![]() |
"Way to take it elsewhere, hedonist!". Silenus chided, then mused, "I wonder what your gestation will be? Is your feeling growing like yeast, or like lichen?"
"I can't say, "unc". This is another virgin experience for me, as you well know." Desiree considered. "It feels a lot bigger than it did a few minutes ago," she allowed. "Maybe it's just gas?" Snoddi asked, hoping. Runni kicked him under the table again, & refrained from rubbing his knee, this time. |
Louden lay on the floor, obsessively chewing his back feet.
Merrick irritably snapped at his canine brother as he attempted to haul his massive Newfoundland body up onto the couch to look out the window. Louden raised his head in alarm & began to whine. "What's with the dogs?" Runni asked. "I hear the wind increasing" Snoddi replied. "All the plentiful hairs on my body, are standing at attention." Silenus added. Stallion was at the ready, topping off each lantern. He muttered one word only: "Storm." |
Then came a knock on the door.
Runni rose to answer it, &, visibly excited, announced: "Look, everyone, it's Jim Cansore, with his slicker flapping!" "Who?" was universal. "Let's let him in & maybe he'll tell us weather (we need to retire to the root cellar)," The Cousin of Silenus suggested. "You're persistently punny," Silenus grumbled. "Let him be," Stallion rumbled, "I haven't seen Runni so excited since the last time she got to play the damsel in distress." |
The Cousin Of Silenus grabbed a pound of butter and headed for the root cellar.
"Why butter?" asked three of the others in unison. That reminded The Cousin of Silenus to double back for the salt and pepper shakers as well. "I prefer my vegetables with tasty condiments, sillies. Oh, can someone else snatch the parmesan?, my hands are full." |
If the whetherman didn't sneak down elsewise, he was secure in the knowledge that he had what The Cousin required.
"I haven't felt this good since the last time I shed my skin!" "I haven't felt this alert since my last retrogade!" Their mystery shared, they relaxed, not knowing that the twins were sneaky. |
Stallion grabbed his axe and headed for the woods.
"Please don't mistake my temporary leave of absence, for abandonment." he said. "The cathartic incantations I'll be singing, will be the life of you all, trust me. I kneed to chop." |
Snoddi went as far as the porch.
"You know we love you, Stallion?" "I value your regard," Stallion returned, his words a bit muffled by the axe in his mouth, & his tears soundless as they can be. "I'm sure he'll be alright," Runni declared, "but let's go listen to the weather report." |
....meanwhile back in the root cellar...
Jim Cantore was fiddling with his flashlight; banging it against his thigh didn't help. The Cousin of Silenus asked, "What do we need light for? just sit down and relax." "But I might sit down on something dirty." the weatherman fussed. |
Gym Cantorhe suddenly couldn't control his giggles: "Hey! That isn't what I meant by dirty, but thankyou."
"No problem," said The Cousin, "did I see a flash of white?" Imagining themselves busted, the twins curtailed their surveillance, but paused: "I'm bay!" "I'm buckskin!" "Perhaps we should protect them from their damn selves?" "I'm with ya, sis." |
The hubris of youth was about to receive its comeuppance.
"They can't damn us for our curiosity, can they?"
"No, or at least I don't think they'd do so. Let's hustle back to the table with innocent faces." |
Rhodes and Desiree crept back up the stairs as quietly as they could.
Desiree shrieked and hit the floor. Rhodes froze. Stallion was busy quartering the deer, he'd axed, earlier. Snoddi and Runni kept busy with the mop. "Isn't it bloody wonderful?' Silenus beamed. |
Runni had a mysterious gleam in her eye: "Would you like the liver, Silenus? Or maybe the heart?"
"I'm not big on organ meats, except for one," (he can't help himself, you know) said. "Fair enough," said Stallion, "here you go." "I think I saw that on FEAR FACTOR, but you're a good mom-horse, Stallion." |
Desiree smirked so hard she almost bit her lip, and then said,
"Hey, save a bite for my buckskin bro'. He's due for another initiation ritual." Stallion nodded in agreement, and said, "Step up to the plate, son." |
"MOM! I mean Dad. I don't watch TV, & if I tried to eat that I know I'd suffer an embarrassing response."
"Just testing you, son," said Stallion. "That's the first time you called me that," said Rhodes. "Don't go all emo on us, Rhodes!" said Desiree, "I think I'm about to pop." |
Snoddi wanted to celebrate early.
He slirked beneath the stairwell in search of the Dom. His hand began to unwind the cork's cage. A muffled audible 'pop' from above, coincided with the champagne's first breath. |
Snoddi quickly guzzled a little, to calm his nerves, but when he got back upstairs, he fainted dead away.
