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Old 10-30-2004, 10:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
The OC - Season two

On November the fourth The OC - Season two starts. I am sure i'm not the only one looking forward to it. Seth is cruising the ocean with Summer Breeze, Ryan is back home, Marissa is drinking again is is being forced to live with her mother, Summer has got the letter from Seth and Sandy has to deal with Cal's probelms I'm sure.

So much has to happen in the first episode. Not to mention, i'm excited to see what kind of music they play this year. The new characters that they are introducing. The plot twists.

So what do you thinks going to happen? From the teasers I've seen, Sandy was sent by Kirsten to get Seth to come home and Marissa is calling Ryan and hanging up.

I say Seth refuses to come home and either Ryan goes to get him or something happens to Ryan and Seth goes home for him. Marissa is either going to be sent to rehab and have Ryan come for her or go to get Ryan herself... Sandy may go to get him too. Eddie could be a problem again. hopefully Anna comes back, i miss her. I say that Summer or Summer's dad may go get Seth too if he doesn't come home with Sandy.

So thursday it premiers on fox. any sugestions?
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
thespian86 is offline  
Old 10-30-2004, 10:22 AM   #2 (permalink)
1slOwCD8's Avatar
Location: chicago, illinois
From the preview's it looks like itll be an exciting season. I cant wait to see Cal get arrested. Is that his name, Seth's uncle? I forgot, its been so long since ive seen the OC.
1slOwCD8 is offline  
Old 10-30-2004, 11:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
Love the show. Can't wait to see what happens. Just hope that it stays as good as last season was and that it doesn't jump the shark.
yoyoyobro is offline  
Old 11-01-2004, 04:21 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: nyc
i think it's a little lame that the season finale implied that everyone is leaving the show (ryan is in chino! seth is dead!) when clearly that's not the case -- at least they didn't tease me by implying that marissa "i need a sandwhich with extra mayo" cooper could be leaving.
brianna is offline  
Old 11-01-2004, 05:32 PM   #5 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
Hmm, I just know I'm gonna get drug into watching this show. My girlfriend loves it! Thank God for group projects eh?
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3

The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
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Old 11-02-2004, 05:47 AM   #6 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
I didn't watch last year, but I'm going to rent the DVD set and check it out. I'll tape this weeks episode
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 11-02-2004, 02:00 PM   #7 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
Originally Posted by Averett
I didn't watch last year, but I'm going to rent the DVD set and check it out. I'll tape this weeks episode
You could always borrow it from me
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
thespian86 is offline  
Old 11-04-2004, 04:31 PM   #8 (permalink)
An embarrassment to myself and those around me...
VitaminH's Avatar
Location: Pants
Starts tonight! I'm almost emberassed at how much I have been looking forward to this.

Hopefully it will be as addictive as last season!
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
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Old 11-05-2004, 01:41 PM   #9 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
So I called one of the things. And while watching the show I guessed what was going to happen with Teressa's phone call. I knew Ryan would go. It was between great and fairly orgasmic... Lets just say I like the show. What did you think of the first episode?
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
thespian86 is offline  
Old 11-05-2004, 02:02 PM   #10 (permalink)
1slOwCD8's Avatar
Location: chicago, illinois
The first episonde was ok. I kinda didnt like how a lot of things were resolved in the first episode. Ryan and the whole baby thing is done, and Seth is back already. Most to the big cliffhangers are already resolved.
1slOwCD8 is offline  
Old 11-05-2004, 02:44 PM   #11 (permalink)
Episode was good. Seth and Ryan's friendship was a bit too "wierd" in the episode...not that there's anything wrong with that!

