Originally posted by Starfish
yeah but if you remember they went and back tracked a couple of times to the experiment lab and at that time they showed flash backs of how they did the experiment. And what Sabertooth looked like before he was changed.
Well the origins of comic book characters change with whoever is writing it. Many times when a writer takes over he/she doesnt even acknowledge the characters past history(hence DC making Crisis on Infinite Earths). Recentley, however, comic companies are actually trying to stick to continuity and try and stick to an origin for a character. As of right now Wolvie and Sabertooth were already very endowed with powers before they were brought into weapon X.
On a side note: I just had to drop Uncanney X-men recentley because of the whoel Nightcrawler origin storyline...it's just to ridiculous for my tastes.