"I'm worried about him," said Runni. "Me too," said Stallion. "I'm not," said Silenus, "he can man-up, or get off the horse." "But I was hoping he'd be here for this," cried Desiree. "Me, too, Sis. His fainting makes me question my own fortitude." T.C.O.S. & Gym Cansoray came up to the theater of operations, sidestepping poor Snoddi. "Should I boil some water?" asked Gym. "I'll get some towels," said Cuz, "& call 911, just to be on the safe side." "Do something with all that venison, will you?" he added |
Desiree took advantage of the ensuing chaos.
She quietly slippered her way down the back porch stairs, and headed for the pond. |
Cantwhorie couldn't help himself & followed, thinking, "Why do I feel the need to change my name again?"
Desiree relaxed: a few bubbles ensued. A smoke-likeness floated off above the pond, & Gymmy suddenly knew: "My name is now Cansporey!" He ran back into the house, feeling enlightened & exhilerated. "Where have you been?" Cuz asked, "EMT's are on the way, & I brought the towels. Did you manage to boil any water?" "Not yet," the whateverman shamefacedly admitted, "but I saw something similar, as I responded to circumstances." "Where is she?" "In the pond." |
"Still breathing I hope", The Cousin Of Silenus said, eyeing James suspiciously.
"She's not only still breathing, she's emitting spores left and right, most of them downwards though." Jaime quickly tried to explain. "She sent me to fetch some white watercolor paper, what do you suppose that's all about?" Cansporey breathlessly panted. |
"Maybe she wants to make a spore print? Be careful, mon ami!"
"You do french, too?" gasped Mr. Wonderful, "when I get back..." "IF you come back," sighed T.C.O.S. |
Jimminy opened his arms beckoning wide.
The Cousin of Silenus, moved in for a hug. As they embraced, James whispered into The Cousin Of Silenus's sweet ear-hole. "Does this mean I can call you my, 'Little Taquito', now?" Cousin replied: "I'd be fine with 'Taco', por favor." |
"Just send the help down to the pond, mi amigo. I'll take the towels. Rhodes, you might want to serve as a witness to your sister's deliverance. Runni, paint another picture; I think Snoddi might have provided the material." Cansporey wondered at how quickly his thoughts were flowing, but the rest of them responded to his tone of voice, &, towels in hand, he headed back down to the pond, trailed by Rhodes, who looked worried, & Stallion, knickering softly, disappointed @ having been excluded.
Rhodes taunted Stallion lovingly:
"Buck up Mom, uhhh....Dad." Stallion patiently suffered & appreciated the youth's effort, as Rhodes kept it up. "Your EMO knickers are bunched, aren't they?" Rhodes whooped. |
Stallion nosed him in the ass.
Desiree was in her element, visibly enjoying her parturition. "I apologize for infecting you, man-who-I-have-not-yet-met, but I think I haven't hurt you, yet. I appreciate your ministrations." Jism Cansporay went so far as to blush, but recovered his composure & control of his slicker @ the same time: "The EMT's are coming, miss. I don't know nothing about birthin' no babies, but I'm here for you." "As are we," the others chorused. |
TACO began to build a privacy screen for Desiree.
She waved his efforts away and reassuredly told him, "It's not nice to hide Mother Nature." Taco dropped the blanket, and said, "Okay then, bloody wonderful indeed." James went all 'Jungle Book' and began to sing. |
"We're not in the jungle, anymore, but no less with the rhythm of the world, we await the birthing of something new, & enjoy the interlude," & then hummed a few bars.
Desiree said, "That was lovely. Will you serve as step-father to whatever appears?" "Miss, you don't even know my name! Your invitation inflames me, but the weather has calmed down. I'll serve as midwife." "I'll need to do a background check," said Rhodes. "You took the words right out of my mouth," said Stallion. "Yeah, right!" said J. C., "Cancel the candles. Enlightenment comes from within. Desiree, my dearest, are there more spores forthcoming, or should we do more breathing exercises?" "You tell me," said Desiree, but she gasped. |
The force of the first blast blew away all of their accoutrements.
The second blast handed them their hats back eventually. |
"hey, guys? I need a little help here," Desiree's entreaties were lost in the noise as they all galloped away.
Joyous Causations was still there..."How may I help you, my darling?" he asked. "For starters, you can retrieve...our...offspring," Desiree gasped. "...but they look aquatic," he demurred. "Knock it off!" she exclaimed, "until Rhodes & Mom-horse man up, I need your support." "Do you know they aren't aquatic?" Joining Canticles asked, "They seem quite comfortable." "It seems like you've been watching things in Russian again." "Well, damn me for the way I do things." |
"Hey J. C. J. C. you're alright by me." Desiree phrophesied.