The scream by the anorexic chick was definitely some of the worst acting I have seen. All in all, this show is wrapping up to be a decent follower to 90210.
"I pledge my grievance to the flag" - Pearl Jam
Tralls is offline  
Old 11-05-2004, 03:12 PM   #12 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Yea the Seth Ryan brother thing is looking more and more like they have feelings for each other. Boy that would be an unexpected twist! If that happens, maybe Summer and Marisa will hook up!
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Old 11-06-2004, 12:23 PM   #13 (permalink)
Originally Posted by 1slOwCD8
The first episonde was ok. I kinda didnt like how a lot of things were resolved in the first episode. Ryan and the whole baby thing is done, and Seth is back already. Most to the big cliffhangers are already resolved.
I have a feeling the baby thing will pop back up later on. Maybe Seth's Dad sees her pregnant as he's dring by Carson or something. Also, I'm sure the g/f situations will take a few episodes to get resolved.
boom29 is offline  
Old 11-06-2004, 02:18 PM   #14 (permalink)
i'm happy that the series is back! its going to be interesting to see how Caleb is exposed (sad for julie cooper as both of her husbands are/were criminals).
jd23 is offline  
Old 11-11-2004, 02:27 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: NY
Originally Posted by boom29
I have a feeling the baby thing will pop back up later on. Maybe Seth's Dad sees her pregnant as he's dring by Carson or something. Also, I'm sure the g/f situations will take a few episodes to get resolved.
It has to be an issue to be dealth with later on. I doubt that she's gonna get an abortion, and it's not like Ryan is gonna totally forget that she exists. Eventually he's gonna run into her and see that she has a baby in her arms. hmm, who could this baby belong to?
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Old 11-11-2004, 06:16 PM   #16 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
Second episode has ended and I'm pretty pissed off. Seth not winning makes me angry, I mean, it's obvious that he will end up with someone... I just want it to be summer. And I don't like the next week's preview.

Also, does anyone know why CTV (canadian Network) isn't showing it on mondays anymore?
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
thespian86 is offline  
Old 11-12-2004, 01:47 AM   #17 (permalink)
What is next week's preview? My recorder stopped recording sharply at 9:00 so that I could record the Apprentice.
boom29 is offline  
Old 11-12-2004, 03:04 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: nyc
Originally Posted by boom29
What is next week's preview? My recorder stopped recording sharply at 9:00 so that I could record the Apprentice.
umm some new chicks, ryan spills a soda on one... you know, important plot furthering developments.
brianna is offline  
Old 11-14-2004, 08:31 AM   #19 (permalink)
I know - its totally something i dont really admidt to watching. But its like so funny sometimes. Totally makes fun of itself. How about marissa spiking her late at school. its like, easy marrissa. and of course the only guy to join the comic book club is dating summer. and nice to how ryan totally shut down marissa "we've never been friends... "YEAH, well maybe that's the problem." Its gonna be pretty classic. Itll be good having them still in love but with other people and always trying to get back together and stuff. Don't forget about Sandy and the power of his eyebrows. and what was with all the shirtless men in the beginning. is this an adult film? cmon.
and the music, always so great. I hear Modest Mouse is actually gonna be on it. I guess Seth gets a job at a place called "The Bait Shop" - think THe Peach Pit, but for the O.C. - so bands play, etc. etc. The oc soundtracks are solid. Pick them up.
renaldorick is offline  
Old 11-14-2004, 08:32 AM   #20 (permalink)
Episode 2.03: The New Kids on the Block
Airdate: November 18, 2004

11/10 - Alex hires Seth to work at The Bait Shop. He's still trying to win back Summer's love. Sandy and Ryan find that work can help keep their minds off of their problems. Source: SpoilerFix.com
11/05 - Ryan's chemistry with a classmate (Shannon Lucio) opens Marissa's eyes, while Seth's experiment with being Summer's "friend" succeeds only in getting him a job. On the grown-up front, Caleb's arrest leads to a shakeup at the Newport Group that could leave Kirsten at Julie's mercy. The Walkmen perform. Source: TitanTV
11/01 - Seth gets some help from Alex to prove that his friends don't know him as well as they think. Meanwhile, Summer gives some thought to how she really feels about Seth after she learns new information about Zach. Marissa is happy to share an evening with Ryan. But at school, Ryan finds himself embarrassed and frustrated after a run-in with new classmate Lindsay. Caleb's legal problems threaten to leave both Sandy and Kirsten unemployed as Julie makes sure she stays on top even if Caleb goes down on. Guest Cast: Michael Cassidy as Zach, Shannon Lucio as Lindsay, Michael Nouri as Neil Roberts, Perry Anzilotti as Mr. Greenburg, and Olivia Wilde as Alex. Source: FOX
10/20 - The band The Walkmen perform. Source: FOX
07/24 - Seth sees Summer and her father having dinner with Summer's new friend, Zach. He and Dr. Roberts are hitting it off... even if Zach talks superheroes Ryan and Lindsay are paired together as lab partners in a Physics class. Marissa also appears in the episode. Source: SpoilerFix.com
07/19 - Seth is working at a Bait Shop in order to get tickets (for a show we assume) for Summer. He's not doing it to win her back but to show he can do something good for others... such as for Summer and her new friend. His boss is a 17-year-old girl wearing a retainer who got kicked out of school and is now working full-time. Source: SpoilerFix.com
07/16 - Ryan goes to a girl's house (she's named Lindsay) to tell her he should have gone to the dance with her. She says that anyway they wouldn't have worked out because they are from two different worlds. Later that night, Lindsay drops by the poolhouse. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.04: The New Era
Airdate: December 2, 2004

