unknown remains the path they will take to get where they're going. Our children's names are Rhodes and Desiree. Listen well to what they will tell you."
...the next morning, they stood before the tribe council elders awaiting
they knew not what. Rhodes stood upright, a head taller than his sister Desiree. Rhodes buckskin hair covered his entire body; his golden bronze mane, flowed halfway down his back in gentle wavelets the sun had fun glinting off of. Desiree was a beautiful bay. Her dark reddish tresses, the wind was playing with. Silent , calm and majestic, they stood together grasping hands. Soon, the wisest and kindest of the wise, came forth to greet them. " I am Ourcrazymodern?, and I am pleased, honored and humbled to be in your prescence." "please, wont you come inside for some refreshments, and a game of Scrabble perhaps?" Rhodes and Desiree felt at ease immediatley. "I am kinda hungry", Rhodes whispered to his sis. "Me too," replied Desiree..."and I hope I draw some good letters for the game," she grinned shyly. As they entered Ourcrazymodern?'s beautiful, glorious, amazing sanctuary, they were momentarily overcome by its powerful gentle perfection. |
The fly on the wall knew he was going to have a heyday.
Mr. Fly rubbed his wings together, for two reasons:
His anticipation was about to be slaked. The events and conversations of this evening, were so packed full of entertaining wisdom, he wanted to share the goings on with his fly buds. He did not want to be alone. From all corners, they flew in, greeted each other quickly, and settled in for a long evening. |
OCM? surveyed the files:
"Breakfast, lunch, dinner... midnight snack." "Would you kids break bread with me? Here's some excellent artichoke dip..." ... Begin with sojourn... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3521/...d37f2f8231.jpg ...end with ai. OCM? 223 Rhodes 185 Desiree 206 Satiated, the kids hit the road. |
Runni & Snoddi waited in the street, stroking their surrogate. Stallion whickered at the offspring's emergence, then complimented them on their other-worldly glow. Both buckskin and bay shone with satisfaction. Words failed all & they engaged in a warm, prolonged group hug.
back at the artichoke dip, the flies were busy taking commands from the Matriarch. "Hurry up now, hurry hurry hurry", the Lady Of The Flies screached. "we are doomed, my winged ones, for the eight-legged almighty will devour us soon, but if you hasten, our little magglets might have a chance!" The youngest of the flies decided to try and hide himself in the fly catcher, above the bed along with his sister. " Clarence!, You big dummie!, this is a DREAM catcher!", his sister Clarice hissed. |
Runni had tears in her eyes as she snatched a few more guts from her beloved, but her muse had a hold on her. "We love you kids," she said, "call us when you can, but we've got to go now." "I'm compelled to follow,". Snoddi admitted, "You'll understand soon. We're very proud of you." Rhodes & Desiree watched in confusion as their adults dissipated into the painting, which followed. Stallion nuzzled the two, and they mounted. "You are the products of their artistry," he told them, "It is time to explore what this world has in store." |
Stallion took off at a warp speed gallup,
secure in the knowledge the two beings on his back, having a healthy horse hide covering of their own, would experience no chafing, during the long ride ahead. |
With equine elegance, He transported them past their unspent past and delivered them, hale & whole, to a transformed present.
"Look, Desiree! I think we can safely assume our adults had a hand in this," said Rhodes, his eyes on fire as his imagination expanded. "I believe you're right, my kindred spirit," she agreed, awash in emotion. |
"Rhodes?", Desiree asked,
"I had the most vivid dream last night about islands, I think there were seven of them, it was a strange and glorious place, I wish I could recall more details." Rhodes was very quiet for a minute , because he was remembering a very similar dream. "Desiree, my dream had seven...hmmm, 'entities', that's the most accurate word I can use. They were definitely benevolent, and made a form of music I have never heard before. I do remember clearly seeing a map of where they reside, let us clear off the table and help me find a large sheet of paper, I want to draw this map while the memory is still fresh." |
Using each other to fill in the blanks, R&D soon had a map that could be googled. A googleplex of results appeared, so they narrowed their search to include references to Runni & Snoddi and soon had their adults' new number.
"Oh dear," they both exclaimed. "That seems too far away," said Desiree. "In space and time," agreed Rhodes. "Have you forgotten about my horse senses?" asked Stallion, with parental patience. |
Stallion himself was then overcome by a strong, 'back to the barn' urge.
A flood of over-lapping past lifetime memories, temporarily left him speechless. "Come, my darlings, we are going to pay homage, to all of our homes." R&D had never seen Stallion show this much open emotion. He was grinning broadly, with copious amounts of happy tears streaming down his regal strong face. R&D both reached out at the same time, their fingers now wet with Stallions tears, it seemed right and fitting to take a taste. As soon as they did so, they were all transported to H.O.M.E. |
"Honor our meager efforts," was Runni's greeting.
"Happily ordered messy entrails," echoed Snoddi, "we could use your help with some fresher insights. In the meantime, we might discuss your unspent youths-how can you expect to flourish without at least a few ignorant mistakes in your pasts?" "Yes, dears," dared Runni, "just look at us." Rhodes and Desiree blushed as far as their colorings would allow, and averted their eyes. Stallion gave a knowing snort, and resolved to rectify matters... |
Stallion turned towards Snoddi and Runni.
