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Old 11-29-2003, 03:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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X2/Wolverine Question

I just got finished watching X2 for the first time (great, great, great movie) but I have a question: How can Logan be considered a mutant if he was given all of his abilities by Stryker? As we learned earlier in the movie that the gene for mutation comes from the father and not some kind of pseudo-Dr. Frankenstein experiment. How could he be effected by the "ray" of the second Cerebro went it attacked the mutants? Shouldn't he have been effected when it targeted humans? I don't mean to be a complete tool or dolt but I have only seen the movies but never read the comic books. Is there more information there (in the comic books)? Thanks
"But a work of art is a conscious human effort that has to do with communication. It is that or its nothing. When an accident is applauded as a work of art, when a cult grows up around the deliciousness of inadvertent beauty, we are in the presence of the greatest decadence the West has known in its history."
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Old 11-29-2003, 03:34 PM   #2 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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According to the comics Wolverine was born with the following mutant powers:

1)Heightened senses, sight, sound, smell, etc.

2) He possesses retractable bone claws that are housed in his forearms, they are part of his skeleton system. At will Wolverine can release these claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but bleeding is quickly halted by his healing factor. (see below)

3) Lastly, Wolverine possesses an accelerated healing factor based on his physiology. While most normal humans heal injuries over a long period of time, Wolverine's healing factor speeds up that natural process. Wolverine's natural healing has been advanced to the point where he can heal extensive injuries (such as broken limbs) in a matter of hours to days. This factor gives him a higher resistance to poisons and toxins, and he can recover from almost any injury. The more extensive the injury, the longer the healing time will be.


The adamantium skeleton he has is due to a program called Weapon X. They grafted the metal to his bones, he only lived b/c of his mutant power to regenerate extremely fast. I believe in the movie Stryker is only supposed to have given him the adamantum skeleton.

Try this link for a longer bio and more info on him...


oh, and just for kicks Wolverines weight
Weight: (without adamantium skeleton) 200 lbs., (with adamantium skeleton) 300 lbs.
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Last edited by Prophecy; 11-29-2003 at 03:41 PM..
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Old 11-29-2003, 03:50 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I was reading that website you posted Prophecy, wasn't Cyclops killed? Same goes for other members of X-men?
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Last edited by feelgood; 11-29-2003 at 03:56 PM..
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Old 11-29-2003, 04:49 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Well that depends on a which timeline your looking at. In alternate timelines they've all been killed at sometime or another I believe.

The Age of Apocalypse (alternate timeline) story arc is best known for killing off Professor X before he has the chance to found the X-Men. Lots of people die in that storyline and lots of good guys from the regular timeline are now bad and vice versa.
Cyclops dies in that storyline if I remember correctly.

Jean Grey sort of killed in the Phoenix Saga, I won't explain anymore b/c it's complex. It's enough to say that the real Jean doesn't die but a copy of her does.

In the main continuity storylines the only dead members of the X-Men that I know of are: Psylocke, Colossus & Thunderbird.

Edit: Lots of people in the comics have had times when they appeared dead but reappeared alive later, in some cases much later, though some specially written story arc.
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Last edited by Prophecy; 11-29-2003 at 04:52 PM..
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Old 11-29-2003, 06:09 PM   #5 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
One other thing I read recently in the Paradise-X series...Logan isn't actually a mutant, but the missing link between current man and prehistoric man. When the Celestials (I think) set off a virus of some sort, mankind's natural healing factor was removed, as were other abilities, including the claws, I think.
I don't know where this fits into official Marvel canon, but I hope it's just an Elseworlds type thing.
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Old 11-30-2003, 09:10 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I was always amazed by the time when Wolverine shoved his claws into his head. I think Magneto made him do it, I never read the comic myself but my cousin was obsessed with X-men and told me about it when I was younger.
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Old 11-30-2003, 01:56 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Xiangsu
I was always amazed by the time when Wolverine shoved his claws into his head. I think Magneto made him do it, I never read the comic myself but my cousin was obsessed with X-men and told me about it when I was younger.
Never heard this, but interesting, kinda sounds like fanboy dreams though I love the time when Magneto ripped out the Adamantium off Wolverines bones in X-men #25.
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Old 11-30-2003, 03:31 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by holtmate
One other thing I read recently in the Paradise-X series...Logan isn't actually a mutant, but the missing link between current man and prehistoric man. When the Celestials (I think) set off a virus of some sort, mankind's natural healing factor was removed, as were other abilities, including the claws, I think.
I don't know where this fits into official Marvel canon, but I hope it's just an Elseworlds type thing.
Yeah, the whole "X" series (Earth, Universe, Paradise) is all an alternate story much like that of DC's elseworlds. But it would be cool if all that was true...such a deep story