11/14 - As Seth and Sandy embark on new adventures, they take the rest of the family along for the ride. Ryan and Seth go on an awkward double date to see The Killers perform in concert, with unexpected results. Meanwhile, Julie finds herself overwhelmed by her new role at the Newport Group and, as usual, is forced to turn to Kirsten for help. Source: FOX
11/10 - Julie puts The Newport Group in jeopardy and Kirsten must come to the rescue. Ryan becomes Seth's sounding board as he starts a new adventure. Summer tries to deal with her feelings for Seth as her relationship with Zach gets more comfortable. The Killers play at The Bait Shot. Source: SpoilerFix.com
08/04 - Julie now presents herself as Newport Group's CEO. This episode is the beginning of a power struggle between Julie and Kirsten. When Kirsten gives an investment pitch to three men, Julie butts in and says she'll take the reins from here... The potential investors grill Julie, at Kirsten's amusement, about the recent downfall of the company. Seth suffers Post-Summer traumatic stress syndrome! Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.05: The SnO.C.
Airdate: December 9, 2004

11/12 - Ryan, Seth, Marissa and Summer attend the annual SnO.C. Winter Ball. While Julie and Jimmy spend quality time together chairing the event's host committee, Sandy closes in on the truth that Caleb has been hiding. Source: FOX
08/23 - Sandy tracks a woman named Renee Wheeler to a grocery store. He says he's Caleb's attorney and wants to talk to her. She says she can't speak without her attorney. Sandy said that even with her attorney she didn't speak before. Turns out she was indicted by the DA and Sandy thinks she has information about Caleb and the trust. He tries another tactic to have her speak: you and Caleb are facing jail time. She says there is nothing going on between the two of them. There are casting sides with Luke and a Katie but they are similar to the scenes with Lindsay and Ryan in episode 2.03. Will have to wait and see if this episode marks the return of Luke. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.06: Title Unknown
Airdate: December 16, 2004

11/12 - Seth's favorite holiday, Chrismukkah, is nearly ruined, as secrets are revealed that will change the Cohen family forever. Meanwhile, Caleb's fate is determined when a witness comes forward. Source: FOX

Episode 2.07: The Family Ties
Airdate: Winter 2004

09/08 - Seth is with a girl named Alex and he asks her if she needs anything, maybe a sandwich? Some punk guys and a hot punk girl come in saying they needs smokes and beers. Seth says he has questions for her and she says she'll answer tonight at the Modest Mouse concert. She uses a lot the word "nice" when talking to Seth, which has him talk about this with Sandy and Ryan because he thinks it means he has no edge, no danger. Expect him to be searching for his "edge" in this episode. An event seems to be happening at the Cohens' because they have a valet parking cars and Julie tells Caleb that she can't wait to get out of there. Caleb's car is stolen. Kirsten, Summer, and Zach also appear. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.08: The Anniversary
Airdate: Winter 2004/2005

