Originally Posted by lindseylatch
Argh, I'm not even that big of a fan of X-Men and I HATE what they've done with the movies.
I heard they were going to try to put Angel in the second one, but ran out of money to CG his(or her) wings.
Sooo, is Rogue going to blow off Iceman and go with Gambit? Or are they just going to ignore that little problem? And he better have a good accent...
Do you think they'll have The Beast be blue, or his original form? It would be easier to do the latter, but more impressive to do the former.
And same goes for Angel, blue with metal wings, or regular with feathered wings?
Exactly my issues. As well as where Iceman fits into the scheme of things in terms of timeline, which my friends already heard me rant about when the first movie came around.
Angel originally was regular with feathered wings. I would hate to see how Singer would explain Angel as blue with metal wings without using Apocalypse.