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Old 03-23-2005, 07:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
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X-Men 3 - New Characters?

picked this article from here: link

More X-MEN 3 News! Want To Know Which New X-Men Are Joining The Team This Time!!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

The same little birdie from Fox came a tweet-tweet-tweetin’ at my door today to give me some more X-MEN 3 news for all of you. And this time, I’m not even going to tease you about it.
Seems that Professor Xavier is adding three new team members this time out. Personally, I think I’m happiest to hear that BEAST will be joining the X-Men. I love that blue furry bastard, and it sounds like he’s going to serve the same role in these films that Morpheus did in THE MATRIX.
All of you Cajun fans can finally rest easy. GAMBIT will indeed be part of the film this time around, and expect them to cast a fairly big name in the role.
Now... what would a bit of superhero news be without some controversy? Ready for this one? ANGEL will be in the movie. But ANGEL... will be a girl.
Rev those fanboy engines and bloody up the TalkBacks. This thing’s getting more concrete by the day, and as they cast these roles, we’ll hopefully have some more news for you.
"Moriarty" out.
What do you all think? I was curious, so I did some other digging, and it seems like this is pretty much the case: Gambit, Angel, Beast, and possibly Sentinels. Sounds like a nice line-up to me, and it gives Singer and the writers some time to work in Pheonix/Dark Pheonix.

And, my God, how I long for some charged-up playing cards.
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:39 PM   #2 (permalink)
Angel will be female? wtf?

Singer has done a decent job with the series but he messes with a few things that drive me nuts.

/fanboy rant(lite)
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:46 PM   #3 (permalink)
lindseylatch's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
Argh, I'm not even that big of a fan of X-Men and I HATE what they've done with the movies.
I heard they were going to try to put Angel in the second one, but ran out of money to CG his(or her) wings.
Sooo, is Rogue going to blow off Iceman and go with Gambit? Or are they just going to ignore that little problem? And he better have a good accent...
Do you think they'll have The Beast be blue, or his original form? It would be easier to do the latter, but more impressive to do the former.
And same goes for Angel, blue with metal wings, or regular with feathered wings?
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:50 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lindseylatch
Argh, I'm not even that big of a fan of X-Men and I HATE what they've done with the movies.
I heard they were going to try to put Angel in the second one, but ran out of money to CG his(or her) wings.
Sooo, is Rogue going to blow off Iceman and go with Gambit? Or are they just going to ignore that little problem? And he better have a good accent...
Do you think they'll have The Beast be blue, or his original form? It would be easier to do the latter, but more impressive to do the former.
And same goes for Angel, blue with metal wings, or regular with feathered wings?
who facking cares, i think they made two pretty good movies. does it really need to be congruent with the comics?
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Okay wow I hate the idea of them changing a classic Marvel character like fucking Angel into a girl. As if they didn't have enough girls in the movie already? No I hate that idea. That could very well ruin the movie for me. BEAST though!!!! Yes my favorite X-Man! And Gambit nice....But remember he doesn't just explode cards...he can touch people and make them explode too . Granted this wasn't till much later in the comics when he further developed his powers but these movies so casually fuck up the time lines on everything anyway making a character like Ice Man who's older than most of the other characters by far save for maybe Wolverine into a teenage boy among other things why not put Gambit all out? Sentinels eh BLAH! I'm waiting for one of the other real villains like Mr. Sinister or something...Juggernaught would be wonderful but they'll never do that. Eh still pretty stoked.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

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Old 03-23-2005, 09:16 PM   #6 (permalink)
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The movies should be judged on their own merits, without picking them apart as to whether and to what degree they match up with the comics. I wouldn't have chosen to change Angel into a female, but taking a male character and introducing a female version of that character is and old school tactic for updating things for a modern audience.

Originally Posted by K-Wise
these movies so casually fuck up the time lines on everything anyway making a character like Ice Man who's older than most of the other characters by far save for maybe Wolverine into a teenage boy among other things why not put Gambit all out?
Bobby was the yougest of the original X-Men, in the Lee era, and was in his late teens by the time the nes X-Men were introduced, about the same age as the new guys.