09/15 - Summer is introduced to Zach's (Michael Cassidy) sister and mother. His sister, named Nelly, is in her twenties and is very political and well-traveled. His mother is an attractive upscale well-traveled liberal woman. Nelly's talks about Pakistan and India go over Summer's head. She is totally a fish out of water in this conversation and everytime she opens her mouth, she gets more embarassed (remember how Seth felt when he met Summer's dad? That's exactly the same). Seth goes to the Bait Shop to get his job back. A photographer takes pictures of Julie, Caleb, and Marissa. Julie says that this picture is how Newport will judge the family. Sandy seems to want to do something with Kirsten who isn't sure she wants to leave Ryan and Seth alone. But Sandy has babysitters: two friends of his who are cops. Kirsten and Sandy go to a restaurant but she is as cold as ice. Alex and D.J. also appear. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.09: The Ex-Factor
Airdate: Winter 2004/2005

09/29 - Marissa and Summer try to convince Lindsay to take part in a girls night out. Eventually, the ladies will end up at the Bait Shop where Summer talks with a polo team player named Matt. Summer is surprised that the polo team knows about her and Zach and especially about their six-month anniversary. Seth and Zach sit with comic book geeks at school and all chat about comics. Seth seems upset but it's not clear why it seems that it may be something Alex did... At the Bait Shop, Alex presents Isabelle, the new coat check girl, to Seth. Sandy, Kirsten, and Caleb are at a restaraunt. Sandy is not happy at Caleb and he leaves the table. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.10: The Accomplice
Airdate: Winter 2004/2005

10/09 - Professor Jeffrey Bloom, Sandy's former mentor, drops by Sandy's new office. Bloom wants help to track down his daughter Emily because his health is getting worse and he would like to see he dies. It seems that Emily did something terrible more than 20 years ago because the FBI is still monitoring Bloom's house in the hope she'll contact him. Bloom says that if someone knew where she was, it would be Sandy since he was "the love of her life." But if Sandy finds her, so will the Feds and she'll have to face trial... but with the right attorney maybe her name will finally be cleared. Sandy goes to prison to have a chat with a man from his past who may know how to track down Emily but the answer he gets may not be the one he wanted. Ryan, Caleb, Marissa, and Alex also appear. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.11: Title Unknown
Airdate: Winter 2004/2005

10/25 - Hailey and Kirsten are at the hospital where Caleb is been taken care of. It seems Caleb was in a fire of sorts as he's suffering burns over fifty percent of his body. An unshaven and wearing a rumpled suit Sandy arrives. His wife was worried because she hadn't heard from him. Sandy says he fell asleep at work. Julie is in Paris. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 2.12: The Lonely Hearts...
Airdate: Winter 2004/2005

11/08 - Along with the Ironist and Little Diva, other comic book characters will be Kid Chino, Cosmo Girl, and demon water polo players, all living in Atomic County. This scene will be priceless for all Seth fans! Source: SpoilerFix.com
11/04 - Seth slept for only 15 minutes and looks really tired (Summer says he looks like a homeless man). To help himself stay awake, he drinks a few expressos. Summer, Zach, and Seth are at a company where they are pitching in a story they created (characters by the beach with powers) for a comic. Seth is somewhat incoherent and stressed due to the cafeeine and even gives new names to characters (or creates new characters, it's unclear) like the Ironist and Little Diva. Summer is not happy when she sees that the characters are too close to home. She excuses her team to the business man, who tells them the story wasn't bad but it's clear they are not ready for a partnership. Zach's sister will be getting married in Italy and Summer will be his date. Source: SpoilerFix.com

General Season 2 Spoilers:

11/03 - Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue) is joined the cast for five eps as Sandy's ex girlfriend. Source: Hollywood Reporter
11/02 - Julie’s relationship with Marissa will get worse and worse this year, because Julie doesn’t know how to have a relationship with anyone. She’s a very unhappy person. Source: Kristin on E!Online
10/18 - Josh Schwartz wants Justin Timberlake to guest star, playing a role on the show within the show, THE VALLEY, Schwartz said “See, Rachel (Bilson) has a huge… well, you know, I should be careful what I say, but let’s just say Rachel is a fan of Justin Timberlake’s work, and the prospect of him appearing on the show may have caused tremors in Adam Brody’s dressing room.” Timberlake was approached last season, but was touring overseas at the time. However THE VALLEY will be back on THE O.C. this season. Source: Kristin on E!Online
10/15 - You already know four newbies — including Skin's Olivia Wilde — are coming in to mix it up with Ryan, Marissa, Seth and Summer, all of whom are single again. "We don't have any big stunt-casting plans at this point," Schwartz notes. "The new cast members are all great, but there's no J.Lo." Forget her, what about Seth's Jewish nana, who was fighting cancer when last seen? "Linda Lavin will definitely be back," Schwartz chuckles. "The nana was a very popular character. I'm happy to say that the chemotherapy, therefore, is working. She'll be back late in the spring, maybe around Passover again." Not for Chrismakkuh? "No," he responds. "We have enough holiday spirit with Chrismakkuh." Speaking of special occasions, fans can't help but wonder if Benjamin McKenzie and Co. be graduating from high school anytime soon. Ryan's portrayer is 26, after all. "I think everyone's got a different opinion on this," Schwartz teases. "The actors and the network certainly have their own takes on it — and those two are probably not the same take. But I foresee at least this year and next year in high school. Then, I'll cross that bridge when we come to it at the end of Year 3, should we be lucky enough to come back for Year 4." At least they're giving Ryan's bare-knuckled brawling a rest. "It's a long time before we really see any fists flying," he says, "and even then, it's not much of a fight." Source: TV Guide Online
09/28 - Josh Schwartz revealed that: There is Shannon Lucio who will play Lindsay, whos "a bit of an outcast". She befriends all of the 4 main characters and they take her under their wing. Michael Cassidy plays Zach, the new boyfriend of Summer. He is the son of a congressman, captain of the water polo team, everything that Seth isn't. There is conflict between him and Ryan and him and Seth but their relationships go through changes. Olivia Wilde plays the bad girl Alex, who works at The Bait Shop. Nicholas Gonzalez pays landscaper D.J. who makes a love connection with Marissa. During Ryan and Seth's absense, Summer sought counseling and Marissa got wasted. The relationship between Marissa and her mom is at an all
time low and the Cohens have been fighting a lot with Ryan and Seth gone. Seth gets a job at the Bait Shop, mopping floors and cleaning toilets and Ryan becomes a physics nerd with new smart girl from a similar background (Lindsay). Ryan will find a new love and he might even smile about it. It won't be
someone from his past. Source: US Weekly (Oct 4, 2004 issue) (Thanks Sarah for the tip.)
09/27 - The six months that will have elapsed in real time will be about three months for the show. And says [Benjamin] McKenzie, ''Ryan has gotten a job in construction, he's trapped in this almost businesslike relationship for the sake of the child; Seth is in Portland, refusing to come back. Sandy [Peter Gallagher as Seth's dad] convinces Ryan to come and try and get Seth back.'' Wow. What else you got, Ben? ''While Ryan's in Portland, Theresa phones and tells him that she's lost the baby. She says this is a sign that he should go back to where he was free -- that is, the O.C.'' [...] In addition to Ryan's new squeeze, Schwartz says there'll be new hotties all around -- including one for Marissa, one for Seth, and one for Summer (Rachel Bilson) -- though he won't offer any information about who these fresh O.C.-ers are. For adult ''O.C.'' fans -- we know you're reading this -- rest assured Sandy and Kirsten (Kelly Rowan) remain prominent. Seth's boat trip puts a strain on their marriage, and Sandy will start lawyering again. Tate Donovan has been rumored to be on his way out of the show; the tight-lipped Schwartz won't comment on such speculation, but a Fox spokesman says Donovan will remain in the O.C. at least through early next year. What Schwartz WILL say of Donovan's Jimmy: ''He's living on his boat now. He's making some money -- Jimmy's the one guy coming back into the season who's better off!' 'Source: Entertainment Weekly (Thanks Kimberly for the tip.)