The spores found their purchase. The spores found their niches. The spores moved into their new home, and began to rearrange the furniture. |
"Wait a second!" J.C. intoned, "I thought we were present for a birthing, not a rearrangement."
"Fat lot that you know, wonderone. Has the temperature gone below freezing yet?" asked Stallion. Can-ringle checked his balls. "I'm guessing not, but I'm just guessing." "Good boy," intoned Stallion, "Now appear as capable as you did a couple of posts ago. Desiree might need help, as comfortable as she looks." "I already said it," whined Julius Cretaceous. "Stop changing you name," said Rhodes, "My sister needs support more than help." "Calm down, son." "Thanks, dad." |
Justin Chameleon decided to blend in with the woodwork.
Rhodes questioned why- Stallion was sending him back to the abode for more Maraschino cherries. "She's still having cravings, perhaps?" he asked. "No," Stallion replied. "My Manhattan needs refreshing." |
By the time Rhodes got back, the EMT's had arrived, but they were even more susceptible to Desiree's spores than the guy who had now become a tree.
"What are you doing to them, sis?" he asked in alarm. "Just what comes naturally, bro. Help me breathe." Stallion couldn't control his thoughts: "Natural, my ass," he said to himself, "This is madness." Rhodes hadn't known he was psychic until then, but responded in kind: "Relax, dad! It seems it's only the mortals who are affected." "I know that, son, but I think it's important that we help them if we can. Your sister is doing better than anybody here." Runni came out of the cabin, carrying a freshly-painted canvas & leading a totally-disoriented-looking Snoddi by the... |
....negroid midget lesbian wheelchair bound ghost that had been trapped
in the chewing gum someone had deposited under the.... |
"table we were all just eating off of?" wondered Rhodes, to & @ himself, "Who the fuck has been let in here?"
Stallion perked up his ears, giving the buckskin a glance, askance. Runni couldn't take it anymore, but ran to the edge of the pond. "How are you, my unintended?" she asked. "I'm delerious, mom! Can you define what's emerging?" |
Runni lovingly stroked her daughter's hair & then noticed:
"Some of,...uhh...them, seem to have taken up residence in your locks honey." The EMT's were compelled to keep calling for backup. |
Backup came, & they all reviewed their manuals.
"Compulsion is all well & good," said #1, "but I need a perimeter set up. Our primary duty is to protect the populace, & I'm dizzy!" "That's okay #1," said #2, "Once you've felt this way for awhile, you get used to it." #3 said, "What's to get used to?" Runni said, "My dear, your emergences are beautiful!" Snoddi fainted again. "Desiree," Runni said, "I've got to use this painting while it"s still fresh - are you okay?" "Thankyou for not being disappointed, mom," said Desiree, "I'll call you tomorrow." The EMT's caught as many of the new kids as they could, determined Desiree to be more stable than could be expected, & made her drive. |
Her knuckles white, & fraught with worry over the state of her wonderments, Desiree realized she didn't know where she was supposed to go. "A little help here?" she said.
#3 piped up: "Your little ones are fine, miss. I'll help you, however else I can." Rhodes had entered the vehicle, unobserved. "Keep a civil (IDEA) in your (MIND)." he growled. "No offense, sir!" said 3, "You were saying, miss?" "Where are we going?" asked Desiree. |
Runni lit out. She left seven candles burning.
Stallion handed Snoddi their tickets. Snoddi waved goodbye to the field of EMT's. "Send us the bill!" he cried. "they're multiplying like flies." Runni noticed. "The spores?" he asked. "The bills, too." she said. ""we've changed our number before, we can do it again." Snoddi sighed. "Paint by numbers it is then, darling, let's go." |
#3 offered: "A left at the next corner, by the big pohutakawa, then six miles forward, miss, & a right."
"Can you drive the next bit? I'm a little fatigued, & Rhodes doesn't know how." Rhodes bristled, but maintained his silence, his make-up unable to dispute a truth. "I'd be honored, miss," said #3, "Pull over @ the next scenic overlook, then, & come back to tend to the little ones." Rhodes bristled again, & ejaculated: "Keep it civil, #3." "At least I've been trained," said #3, mildly. Desiree & #3 changed positions. "I've been waiting for someone like you," she breathed in his ear, whille passing. In spite of his training, #3 felt himself flush. :thumbsup: |
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