Originally posted by Da Munk
Well, Morrison was also the one who "killed" Magneto, so it's not like he just ressurected the character on a whim. His storyline was planned out from the beginning and he always intended to bring him back.
Even though Morrison state in many interviews that he had no intention what-so-ever of bringing Magneto back. In my opinion he was A.) just lying to the readership or B.) He couldnt think of any other stories so he decided to bring Mags back.
Originally posted by JimmyTheHutt
Last time I checked, it was written by Judd Winick, who is also the creator of "Frumpy The Clown" and "Barry Ween". Both of these comics were very good, but I'm really uncertain how he handled GL.
I think Winick started out very well with Green Lantern. I enjoyed his writing and the way he was going with it. That is until after the whole Ion story-arc and the gay-bashing arc. Having Kyle abandon earth was a bad move IMO and that was the main reason i dropped the book. I just became uninterested in the repetative stories in space.