The movies mix the original X-Men from the 60's, the New X-Men from the 70's, and those introduced later in the 80's, as if they were all introduced at roughly the same time. This is how it's always done; without this time compression, we wouldn't get wolverine until 8 or 10 movies into the series at the earliest. Since Bobby's role when he was first introduced was as the kid, it makes sense to keep him in that role when he's first introduced in the movies.
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Old 03-23-2005, 09:32 PM   #7 (permalink)
Originally Posted by lindseylatch
Argh, I'm not even that big of a fan of X-Men and I HATE what they've done with the movies.
I heard they were going to try to put Angel in the second one, but ran out of money to CG his(or her) wings.
Sooo, is Rogue going to blow off Iceman and go with Gambit? Or are they just going to ignore that little problem? And he better have a good accent...
Do you think they'll have The Beast be blue, or his original form? It would be easier to do the latter, but more impressive to do the former.
And same goes for Angel, blue with metal wings, or regular with feathered wings?
Exactly my issues. As well as where Iceman fits into the scheme of things in terms of timeline, which my friends already heard me rant about when the first movie came around.
Angel originally was regular with feathered wings. I would hate to see how Singer would explain Angel as blue with metal wings without using Apocalypse.
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Old 03-23-2005, 09:54 PM   #8 (permalink)
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If you're going to make a movie based on the comics, but which doesn't follow it pretty damn close, then don't name it after the comic. Call it something different, use different names and shit, and just say it was "inspired by" the comic. They could have merely used the idea of mutants, and power, etc.
There using the name so they can draw in the fans of the comic, and then pissing them off when they don't follow it. It would be much better to loosely base the movie on the comics, cause then you'd probably get the fans, without the anger.

I would hate to see how Singer would explain Angel as blue with metal wings without using Apocalypse.
Well, apparently they're going to bring in Pheonix without having Grey go to space, so...Anything's possible...
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Old 03-23-2005, 10:00 PM   #9 (permalink)
“Wrong is right.”
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I don't generally have a problem with changes to the source material as long as they work. So far I have faith in those behind the franchise. If Angel is a girl, then bring it on. If she's half as attractive as the girls on the team now, then I'm all for it!

What I'm interested in is the idea of movie number "3." There's no real precedent here. Superman II was pretty good as far as that goes, and Spidey 2 seemed to follow that movie's formula pretty close, but there's no book on how to write a successful 3rd movie. Both X-men and Spidey have that challenge to face right now and the way it's been going with the Marvel stable (Elektra and Blade III notwithstanding), I have faith that at least one of them will get it right.

As long as they don't try to follow the formula of Superman III, we should be O.K. Although I would pay to see X-men 3 if Richard Pryor was in it (as Bishop perhaps?)
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Old 03-23-2005, 10:17 PM   #10 (permalink)
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That's all cool. The only issue I have is that Gambit is the most easily cheesed-up character of the X-Men. I hope they don't cheeserize him. I want more Collossus, damn it.
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Last edited by Suave; 03-23-2005 at 10:21 PM..
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Old 03-23-2005, 11:21 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Calm down guys. Angel won't be a female after all.


IGN FilmForce's secret X3 source advised us that Anna Paquin is signed to return as Rogue and that the Danger Room will finally be seen. Our insider reiterated that a male Angel will be in X3, along with Beast and Gambit. They also denied that the Sentinels will be in X3, as was reported yesterday at XMenFilms.net. Our source, however, refused to comment on the site's other claim that the film's villain will be Dr. Bolivar Trask.
Also, since Bryan Singer left to direct the new Superman movie, he won't be directing X3.
Some guy named Matthew Vaughn is the newly named director.

Variety has confirmed that "Layer Cake" helmer Matthew Vaughn is set to direct X-Men 3 for 20th Century Fox and Marvel Entertainment. Filming is scheduled to start in early summer with many of the cast from the first two films expected to reprise their roles.

Hugh Jackman is set for Wolverine, and Fox is in talks with Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart to return.

