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Old 03-21-2004, 08:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Dawn of the Dead (PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN IT: Spoilers!)

I'm making this so we can talk about the movie in a safe place that people KNOW there will be spoilers in, so what are everyone's thoughts on the movie?

I liked the part when they were picking off Jay Leno, Burt Reynolds look-a-likes, that was funny as hell and the whole theatre was laughing, lol.

Personally, I really enjoyed the movie and I'll admit that this was my first horror movie since my bad experience when I was 9, heh. I think I saw Arcade, and that scared the shit out of, lol.

Anyways, post your thoughts.
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Old 03-21-2004, 09:06 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I just posted in the other Dawn thread, but I'll say it here, it was a pretty good flic. Very different from the original, but it had alot of nice touches all its own. It needed alot more gore for my tastes, but for the prudish times we are in, I think they got away with alot. Some are saying that the humor didn't work well in the movie, but I laughed my ass off at a few parts, and probably a few I shouldn't have (chainsawed slut anyone?!?!) The video footage during the credits was a good move, because to have any hint of a happy ending in a zombie flic is sacreligious.
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Old 03-22-2004, 01:08 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: San Diego
I only saw the new one and was very impressed for a horror film. It had everything it needed to be a good movie. The comic relief helped keep me into the movie. I saw it drunk so I was scared shitless in parts, like the head popping out the door. *shiver* I wished they had explained more how the virus came out. They may have explained it, but I missed it. But overall very well done.
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Old 03-22-2004, 01:25 PM   #4 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Yeah, they only vaguely hinted at a religious plague type deal when the reverend came on the television and said 'When there is no room left in hell............ the dead, will walk the earth."

But I too was very impressed with the film. I think when they blew Andy's head off, that deserved a 'holy shit!', which many people near me in the theatre did. lol
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:53 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
I was very worried about this movie since the original is one of my all time favorites. Although this didn't follow the original at all in any way (other than the fact they were in a mall), I completely enjoyed it. I am just suprised that they named it Dawn of the Dead instead of just creating a new title altogether. Anyhow, two thumbs up from me
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:23 AM   #6 (permalink)
Swollen Member
Location: Northern VA
Saw it last night. Good movie. I was a little puffy so I was a little on edge during the whole thing. What I don't understand is why the dog ran into the woods at the end instead of barking like crazy and backing up like he did in the garage. Oh well....maybe I'm being a little picky. Good movie nonetheless.
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Old 03-23-2004, 07:44 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Saw it this weekend. I must say that I was impressed. It was gory, funny, and depressing all at the same time! Seemed to have almost everything.

I really liked how the movie started RIGHT out, with that little girl and her husband going zombie within the first 5 minutes...

The part where Andy's picking off the celeb. look-alikes is definatley one of the best parts. Another one is when Andy and the other guy are playing "chess" with the action figures across the street.

Or when the one guy who gave them his boat...(can't remember his name, but I think he got killed in the end). When he was describing how they were "dead-ish."
"Well, they fell over.......then they got up.......and now they're eating people."
28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds...
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Old 03-23-2004, 10:12 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Nikilidstrom
...It needed alot more gore for my tastes, but for the prudish times we are in, I think they got away with alot...
I can't remember where I read this, but I read somewhere that the MPAA and the director went back and forth a lot to get this film down to a R rating. Zack Snyder says they cut 10 mintues from the film (5 minutes of character, 5 minutes of gore) and that it will be in the DVD version.

I also loved the movie. I wasn't expecting much and I was entertained the whole time.
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Old 03-23-2004, 01:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
i liked the side story with the guy and his pregnant wife who got bit by the zombies.. i anticipated the zombie baby, but i thought it was kinda cool nonetheless.
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Old 03-23-2004, 04:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally posted by FaderMonkey
I can't remember where I read this, but I read somewhere that the MPAA and the director went back and forth a lot to get this film down to a R rating. Zack Snyder says they cut 10 mintues from the film (5 minutes of character, 5 minutes of gore) and that it will be in the DVD version.

I also loved the movie. I wasn't expecting much and I was entertained the whole time.
If that is true, than I am going to be in zombie heaven when that DVD comes out. If they can get even one good disembowelment in on that thing, it will be well worth whatever price they ask.
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:07 PM   #11 (permalink)
is awesome!
Locobot's Avatar

Who stayed through the credits?

As if the movie wasn't already a downer huh? I loved it though, very true to Romero's original *intended* ending where at the end they don't have enough fuel to get the helicopter off the mall roof.

