Originally posted by Locobot
What did everyone think of the fast moving zombies? This seems to be the biggest complaint at my local comicbook store. I personally think it makes them that much scarier.
I think having the zombies move fast is much more frightening. I know the traditional concept of zombies is that they move lethargically, but if you remember in the first Dawn of the Dead, one of the SWAT guys was running circles around the zombies in the mall laughing at them as they turned slowly in his direction. I just don't think that made the movie scary since, in the back of my mind, I was always thinking "okay, these things move slow as shit. It'd be easy as hell to go full speed and get a huge headstart on them and find a way to some place safe." I think the "fan boy" contingent of comic book stores are just irritated because making the zombies fast takes out the schlocky humorous cultish qualities of the movie.