Originally posted by Xiangsu
I was always amazed by the time when Wolverine shoved his claws into his head. I think Magneto made him do it, I never read the comic myself but my cousin was obsessed with X-men and told me about it when I was younger.
The only thing i can remember like this is when he stabbed Sabertooth in the chin with a claw jamming it up almost to the top of his skull, Sabertooth's healing factor healed the brain...but as with Wolvie's power, it takes a long time to regenerate the more complex body parts and organs.
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Old 12-01-2003, 09:01 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Never heard this, but interesting, kinda sounds like fanboy dreams though I love the time when Magneto ripped out the Adamantium off Wolverines bones in X-men #25.
I used to read every x title that came out but dropped it once I found SIN City and Preacher.

When and or how did Wolverine get his Adamantium back... cause all of a sudden he has it again.

I Did however recently read X-Men Ultimate. I bought it for my oldest son, and had to read it myself. I like the up to date retelling of the old stories.
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Old 12-01-2003, 10:33 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: VA
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Never heard this, but interesting, kinda sounds like fanboy dreams though I love the time when Magneto ripped out the Adamantium off Wolverines bones in X-men #25.
Weird, that is one of two comics that I've bought in my life. Incredible artwork in that one, when I get back to florida I'm going to have to go through my old boxes of junk to try and find it...
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Old 12-01-2003, 11:05 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Sparhawk
Weird, that is one of two comics that I've bought in my life. Incredible artwork in that one, when I get back to florida I'm going to have to go through my old boxes of junk to try and find it...
I for some godforsaken reason sold my copy... I managed later to pick up a knock-off copy that didn't come with the hologram but nothing beats the original.
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Old 12-01-2003, 02:46 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Hell (Phoenix AZ)
I heard in the rumor mill that Xion (one of Grant Morrison's creations) was revealed to be Magneto in disguise. Is this true? If so, HOW? I kinda stopped reading after the local comic shop closed up.

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Old 12-01-2003, 03:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Yah, Xorn was maggie in disguise, he subverted a lot of the students, messed up a bunch of the xmen and virtually destroyed new york. it is still ongoing.
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Old 12-01-2003, 08:26 PM   #14 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Originally posted by MPower
Yah, Xorn was maggie in disguise, he subverted a lot of the students, messed up a bunch of the xmen and virtually destroyed new york. it is still ongoing.
So was it Magneto's second mutation to be like Xorn?
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Old 12-02-2003, 12:23 PM   #15 (permalink)
gnort and holtmate: as far as I understand it, Earth/Universe/Paradise X is supposed to be much like Age of Apocalypse was - an alternate ending to the Marvel Universe, only in this, nearly everything is explained. It would be hard to integrate the X series into Marvel canon, simply because of what happens in it - for example, the differences between Origin and Paradise X #5. I do like how Marvel explained Logan's memory loss, though. makes sense.