A little hard to believe anyone would drive a moving truck through zombieville to save a dog though. Even if that someone was an emotional teen who has "lost everyone."

What did everyone think of the fast moving zombies? This seems to be the biggest complaint at my local comicbook store. I personally think it makes them that much scarier.

Overall I loved it.
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:12 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Orlando, FL
I finally found where I read that:


During the press junket for the upcoming remake of Dawn of the Dead, director Zack Snyder revealed that he had to make more than a few cuts to his film in order to receive an R-rating from the Motion Picture Association of America. "We went back and forth with the MPAA about four or five times before we got our R, but eventually we did," Snyder told reporters. The neophyte filmmaker also promised that the deleted material will appear in an extended version DVD release. "We will do an unrated DVD that will have probably an additional five minutes of gore, and then another five minutes of more character," he said. "Not that anyone wants that, but that's what they're going to get." Dawn of the Dead opens theatrically on March 19th.
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:32 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Locobot
What did everyone think of the fast moving zombies? This seems to be the biggest complaint at my local comicbook store. I personally think it makes them that much scarier.
I think having the zombies move fast is much more frightening. I know the traditional concept of zombies is that they move lethargically, but if you remember in the first Dawn of the Dead, one of the SWAT guys was running circles around the zombies in the mall laughing at them as they turned slowly in his direction. I just don't think that made the movie scary since, in the back of my mind, I was always thinking "okay, these things move slow as shit. It'd be easy as hell to go full speed and get a huge headstart on them and find a way to some place safe." I think the "fan boy" contingent of comic book stores are just irritated because making the zombies fast takes out the schlocky humorous cultish qualities of the movie.
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Old 03-23-2004, 07:57 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I liked the movie alot. I was surprised they ended it the way they did. It seems every movie ends ready for a sequel. Then my friend pointed out that they could kill all of the zombies on the island and that would be where the sequel would pick up.

I would have had the baby be born normal looking. Then in the sequel I would have him older and he finds out that non of the zombies will attack him. At that point you could go the anti-christ route or he uses his powers to help people.

Oh yeah, who else would have anchored off shore and swam to the island? LOL
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Old 03-23-2004, 10:48 PM   #15 (permalink)
Oh boy.....I guess I'm the dissenting opion here.

I thought the movie started off with a bang. Great, fast-paced first act. But it just went downhill from there. There would be talking, then they get into a situation where they need to kill some zombies, then some more talking, then some more zomnie killing. The movie just could not sustain the sense of unease the first act setup.

Then there were the kooky characters. Bunch of different types of people put together under extreme stress = such an overused horror movie cliche that writers' think it's mandatory. In the original, Romero had his characters take refuge in a mall to prove a point about consumerism, and in doing so played down the cliche. The remake didn't have a point.

I did like Sarah Polley in the title roll. Her spunkiness made her quite attractive, even hot. Jake Webber as "the do-gooder" and Polley's love interest was good as was Ving Rhames. And I liked Michael Kelly's character, the head mall security gaurd CJ, and the way he sort of transformed as the movie progressed. As for the baby thing, Omar Epps' character (not really his fault, it was a stupid role) just strained credibility which made the whole thing silly.

And don't even get me started on the ending with the island and the fact that it ran through the end credits (whoever thought up this gimmick, a la Wild Things, should be shot).

Originally posted by Booray
I think the "fan boy" contingent of comic book stores are just irritated because making the zombies fast takes out the schlocky humorous cultish qualities of the movie.
No, no....well I can't speak for the other fanboys, but the reason it's stupid to supercharge the zombies is because doing so entirely misses the point of the original.

Romero had these slow moving mindless zombies walk around the mall like...um....slow moving mindless shoppers. He was satirizing America's consumer culture which is worse today than it ever was. So the remake's filmmakers missed a huge oppurtunity to make a larger social statment. All they cared about was making their zombies run faster (which, by the way, 28 Days Later did first).

I'd reccomend the original's special edition DVD instead.

Last edited by sadatx; 03-23-2004 at 10:52 PM..
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Old 03-23-2004, 11:21 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by sadatx
All they cared about was making their zombies run faster (which, by the way, 28 Days Later did first).