Alex Young is overseeing X-Men 3 for Fox, which is aiming for a Memorial Day May 26, 2006, release date.
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Old 03-24-2005, 09:49 AM   #12 (permalink)
And, my God, how I long for some charged-up playing cards.[/QUOTE]

So true...Gambit was always my favorite character. Im glad to see he is finally making an appearance.
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:35 AM   #13 (permalink)
Kazic's Avatar
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As an X-men fan since I was a kid and have collected the comics over the years the movies actually are not that far from the comics.
The real difference is that they really are a mixture of the times lines from 60, 70, 80, and of course the new millenium.
As the original 5 are Angel, Beats(as a more human look, with his larger feet), Marvel girl, Iceman and their feild leader Cyclops.

It wasn't until years later when the original team was in danger that a new team was created. Colossus, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, and their leader Storm.

and in the new millenium with the new ultimate Xmen being more of the base, as it restarts the time line with pretty much all the Xmen being more or less teenagers.

I like the movies personally and they have an amazing job with staying true to the actual characters of the X-men. some are younger (Iceman) some don't have all the powers we are used to seeing (Rogue) and some are too tall (Wolverine) but over all they are the same chars we have read about in the comics.

If they did or did not make Angel a female it wouldn't make that much of a difference to me. As I would rather see him rather than her! As long as the base of the char was still how Warren Worthington III was in the comics.

I have always enjoyed the broken time lines of the X-men with the Age Of Apocolypse , or Cable, Bishops realities of the X-men are different. so the Movies are just another different time line in the way of the Xmen.
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:57 AM   #14 (permalink)
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this has potential as long as beast isnt all CG
they could just make the whole 3rd movie about the pheonix easily. Theres really no shortage of storylines they could use for following movies
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Old 03-24-2005, 11:58 AM   #15 (permalink)
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^ If beast looks like a van helsing wearwolf I'll cry. Any word on who they plan to cast for him? I mean if they haven't said who'll they'll cast for him soon he might be CG. I'm sure if they can make Rebecca all blue they could take a big man and cover him in blue fur....least I hope

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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Old 03-24-2005, 12:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Beast better not be CG, or else I'll be hella pissed. If you have ever seen Dog Soldiers, you can't look at more CG for the rest of your movie watching life. And the movie plot here can be a real interesting one. I wouldn't like it if they make Phoenix go into space because that is far too much to shove into this movie. What would be interesting is the actual war between humans and mutants that Magneto predicted. The last movies were the introduction--the first shot as it were of the war. Phoenix would be the most dangerous weapon.

Did anyone watch the extended features on the X2 DVD? The Sentinel concept was the dumbest looking thing. If the Sentinels look like giant tops and transforms like Decepticons, forget it. A Robot Jox would be better!
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Old 03-24-2005, 02:48 PM   #17 (permalink)
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
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I found another link about the new X3 director, Matthew Vaughn, an interview with Marvel's big bossman, Avi Arad, (about X3 and what the story entails) and also, I found a story from December that talks about a spin-off movie Marvel is going to make about Magneto.


Vaughn Confirmed for X3

Layer Cake director to tackle mutants
22 March 2005
He's been in talks for a couple of weeks now, but Matthew Vaughn has finally been confirmed as the director of X3. The Layer Cake director and producer of Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch will make the third instalment of everyone's favourite supermutant franchise – but, you know, no pressure.

Vaughn, who recently won the Empire Award for Best British Director, will be stepping into the stylish shoes of Bryan Singer, who quit the franchise to direct Superman Returns, and will have his work cut out to maintain the legacy that he left behind. But the producers must have faith in him – when we spoke to producer Lauren Shuler Donner a few weeks ago about their choice of director, she said, "We want a director who's really good at telling stories. Hopefully, just like when Alfonso Cuaron came in on Harry Potter, and he made it even better, hopefully we're going to make it even better."

