10-21-2003, 09:08 PM
#1 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
PLOT SUMMARY FOR EPISODE III (don't read if you don't want to be spoiled....
According to the opening-text crawl that opens Episode 3, the Clone Wars continue to rage between the Old Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (The Separatists). The opening-text crawl also reveals that the enemy Separatists have taken Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hostage. Next, we see an epic space battle taking place over Coruscant between the Republic military forces and the Separatist’s military forces. General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and other Jedi Knights enter the battle with clone troopers in star ships.
Obi-Wan is now a Jedi Master and Anakin is a full-fledged Jedi Knight. During the battle, the Jedi use a new version of the Jedi star fighters, which have been augmented for battle. Obi-Wan and Anakin make it their primary objective to free Palpatine from the Separatists. Palpatine is being held prisoner in the flag ship of the Separatist armada. This just happens to be the biggest and most heavily fortified star ship in the Separatist’s fleet.
After much excitement, Obi-Wan and Anakin pilot their ships inside the Separatist ship holding Palpatine. Soon after landing, General Grevious (the half-man and half-machine leader of the droid armies) comes after Obi-Wan and Anakin. The two Jedi manage to flee from Grevious and his battalion by using giant tubes. Obi-Wan and Anakin then proceed to an elevator and eventually run into Count Dooku. A tremendous light-saber duel erupts between Obi-Wan and Anakin vs. Dooku. Grevious enters the fight and manages to hurt Obi-Wan.
However, realizing that he might be captured or killed, Grevious leaves the Separatist flag ship as the ship gets pounded by laser fire from the Republic star ships. Next, Anakin duels with Dooku alone as Obi-Wan is sidelined with his injury. Palpatine watches this duel while being imprisoned in a chair. Palpatine also speaks during this dramatic duel. Anakin manages to slice off one or both of Dooku's arms. Anakin then pauses to give Dooku a chance to beg for his life. Next, Anakin uses two light sabers to cut off Dooku's head. Palpatine lets out an evil cackling laugh after watching Anakin destroy Dooku. To avoid destruction, Anakin races to the control area of the Separatists star ship so that he can safely land the heavily damaged ship. Anakin successfully lands the ship on the surface of Coruscant and emergency vessels arrive to quench the fire that is overtaking the ship.
Mas Amedda and Palpatine’s royal guards arrive and take Palpatine to the Galactic Senate. As Palpatine disembarks the ship that carried him to the Senate, Palpatine is greeted by a group of Senators and Jedi Knights. Palpatine enters the Senate and Padme Amidala is waiting for Palpatine. Padme is wearing clothes that hide her pregnancy. Her marriage to Anakin remains a complete secret. Before the Senate, Palpatine announces that the Separatist leader (Count Dooku) is now dead and that the Separatists are in disarray. Palpatine advises that the Republic must strike against the Separatists while the Separatists are in chaos.
For Obi-Wan’s next mission, the Jedi Council orders Obi-Wan to hunt down General Grevious. Anakin is upset that the Jedi Council does not adequately acknowledge the fact that Anakin destroyed Dooku all be himself. With great clever, Palpatine feels Anakin’s great anger and uses this to Palaptine’s benefit. Palpatine asks the Jedi Council to allow Anakin to be his bodyguard. Anakin is eager to serve Palpatine because Palpatine has long been a great supporter of Anakin’s career.
Meanwhile, Bail Organa is seen at a meeting in Padme’s residence. The focus of this meeting is to have Palpatine relinquish his emergency powers. Powers which Palpatine promised to relinquish at the end of the Clone Wars. In other parts of the galaxy, the Jedi and clone trooper forces continue to battle the Separatist military in various star systems. On Kashyyyk (the Wookiee home world), Yoda oversees clone troopers during an important battle. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Mace Windu manages to piece together the Sith conspiracy and comes to the conclusion that Palpatine is evil.