Using tail language this time, he asked them the delicate question. Runni shook her head silently in agreement. Snoddi burst forth with, "Yes, and about time I may add!", as he motioned Rhodes and Desiree to come closer. Desiree spoke first. "Does this mean what I think it does?" Reaching for her hand, Rhodes shouted with joy, "Yes it does yes it yes it does!, .....um doesn't it?" He then quickly looked at Stallion, Snoddi, and Runni for reassurance. "Here are your tickets to the seven islands you've been wanting to see.", Stallion grinningly said. Runni and Snoddi handed them a small package. "You kids will have a time of it,I'm sure." "Don't open the package until you two are settled, alright?" Secure with the blessings of all, and knowing that the universe loved them, they scampered away towards the islands. |
The Buckskin snorted, but the Bay tweaked his mentalty.
"Let's risk it, brother dearest. I think it beats the alternative." It seemed as though days passed as the two struggled to reach their destination. Rhodes suffered a mild digression into the most effective knot to use, while Desiree felt perfect comfort. Their connectedness was again their salvation, & they approached their divergence, content. "I'm going to the beaches!" said Desiree. "I'm headed for the hills. Good luck with your mistakes, my other!". Rhodes nuzzled her & trotted onwards & upwards. |
They turned and waved to each other, every hundred yards it seemed.
The final fare thee well, happened when Rhodes blew his sister a kiss, from atop a small hill. Rhodes then found himself gratefully busy navigating a rocky descent, strewn with many snags. Soon, they would be more difficult to see. Twilight was fast approaching. |
He thought to himself, "maybe commuting wasn't such a good idea."
He trotted onwards, imagining circularity. |
By nightfall, Desiree's Jacobson's organ caught a whiff of brine and salt-grass.
Within the hour- She could hear the surf tumbling, rolling and kissing the pebble brethren. Smooth ones mostly, and smatterings of not-for-long sharp rocks. She knew she wouldn't have to wait for long. Rhodes would be there before dawn. This Island prefers only the weather to climb upon its hills. (she read the brochure) |
Rhodes sidled up against his sister & whispered, "I had so much fun, but I'm a little worried about my penis...it seems to have a mind of its own now."
" Snoddi told you that wild oats don't produce useful heads of grain, did he not?'',
Desiree chuckled, as she handed Rhodes a granola bar. |
(Munch, munch, crunch.)
"Ah, sis, I thought you were created the kinder & gentler sex. I had it in my mind that you were caring!" Rhodes took a moment to reflect... |
"oh brother!, brother;
perhaps I'm just a tad envious since you've obviously had much more adventuring than I so far." Desiree hung her head for a bit. " uh..Rhodes?...can you introduce me to some of your friends?, I haven't seen hide nor hair of anyone else." |
"Their hides were annoying, but their beliefs in their damn selves gave friction, sis. You don't damn me for looking elsewhere, do you? It's the problem I mentioned."
Rhodes glanced down & blushed. |
A loud commanding whinny, from atop the hill behind them,
halted their petty wranglings, abruptly. "who the?", Rhodes muttered, as he turned to look. Desiree squinted, and quickly realized the attempt to use her hands as a sun shield, when the sun was behind them, was futile and illogical. " Whoa..sis, that is Stallion, I believe." Stallion heard and pawed the ground, motioning them to come to him. The siblings dutifully trotted up the hill. " I sense your equilibriums are skewed. The sound of your dual discontent, rang enough discordant bells that could be heard for.....well, it was not a pleasant thing, let's leave it at that for now." Brother and sister stood still; quiet on the outside - both afraid to speak first - but wanting to. " Relax, you little freaks," Stallion casually commented, as he lit a cigar. "Rhodes, your Yin needs some attention, I have a plan, if you'll listen." Before Desiree could even shift her weight to one hip as a body smirk, Stallion countered, " And you, Miss Construe, are a coming with us, don't worry, we are going to have all sorts of glorious painful fun, you'll see. Pardon me while I take care of an itch, please?" Stallion then rolled about on the rough salt-grass 'till his back was slaked. " Okay, let's go kids, march!" |
They followed, wondering where, & also why they weren't getting a ride. Over the next hill, it became apparent, as their parent had implied.
At the bottom of the valley:
A pair of brand-swatting-new fully Meccanized transport modules, sat gleaming and shape-wavering, similar to the heat induced hallucination mirages, that hover above a vast scorching desert. Rhodes estimated the distance, turned to his sister and said, "I'll race ya!" Desiree immediately replied, " That's only a furlong; you know I'm best at sprints, you are so on, bro." Before Stallion could say, " Whoa, slow down there, Pilgrims.", the siblings had bolted. |
Rhodes didn't mind not winning.
"Sis," he said, "my penis is having that problem again, I mean, look at all these people, genuflecting! I think I might sniff around, a bit." "No good, bro. I've seen their ilk before, & I'm coming with you," said Desiree, seriously wondering about her brother's mental state. |
Desiree nibbled on the red rose,
that was hanging from the brim of her brother's hat, while she pondered options. |
Blinded by his lust,
Rhodes galloped towards his belief ignoring his wants. |
Luckily, they meshed...
Beliefs intact, then his sister said: "You idiot! I can only contain what I know!" "I know that, sis, but listen." |
Rhodes waited,
until he felt certain that Desiree was paying complete and focused attention. He cleared his throat, straightened his posture, looked up to the heavens, and then announced: " I know this real wacko from Wisconsin, I'd like to introduce to you; you game?" |
"It's not like I can ignore all these weirdoes you've led me amongst, although I admire you fleetness of foot. Yeah, let's get out of here, sis. Wisconsin sounds good."
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