Fingers crossed. At this point most of the original cast are returning, but Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart are apparently still in negotiation. What's more, a draft of the script has been completed and is now in the tinkering stage, with the rumours growing ever stronger that this episode will see the Phoenix saga come to the big screen. For those who aren't familiar with that, may we suggest that you read the comic, or ask our forum below, but there was a clue in the very last shot of X2…


Avi Arad Talks X-Men 3

Exclusive: The Marvel chief on Matthew Vaughn, Dark Phoenix and more
24 March 2005
The ink may have barely dried on the contract that confirmed Matthew Vaughn – Empire’s very own recently-anointed Best British Director for Layer Cake, don’t forget – as the new director in charge of X-Men 3, but that hasn’t stopped fanboys, fangirls and fanblueskinnedwotsits everywhere from trying to fathom the plot details of the third instalment of Fox/Marvel’s mighty mutant franchise, which begins filming in August.

Well, partially worry no more, folks, for Empire just happened to be in LA this week. And inbetween running into the wonderful Mark Steven Johnson (and his lovely wife) in a Santa Monica toy shop (the Daredevil director assuring anonymity by, um, wearing a Daredevil baseball cap), and being attacked by bees, we took time out to visit the fine folks at Marvel, including the head honcho himself, Avi Arad. And we didn’t waste time in mentioning X.

“We are incredibly excited about Matthew,” said Avi. “We love his sensibilities. I thought Layer Cake was incredibly stylish, with a lot of characters. In some ways he had stylistically the look of X-Men, it was very crisp.”

The fanboy doubters – and let’s face it, if God himself was directing X3 with Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain doing the soundtrack, the whingeing beardies still wouldn’t be happy – have used Vaughn’s inexperience as a director as grist to their moaning mill. But Avi is confident that he’s got the right man. “It’s no less a leap than it was for Bryan [Singer, previous X-director, now shooting Superman Returns]. With movies of this size, it’s hard to wing it. He’s very confident, that’s what I like about him. ‘Yeah, I can do that!’

“Just when he had started,” continued Avi, by way of example, “we had some conversation about one of the characters and he says ‘I know how to introduce him’ and I said ‘let’s hear it’ and it was a really smart thing that’s going to be in the movie. It’s a love-fest.”

Glad to hear it, for we’re pretty damn psyched about Vaughn’s involvement, too. But the mention of a new character leads us onto internet tittle-tattle about the likes of Gambit (Cajun cad who charges cards kinetically, which is really handy if you’re an alliteration freak), Beast (big hairy ape-like bloke with more brains than Dr. Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and that bloke off The Late Review put together) and Angel (flying mutant, not TV’s David Boreanaz) all making their bows this time around, alongside the already-established mutants.

Avi, however, was tight-lipped on all but Angel. “It won’t be a female Angel. I don’t know where that came from, maybe because he looks angelic,” he laughed. “There will be interesting characters that will be introduced. It just has to move forward. Obviously we have Wolverine, and Magneto, Professor X, Storm, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Rogue, all these characters, but then you need to freshen up the story and make it new.”

Still, we’d bet 20p that the character Vaughn was talking about introducing was Gambit. However, we’ll be perfectly happy if we’re surprised in a major way. And with X3, that seems to be the order of the day. For example, most seasoned X-perts would have reckoned that X3 would focus on the return and conversion to the dark side of Jean Grey’s now ultra-powerful and back from the dead Phoenix, also known as The Dark Phoenix Saga. Well, maybe. But then again…

“It should never be this one story. The main characters are more important than Jean Grey,” admitted Avi, which should please Famke Janssen no end. “This is a bigger story. Everybody’s expecting Dark Phoenix, but Dark Phoenix would never be the main show. She’ll be one of the characters, that’s it. There are a lot of stories to tell.”

And which story, pray tell, are we to expect here, given that Zak Penn is still working on the script for the movie?

“We needed something that is very big,” said Avi. “In movie two, it was mutants against humans. In movie one, it was trying to understand. In movie three, it is probably philosophically the most interesting and provocative for all of us.”

Does that mean the introduction of the mutant-killing Sentinels, we ventured, only to be met by Avi’s very own mutant power – the ability to stonewall. Ouch. “It’s funny because when we sat with Tom Rothman [Fox bigwig], he said ‘this has to be an action drama’ and it was music to my ears, because that’s what X-Men is. That opens the door for a concept for this movie that will be disturbing and fascinating and controversial. It will be an interesting debate – should we or shouldn’t we?” Hmm… sounds like mutant genocide could be on the cards. “All I can say is it’s going to be a very interesting dilemma. It’s a very intelligent movie. I think it’s contextually going to be the best. We are so excited.”