09/21 - I inquired [Misha] about how many times we'll see Marisa intoxicated this season, she guessed, "Well so far by counting, Marisa’s intoxicated I would say, out of 24 [episodes], a good 20." Source: Kristin on E!Online
09/14 - Josh Schwartz on season 2: Teresa's gonna be in the show when we come back. Ryan's still trying to do the responsible thing [where she's concerned], but it hasn't been easy. It's been a long summer between them. He's trying to make the best of it, but it's kind of grim. Seth has not returned. His parents know where he is, but he's decided he ain't coming back. Sandy and Kirsten have not had a good summer living in this empty house without the kids. It's put a lot of strain on their marriage. And Marissa comes back in a really dark place. She spent most of the summer hating her mom, living as a prisoner in [Julie] and Caleb's house and drinking. And there's someone named DJ that she may have kept herself occupied with all summer. Summer's not too happy with Seth. She's spent the summer in therapy. And she's met a new guy. We've cast newcomer Michael Cassidy, and we'll first see him in Episode 2. He's pretty perfect. He's dependable, trustworthy and selfless — everything Seth, in Summer's eyes, is not. It's a new era in Orange County. How we left last year is not at all how we're coming back this year. And everybody's gonna have to get used to that. [Seth] gets a new job at a place called the Bait Shop, which is like an all-ages club off the pier. So we have lots of good, live music coming on the show, like the Walkmen perform in Episode 3 and Modest Mouse in Episode 7. And there's a very pretty bad girl who works there named Alex, played by Skin's Olivia Wilde. Caleb's in a paranoid state. The DA kind of rattled his cage right before the wedding and since then, all has been silent. So he's started going a little batty waiting for the other shoe to drop. He's worried about losing his money and going to jail. And Julie, of course, is worried about Cardiobar and making sure Caitlyn gets to her pony lessons on time. [Luke] may be coming back. I'd love to get him back at some point this season. Source: TV Guide Online
08/29 - A spokesperson for the show confirmed that Modest Mouse, the Walkmen and the Killers are all scheduled to grace Orange County's sunny shores this season, which begins November 5. The Walkmen and the Killers have already taped their appearances. "The characters are opening a club — like the Peach Pit After Dark on '90210' — it's called the Bait Shop," Walkmen bassist Pete Bauer said. "They wanted a band to open it up. So I think we're the first band at the Bait Shop." The Walkmen perform two songs, "What's in It for Me" and "Little House of Savages," from their album Bows + Arrows, in a key scene during the new season's third episode. But just what happens in the scene is a mystery. Bauer is mum on the details. "Characters kiss during our slow jam. But I don't know if I'm allowed to give that away," he said. "They have a crane shot from us up to a balcony, and then everybody watches them kiss and the girl runs off. That's going to be the highlight for us, a scene where characters make out and then run off." The Killers' Brendan Flowers was equally reluctant to divulge details of his band's appearance on the show, saying only that the show's characters "come and see us play. [They're] like, 'Oh, are you going to the Killers tonight?' And then they're there and we're playing in the background. "We [played] 'Smile Like You Mean It' and a little bit of 'Everything Will Be Alright,' " Flowers said. "We don't get to watch anything." Source: VH1.com
08/24 - Big, Traumatic, Rip-out-your-heart, Break-up scene ahead this season. [Who are the ones breaking up?] I can only tell you that their names rhyme with Flummer and Fleth.Source: Kristin on E!Online
08/23 - I'm hearing that Tobias, the never-nude, wannabe actor on "Arrested Development," will land a walk-on role on "The O.C." And here's the cool part - viewers will get to see David Cross as Tobias on "The O.C." Source: TV Gal's Column on Zap2it
08/23 - According to our source, Nicholas Gonzalez will not play a character named Diego but someone named DJ. The chemistry between him and his co-star is so good that his part on the show has already been extended. Source: nicholasgonzalez.com (Thanks to Ron for the tip.)
07/29 - Newcomer Michael Cassidy is the latest addition to the show's recurring cast, where he'll play a potential new love interest for Rachel Bilson's character. No other details on Cassidy's character or when his first episode will air were revealed. Source: TheFutonCritic.com (Thanks Jen for the tip.) [Note: According to our own spoilers, Michael Cassidy should play the character of Zach as listed in episode 2.03]