GSRIDER - as far as I understand it, after Magneto stripped Wolverine of his adamantium in the Fatal Attractions story-arc, and after Wolverine had his bone claws broken by Cyber, he somehow regrew the claws, someone else killed Cyber by means of death watch beetles (I forget who, offhand), took Cyber's skin, and regrafted it to Logan's skeleton.
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Old 12-02-2003, 03:06 PM   #16 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Wolverine did regrow his claws, it was because of his regeneration powers. Cyber was killed by someone named Genesis. Genesis then tried to recreate the bonding process used on Logan in the Weapon X program with Cyber's skin, it didn't work, Logan's body rejected the adamantium. Wolverine didn't get his adamantium back until Apocalypse turned him into the new Horseman of Death (I think Wolverine was the 4th Horsemen of Death, I do remember Angel was the first).
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Old 12-03-2003, 02:40 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Deflok, as I understand it (which is a stretch) Maggie is using some drug that boosts his power 10x
His boosted power and the helmet made him look like some new super-mutant. And now he is going to flip the earths magnetic field so he can wipe out 90% of the planet so mutants can take over. Boy I sure hope the xmen can stop him. I would hate to see the marvel universe end after only 40yrs or so.
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Old 12-06-2003, 11:00 AM   #18 (permalink)
essendoubleop's Avatar
Aren't comic books so ironic how they use boring, cheesy dialogue, yet have these ultra-complex story-lines that require knowledge of quantam physics and such?
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Old 12-06-2003, 11:29 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Illnois
Between the ages of 5 and 12 I watched the cartoon everyday after school. To me because Wolverine was given his mutant powers, I always thought that he was also give the mutanr gene at the same time. In x2 as well when Magneto used the machine on Kelly it did not effect Sabertooth. So I came to the conclusion that they were both given the mutant gene or had it before Stryker experimented on them.
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Old 12-06-2003, 03:43 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Starfish
Between the ages of 5 and 12 I watched the cartoon everyday after school. To me because Wolverine was given his mutant powers, I always thought that he was also give the mutanr gene at the same time. In x2 as well when Magneto used the machine on Kelly it did not effect Sabertooth. So I came to the conclusion that they were both given the mutant gene or had it before Stryker experimented on them.
they already had their powers(including claws) except for the metal in their bodies.
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Old 12-06-2003, 05:32 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Prophecy
The Age of Apocalypse (alternate timeline) story arc is best known for killing off Professor X before he has the chance to found the X-Men. Lots of people die in that storyline and lots of good guys from the regular timeline are now bad and vice versa.
Cyclops dies in that storyline if I remember correctly.
I may be wrong but I belive that Professor X had indeed founded the X-Men and was murdered by someone. That's when Magneto takes over, falls in love with Rogue and Cyclopes goes to the bad side with Beast. Wolvie and Jean go off on their own and Wolvie lost a hand somehow. That part I'm confused on. It's a strange time-line. But a very well done series.
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Old 12-07-2003, 08:44 AM   #22 (permalink)
... in AoA, as I understand it, the x-men were unfounded. Legion (son of Prof. X) went back in time to try to kill Magneto. Prof X protected Magneto, and Legion accidentally killed the Prof, thus starting the sequence that would lead to AoA. Magneto then decided to fulfill the Prof's dream (ergo, the X-Men), and founded his own group (including Rogue, Colossus, etc, etc). Gambit split off from the group to form his own, because of romantic problems with Rogue, and ended up leading himself, Lila Cheney, Strong Guy, and Jubilee to the M'Krann Crystal. When Jean Grey was captured by Mr. Sinister, Wolverine went solo to rescue her. In the process, he fought with Cyclops (who, with his brother Havok, was working for Sinister. Beast was also working for Apocalypse, though as another scientist, like Sinister). In the fight, Wolverine clawed one of Cyke's eyes out, and Cyke blasted one of Wolvie's hands off (he still retains the claws on that arm). also, Rogue actually fell in love with Magneto, even though she had feelings for Gambit. This was partly because of Magneto's position as leader of the group, and partly because he was the only one known to be able to produce a bio-electric field, such that her powers could be nullified enough for love - later, they had a son, named Charles. hope that helps to explain, The Original King.
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Old 12-07-2003, 01:03 PM   #23 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Okay, so Wolverine didn't kill Cyke he just torn an eye out. I guess that would explain the eye patch worn in AoA.
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Old 12-07-2003, 04:56 PM   #24 (permalink)
the healin is all logan baby
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Old 12-07-2003, 09:47 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Illnois
Originally posted by mattevil
they already had their powers(including claws) except for the metal in their bodies.
yeah but if you remember they went and back tracked a couple of times to the experiment lab and at that time they showed flash backs of how they did the experiment. And what Sabertooth looked like before he was changed.
Evil Milkman: "So I wonder what it would taste like now?"

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Old 12-08-2003, 09:51 AM   #26 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by Starfish
yeah but if you remember they went and back tracked a couple of times to the experiment lab and at that time they showed flash backs of how they did the experiment. And what Sabertooth looked like before he was changed.
Well the origins of comic book characters change with whoever is writing it. Many times when a writer takes over he/she doesnt even acknowledge the characters past history(hence DC making Crisis on Infinite Earths). Recentley, however, comic companies are actually trying to stick to continuity and try and stick to an origin for a character. As of right now Wolvie and Sabertooth were already very endowed with powers before they were brought into weapon X.

On a side note: I just had to drop Uncanney X-men recentley because of the whoel Nightcrawler origin storyline...it's just to ridiculous for my tastes.
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Old 12-08-2003, 11:57 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally posted by gnort
On a side note: I just had to drop Uncanney X-men recentley because of the whoel Nightcrawler origin storyline...it's just to ridiculous for my tastes.
Nightcrawler's origin has been changed? Is he still the child of Mystique?
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Old 12-08-2003, 12:20 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by Prophecy
Nightcrawler's origin has been changed? Is he still the child of Mystique?
Well, according the the current storyline it has...although Nightcrawlers origin has been shrouded in mystery I find the most current take pretty horrible.

From what i remember his old origin is that he was found on the side of the road by a woman and his father was dead next to him with the mother no where to be found. The mother was eventually found to be mystique. Another origin thing I heard was that Mystique shagged it up with some bavarian count. Which ever it is it really doesnt matter at this point.