Magneto Movie In The Works

Wanted: a younger Ian McKellen for X-Men spin-off
13 December 2004
Think of the great spin-offs you may have seen. Frasier. Max & Paddy’s Road To Nowhere. Frosted Wheats. Now think of the bad – Joanie Loves Chachi, Holby City, Raisin Wheats – and you’ll quickly realise that the bad in this case outweighs the good. So into which category will Fox and Marvel’s Magneto, the X-Men spin-off that was announced today, fit?

We’re erring on the side of the former, mainly because the plotline for the movie, as pitched to Marvel and Fox by Sheldon Turner, screenwriter of the forthcoming Adam Sandler remake, The Longest Yard, sounds intriguing. "I pitched a film that is almost The Pianist meets X-Men, about a guy who, after watching his family slaughtered, has an awakening of his powers and seeks revenge," he told Variety.

And that combo sounds right. Magneto will take place just after World War II, as an embittered and significantly younger Erik Magnus Lensherr vows revenge for the death of his family and the broader genocide of the Jews in the Holocaust. Along the way, he discovers his powers, his mutant activism and meets up with another young mutant – Professor Charles Xavier – sowing the seeds for a friendship/rivalry that will feed into the X-Men movies.

Inspired by the prologue to Bryan Singer’s original X-Men, in which we saw a young Lensherr first display his powers of magnetism at a WWII concentration camp, Magneto promises to be a much more serious and thoughtful affair than most comic book movies, and could form a fascinating insight into the relationship between Xavier and Magneto, which is one of the most complicated and vital in comics. Their Martin Luther King-Malcolm X dynamic was the main factor that persuaded Singer to sign on for X-Men in the first place.

It’s certainly a brave move on Fox and Marvel’s part (the movie will be produced by Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel’s Avi Arad) to base a spin-off around the X-franchise’s principal villain and not, say, Xavier himself. It’s also not clear at the moment whether Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellen, who play the older Professor X and Magneto in the X-movies, will make appearances here, but one thing is certain: two young (probably British) actors are going to have the chance of a lifetime.

Fox/Marvel are obviously gearing up for an X-Men onslaught over the next couple of years. Screenwriters Simon Kinberg and David Benioff are slaving away at the moment on their scripts for X-Men 3 and a Wolverine spin-off for Hugh Jackman, respectively. No directors are in place for any of the X-projects, but it can only be a matter of time with the studios aiming for a release pattern kicking off in Summer 2006.

We’ll obviously keep you updated on Magneto and any other X-Men news – spin-offs for Halle Berry’s Storm? James Marsden’s Cyclops? Ray Park’s Toad? – as we get it.
I sincerely hope they pull off what I'm imagining in my mind's eye for the Magneto movie.
Damn, that would be sweetly cool!
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Old 03-24-2005, 05:17 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle, WA
Oh, I liked the way Snatch and Two Smoking Barrels were done. Hope he does as good a job outside his genre.
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Old 03-24-2005, 05:30 PM   #19 (permalink)
phathom's Avatar
I would absolutely love it if they made it a part of the story line how they did in the show/comics with the x-men against jugarnaught with spidy help, that would be awesome, get more of the marvel gang together in one film, come on they did it before, put it on the screen
-snooch to the nooch
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Old 03-24-2005, 06:39 PM   #20 (permalink)
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If you have ever seen Dog Soldiers, you can't look at more CG for the rest of your movie watching life
a little off topic but mentioning a ton of CG look at matrix 3 and starwars 2
both movies had potential to be great had they not been a bunch of actors in front of a screen for 2 hours
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:47 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
oh god... Magneto movie!!!! I love Magneto! :bends papers clips:

And a little off topic again, but who thinks that Dr. Octopus should not have died at the end of Spider-Man 2? He should not have because he was the good guy at the end! I would have been happy to either see him rip the arms off himself or see him in a cell with the arms in a solid metal block.
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Old 03-24-2005, 11:03 PM   #22 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Augi
oh god... Magneto movie!!!! I love Magneto! :bends papers clips:

And a little off topic again, but who thinks that Dr. Octopus should not have died at the end of Spider-Man 2? He should not have because he was the good guy at the end! I would have been happy to either see him rip the arms off himself or see him in a cell with the arms in a solid metal block.

a little?
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Old 03-24-2005, 11:34 PM   #23 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Augi
oh god... Magneto movie!!!! I love Magneto! :bends papers clips:

And a little off topic again, but who thinks that Dr. Octopus should not have died at the end of Spider-Man 2? He should not have because he was the good guy at the end! I would have been happy to either see him rip the arms off himself or see him in a cell with the arms in a solid metal block.
The fact that he redeemed himself is exactly the reason he needed to die. The character development made him endearing to us in the end, and to elicit an appropriate emotion, he needed to die.

Not my formula, happens in Hollywood all the time. The producers of Titan A.E. spell it out in the commentary track.

To bring this on-topic, beloved characters need to die, a la Jean Grey at the end of X-2. (You like how I brought that around? )
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Old 03-25-2005, 07:54 AM   #24 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
As to those who are CG-hating, well, Ep 2 and Matrix 3 didn't suck because of all the greenscreening, they sucked because a) George Lucas knows he can do whatever the fuck he wants so he does, much to the detriment of the movie and b) Keanu Reeves hasn't quite grasped the concept of acting.

At least there wasn't half an hour of martial arts blocking action, unlike Matrix 2, ug. Bore-fest.
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:23 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FngKestrel
The fact that he redeemed himself is exactly the reason he needed to die. The character development made him endearing to us in the end, and to elicit an appropriate emotion, he needed to die.

Not my formula, happens in Hollywood all the time. The producers of Titan A.E. spell it out in the commentary track.

To bring this on-topic, beloved characters need to die, a la Jean Grey at the end of X-2. (You like how I brought that around? )
Yeah, they did the Ultimate Sacrifice, in Octopus' case he did it to redeem himself. Grey did it cause she's just that kind of gal...
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:23 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Augi
And a little off topic again, but who thinks that Dr. Octopus should not have died at the end of Spider-Man 2? He should not have because he was the good guy at the end! I would have been happy to either see him rip the arms off himself or see him in a cell with the arms in a solid metal block.
Eh. Doc Ock isn't dead, he's only mostly dead. All dead would be a different story. He's comic book dead, and in comics, dead is a temporary condition to be sure. The whole "disappearing into a dark pit" thing, in this case the river, means they can leave him dead for as long as they like, but bring him back if they need him, say for a Sinister Six type thing later on, or possibly as a villain-turned-good to help him out in a time of crisis.

I'm betting on two villains in Spider-Man 3; obviously Greeen Goblin 2 (or possibly they'll make Harry Hobgoblin), and they've set up enough minor characters to introduce the Lizard or the John Jameson werewolf character.
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:24 AM   #27 (permalink)
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I think if they do a Magneto spinoff movie, it should be based around the alternate timeline of The Age of Apocalypse.

For anybody unfamiliar, it had Magneto leading the X-Men, with Xavier dead, and Apocalypse ruled the world and was killing off all the humans he could. It was a great what-if. The movie version of something like that would be amazing, if done properly.
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Last edited by Devoid; 03-25-2005 at 11:26 AM..
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:41 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gilda
I'm betting on two villains in Spider-Man 3; obviously Greeen Goblin 2 (or possibly they'll make Harry Hobgoblin), and they've set up enough minor characters to introduce the Lizard or the John Jameson werewolf character.
Isn't Harry Hobgoblin in the comics? Or no? i don't read them...
They introduced the Lizard guy in the last one, at least by name.
/off topic

Yeah, I was wondering what the plot of a Magneto movie would be...I mean, he's sort of a bad guy, although we do sympathize with him.
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:53 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lindseylatch
Isn't Harry Hobgoblin in the comics? Or no? i don't read them...
They introduced the Lizard guy in the last one, at least by name.
/off topic
No, Harry was Green Goblin 2. Hobgoblin was a petty thief who happened to find a stash of Norman Osborne's goblin bombs and a glider in a hidden sewer room. His identity was kept secret for a long time during the original run as kind of mystery, kinda the way they kept hiding Mary Jane behind plants and obstacles.
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Old 03-25-2005, 08:29 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Sorry about shifting the thread, I saw Spidey 2 in a post above mine and thought of my favorite villain of all time: Otto Octavius.