07/26 - Marissa definitely gets a new boyfriend -- not sure about Ryan. When he comes back, he'll find Marissa is a big ol' mess, and romantically involved with someone else. Adam mentioned his character "had" a girlfriend. I also spoke to Rachel and she said "I really can't say anything, but ... I think no matter what couple it is, no matter what show you know if they’re just together the whole time it’s not fun. You want to bring other people into the show to create dynamics and all that stuff so you can’tjust have it one way. No show does, even Ross and Rachel if you think about it the 10 years of their show, they probably only really were together for two but they still have their interaction, all their love interests and all that." Source: Kristin on E!Online
07/24 - Although we now know that Seth will be safe, content and home when the series returns, other characters won't be so lucky. According to executive producer Josh Schwartz, Marissa's coming back in a "dark, dysfunctional place" this season. "We needed to get to a really emotional place to change these people." Mischa Barton (Marissa) said she was shocked when she read the first script. "She's fallen off the edge of it. She's definitely not dealing well with Ryan leaving. She's depressed and angry and hurt, and she can't really express her feeling and emotions, and so it's all bottled up inside of her. She's got this really fun rage to play, because she's just angry now." Tate Donovan says he's also in a pit of despair (which explains the sexy beard he's sporting for the season opener). "I think Jimmy is heading down another giant spiral down. I've only read two episodes, but he's not handling life too well." Meanwhile, a little roll call for ya: Schwartz tells me Anna (Samaire Armstrong) won't be back, but that man-stealing Theresa (Navi Rawat) "absolutely" will. Source: Kristin on E!Online
07/24 - [Josh] Schwartz said now that viewers "get what the show is," his goal for the next season would be to dig deeper into the lives of its characters. "We are going to slow down the storytelling some this year, I think," he said. "I think, you know, there won't necessarily have to be a brawl at every black-tie affair this year." He revealed that Ryan would eventually move back to Chino but refused to be drawn on how. "I think it was never a question of would Ryan come back, but a question of how, and also how his leaving and the summer that has taken place with his absence, with Seth's absence, has sort of ... torn these families apart." Schwartz was even more tight-lipped on the whereabouts of Seth, only going so far as to reveal that he is "unharmed." Kirsten, meanwhile, will have "reached a breaking point" over the departures of her boys. Theresa will be back next season, as will Kirsten's sister Hailey for a "brief" stint. Also back will be the Nana (Linda Lavin), who appeared in one episode last season to inform Sandy that she had cancer. "She was great," said Schwartz. "The Nana really popped for people. And so, therefore, I think it's safe to say the chemo is working." Source: Digital Spy (Thanks silverweaver for the tip.)
07/14 - Nicholas Gonzalez ("American Family," "Resurrection Blvd.") has signed on for a four-episode arc of the FOX series when it returns for its second season this fall. He'll play a pool boy on the series. Source: TheFutonCritic.com (Thanks Jen for the tip.)
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Old 11-14-2004, 01:37 PM   #21 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
HOLY CRAP DUDE! I'll be reading this for a while.
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Old 11-14-2004, 04:41 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: U.S.A
Yeah, I'm almost embaressed to say it, but I'm a big fan of the show.I used to watch it just because my wife liked it but slowly I became hooked, but she still thinks I watch it because of her. I really like the opening song "California". I think that it really sets the mood for the entire show, kinda like how The Sopronos begins.
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Old 11-14-2004, 05:06 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: My own little world (also Canada)
First episode rated a "suck" on a scale of good to suck. It was too soapy and melodramatic for my tastes, but luckily the second episode rectified that with some good ol' fashioned OC humour.
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Old 11-16-2004, 01:19 PM   #24 (permalink)
I didn't like the second episode that much. I really hope the OC turns things around soon. I enjoyed it a lot during the first season.
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Old 11-16-2004, 05:23 PM   #25 (permalink)
Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21

Also, does anyone know why CTV (canadian Network) isn't showing it on mondays anymore?
CTV is showing it at the same time as everyone else. The shows popularity last year resulted in it being moved to the Thursday night slot on every network..
You don't like my point of view..but im insane
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