Windu arrives at Palpatine’s office to air his suspicions directly to Palpatine. Anakin is present with Palpatine as Windu asserts his belief that Palpatine is up to no good. With massive hate, Palpatine unleashes a strong current of dark side lightning at Windu. With great skill, Windu deflects this lightning with his light saber. Here and now, Anakin is left with the most important decision of his life. Will Anakin save Windu from Palpatine or will Anakin strike down Windu and save Palpatine?
Palpatine claims that the Jedi are corrupt and deceitful. Furthermore, Palpatine states that the Jedi themselves have always sought to undermine Anakin’s destiny. The choice is clear for Anakin. Anakin and Mace Windu engage in a very dramatic duel. Palpatine helps Anakin during the duel. Anakin finally slays Windu.
Next, Palpatine finally reveals to Anakin that Palpatine is indeed a Sith Lord. Palpatine cleverly convinces Anakin that the powers of the dark side will bring Anakin’s great promise to fruition. On a new planet never before seen in a Star Wars movie, Obi-Wan (with his contingent of clone troopers) finds General Grevious. A spectacular battle erupts between Obi-Wan and his forces vs. Grevious and Grevious’ battle droids. The battle is waged on a high cliff top with a breathtaking view around them. What follows next is a chase sequence, whereby Obi-Wan (riding a computer-animated lizard-like creature) chases after Grevious, who is riding a device that looks similar to a Hailfire droid.
The chase comes to an end and Obi-Wan and Grevious launch into a light-saber battle. During this battle, Grevious’ arms split in two and Grevious is suddenly wielding four light sabers against Obi-Wan. Eventually, Obi-Wan finishes Grevious off with blaster fire from a gun. Back on Coruscant, there are demands that Palpatine must surrender his emergency powers since the Clone Wars appear to be at an end. Palpatine states that he will not give up his emergency powers. Palpatine now claims that he must keep his emergency powers to battle the threat posed by the Jedi Knights.
Palpatine claims that the Jedi are traitors to the Republic and that the Jedi were actually conspiring with Count Dooku to defeat the Grand Old Republic. Palpatine insists that the Jedi are to blame for the millions of deaths and the destruction of many star systems during the Clone Wars. Also, Palpatine relates the story of how a Jedi Master tried to assassinate him. Luckily, Anakin was there to save Palpatine from this would-be Jedi assassin. Palpatine retains his tyrannical powers and announces the creation of his Empire.
Next, Palpatine orders the Republic military to find the Jedi and destroy them all. Those opposed to Palpatine (Padme, Bail Organa and Mon Mothma of Chandrila) hold a meeting to discuss what has just transpired regarding Palpatine’s extreme power grab. They decide to take no action at the moment and to see how things will develop. An assassination attempt is made on Bail Organa’s life. Bail makes his way to a landing platform where his red speeder is waiting for him. To avoid laser fire, Bail hides behind his speeder. Bail successfully escapes from Coruscant.
After this attack, Padme leaves Coruscant for Naboo for her own safety. Now the clone troopers receive their orders to hunt down the Jedi. Obi-Wan has to kill a clone trooper, who had become Obi-Wan’s friend during the Clone Wars. The decimation of the Jedi by the clone troopers is seen occurring in several star systems across the galaxy. The Jedi are vastly outnumbered by the clone troopers and have no chance to save their lives. With many clone troopers at Anakin's side, Anakin attacks the Jedi Temple and kills all the Jedi younglings and any Jedi who tries to protect the younglings.
Yoda happens to be on Kashyyyk when the clone troopers turn on him. Chewbacca and other Wookiees save Yoda from the clone trooper betrayal. While on Kashyyyk, Yoda finds an ancient Sith manuscript. Yoda believes he must go to the Jedi Temple and meditates on future events. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan hides on a new world. The leader of this world graciously welcomes Obi-Wan and promises to help Obi-Wan’s plight. On this world, Obi-Wan finds out about Anakin turning against the Jedi. Obi-Wan decides to head for Naboo.