But one thing that does bother me are Stewart, McKellen, and Berry being in "negotiation" because I read, not too long ago, McKellen and Stewart were definitely on for the movie. Berry has been in "negotiation" for a while making her "arguably annoying." So what the hell, McKellen and Stewart know that if they do hassle this movie too much people will get pissed.

Originally Posted by Devoid
I think if they do a Magneto spinoff movie, it should be based around the alternate timeline of The Age of Apocalypse.
Was this the one where Nightcrawler was a bad guy? If it was, cool one but... I am a fan of Nightcrawler as a good guy.
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Old 03-26-2005, 04:41 AM   #31 (permalink)
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I was hoping that Colossus would be in the 3rd movie after the small glimpse we get of him in the 2nd (even though he's american!) and I'm not sure what to think about Angel bein female. Though he/she would have to have the feather wings because he was Archangel with the metal wings.

Also, I read that the Magneto movie was going to start during the holocaust when he was a boy after the events that introduce him in the first film, and tell the story of his life and how he became such a bad guy.
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Old 03-26-2005, 12:30 PM   #32 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Gilda
Eh. Doc Ock isn't dead, he's only mostly dead. All dead would be a different story. He's comic book dead, and in comics, dead is a temporary condition to be sure. The whole "disappearing into a dark pit" thing, in this case the river, means they can leave him dead for as long as they like, but bring him back if they need him, say for a Sinister Six type thing later on, or possibly as a villain-turned-good to help him out in a time of crisis.

I'm betting on two villains in Spider-Man 3; obviously Greeen Goblin 2 (or possibly they'll make Harry Hobgoblin), and they've set up enough minor characters to introduce the Lizard or the John Jameson werewolf character.
Mildly OT: Green Goblin 2 was pretty much spelled out. I would think that the Lizard could possibly be a subplot with Doc Conner. My hope is that they get Eddie Brock into the mix and set up for Spidey and Venom for the 4th one.
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Old 03-26-2005, 02:06 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djflish
I was hoping that Colossus would be in the 3rd movie after the small glimpse we get of him in the 2nd (even though he's american!) and I'm not sure what to think about Angel bein female. Though he/she would have to have the feather wings because he was Archangel with the metal wings.

Also, I read that the Magneto movie was going to start during the holocaust when he was a boy after the events that introduce him in the first film, and tell the story of his life and how he became such a bad guy.
im wondering if they do the holocost thing if captain america and Wolverine as Logan will be in it?
that would be cool to see them as they fight off the nazis and atleast in the cartoon help free him (magneto) and the other containment camp peeps
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Old 03-26-2005, 05:45 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djflish
and I'm not sure what to think about Angel bein female. Though he/she would have to have the feather wings because he was Archangel with the metal wings.
I link to and quote Marvel bossman Avi Arad in my post above, that says Angel will be male in X3, as has always been the case in the comics and 'toons.
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Old 03-26-2005, 06:38 PM   #35 (permalink)
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I just hope they get someone who fits the role of Gambit to play him, lol, that worries me a bit. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Old 03-26-2005, 08:24 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Gambit: Josh Holloway.
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Old 03-28-2005, 04:30 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fremen
I link to and quote Marvel bossman Avi Arad in my post above, that says Angel will be male in X3, as has always been the case in the comics and 'toons.

Originally Posted by Gilda
Gambit: Josh Holloway.
Good choice, i can picture him with a long coat on with the collar up!
Europes two great narcotics, Alcohol and Christianity.
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Old 04-01-2005, 01:00 AM   #38 (permalink)
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I think Harry Connick jr. would make a good Gambit.
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Old 04-02-2005, 07:35 PM   #39 (permalink)
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or matthew mcconaughey
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Old 04-02-2005, 08:00 PM   #40 (permalink)
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johnny depp would be a decent choice as well.
or benicio del toro
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