I'd reccomend the original's special edition DVD instead.
Agree with a lot of your post, however, it was Return of the Living Dead that did this first, not 28 days later
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Old 03-24-2004, 04:09 PM   #17 (permalink)
I enjoyed the movie. I don't do a lot of horror films, But my wife and I liked it. 12 hours later, we saw The Passion and at the end of that, when the stone rolled away and Jesus was resurrected, I wanted to see him charge out of the tomb and bite people. YEAH!!
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Old 03-24-2004, 05:37 PM   #18 (permalink)
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I saw the movie today... I'd give it 6 out of 10 stars.

I will admit that I did not like the sprinting zombies. In my opinion, since zombies are dead, they shouldn't be able keep up with cars that are going 25 mph. The running zombies made it LESS scary for me because instead of being corpses that have come back to life, they seemed more just like living people who were infected with the virus.

Also it would have been nice to have some shots of a cemetary with the dead coming out of the ground. All the zombies seemed to be fresh ones, which kind of took the fun out of it as well.

Some of the things that I liked were: The zombie baby, the shooting of jay leno, and the sarcastic remarks made by the owner of the boat. I would have liked to see more boobs though. hehe.
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Old 03-24-2004, 09:09 PM   #19 (permalink)
I never jump or get scared at movies, and this one had me on edge. I actually looked around when I walked out to my car in the empty lot.

As soon as the movie gets rolling, they us a great Johnny Cash song about the end of the world called "When the Man Comes around" I love that song and that put me in a great mood.

I am love with Sarah Polley since "GO", so I really loved her dry wit in this movie.

Was the main security guy the same actor who plays Tony Almeida in 24?

What else was the male (sort of love intrest of Sarah Polley) lead actor in? (OZ?)

My only complaint is that at the very end (Driving to the marina) I think it went from day to night and back again. I may be wrong, but when they crash through the gates, it's night, and then as they get on the boat it's broad daylight. This might be a deliberate joke though. Did anyone else notice that?
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Old 03-25-2004, 08:08 AM   #20 (permalink)
Swollen Member
Location: Northern VA
I think when they crashed through the gate is was a little before dawn. When the van crashed it was brighter, and so by the time they got to the marina the sun was up.
How long were they supposed to be in the mall?
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Old 03-25-2004, 08:51 AM   #21 (permalink)
FaderMonkey's Avatar
Location: Orlando, FL
Originally posted by lionrock
What else was the male (sort of love intrest of Sarah Polley) lead actor in? (OZ?)
He was in Meet Joe Black. I think his name is Jake Weber.
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Old 03-27-2004, 12:47 AM   #22 (permalink)
Originally posted by Plan9
Agree with a lot of your post, however, it was Return of the Living Dead that did this first, not 28 days later
Oh shnaps, Return of the Living Dead

Yeah, I was talking more about the new crop of horror films. I know 28 Days Later wasn't the first ever to supercharge their zombies.

A little triva: The director of Return of the Living Dead, Dan O'Bannon, starred in the first film directed by this popular horror director.

Answers in the form of a question please.
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Old 03-27-2004, 05:35 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally posted by pocon1
I enjoyed the movie. I don't do a lot of horror films, But my wife and I liked it. 12 hours later, we saw The Passion and at the end of that, when the stone rolled away and Jesus was resurrected, I wanted to see him charge out of the tomb and bite people. YEAH!!
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Old 03-27-2004, 07:52 AM   #24 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
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I'm gonna say what is Dark Star?
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Old 03-27-2004, 08:30 AM   #25 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Originally posted by lionrock
Was the main security guy the same actor who plays Tony Almeida in 24?
Nope. I'd say he looks close, but I can't even do that, lol.
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Old 03-27-2004, 08:30 AM   #26 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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btw, can someone explain the head in the cooler to me please? I'm a little lost on that one.
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Old 03-27-2004, 06:19 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I caught a mantinee show of it today. I thought it was awful. I didn't like any of the characters. The dialogue and acting was terrible. The zombies looked great I have to admit. Then I saw them sprinting and hanging from rafters I was just like WTF? I can understand it as a spoof like ROTLD but this was remake of a horror classic. A big fuck you to Hollywood for another poorly done remake . Come up with something original ok please!
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Old 11-27-2005, 12:34 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Gold country!
The thing i liked (For realism) about it was how once they start to make mistakes, they compound them by acting in haste, rather than think anything through.
Once they get andy killed with the doggy carryout, it is all tragedy from there.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:56 PM   #29 (permalink)
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3/27/2004?!?!? Speaking of bringing things back from the dead, its the Dawn of the Dead Thread
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