Back on Coruscant, Palpatine dispatches Anakin to the planet called Mustafar (which is a lava planet) to destroy the remaining Separatist leaders. On Naboo, Obi-Wan finds Padme at her villa. Amidala tells Obi-Wan that she is pregnant with Anakin’s child. Soon afterwards, Obi-Wan and Padme find out about Anakin’s travel to Mustafar. The two decide to go to Mustafar to confront Anakin.
During his meditations, Yoda comes to the conclusion that if he can destroy the Sith Master, then the Sith Apprentice will automatically be destroyed. Sidious confronts Yoda at the Jedi Temple. Yoda engages in a terribly violent fight with Sidious. Yoda ends up losing this battle. Next, Obi-Wan and Padme arrive on Mustafar, but Anakin has already eliminated all the Separatist leaders. Padme and Obi-Wan confront Anakin. Padme tells Anakin that their child has been lost in a miscarriage. Anakin becomes very angry, loses self control and ends up putting the Force choke on Padme. Obi-Wan ignites his light saber. The legendary duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin has begun.
This duel is very epic in nature. It takes place in several locations. One location is a mechanical room. In another location, they hang from cables and finally end up at a volcano crater. During the duel, Obi-Wan cuts off one of Anakin’s legs. Anakin slips on the slope of the volcano and plummets into molten lava. Someone removes Anakin from the burning pool of fire. Next, Obi-Wan takes care of Padme, who was badly hurt by Anakin’s Force choke.
After the Obi-Wan vs. Anakin conflict, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Bail Organa and Padme are traveling on the Tantive 4: Blockade Runner for Alderaan. However, an emergency stop on a new world has to be made when Padme becomes gravely ill. The Skywalker twins are removed from Padme. Subsequently, Padme does die after giving birth to the Skywalker twins. Elsewhere, Anakin heals inside mechanical armor. Anakin regains consciousness, awakens in his black Darth Vader armor and is told that he is responsible for Padme’s death. Anakin is so distraught that he destroys the room he is in with the Force. Anakin is also upset at finding out that he has become more machine than man as a result of his duel with Obi-Wan. In his anger, Anakin Force chokes many people and uses the Force to throw droids around the room. Next, Palpatine gives Anakin the moniker of Lord Darth Vader.
A funeral is held in Padme’s honor. Some of her handmaidens and Sio Bibble attend the ceremony. Obi-Wan (with Yoda’s input) decides to hide the Skywalker twins on Tatooine with Owen and Beru Lars. It is Bail Organa in his Tantive 4: Blockade Runner that carry Obi-Wan and the Skywalker twins toward Tatooine. However, Bail’s star ship comes under fire from Palpatine’s forces. Bail’s ship is boarded by Palpatine’s minions. Obi-Wan and young Luke escape aboard an escape pod headed towards Tatooine. Bail Organa claims young Leia to be his own child. After arriving on Tatooine, Obi-Wan requests that Owen and Beru Lars take care of young Luke.
Obi-Wan tells Owen and Beru that Anakin died fighting in the Clone Wars. Understandably, Owen blames the Jedi for Anakin’s fate stating that the Jedi never should have taken Anakin from Tatooine in the first place. Owen and Beru decide to raise young Luke as their own child and seek to never see Obi-Wan again. Obi-Wan now goes by the name Ben and stays close by to watch Luke grow up. Meanwhile, Yoda hides on Dagobah and the rest of the Jedi scatter all throughout the galaxy trying to avoid the Imperial onslaught. Episode 3 ends on the bridge of a star destroyer where Palpatine, Vader and Tarkin are seen standing and preparing to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights.
It's from Supershadow.com, the dude there is well known in many Star Wars circles for being Lucas' best friend, he and Lucas exchange ideas and feedback from the fans concerning the films and every now and again shares spoilers with us. The plot summaries he posted for Episode I and II have been spot on, well, a few minor exceptions, only because those scenes were left on the cutting room floor.
Episode III sounds like a doozy! 
Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 10-30-2003 at 09:13 PM..