The new take on this origin is that Mystique got knocked up by Satan...yes...SATAN, and that Nightcrawler is child of the devil. I just had to put down the book and walk away...hopefully the next writer can save it
You had me at Qapla'
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Old 12-08-2003, 01:44 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally posted by gnort
The new take on this origin is that Mystique got knocked up by Satan...yes...SATAN, and that Nightcrawler is child of the devil. I just had to put down the book and walk away...hopefully the next writer can save it
I only hope that Wagner doesn't go to hell to claim vengence on his father who was never there.
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Old 12-08-2003, 03:51 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
I only hope that Wagner doesn't go to hell to claim vengence on his father who was never there.
Actually the Devil came up from Hell with Kurt's brothers and sisters(demons). I think that was about the point when I just stopped reading.
You had me at Qapla'
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Old 12-08-2003, 06:44 PM   #31 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Originally posted by gnort
Actually the Devil came up from Hell with Kurt's brothers and sisters(demons). I think that was about the point when I just stopped reading.
Fucking fair enough, way to go Marvel, you just went and raped another one of the fans favourite stories.
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Old 12-08-2003, 07:26 PM   #32 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Damn, I'd prefer to have Magneto as his father like in the cartoon instead of Satan...

gnort ,i can see why you put the book down. But the good thing about comics is that almost anything can be undone.
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Old 12-08-2003, 07:30 PM   #33 (permalink)
yet another example of why I don't read much current marvel anymore. fuggity hell.
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Old 12-09-2003, 12:32 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally posted by gwr_gwir
yet another example of why I don't read much current marvel anymore. fuggity hell.
When I started reading this thread, I was kind of missing comics. Now, not so much.

Transmet ended, so did Preacher, there just really isn't much left to capture my attention....

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Jimmy The Hutt
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Old 12-09-2003, 02:39 PM   #35 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by Prophecy
gnort ,i can see why you put the book down. But the good thing about comics is that almost anything can be undone.
Yeah, I mas mighty disappointed by the way the writer took the story. Up until the whole Nightcrawler debacle he was doing a decent job. No worries...I hear Chris Claremont is coming back to write uncanny. Hopefully he can bring some change with him.
You had me at Qapla'
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:34 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally posted by JimmyTheHutt
When I started reading this thread, I was kind of missing comics. Now, not so much.

Transmet ended, so did Preacher, there just really isn't much left to capture my attention....

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Jimmy The Hutt
Well last time I picked up GL book the writting was smooth, I don't like the way Kyle was changed into the person he is now, but I guess it was done for the older GL fans...
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:42 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Prophecy
Well last time I picked up GL book the writting was smooth, I don't like the way Kyle was changed into the person he is now, but I guess it was done for the older GL fans...
Last time I checked, it was written by Judd Winick, who is also the creator of "Frumpy The Clown" and "Barry Ween". Both of these comics were very good, but I'm really uncertain how he handled GL.

I had hopes for Grant Morrison and New X-Men, but considering that he just resurrected a character that is better dead, in one of the more contrived fashions (from my own limited perspective - I didn't actually read the arc in question) I'm somewhat disappointed. I really have a hard time enjoying ongoing series. I've gotten fond of stories with a definite beginning, middle, and end.

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Jimmy The Hutt
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:03 PM   #38 (permalink)
Well, Morrison was also the one who "killed" Magneto, so it's not like he just ressurected the character on a whim. His storyline was planned out from the beginning and he always intended to bring him back.
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:49 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: MA
Originally posted by Da Munk
Well, Morrison was also the one who "killed" Magneto, so it's not like he just ressurected the character on a whim. His storyline was planned out from the beginning and he always intended to bring him back.
Even though Morrison state in many interviews that he had no intention what-so-ever of bringing Magneto back. In my opinion he was A.) just lying to the readership or B.) He couldnt think of any other stories so he decided to bring Mags back.

Originally posted by JimmyTheHutt
Last time I checked, it was written by Judd Winick, who is also the creator of "Frumpy The Clown" and "Barry Ween". Both of these comics were very good, but I'm really uncertain how he handled GL.
I think Winick started out very well with Green Lantern. I enjoyed his writing and the way he was going with it. That is until after the whole Ion story-arc and the gay-bashing arc. Having Kyle abandon earth was a bad move IMO and that was the main reason i dropped the book. I just became uninterested in the repetative stories in space.
You had me at Qapla'
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Old 12-10-2003, 03:49 PM   #40 (permalink)
I would assume that he was "lying to the readership". Not a bad thing either, it kind of ruins plot twists if you divulge them beforehand.
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question, x2 or wolverine

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